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dence. General Scott is actively engaged in the preparations to put down this mob.

-A MEETING was held at Westchester, Pa., to enrol volunteers in the regiment of Chester Nor-county, to offer their services to the Govern

Jan. 4.—Great excitement prevailed at folk, Va., in consequence of the report that four companies of soldiers at Fortress Monroe had been ordered to Charleston.-Balt. Sun. -Ir is stated in Washington, on the authority of a member of the Georgia delegation, that the United States revenue cutter Dolphin was fired upon and seized to-day, by the secessionists at Savannah. Upon the same statement in Georgia, the Governor issued an order for her release.-Times, Jan. 5.

-THE South Carolina Convention appointed Hons. T. J. Withers, L. M. Keitt, W. W. Boyce, James Chesnut, Jr., R. B. Rhett, Jr., R. W. Barnwell, and C. G. Memminger, delegates to the General Congress of the seceding States.

-THE United States arsenal at Mobile was taken by the secessionists at daylight this morning. It contained six stand of arms, 1,500 barrels of powder, 300,000 rounds of musket-cartridges, and other munitions of war. There was no defence. Evening Post, Jan. 7.

-AN appeal to the people of Florida, by the Charleston Mercury, to seize the forts and other defences at Pensacola and Key West, threatens the capture of the California treasure ships by letters of marque and privateers.-(Doc. 13.) -FAST-DAY throughout the United States, by proclamation of the President. It is generally observed.-(Doc. 14.)

-FORT MORGAN, at the entrance of Mobile Bay, was taken this morning by Alabama troops, and is now garrisoned by two hundred men.-The Press, Jan. 5.

-THIS evening a workingmen's meeting was held at Cincinnati, Ohio. Speeches were made, and resolutions adopted, declaring that the Union must be preserved in its integrity by the enforcement of the laws in every part of the Union, by whatever means may be necessary; that the remedy for all grievances can be had under the constitution, and that the only way to safety and peace is the maintenance of it.-Troy Times.

ment to maintain the constitution and enforce the laws.-Evening Post. Jan. 5.

-THE following notice is served on residents of Charleston, indiscriminately: Beat No 1, 16th Regiment, Regimental Parade. SIR: You are hereby summoned to be and appear at the Citadel Square, properly armed and accoutred, according to law, on Wednesday next, at 1 o'clock P. M., precisely. An inspection of arms will take place at each parade. If you appear in pantaloons, blue or black coat, and black hat, arms and accoutrements in complete order will be furnished you at each parade on the ground; if not, the law compels you to furnish yourself with a musket, bayonet, cartridge-box, bayonet-scabbard, with crossbelts, all in good order and fit for service, on one dollar fine for each defect.

Every person subject to military duty in this regiment, who removed from one beat to another, is required to report himself to the cap

tains of the beats from which and to which he has removed, or be fined five dollars, besides all fines for the non-performance of military duty in both beats.

Court-martial held on defaulters at the Military Hall, Wentworth street, on the third Monday of December, at 12 o'clock M. By order of captain.

S. VALE MALLINS, Corporal.

Jan. 5.-A large meeting was held at Norfolk, Va., this evening. Strong speeches were made, urging the citizens to arm themselves and place themselves in a state of defence for any emergency, which were loudly cheered.

Resolutions recommending the Legislature. to organize thoroughly the military power of the State, and prepare for civil war should it occur; scorning coercion; and preparing to resist invasion, were unanimously adopted.-National Intelligencer, Jan. 7.

-APPREHENSIONS of an attack on Washington are subsiding, in consequence of the measures already taken. General Carrington, of that city, has issued a call for a military organNa-ization for its defence.-(Doc. 15.)

-AT Schenectady a salute was fired in honor of Major Anderson and his brave men. tional airs were performed amid cheers for Major Anderson and Secretaries Holt and Stanton.-Albany Journal.

-IN the State Convention of Florida, assembled at Tallahassee, resolutions were offered declaring the right of Florida to secede, and the

duty of the State to prepare for secession, made | ton were on parade, and upon dismissal were special order for the 7th.

-A RESOLUTION was unanimously adopted in the Missouri Senate, instructing the Committee on Federal Relations to report a bill calling a State Convention.-Times.

-STEAMSHIP Star of the West, Captain McGowan, cleared at New York for Havana and New Orleans. Two hundred and fifty artillerists and marines, with stores and ammunition, were put on board in the lower bay by steamtug, and in the night the ship went to sea, supposed to be destined for Charleston.

-THE South Carolina Convention adjourned this morning, subject to the call of the president.-Evening Post, Jan. 5.

Jan. 6.—A meeting of citizens, irrespective of party, was held at Chicago, Ill., this evening. The resolutions adopted express love for the Union; regard every attempt to rend it as the basest treason and most insane folly; regard

directed to carry their guns to their homes with forty rounds of ball-cartridges each.

-THE Alabama and Mississippi delegations in Washington held a conference, and telegraphed to the Conventions of their respective States, to advise immediate secession, as they consider that there is no prospect of a satisfactory adjustment. A caucus of Southern senators at Washington advocated separate and immediate secession.-Times, Jan. 7.

-GOVERNOR HICKS, of Maryland, published an address to the people of that State upon his refusal to convene the Legislature. It strongly opposes secession.-(Doc. 16.)

Jan. 7.-A variety of plans for capturing Fort Sumter have been devised, but as yet none have been put in practice. One man thought it might be taken by floating down to the fort rafts piled with burning tar-barrels, thus attempting to smoke the American troops out as you would smoke a rabbit out of a hollow. Another was for filling bombs with prussic acid and giving each of the United States soldiers a smell. Still another supposed that the fort might be taken without bloodshed by offering to each soldier ten dollars and a speaking to. And still another thought that by erecting a

the Constitution of the United States as forming a union between the people of the several States, and intended to be perpetual; and every attempt by a State to secede or annul the laws of the United States, is not only usurping the powers of the general Government, but aggression upon the equal rights of the other States; that peaceable secession, if possible, must nec-barricade of cotton bales, and arming it with essarily be a matter of agreement between the States, and until such agreement is made, the existing Government has no choice but to enforce the law and protect the property of the nation; that in view of what is now transpiring in the Southern States, of threats to prevent the inauguration of a President, constitutionally elected, it is incumbent upon the loyal people of the several States to be prepared to render all their aid, military and otherwise, to the enforcement of the Federal laws; that Major Anderson deserves the thanks of the country for the course pursued by him.-Evening Post,

Jan. 8.

-A COMPANY of marines was put into Fort Washington, on the Potomac, 14 miles south of Washington city.

-FORTY tons of shot, shell, and powder, were forwarded from New York city by Adams' express for New Orleans; reported to be destined for Mexico, but believed to be for Louisiana.

cannon, a floating battery might be made, which, with the aid of Forts Moultrie and Johnson, and Castle Pinckney, together with redoubts thrown up on Morris' and Jones' Islands, and with further assistance of an armed fleet, an attack might be made on the fort, and at some convenient point a party of sharpshooters might be stationed, who would pick off the garrison, man by man, thus giving an opportunity to a party of infantry to scale the walls of the fort. Such a storming, however, could only be accomplished by an immense sacrifice of life; and the only practicable mode of taking the fort would seem to be by a protracted siege, and by the unchristian mode of starving them.-South Carolinian.

-MAJOR ANDERSON's course was sustained in the House of Representatives to-day, by the following resolution, offered by Mr. Adrian, of New Jersey:

Resolved, That we fully approve the bold and patriotic act of Major Anderson in withdrawing -SEVERAL Volunteer companies of Washing- from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, and the

determination of the President to maintain that fearless officer in his present condition; and we will support the President in all constitutional measures to enforce the laws and preserve the Union.

-TO-DAY the arrest of Senators Toombs and Wigfall, on the charges of treason, for sending dispatches to the South recommending the seizure of the forts, was spoken of in the Cabinet "jocularly."

-THE Alabama Convention organized at Montgomery, William M. Brooks in the chair. -Times, Jan. 8.

-THE Mississippi Convention organized at Jacksonville, A. J. Barry, of Lowndes, in the chair. It was resolved that a committee of fifteen be appointed by the president, with instructions to prepare and report, as speedily as possible, an ordinance of secession, providing for the immediate withdrawal of Mississippi from the Federal Union, with a view of establishing a new Confederacy, to be composed of the seceding States.-Mobile Advertiser.

—THE Governor of Virginia, in a message to the Legislature, in special session, condemns the hasty action of South Carolina, but


and says that "he will regard the attempt of the Federal troops to pass across Virginia for the purpose of coercing a Southern State, as an act of invasion which must be repelled." Times, Jan. 8.

Jan. 8.-The Southern Confederacy (published at Atlanta, Ga.), a paper which has been fighting most gallantly for the Union and the laws, says of the late election for members of the Georgia Convention:

the recent State campaign. The fault has been at Washington city; from that cess-pool have emanated all the abominations that ever cursed a free people."

-THE Baltimore Exchange says the whole population of Maryland is united in the desire to preserve the Union; yet it may be that the people, by a blind and ill-advised course, may render the State obnoxious in future to the charge of having contributed, by her indecision and weakness, to the overthrow of the republic."-Evening Post, Jan. 8.

-GOVERNOR HICKS, of Maryland, in a letter to J. L. Curry, Commissioner from Alabama, says he regards coöperation between the slave States as an infraction of the Constitution, which he, as Governor of Maryland, swore to support. The people of that State are firm in their friendship for the Union, and will never swerve from it; they have seen, with mortification and regret, the course taken by South Carolina; for in their opinion it is better to use the Union for the enforcement of their rights

than to break it up because of apprehensions that the provisions of the Constitution will be disregarded, and they will cling to it until it shall actually become the instrument of destruc

tion to their rights and peace and safety. Disunion would be ruin to Maryland, and in the proposed Southern Confederacy she sees no refuge from the ills she must suffer in such an event. "Let us," says Governor Hicks, "have our rights in the Union, and through and by the Constitution."-Baltimore Sun.

-THE N. C. troops, and persons residing in the vicinity of Forts Caswell and Johnson, took possession of those defences this day.'

-SECRETARY THOMPSON resigned his place in the Cabinet, upon learning that the Star of the West had sailed from New York with troops.

-FROM Charleston it is announced that the messages to Fort Sumter cannot be delivered, as there is no communication between the fort and the city.

"It is a notable fact, that, wherever the 'Minute Men,' as they are called, have had an organization, those counties have voted, by large majorities, for immediate secession. Those that they could not control by persuasion and coaxing, they dragooned and bullied, by threats, jeers, and sneers. By this means thousands of good citizens were induced to vote the immediate secession ticket through timidity. Besides, the towns and cities have been flooded with sensation dispatches and inflammatory rumors, manufactured in Washington city for the especial occasion. To be candid, there never has been as much lying and bullying practised, in the same length of time, since the destruc-ately between Governor Ellis and Secretary Holt. The tion of Sodom and Gomorrah, as has been in Doc. 17.

-THE Sub-Treasurer of Charleston has communicated to the Government, that the South Carolina authorities will not allow him to pay

1 A correspondence on this subject took place immediforts were surrendered and the State troops removed.

any more drafts, not even to pay Anderson's | work, and did work faithfully all night upon men. All the cash in his vaults is to be retained there.

-It is ascertained that all the seceding States have drawn their quota of arms for 1861 in advance. The order from South Carolina was filled only a few days before the passage of the ordinance of secession.-Commercial, Jan. 8.

Jan. 9.-Mississippi State Convention passed the ordinance of secession. Delegations from South Carolina and Alabama were invited to seats in the Convention. They were greeted with applause. Efforts were made to postpone action, which were voted down. The fifteen delegates who opposed the ordinance will sign it to-morrow, making the vote unanimous.

Fireworks were displayed at the capitol in Jackson this evening. The excitement is intense.-N. O. Picayune, Jan. 10.

the ramparts.-Charleston Courier, Jan. 11.

Jan. 11.-To-day a party of Louisiana State troops, under command of Captain Bradford, took possession of the United States Marine Hospital, about two miles below New Orleans. The patients in the Hospital, numbering two hundred and sixteen, were ordered to be removed; those who are convalescent, immediately, and those who are confined to their beds, as soon as possible. The reason assigned for this inhuman action is that the authorities want the quarters for their own troops.

-A UNION meeting was held at Wilmington, N. C., this evening, which was attended by over one thousand persons.-Evening Post, Jan. 15.

-FLORIDA and Alabama adopted ordinances of secession; Florida passed her ordinance by a vote of 62 to 7, and Alabama by yeas 61, nays 39. The Alabama Convention was far from unanimous; a large part of that State is decidedly opposed to extreme measures.

The Alabama ordinance of secession calls

-Ar half-past 7 A. M. the steamship Star of the West was signalled at the entrance of Charleston harbor. As she made her way toward Fort Sumter, a shot was sent across her bow from a battery on Morris' Island, when she displayed the United States flag, and was repeatedly fired into from the Morris' Island battery and from Fort Moultrie. Her course was then altered, and she again put to sea. Guns were run out at Fort Sumter, but none were fired. At 11 o'clock Major Anderson sent a flag with a communication to Governor Pick-capitol; a secession flag, presented by the ens, to inquire if this act had the sanction of the State Government; was informed that it had, and thereupon sent a special messenger to Washington with dispatches.-(Doc. 18.)

Jan. 10.-An intense excitement at Charleston, on account of a rumor that the sloop-ofwar Brooklyn was dispatched for that place. Great preparations are made to receive her. The buoys in the harbor are removed, and threats are made to fire on the ship.

-A STEAM-TUG called the Aid left the wharf to-night for the purpose of reconnoitring. She is mounted with one gun, and is under the command of Lieut. Hamilton, formerly of the Federal navy.

-FORT MOULTRIE is being rapidly put in order by a large force of workmen. There are over forty South Carolina railroad hands actively and constantly employed under Mr. Bryant. Twenty hearty, strong negroes were sent down by the Rev. Mr. Prentiss and set to

upon the people of all the Southern States to meet in convention at Montgomery, on the 4th of February next, for the purpose of forming a provisional or permanent government. Immediately after the passage of the ordinance, an immense mass meeting was held in front of the

women of Montgomery, was raised on the State House, cannon were fired, guns fired, etc., and in the evening the whole town was illuminated. (Doc. 19.)-Evening Post, Jan. 12.

-JUDGE JONES, of the United States District Court, this afternoon announced from the windows of the court-room in the custom-house building, at Mobile, that the United States Court for the Southern District of Alabama was "adjourned forever."

Mr. George M. Brewer, of the same place, gave one hundred cords of wood for the use of the garrison at Fort Morgan, and proffered the services of twenty negro men as laborers on the works.—Mobile Advertiser, Jan. 12.

AT Richmond, Va., a banquet was given to John B. Floyd, late Secretary of the Navy. That gentleman made a speech, wherein he related a conversation with the President, which he claimed showed a breach of faith on

the part of the latter, leading to the former's resignation. He also counselled resistance to Federal coercion. Speeches were made by Lieutenant-Governor Montague, Attorney-General Tucker, and others. The policy of the Legislature was severely commented upon.

A dispatch to the Florida senators announced the same as follows:

"We repaired down here and captured Fort Barrancas and navy yard, and then paroled the officers, granting them permission to continue to occupy their quarters. We are now in possession. This move was in consequence of the

-ABOLITIONISTS attempted to hold a meeting at Rochester, N. Y. It was broken up by citi-Government garrisoning Fort Pickens, which zens, and resolutions in favor of the Union has before remained unoccupied. You will were passed, and cheers given for General Scott propose to the Administration, resuming the and Major Anderson. A flag bearing the in- status quo ante bellum and we will immediately scription, "No compromise with slavery," was not allowed to be suspended across Buffalo street. The authorities prevented a general riot.-N. Y. Herald, Jan. 12.

-Воти branches of the New York Legislature adopted strong Union resolutions, tendering the assistance of the State to the President, and ordered them sent to the President, and the Governors of all the States.-(Doc. 20.)

Jan. 12.-The Star of the West arrived at New York, having failed to land her troops at Fort Sumter. The Captain reported that unexpected obstacles in the removal of buoys, lights, and ranges, which, though he arrived in the night, compelled him to wait till daybreak outside the harbor, rendered a successful entrance impossible.—(Doc. 21.)

-SENATOR SEWARD, in his place in the Senate, spoke upon the present troubles of the country, and avowed his "adherence to the Union, in its integrity and with all its parts; with his friends, with his party, with his State, or withcut either, as they may determine; in every event, whether of peace or of war; with every consequence of honor or dishonor, of life or death." He said that "Union is not less the body than liberty is the soul of the nation." The speech is denounced by both extremes, and is understood by the Southerners to mean ercion," while the political friends of the Senator consider it a relinquishment of his principles.-Times, Jan. 13.

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The Pensacola navy yard contains a hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars' worth of ordnance stores.-Richmond Enquirer, Jan. 14.

—ARTILLERY were ordered to Vicksburg by the Governor early this morning, to hail and question passing boats on the Mississippi river.

A salute of fifteen guns was fired last night at Jackson, on the reception of the news from Alabama and Florida. - Raleigh Standard, Jan. 14.

Jan. 13.-Governor Pickens, of South Caro

lina, sent to Washington for a balance of $3,000 due him as late Minister to Russia. The Department adjusted his accounts by sending him a draft on the Charleston Sub-Treasury, the money in which has been scized by the State.

Jan. 14.-Judge Smalley delivered a charge to the grand jury of the Federal court in New York, specifying what overt acts constitute


Jan. 15.-Major-General Sandford tendered the whole of the First Division New York State Militia to the Commander-in-Chief, to be ready for service in an hour's notice.

-COLONEL HAYNE, & Commissioner of South Carolina to Washington, was received by the President, and demanded the withdrawal of the garrison of Fort Sumter. He was requested to submit a written demand.

-THE United States Coast Survey schooner Dana, was seized by the Florida State authorities.-The World.

Jan. 16.-The names of William L. Yancey of Alabama, and James H. Hammond of South this day, as candidates for the presidency and Carolina, appear in the Apalachicola Times of vice-presidency of the Southern Confederacy.

1 The Evening Post of the 14th of January contains this charge in full.

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