Behold, what 1 olumes to the Fires are born. Had but themselves consign'd'em to the Flame! But where are they whose Works the Muses prize? } W Berners E COLLECTION Of the most Celebrated SONGS. In THREE VOLUMES. The Third Edition, with Alterations and Additions. Here the composer has employ'd his care, The scatter'd beams of poetry and wit. tark se SPARSA COEGI. LONDON: 2 Printed for J. WALTHOE, over-against the 2Ah! Charmion, shroud those killing eyes, 66 Ah! fading joy, how quickly art thou paft? 211 Arife, arife, great dead, for arms renown'd, 33 As charming Clara walk'd alone, Around her fee Cupid flying, 126 171 |