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EASY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM THE PENTATEUCH. For the use of Children. By a Lady. London: Wertheim & Macintosh. pp. 136.

THESE questions and answers bring out simply and clearly the narrative contained in the five books of Moses, and will be exceedingly useful to any thoughtful child desiring to become acquainted with that narrative. There is but little explanatory matter introduced, and the language of Scripture is pretty closely adhered to. In answer to the 308th question on the book of Genesis, "What were Joseph's feelings when he saw the repentance of his brethren?" it is said "All his anger vanished, and he turned from them and wept," &c. We are not, however, aware that there is any evidence to shew that Joseph entertained feelings of anger towards his brethren, and we recommend that this statement be modified in any subsequent edition.


THIS pamphlet refers to the subject which has recently been brought before our readers in a Review of "The Unpreached Gospel," and in the subsequent letter from the author of that Tract. It is introduced by a brief statement of the various shades of the doctrine of Universalism-the final salvation of all men-the final annihilation of the wicked, and the immortality of the righteous only; and now this third view which is adopted by those who hold a special salvation for those who are here by the grace of God united to Christ-for these, say they, are the elect of God appointed to REIGN 'on the new earth in which shall dwell righteousness,' but they maintain in connection therewith a deliverance after death from the 'captivity' of Satan for myriads who in the better world are to be under the Redeemer, governed and taught by the chosen kings and priests.''


The writer thinks that the practical consequences of teaching this doctrine would be beneficial to Christians in exalting their estimate of their privileges, and that at all events matters could not be worse in respect of the unconverted than they are at present. He unfairly presses the words in the Burial Service of the Church of England into his service, as supporting this doctrine. As he professes to be writing to a clergyman of that church, that may be an argumentum ad hominem, but he can hardly mean to assert that the language so universally complained of was adopted with the view which he seems to suggest. In the review of "The Unpreached Gospel" contained in our August number, p. 503, we said: "The longer such a gospel remains unpreached, the better. It is not the gospel which Christ revealed, and with which Paul felt himself charged," and we do not see anything in this pamphlet to induce us to alter our opinion.



If your correspondent, after deducting SIR,-Your correspondent, "Scruta- £3. 16s. 6d. from £6. 10s. 5d., is still tor," has made an attempt at vindicating unable to see that Mr. Mimpriss's appacertain incorrect statements in his hand-ratus costs about £2. 12s. more than that bill on Mr. Mimpriss's System, to which supplied by the Union for a two years' I called attention in the July number of course, it may perhaps be rather from "The Teachers' Magazine;" in doing want of inclination to admit the truth so, however, he very ruthlessly de- than from any other cause. molishes the calculations of the bill in question, and after thus unkindly demonstrating the fallacious character of that which he professes to verify, proceeds still further to misstate the question of cost as between the two kinds of publications.

After admitting the dictum of the hand-bill, viz.: that the cost of Mr. Mimpriss's apparatus for 200 scholars for two years is 2s. 13d. per annum more than that supplied by the Union; he proceeds to show almost immediately that this is not correct, but that it is in reality 9s. 6d. less.

If this unfortunate hand-bill could have a voice in the transaction, it might well exclaim after such a left-handed vindication of its correctness, 66 save me from my friend."

His inability to understand that 104 is a greater number than 52 does not excite surprise, when the very foggy character of his communication, and the peculiarities of his calculations are taken into consideration; at the same time he must allow me to remark, that his non-perception does not invalidate the fact.

"Scrutator" has evidently a very good opinion of Mimpriss's publications; and though he fails to sustain the correctness of his calculations, it is very evident that he has not neglected this opportunity of puffing the system.

"Scrutator" quotes certain very good sayings by several reverend gentlemen of eminence, towards the close of his communication. It will be very gratifying no doubt to all the readers of the Magazine, to learn that " Scrutator" has The question of cost may be thus read so much, and remembers so well stated in figures, though it was intimated what he has perused; but as the extracts so plainly in my former communication have a far more important meaning than as to render further reference almost a he affixes to them, it seems desirable to work of supererogation. Mr. Mimpriss's suggest that he is a little mistaken in system for 200 scholars for two years, their application. "Scrutator" informs costs, as per hand-bill, £6. 10s. 5d. net. us that Mr. Mimpriss's system has The Scripture Lessons for elementary" survived" in schools for more than classes published by the Sunday School four years,-this is certainly an instance Union, cost of tenacity of life worthy of being chronicled with some of the most remarkable cases of prolongation of vitality under 0 3 0 adverse influences. It has never been my lot to meet with one of these wonderful instances, the system having, as far as my observation has gone, invariably died out in a very much shorter period.

For 100 scholars for two years
Large Texts for two Infant classes of

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30 each Notes for 16 teachers and superintendent, the school being thus divided into 16 classes

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£2 8 0

1 56

£3 16 6

The remaining 40 scholars using their own Bibles as already suggested.

The conclusion of the article is some

what puzzling-whether " Scrutator," in his wisdom, intends the final intricate sentence as a new reading of 1 Thes. v. 21; or whether the reference is thrust by mistake into such awkward juxta position with it, is not apparent.

It would not be out of place to remind "Scrutator" of a certain adage about "blowing your own trumpet," for certain unmistakable peculiarities of style very

plainly show that the reminder would be quite appropriate.

Whether he may, or may not, be inclined to adopt the sensible advice of the adage in question, it is to be hoped that he will not in future be led by admira tion of Mr. M.'s publications, to an unfair depreciation of others. T. J. C.

Passing Events.

THE ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN, Dr. Richard Whately, died October 7th. He was born in 1786, his father being a clergyman who lived at Nonsuch-park, Surrey.

years he devoted himself to this great branch of service.

THE MAGNIFICENT PARK, PRESENTED BY SIR DAVID BAXTER TO THE PEOPLE OF DUNDEE, was formally handed over to the trustees on September 9th. The day was kept as a close holiday. In the forenoon Earl Russell met the town council and guildry in the Corn Exchange, and was presented with the freedom of the burgh, and created a guild brother. His lordship was ac

Our readers will find in preceding pages, three extracts from one of his works, which we had been reading previously to hearing of his illness, and which we thought would interest our readers. He was an intimate friend of Dr. Arnold, of Rugby, and the author of many valuable works. He also took a lively interest in various questions con-companied to the platform by the nected with the social well being of the country. Since his elevation to the Archbishopric of Dublin, he discontinued his literary labours. Not many months after he became Archbishop, he one day plucked his sleeve, saying, as if in a soliloquy, "I don't know how it is, but after we once get these things on, we never do any thing more."

His great service, and that by which he will be honorably remembered, was his support of the National School system. The liberal reputation with which he went to Ireland, indicated his place at once at the head of the enterprise. He worked long, strenuously, effectively, and with a patience truly wonderful in him, to keep the doors of the National Schools wide open, and to provide an education of an high order within. For more than 20

Countess Russell, Lady Georgina Rus-
sell, the Earl of Dalhousie, Sir J.
Ogilvy, and Sir D. Baxter. The Corn
Exchange was crowded by the in-
fluential citizens of Dundee.
At one
o'clock the various bodies who took
part in the grand ceremony of the day
met in the Barrack Park. The procession
marched through the principal streets
to the People's Park, which is situated
at the N.E. extremity of the town.
The park occupies a space of 38 acres,
and is most tastefully laid out. In
the centre stands a handsome pavilion,
in the Italian style, built at a cost of
£6,000.; at each entrance there are
handsome lodges. The cost of the
park, its embellishment, and the sum
set apart by the donor for its main-
tenance, cannot be less than £50,000.

A statue of Sir David Baxter, sub- made a playground for certain games scribed for by upwards of 16,000 of during the hours of recreation which the people of Dundee, as a mark of the school allows. There is a very great their gratitude for his noble gift, and tendency at the present time—which which was executed by Mr. Steel, is a good tendency-of bringing people sculptor, Edinburgh, was uncovered on together in large towns, but it has a the occasion. disadvantage, and that is, that the children are brought up without having the least notion of the green field, of a game of cricket, or a game at trap-ball; and it is quite as essential

Amongst the speakers at the opening of the park were the Earl Dalhousie, the Earl of Camperdown, Sir David Baxter, and others.

In replying to a vote of thanks for that the body of a boy should be his presence,

educated, and his mind turned to these things, as that he should learn his alphabet and cyphers. I am in hopes

Dundee, my presumption may be excused. I only think it would be a great pleasure to know that the young generation of Dundee would enjoy the advantages of this park as much as those who are their elders, and be able to give themselves to more manly

the name of Lady Russell. I have certainly found by experience that there needs no better place to come to for a wife than to Scotland. I certainly shall recommend the practice to others which I have adopted myself.

Earl Russell said: I hope you will allow me, as the youngest burgess of Dundee, to say a few words with regard that, being the youngest burgess in to a matter which I think may tend to the usefulness of this park, for which the town of Dundee is so much indebted to Sir D. Baxter. I was speaking to him of a notion that has occurred to my mind, and I find it had also occurred to his; and, indeed, from his benevolence and sagacity, it was not likely to have pursuits. I beg to thank you all in escaped him. I have been accustomed in the course of my life to pay a great deal of attention to education, and I have been told of late years that those who are occupied in education in great towns, such as Glasgow, Birmingham, and like large towns, feel that there is one great difficulty they have to contend with in their schools; and it is that in these towns there is no such thing as a playground. I think a playground is quite as useful as a school. It is still more easy to occupy a playground in these days, when we are told by some clever philosophers that the boy who is at school three days in the week, learns quite as much, if not more, than the boy who goes six; and that the boy who is at school half a day learns as much as the boy who is at school the whole day. Whether that be true or not, I am not going to say; but I think it would be a great advantage to the schools in this town if they were to ask the permission of Lord Dalhousie and the other trustees, that from time to time, at certain fixed hours, this park may be

The weather was fortunately dry and sunny, and the proceedings passed off with great éclat. There was a grand display of fireworks in the park, and illuminations in various parts. It was intended to set off a large balloon, but the wind was unfavourable.

THE JUBILEE OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONNECTED WITH THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN SWANAGE, DORSET, was celebrated by two sermons preached by the Rev. T. Seavill, on Sunday, September 6th, and by a public meeting on Thursday, September 10th. After the scholars and friends had successively taken tea, a public meeting was held, when addresses were delivered by the Revs. T. Seavill, minister of the place, who presided, and Fernie, of Poole; and Messrs. Lankester, Smedmore, Spencer,

and Haysom. A report was read, which showed, that since the commencement of the parent school four branch schools had been formed, "but our zeal has provoked those who ought not to have given us the opportunity of teaching at Acton, Langton, or Herston, to do the work themselves, thus causing us to retire from those places." The parent school is still at work, numbers 115 scholars, and 14 teachers. An earnest appeal was then made for the co-operation of parents. It was an interesting feature of the report, that though nearly all who assisted at the formation of the school had passed to the upper sanctuary, to receive the reward of their labours, there still remained one, who is the superintendent, and has been identified with the school for half a century. The report of the branch chool at Colwell swas then read, which showed that the promoters of this branch school have had persecution to endure, but notwithstanding this, the school at present is in a more flourishing state than it has been since its commencement in 1831. It numbers 45 scholars and three teachers.

The Chairman congratulated the present teachers, and especially the superintendent who has continued at the work so long; and to shew the esteem and affection in which he is held by his co-workers, the Chairman, in a touching and an affectionate address, presented him, on behalf of the teachers and friends, with eight volumes of Dr. Kitto's Bible Readings, and a handsome easy chair. In reply, Mr. F. Haysom, after thanking the friends for their kindness to him, stated he had known many who had left this Sunday school and had become useful in other spheres, amongst whom are two ministers who are presiding over churches at home, and one in America who has risen to attain a degree of Doctor of Divinity; all three having spent some time in this school.

THE LONDON SUPERINTENDENTS' AND SECRETARIES' ASSOCIATION, held their quarterly meeting on Friday, August 28th. Mr. Westbrook presided; and Mr. Caldwell, in opening the discussion on the subject of the evening, "Separate Services--their Nature-Necessity, and Management," said that, he considered the topic to be one of great importance, bearing closely on the object of Sunday-schools, viz., to bring the souls of the children to Christ, that, by faith in him, they may in early life become partakers of the great salvation. A topic by no means new, but one requiring careful consideration and delicate treatment. It is one which has not to do with statistics, but regards principles, practices, and the consequent results. We start with the idea that the practice so long prevalent of taking Sunday school children to the places of public worship, as ordinarily conducted for adult edification, fails in accomplishing those great ends for which the services of the sanctuary have been established. Some persons have contended, we think falsely, that Sunday schools are essentially anti-clerical, in their endeavour to establish services apart from those of the public sanctuary; and such consequently think the establishment of separate services to be highly objectionable. Tyng says- The Church can never go forward except the ministry take the lead.' They urge the past usage on the ground that early influences are lasting, and that habits are the elements of character, and that being conducted in early life to the house of prayer, a love to that house will necessarily and naturally spring up in the minds of the scholars. From this we greatly differ, believing that the habit of going without finding pleasure or interest in the service will create in general a repugnance and disgust at religious services when the children are older, until, as some of them have expressed it, 'I hate that church-going, Bill. The remark of some, that they assist in filling up the place,' is too con

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