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SELECT SERMONS OF RALPH ERSKINE. No. 1. 12mo., pp. 24. London: Houlston and Wright.

AN OLD GLASS FOR NEW FACES. The Christian laid forth in his whole disposition and carriage. By Joseph Hall, D.D., Bishop of Norwich. Revised by G. Hester. Loughborough: Henry Gray.

IN these old tractates there is set forth very much as to personal character in professing Christians, which it would be happy to both the church and the world, for all avowed followers of Christ, both young and old, to become. The treatises need no commendation at our hands, and we should be sorry to even hint anything other than commendation, May the publication of of them fulfil every wish of their worthy editors.


TEN MINUTES WITH UNCLE OLIVER ON "BICENTENARY." London: Elliott Stock. 16mo., pp. 16.

THE "Picture from the World's History," is a truthful spirit-stirring account of what was the condition of the world eighteen hundred and sisty years ago. Rome, and the Roman Empire, including a large part of Europe, Egypt, Syria, and other countries are passed in review; and as we read, the question arises-What has produced the change which most of these countries now present? A few unread and unobservant persons fail to see, in that change, anything to throw light on the Divine origin and power of Christianity. We cannot so read history.

"Up to the period of the preaching of Christianity, there is not anywhere the faintest glimpse of improvement; but from that period it is evident that a new leaven is at work-a seed has been sown that was destined, as we know, to grow up into a mighty tree, overshadowing the world with its branches.”

The argument thus incidentally brought out, is of accumulative force; it has resisted, and it will effectually resist, whole legions of questions and objections, and show that the foundation of our hope cannot be shaken.

The Ten minutes with Uncle Oliver," struck us, at first sight, as somewhat out of the scope of this Magazine. On second thoughts, however, this notion was reversed. The talk which its pages contain relates to a deeply interesting, indeed, never to be forgotten, period of the religious history of this country. All parties whose opinions are worth noticing, regret the records left on our annals by the events of this period; nevertheless, those records contain far too much that was noble, devout, and sacred, not to be read with profound interest. Those into whose hand this tract may fall, will not regret their "Ten Minutes with Uncle Oliver," whose aim is to awaken the gratitude of the young, " for the many opportunities of hearing the Word of Life which they possess, but which the young of 1662 did not share."

THE UNPREACHED GOSPEL, AN EMBEDDED TRUTH. By the Author of the Study of the Bible." London: Simpkin & Co. 12mo., pp. iv. 47.

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THE "unpreached Gospel," of this pamphlet is, that " after the resurrection the masses of mankind are to be made acquainted, through the elect church, with the Saviour they never knew on earth." That salvation is obtained through faith in Christ--the Gospel now preached-is indeed true; but, according to our author, this is only a part of the truth-it is "something very different from the Gospel of the kingdom." The highest gift of the preached Gospel can be enjoyed only in connexion " with a living faith and a new birth;" but the general effect of the "unpreached Gospel," or "the Gospel of the kingdom," will be to reconcile all men to God, "irrespective of any human volition, the reconciling depending wholly on the reconciler."

"To divide mankind simply into the saved and the lost," as is done in the preached Gospel, "to exchange the reign of the Redeemer in person [our italics are taken from the author] for the supposed triumph of principles, which in a world like this can never do more than check and modify the selfishness and corruption of human nature; and to give, as by this process is inevitable, untold myriads to Satan for ever, is to darken and destroy a message which, when rightly received, is light and life.

"We believe that it is even now, the highest joy of real Christians to be coworkers with God and with Christ in bringing sinners to the knowledge of the Redeemer; so, in other states of existence will it be their delight and their privilege to make known His love to the myriads who here have neither comprehended nor appreciated its bearing on themselves. Such, and so magnificent, if we read aright, is the view that Scripture opens before us of THE MISSION FIELD


"Indifference, carelessness, mental and moral torpor, whether arising from ignorance or animalism, oppression or superstition, the cares of the world, or incapacity for realizing another, the condition, in all ages, of the great mass of mankind,-while not accounted guiltless, and always necessitating by the very nature of things, danger and loss, are yet treated in Scripture, and by our Lord himself, sometimes with a tenderness, and always with a silence which forbids the idea of the eternal ruin and hopeless misery of those who live and die under this dark shadow."

Such is the "unpreached Gospel," according to this author; (we would like to say of Mr. for we could, that teachers might be the more effectually guarded against his writings.) The longer such a gospel re mains unpreached the better. It is not the Gospel which Christ revealed, and with which Paul felt himself charged. We read Gal. i. 8, 9, and can easily conjecture how the Apostle would have denounced this supposed "embedded truth."

We are the more desirous of showing what the author's "embedded truth" is, for, as the title page of this pamphlet informs us, there came from the same pen a short time ago, a neat, well written and somewhat devout volume, (which was reviewed in our number for May, 1862,) under the title of "The Study of the Bible," and, under the guidance of the same writer, a periodical is being sent forth for the professed purpose of assisting to interpret Holy Scripture. The volume was highly commended by some of our cotemporaries; but while we found much in it to interest and instruct, yet we felt ourselves compelled to caution our readers against giving too ready a credence to many of the opinions of the author. Sunday school

teachers will see, from the extracts we have 'quoted from the present pamphlet, that books of this stamp, be they large or small, are not likely to make them wiser, more earnest, more scriptural, or more effective in their work.

A CHRONO-GENEALOGICAL CHART OF BIBLE HISTORY: from Adam to A.D. 100. Sheet, 4 feet by 21. Compiled by John R. Campbell, F.E.I.S. Demy 8vo.

Edinburgh: Gall & Inglis.

HERE, on a sheet for hanging up in a school-room, suitably coloured, and clearly printed, we have a Chart of history from Adam to A.D. 100; showing the origin of nations after the Deluge, and particularly the line of the Messiah. Few publications are more useful to the teacher of Bible history, and contemporaneous history, than those of the class to which this sheet pertains. Correctness, comprehensiveness, and clearness, are the chief excellences of such a work. The compiler's diligence has secured, in this instance, the two former of these qualifications, and his skill in arranging columns, colours, and types, has obtained the last. The Sheet is as beautiful as it is useful. No school apparatus can be regarded as complete without this or some similar chart.

THE BIBLICAL CYCLOPÆDIA OR DICTIONARY; illustrative of the Old and New Testaments. Edited by John Eadie, D.D., LL.D. Part I London: Westley. pp. 48.

KITTO'S CYCLOPEDIA OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE. Edited by W. Lindsay Alexander, D.D. Part II. Price Sixpence. Edinburgh: Black. pp. 64. Crown 8vo.

THE first of these two very useful works is a reprint of an already favourably known compilation. To secure for it a wider circulation, its publishers intend to bring it out in thirteen weekly numbers like the present.

The second, is more than a reprint. Articles have been revised and some re-written and improved, if we may judge from a comparison of what we read in the present number and in former editions of the work, under the word ACCOMMODATION. By the way, in this article we have an instance of the peculiar merit of Dr. Kitto's Cyclopædia in branching out into a field of Biblical literature wide enough to find a place for every subject calculated to illustrate, or render more interesting and useful the study of the Bible.

The call for such works as the two now before us, is a satisfactory indication of the desire to prosecute this study. The present edition of Dr. Kitto's valuable work bids fair to exceed its precursors in paper, type, and execu tion. It deserves, and, we doubt not, will secure a large circulation.

THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE, for Schools and Private Students. By Thomas Bullock. London: Simpkin & Co. Feap. 8vo. pp. xii. 324.

THIS unpretending little volume is a really valuable compendium of European history from B.c. 44 to the present year. Healthy in tone, clear in arrangement, and idiomatic in style, it gives, in readable form, more correct and copious information than may be found in many a volume of far larger compass. Teachers of European history will find the book of great assistance in their work, and, we think, they will sincerely thank Mr. Bullock for the aid he gives them in these pages.

1. THE BOOK OF BIBLE PRAYERS. By John B. Marsh. London: Simpkin. 12mo. pp. 57.

2. THE SABBATH SCHOOL, from a Practical Point of View. J. Hillcocks. London: John Snow. 12mo. pp. 93.

By James


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No. 1 is a collection of the prayers recorded in Scripture, from that of Melchizedek (Gen. xiv. 19, 20) to that of John (Rev. xxii. 20.) The work seems to be designed to show that prayer can be intermingled with the ordinary engagements of life, and made to touch every subject and incident that affects us; and, also, that prayer does not consist in the utterance of many words, but in the placing of thoughts and desires before God, who regards the thoughts more than the words."

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The book is beautifully got up, and will prove acceptable to many in aiding their daily intercourse with the Father of spirits.

In No. 2, Mr. Hillcocks has put down, in brief compass, many useful practical thoughts on the Sunday school: on the scholar's condition and destiny; on the teacher's objects and qualifications; and on the means and results of good teaching. He illustrates and enforces these topics with skill and judgment, and we cheerfully recommend his little book to our readers. If, in No. 3, we had not to do with a lady, we should venture the opinion, professionally of course, that in these two little books we trace symptoms, probably not very alarming, of a disease in relation to writing, which we would rather not name. The disease should be cured however, and we know of nothing so effectual in that direction as the vigorous application of the mind to useful thinking, and an equally vigorous restraint on the use of the pen. Both remedies to be daily used, in equal proportion, and in the order in which we have put them down.

In No. 4, we see nothing of the manual or hand-book. It consists of two parts. 1st. A few passages of Scripture put together under different headings, of which, certainly, Sunday school teachers may make use, just

because they are suitable to all who engage in Christian work. And, 2nd. Thirty common hymns, avery few stanzas of which are appropriate to what Mr. Jordan states to have been his aim.


12mo. Square. pp. 64.

By D. J. E. London: Elliot Stock.

A GATHERED BLOSSOM; or, A Brief Memoir of Clara Adams, a Sunday Scholar. pp. 16.


England. pp. 64.

A Simple Narrative for the Sunday Scholars of

THE narratives contained in these three little books are all of a character to ensure attention from the young. D. J. E., the pastor of the family to which Little Alfred" belonged, has done well to tell the story of the dear boy whose weeping parents find a cordial for their sorrow in the blessed effect of their judicious training of their beloved child. The book ought to become a favourite among Sunday school, and, indeed, among day school, reward books for the little ones. "BERTIE BRISTOL" is a study for believers and unbelievers. And the "GATHERED BLOSSOM," the youngest child of a poor Clerkenwell laundress,-is a beautiful illustration of Psalm viii. 2: "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength."

THE NEGRO RACE NOT UNDER A CURSE. An Examination of Gen. ix. 25. By the Rev. Alexander Crummell, B A. London: Wertheim. pp. 31. In this reprint from the "Christian Observer," Mr. Crummell successfully disproves the once common notion concerning the Africans, as doomed, by a Divine malediction, to perpetual slavery. We wonder that in this nineteenth century, and here in England, it should have been deemed necessary to perform the easy task which Mr. Crummell undertakes. In some parts of America, and in Cuba,-and where besides ?-the task might not be supererogatory; but here-among the equality, liberty, and fraternity men of England?- -Well, facts are, after all, stubborn things. Even here, in London, a popular Scotch D.D. clings to the old and exploded interpretation of the above passage,—an interpretation which frowns upon and discourages anti-slavery efforts on behalf of the negro race. We must, it seems, be content to learn again,

"That the curse of Noah was pronounced upon Canaan, not upon Ham. That it fell upon Canaan, and was designed to fall upon him alone. That neither Ham, nor either of his three sons, was involved in this curse. That the negro race have not descended from Canaan. And that, when the land of Canaan is mentioned in the Bible, it was not intended to include the Gold Coast, the Gaboon, Goree, or Congo."

Our friends, who take interest in this subject, will find pleasure in acquainting themselves with Mr. Crummell's arguments.

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