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of tea with the present teachers, in the a prize to a little boy who had composed school-room. It was a truly festive and the best. Members from different deinteresting occasion. The appropriate nominations were present on the occadecorations of the room, the well-spread sion, and a spirit of Christian love and tables, and the happy faces of the visi-union seemed to pervade all the assemtors as they enjoyed "the cup which bly. The speakers were, C. Fordham, cheers but not inebriates," gave pecu- Esq., chairman, Rev. T. M. Laxton liar charms to the scene. At the meet- (minister of the church), Mr. Pearce, ing which followed, hymns, specially City missionary, designated by the prepared, were sung, and engagements chairman "The Bishop of Warren Lane,” at once devotional and instructive oc- Mr. T. Richardson, secretary to the cupied the evening. First came "Old Woolwich Sunday School Union, and Scholars' Recollections of the Sunday Mr. J. S. Featherstone, of Cray, who School," which gave many an oppor- lived and labored here sixteen years, tunity of avowing their obligations to and was one of the founders of this Sunday school instructions for their Sunday school. highest good in this world and their hopes for eternity. Not a few could speak of having become fitted thereby to preach the gospel, and in other ways The corner stone of the new schools, to do good to man, and to serve the in connection with the New CongreLord Christ. This was succeeded by a gational Church, High Street, Ware, conversation, on "What the Sunday was laid during the past month, School expects from Old Scholars," by the Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of which brought out the methods by which parents, and all who have had school advantages, may help to extend its benefits. "Friendly Counsels to Old Scholars," closed the proceedings. Several earnest addresses were delivered to various classes, adapted to revive past impressions, and to induce religious decision.


R. P. E.


Finsbury Chapel, London. The Rev. Dr. Leask, minister of High Street Church, gave out a hymn and offered prayer, after which Dr. Fletcher addressed the friends, Sunday school teachers, and children in a long and excellent speech on the value of education in general, and of Sabbath school instruction in particular. The schools, when finished, will form a fine specimen of architecture, and they are being built at the exclusive cost of METHODIST FREE CHURCH SUNDAY Joseph Chuck, Esq., of Widbury House, SCHOOL, BERESFORD STREET.-A meet a fact commemorated upon the cornering of teachers and friends took place stone. By the liberality of the same on Tuesday, January 25th. Notwith-benevolent gentleman, the teachers and standing a concert and many public children of the Sunday school enjoyed meetings in various parts of the town, tea and cake in the evening in a public we had a most excellent company to hall in the town. The new Congretea, and a capital meeting afterwards, gational Church adjoining, which is A large school room was very taste- rapidly approaching completion, and fully decorated with evergreens and which, it is hoped, will be ready by the appropriate mottoes, and the speeches end of next April, will be an ornament were in harmony with the place and to the place. It will be the finest occasion. The children having given ecclesiastical edifice in the county. in essays on "The Bible," a copy of May it also be the means of great good the sacred Scriptures was presented as to the people!



The annual tea mecting of the Bible classes in connection with the Congregational Chapel took place in the school rooms, when about 100 members and friends took tea, after which several recitations and addresses were delivered

A LECTURE on "The Progress of Education, and the Kinder-Garten System as the basis of a National Education," was lately delivered by Madame and Herr Johannes Ronge, at St. Martin's Hall, Long-acre. Interesting explanations were given of the Kinder-Garten by Messrs. Lancaster, Clarke, Stringer, (Children's Garden) system of education; Elgar, and others. Interesting addresses were also given by the venerable and the musical and gymnastic exercises adopted in the Kinder-Garten, chairman, the Rev. T. Craig, Messrs. Shearcroft, Pearce, and Negus, the were practically illustrated by the children. The second part of the lecture young men's teacher. was devoted to an explanation of the Association System of Education, being a continuation of the Kinder-Garten. The lecture was favourably received by a select audience. The Kinder-Garten at 32, Tavistock-place, Tavistock-square, London, was established in May, 1854,

as a continuation of the first English Kinder-Garten, founded by Mr. and Mrs. Ronge, at Hampstead, in 1851; and in 1855 the committee who acted with the founders were enabled to establish a school in connection with

the Kinder-Garten, thus developing the system. There was also arranged in the same year a class for teachers to be instructed in this new system of education. The introduction of these schools, and of the new system expounded in a work, "Practical Guide to the English Kinder-Garten," by Mr. and Mrs. Ronge, had naturally to contend with many difficulties; but the exertions of the founders have at last met with considerable success. There are now in all parts of England, Kinder-Gartens existing, and the books and apparatus have been ordered for the most distant colonies. The Government committee have put the work upon the list of books they recommend to their teachers, and the apparatus has been ordered for the Royal nursery from the above establishment. About fifty teachers, nurses, and ladies, have been instructed


ROBERT-STREET SUNDAY-SCHOOL, GROSVENOR-SQUARE.-The annual meeting of the parents of the scholars was held in the school-room. The Rev. Alfred

Johnson, pastor, presided. About 150
parents were present. Tea was pro-
vided. The ladies of the congregation
furnished the cakes. Several of the
teachers and parents addressed the
meeting. Two addresses were delivered,
one by W. J. Allen, on "The Bible, the
source of instruction to the scholars,"
the other by the secretary on
tal Anxieties." A cordial vote of thanks
was presented by the parents to the
teachers for their services to the scho-
lars during the past year, and also
thanks to the chairman. At the close
of the meeting, "God's Heritage," an
address to parents by the Rev. J. H.
Wilson, of Aberdeen, was given to each
of the parents.

JUBILEE OF LION STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL, WALWORTH. THE teachers and friends of this institution celebrated its Jubilee last week, by a series of unusually interesting services and meetings. They were comin this system by Mr. and Mrs. Ronge. by a prayer-meeting, at which the Rev. menced on Saturday evening, the 12th,

W. Howieson, minister of the chapel,

presided. On the following day, Sun- Howieson taking the chair at seven day, 13th, two sermons were preached; o'clock. A narrative of the events in the morning by the Rev. W. Howie- connected with the school during the son, from the words, "What hath God past fifty years was read by Mr. Watwrought?" Numb. xxiii. 23; in the son, and the meeting addressed by Mr. evening by the Rev. S. Green, from Warn, the founder, Charles Reed, Esq., 2 Chron. xxxi. 21; after which a prayer- and D. Pratt, Esq., both of the Sunday meeting was held in the chapel, the School Union; the Rev. H. J. Millard, Rev. W. Howieson again presiding. In of Maze Pond; the Rev. S. Green, forthe afternoon of the same day the scho- mer minister of the place; the Rev. J. lars, nearly 500 in number, gathered in P. Turquand, of York-street; and by the chapel with their teachers and the other friends. On Thursday evening young people of the congregation, and were very suitably addressed by Mr. W. Gover, a former superintendent of the school. On Monday evening, the members of the church again met for prayer, &c.

ladies very tastefully decorated the school room and chapel with flowers and evergreens, and appropriate mottoes; and a jubilee medal struck for the occasion was presented to each scholar and teacher. We understand that the subscriptions to the Jubilee Fund already amount to £675.

the teachers and scholars took tea together in the school-room, after which the superintendent (Mr. Beal) delivered a lecture in the chapel; subject, "A Voyage in Search of Sir John FrankOn Tuesday morning, a public lin," illustrated with dissolving views. breakfast was held in the school-room, A vote of thanks was enthusiastically invitations being extended to the mini- passed by the scholars to the lecturer, sters of the several congregations, in- and brought to a close these very pleascluding the clergymen in the neighbouring and useful gatherings, every perhood; about 110 sat down to breakfast, son having been evidently much gratiThomas Thompson, Esq, of Bath, pre-fied and encouraged. Original hymns siding. After breakfast, Mr. Watson by teachers and others were sung at explained the necessity for new school- the several services and meetings; the rooms, the lease of the present building being nearly at an end, and moved a resolution to the effect, "That as a lasting memorial of gratitude to God, a jubilee fund of £1,000 should be commenced for the erection of new schoolrooms, suitable for day schools as well as the Sunday school," which, being seconded by the Rev. R. Robinson, of Lambeth, was passed unanimously. The meeting was also addressed by the Rev. J. Adey, of Bexley Heath, and before separating, upwards of £600 was subscribed to the jubilee fund. The following evening, Wednesday, the in the Independent Chapel, Grove Street, 16th, was appointed for the jubilee tea for the purpose of forming themselves and public meeting, and so great appears into a Union, when the teachers of the to have been the desire to be present, Free Wesleyan, General Baptist, (High that, while several who had not obtained Street, and Witham Green), and Contickets paid double price for admission, gregational Chapels, and Messrs. many others were unable to press Simpson, J. E. Ward, and Mr. Nunnethrough the crowd. About 650, how-ley, (Independents), and Mr. Hall, ever, obtained admission to tea, and (Zion), in their individual capacity, afterwards adjourned to the public decided to enrol themselves as members meeting in the chapel, the Rev. W. thereof, and agreed upon the following


On Friday, the 11th February, 1859, the teachers of several of the dissenting schools in Boston, held a tea meeting

resolutions, as embodying their princi- better to extend at once the ground of ples and intentions in connexion there-operations into the villages, (and by no with, namely:

means a bad thought); while others thought it better to confine ourselves at home for the present, feeling persuaded

1st. That the four schools represented at this meeting, and those individuals who do not attend in a representative that ere long the results arising from capacity, do hereby form themselves into the "Boston Sunday School Union." 2nd. That the Union shall have for its first object the promotion of a fraternal feeling amongst the teachers of the Sunday schools, and shall on no account nor in any way interfere with the internal affairs of the schools.

3rd. That the Union shall adopt such measures as are likely to increase the attendance at the respective schools.

4th. That another object shall be the proper regulation of the manner of transferring children from one school to another.

5th. That a further object shall be the spiritual and intellectual advancement of the teachers, by meetings for prayer and intercourse.

the union would be so good, that we should acquire great additional strength, which, when acquired, would enable us to make a more decided stand against the prejudices that at present influence so many, and enlist the sympathies of the teachers of all denominations in the good work, and thus verify the old proverb "Union is strength." General regret was felt that not more of the schools in Boston manifested a desire to join in union, the reasons given for which were that many thought the advantages arising from such a union would not compensate them for the loss of time and trouble (?) they would suffer in connection with it. We feel sorry such a feeling should actuate any one who is seeking, with diligence, to extend his hand of friendship to the rising race, and, with due caution, endeavouring to sow in their immortal minds the seeds of everlasting truth. In this nineteenth century, these kind of fears should be

6th. That it shall also be part of the plan of the Union to secure an annual gathering of all the schools in union, so as to enhance in the public mind the importance of the Sunday school as an educational and spiritual instrumen-thrown to the wind, and if one advantality.

7th. That the officers of the Union, be a president, two secretaries, and treasurer, to be appointed annually by the members of the Union, and a committee of two representatives, (one male and one female), from each school willing to join; and in case a representative of any school be called to office, that school shall be at liberty to appoint another representative. That the ministers of the churches where the schools are in union, shall be ex-officio members of the committee.

A friendly, warm, and interesting discussion arose amongst the teachers in passing the above resolutions, which tended materially to increase our confidence and interest in each other. It was thought by some, that it would be

tage can be seen as probable to be gained by a union of strength, each one should yield to this feeling of duty to join heart and hand in the means that will be likely to gain it We trust we shall be able to repor ere long that such is the case; and that as a body corporate, under the Great Captain of our salvation, we are exerting every power given us to disseminate the principles of the Gospel of Christ.

The officers necessary to carry out the arrangements agreed upon were all chosen, and we now regard ourselves as fairly launched upon the bosom of the world, and trust that the God of all truth and power will stand at our helm and guide us safe and right. Our next meeting will consist of a social tea, spiritual intercourse, and prayer.



In cheerful lays your voices raise,
Let none refuse to sing;

Let all unite who love the bright

And cheerful voice of Spring.

SPRING is returned; the Winter is over and gone, and the time of the singing of the birds is arrived; days of darkness have passed away. A glorious season of sunshine is before us. Hail thou earnest of summer's fruits and flowers! A hearty welcome to thee thou returning pledge of that faithful and early covenant which Noah received from Him whose promise cannot fail.

"Thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice," said David in his own royal hymn book. And if we would understand the seasons of the year-know the character of God as a benevolent being-would we learn to pray more unto Him, to praise Him as such, then let us go to King David's hymn book. All things unite to admonish us of the progress we are making on the great journey of life. Day and night, summer and winter, seed-time and harvest, the commencement of the year as well as its close, all with one loud voice, and without cessation, proclaim advancement. The universe itself is rolling on towards its final doom. But parts are sometimes more impressive than the whole. It is so with Spring. Spring has a voice of its own. Let us hear what it saith to us, and profit by the lessons we may learn from it.

I. Spring speaks to us of renewed life. Not a dull, drowsy, declining sort of life, but a waking, active, expanding life. The tree, the shrub, the flower, plainly shew this. And as the works of God in the natural world symbolize His deeds in the spiritual, let us pause to inquire into our own state. Oh, my friends, do we live, or are we satisfied with having a name to do so? Is the root of the matter within us? Are we the plants of the Lord's own right hand planting?

II. Spring has a gladsome voice. The heavens and the earth smile. The trees of the wood rejoice. The fields clap their hands. Birds carol from morn to eve, and charm us with their music. Lambs gambol in the sunshine. All things animate and inanimate add to the joyousness of the season. The artisan, ploughman, sower, aye, and Sunday school teacher too, all indeed go forth to their work and labor with an instructive delight which they could not call up in the midst of the wintery storm.

III. Spring has a hopeful voice. The farmer hopes, by a diligent use of the present seed time, to ensure a good harvest. The honest sons of toil hope to lay by against a wet day. The invalid, the consumptive sufferer, and the aged pilgrim, are alike cheered by the


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