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The felicity of man, in a state of society, really depends upon a great variety of causes which are connected together by the closest ties, and which

Profession is swimming down the stream, confession is swimming against it. How many may swim with the stream, like the dead fish, that cannot swim against the stream with the liv-assist or impede the operations of each ing fish; many may profess Christ that cannot confess Christ.


other by a force which often is least perceived where it is most exerted.— Dr. Parr.


What unthankfulness is it to forget


To set the mind above the appetites is the end of abstinence; which one of the fathers observes to be, not a virtue, but the ground-work of a virtue. By forbearing to do what may inno- our consolations, and to look upon cently be done, we may add hourly matters of grievance; to think so new vigour to resolution, and secure upon two or three crosses, as the power of resistance when pleasure to forget an hundred blessings.— or interest shall lend their charm to guilt. The temperate man's pleasures are durable, because they are regular ; and all his life is calm and serene, because it is innocent.




Nothing is more opposite to the spirit of Christianity than bigotry. "This," as one observes, "arraigns, and condemns, and executes all that Christians mistake in supposing do not bow down and worship the that, when God afflicts, he ceases to image of its idolatary. Possessing love;-affliction is his pruning-knife: exclusive prerogative, it rejects every he would rather have the branches of other claim. How many of the dead his vine bleed than be unfruitful. He has it sentenced to eternal misery! prunes us, that we may bring forth How many living characters does it "the peaceable fruits of righteous-reprobate as enemies.




When I see leaves drop from the Mr. Dod, an eminent minister, being trees, in the beginning of autumn, solicited to play at cards, arose from just such, think I, is the friendship his seat, and uncovered his head. The of the world. Whilst the sap of main-company asked him what he was tenance lasts, my friends swarm in going to do. He replied, "To crave abundance; but in the winter of my need, they leave me naked. He is a happy man that hath a true friend at his need; but he is more truly happy that hath no need of his friend. Arthur Warwick.

God's blessing." They immediately exclaimed, "We never ask a blessing on such an occasion." "Then," said he, "I never engage in any thing but on what I can beg of God to give his blessing."



When a gentleman who had been It was a saying of Aristotle's, that accustomed to give away some thou- virtue is necessary to the young, to the sands, was supposed to be at the point aged comfortable, to the poor serviceof death, his presumptive heir in-able, to the rich an ornament, to the quired where his fortune was to be fortunate an honor, to the unfortunate found? To whom he answered, that a support; that she ennobles the slave, it was in the pockets of the indigent.


Of all the diversions of life, there

and exalts nobility itself.

To suppliant virtue nothing is deny'd,
For blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds;
And though a late, a sure reward succeeds.


is none so proper to fill up its empty SINGULAR APOLOGY OF THE spaces, as the reading of useful and entertaining authors; and, with that, the conversation of a well-chosen friend. A man of letters never knows the plague of idleness: when the company of his friends fails him, he finds a remedy in reading, or in composition.

REPAIRING FRIENDSHIP. There is a very original expression of Doctor Johnson's to this effect. Towards the close of his life, death having robbed him of many friends, he was solicitous to form new acquaintances, to keep, he said, friendship in repair.


Every man has a right to judge for himself, particularly in matters of religion; because every man must give an account of himself to God.John Wesley.


What influence has custom over dress, furniture, the arts, and even over moral sentiments? It requires, however, to be watched. It should never pervert our sentiments with regard to humanity and religion. To make custom an apology for what is unreasonable and irreligious, is making a bad use of it indeed.

While Frederic the Great, King of Prussia, was dying with the dropsy, as the disorder continued for a long time, he one day said to his successor, "I beg your pardon, nephew, for making you wait so long."


It is a fact which every candid Christian deplores, that every sect imposes a meaning on many texts, the very opposite of truth. The Shakers of America quote almost all the passages where the word "shake" occurs, to justify the practice which distinguishes them for example, Hagai, ii, 7, "I will shake all nations," is a prediction which, in their opinion, is fulfilled by them.


When the renowned Admiral Haddock was dying, he begged to see his son, to whom he thus delivered himself." Notwithstanding my rank in life, and public services for so many years, I shall leave you only a small fortune; but, my dear boy, it is honestly got, and will wear well: there are no seamen's wages or provisions in it; nor is there one single penny of dirty money."

ANGELS AND THEIR DOCTOR. used as a stationary or a locomotive Thomas Aquinas, styled "the power; it may be used on land or on water, and it may be placed perfectly angelical doctor," in his treatise on angels, investigates their substance, under human control. Its only disadorders, offices, natures, habits, &c. and vantage is its expensiveness. Steam his conclusions are as minute and is now used to spin the finest thread positive, as though he himself had and stoutest cable, to weave muslins been an experienced angel of the first and to hammer anchors, to propel the order. "Angels," says he, "were not largest vessels, to draw our carriages, before the world! Angels might have to saw and plane our boards; and, in been before the world! Angels were fact, to accomplish almost all the created by God.-They were created purposes which require either great immediately by him. They were or unremitted force. And though its created in Empyreal sky. They were introduction frequently throws large created in grace.-They were created masses of labourers out of employment in imperfect beatitude. They are the cheapness of its productions incorporeal compared to us, but stimulates increased consumption, and corporeal compared to God.-An angel in the end the demand for labour is is composed of action and potentiality. much increased. -Every angel differs from another angel in species.-The bodies assumed by angels, are of thick air.-Many Sir Thomas Abney was, it is well angels cannot be in the same space.- known, the steady friend of the The motion of an angel is the succession celebrated Dr. Watts, who found in of his different operations. The velocity his house an asylum for more than of the motion of an angel is not thirty-six years. This knight was according to the quantity of his not more distinguished by his hospistrength, but according to his will.tality than his piety. Neither business The motion of the illumination of an nor pleasure interrupted his observance angel is threefold, i. e. circular, straight of public and domestic worship. Of and oblique." &c. Scriblerus, by this a remarkable instance is recorded whom Aquinas's angels are repeated, Upon the evening of the day that improves on the original, by the he entered on his office of lord-mayor additional inquiries, "Whether angels of London, without any notice, he pass from one extreme to another withdrew from the public assembly without going through the middle. If at Guildhall after supper, went to his angels know things most clearly in a house, there performed worship, and morning. And how many angels can then returned to the company. dance on the point of a very fine needle without jostling one another."


FRIENDS OF MAN. Steam possesses many advantages over every other agent. It is capable of exerting any degree of force, from the least to the greatest: it may be



Meditation is the saints' perspective glass, by which they see, "things invisible." It is the golden ladder by which they ascend in holy imagination to heaven. It is the dove sent out, and which brings back the olive-branch of peace.


To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life. Many wants are suffered, which might have once been supplied, and much time is lost in regretting the time which has been lost before. He that waits for an opportunity to do much at once, may breathe out his life in idle wishes; and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions, and barren zeal. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. Men's behaviour should be like their apparel, not too straight, but free for exercise. Neglect no opportunity of doing good, nor check thy desire of doing it, by a vain fear of what may happen. "Opportunity is the cream of time.”


A good man is like the day, enlightening and warning all he shines on, and is always ascending upwards to a region of more constant purity. The bad man is like the night, dark, and scattering fears and unwholesome vapours upon all which rests beneath. -Feltham.

WONDERS OF NATURE. The comparative strength of the insect tribes has ever been a subject of wonder and admiration to the naturalist: The strength of these minute creatures is enormous. This muscular power in relation to their size far exceeds that of any other animal. The grasshopper will spring 200 times the length of its own body. The dragonfly, by its strength of wing, will sustain itself in the air for a long summer day with unabated speed. The house fly makes 600 strokes with its wings, which will carry it five feet in every second,

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They could never forget his earnest exhortations and prayers for them. Over many he rejoiced, others he mourned, but they all loved him, and now they were anxious to testify their esteem. The speaker was commissioned to present to their highly beloved pastor, in the name of the teachers and elder scholars of these schools, as a parting token of regard—a copy of Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament, 5 vols., and 2 vols. of Tract Society's Paragraph Annotated Bible, trusting

HINCKLEY: LEICESTERSHIRE. ON Christmas-day, the Fourth Annual Old Scholars' Tea Meeting was held in the school-room of the Independent Chapel, when about 130 sat down, enjoying the social treat. The Rev. T. Johnson, minister, was invited to the chair, when the presentation to several of the senior scholars, and young people who had become teachers during the past year, of copies of the Holy Bible, with references, took place. On lifting up the last book, the chairman remarked it was the last Bible he should present these books would be useful in his this side the mighty ocean. The chord studies in the distant land to which he of sympathy was touched in many a was so soon to depart; feeling certain heart, evincing he was respected and that when he placed them upon his beloved by the young and old around study table that his thoughts would him. A few other remarks passed, revert to their Christmas-day meeting, when the chairman called upon Mr. J. and to his Hinckley home. When he Lord to address the meeting, from saw inscribed on the first leaf of the whose statements it appeared that the Gnomon the names of those who had schools were in a more flourishing con- thus testified their regard, his oftdition than at any former period-the repeated prayer would rise to heaven number on the books being larger, and on their behalf. Another duty the the attendance better, than in past speaker had to perform was to present years. He trusted that the two great to the beloved wife of their dear pastor wants felt by the teachers-more help a token of esteem for the valuable in-and more room-would be supplied. structions she has given to the young The present school-room was far too people who had been accustomed to small to admit of comfortable accom- meet her by her own fire side, who modation for 335 scholars. The chair- could never forget the lessons there man then called upon Mr. W. J. Simp- imparted; he felt sure that when she son, who remarked that it was the last placed this work-box on the table in time they should meet their beloved her new home, and her eyes glanced pastor on such an occasion as the pre-over the inscription on its lid, she too sent. Before another Christmas-day would remember those who in this the mighty deep would roll its waves small gift desired to testify their esbetween them, for their pastor was teem. about to leave for the far off land of Mr. JOHNSON, in rising to reply, said Australia, his future home. His minis- he often felt when about to speak from trations were highly valued by them, the pulpit that if he got through the and he rejoiced that his labours were text, it would be the most he could do, not in vain during the five years' resi- but he never felt the difficulty to exdence of the rev. gentleman in Hinck- press his feelings truly so great as ley; but he trusted that his success in The gifts he should highly value, that distant country would be a thou- and never part with them so long as sand-fold greater than it had been here. life lasted. Every Christmas-day they


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