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the school, to what they had when they first came; and the parents, upon visiting them, one may perceive a very considerable improvement in their domestic circumstances. When first called upon, the parents appeared to consider that they were obliging us, by sending their children; after the children had been at the school, probably a month or two, we have had the thanks of the parents for instructing them; they have considerably more parental obedience to what they were accustomed to receive from the children; and if the parents are poor, greater willingness on the part of the children to assist in the support of the family, if they require their assistance. Previous to the children attending the school, one might understand, from the acknowledgment of the parents, that they (the parents) would occupy the Sabbath at work; washing, for instance, on the part of the mother, and the occupation of the father continued likewise; but from the books which the children have carried home from the school, and the information they have given their parents from the instruction and exhortations they have heard, have been, in a number of cases that I could mention, induced to regard the Sabbath themselves by attending a place of worship.

Have you reason to believe that moral principles are fixed in the minds of the children, by the instruction they receive at the school?-Yes; we never discovered in our school one of the children that had been there ever committing any act of delinquency. The number of children in our school is 560. Do you limit the time which children shall remain in the school?-No.

Are there any advantages which the children receive by continuing in the school, beyond those of merely learning to read?-No particular advantages, except presents at times for their good behaviour.

Do they improve in behaviour?-Yes, they do.

You conceive an increased number of Sunday schools throughout the Metropolis would benefit the lower classes of Society?-Materially so, because a number of the children of the very poor are occupied in the week by obtaining a portion of their livelihood, which will preclude their attendance at National schools. In one case I know a blind man, and the wife who is so infirm from affliction, that they are both dependent upon three small children for their support, the eldest of which is not twelve years of age.

How do they obtain it?-They obtain it by selling various articles in the street.

Do those children come to your school?-They do.

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How long does it require to teach a child to read in a Sunday school?-A great deal depends upon the abilities of the child to receive instruction.

What is about the average?-We have had children leave the school at the end of nine months, who, when they entered, did not more than know the alphabet, and, when they left, could read in the Bible.

You would not state that as the average length of time?I should consider twelve months sufficient.

With the education he would receive at the Sunday school alone; or do you include the additional instruction he would receive at home?-Those cases I have mentioned have not been in the habit of receiving any instruction at home.

The children are only taught to read in the Sunday school? Yes.

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Do the children not learn to write?—They do.

On a Sunday?-No.

When do they learn to write?-On Monday evening.
Any other evening?-No other.

Do you teach them arithmetic?-Yes, on the Monday evening.

Do you find the parents of poor children very desirous that their children should be instructed?-Where the parents could read themselves, but not otherwise, unless they conceive they shall be receiving some pecuniary aid by allowing their children to come.

Are you aware of any particular impediments which prevent poor children from receiving instruction ?-Where the parents are poor, the impediment arises from the want of suitable clothing to attend it.

After children have been in your school for any length of time, have you found that their dress has been improved, and their general appearance?-Yes, because the conduct of the parents have been improved in proportion to the conduct of their children.

Is your school in connexion with the National Society ?— No, it is not.

Do you know the average annual expense?-Seventy pounds.

Does that include rent?-We have no rent to pay.

What are the expenses?-The expense is for books, fire, candle, and door-keepers.

Do you give any rewards to the children for good behaviour?-Yes, and for attending in time.

What rewards do you give?-We give them small tickets, a certain number of which purchase books, according to

their wishes; they have an opportunity of making a selection; but we always place into their hands, for their first reward, a Testament.

What is the nominal value of the tickets?-Twelve tickets are valued at three halfpence.

Have you any circulating library attached to your school?— We have.

What entitles a child to the benefit of the circulating library?—A recommendation, from a teacher, for good be haviour.

Do they take those books home with them ?-They do.

Have you any reason to believe they read the books from the circulating library on an evening to their parents?-We have known in each case, from recent examination, that they do.

Are the parents pleased to hear their children read to them of an evening?-Particularly.

Have you any reason to believe that the children, reading the library books, prevent the father spending the evening at a public-house?—I know one family, where a girl took home a tract that has been written by the Reverend Legh Richmond, called "The Dairyman's Daughter;" the father, who was in the practice of spending the whole of his Sunday at a public-house, overheard the girl reading this tract to her mother, and said that he thought he would go to the chapel; an opportunity occured for him to carry the younger child to meet his daughter coming from school, and through the little girl's entreaty he attended the chapel; and since that time he has been in the habit of attending a place of worship instead of the public-house.

Have you reason to believe his moral habits are much improved? Yes; he is a weaver by trade, but the want of employ has reduced the family to great distress; but the distress is not more, not for the mother and the children, than they were in the habit of enduring from his improper conduct when in work.

Do the children consider it as a great reward to be admitted to the benefits of the circulating library?—Those children who have an opportunity of reading; but most of the children having to work on the other days, have little time for reading, except on the Sunday.

Do you find, in general, the children are fond of books?Yes, when they have learnt to read with readiness.

Do children in your schools commit portions of Scripture to memory?-They do, and are rewarded for it. Is that the practice of the school?It is.

Is there any annual examination of the children ?—Yes, the first Sabbath in April.

And the improvement noted down?-Yes; each teacher is in the habit of putting down every Sabbath what the child learns, to prevent the child repeating the lesson a second time, and being able at any period to discover what that child has learnt while in the school.

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Have you made any calculation of the annual expense of each child?-I have not.

But the whole of your expenses do not exceed 70l. per annum? They do not, for 500 children. We receive 500 nearly, in the course of the year: upon the average, we have admitted twelve children every Sabbath for the last three months. As a proof of the willingness of the poor to learn, we have no trouble now to go round to get children into the school; they come with their parents.

Do you make a point of examining the children with respect to cleanliness? We do; and consider it the duty of the teacher to impress upon the minds of their parents, when visiting, that we require them to come in a cleanly condition; that is the only provision we make; we regard not their dress, if they are cleanly.

How many teachers have you in the school?-About twenty, male and female.

Do they attend twice a day?-Three times each teacher.. How many children are attached to one teacher?—In the Bible and Testament classes about eighteen to each teacher, sometimes twenty; in the lower classes, thirty or forty; they are taught, by lessons hung against the wall, in distinct classes. Have you any monitors to assist the teachers?-Only in the lower classes.

The monitors are selected from the senior children?Yes, and those who are most sedate in their conduct.

Are you of opinion that the extension of Sunday schools throughout the Metropolis would greatly benefit the lower classes of society?—Yes, judging from the manifest improvement in the vicinity of our schools, among the families of the very poorest who attend.



WE have been favored by a Correspondent, with the following Rules for the internal management of a Sunday school; we think them in general very excellent; but as different

plans are adopted in different schools, we shall be obliged to any of our readers who will point out any improvement which they may have made, or any plans which they may deem more useful than these now presented to their notice.

The following RULES are for the INTERNAL MANAGEMENT of SUNDAY SCHOOLS, they may be had of Mr. J. C. Kelly, 32. Houndsditch, London, printed on a large sheet, for the purpose of being pasted on board, and hung up in the SchoolRooms. The blank spaces are left to be filled up according to the time allotted for teaching. The great utility af these Rules consists in their reducing the mode and order of Teaching to a regular system, so that all the Teachers in the School easily act upon one uniform plan.

Time of Attendance.

THE School is to begin at


o'clock in the

o'clock in the afternoon, and o'clock in the evening; could however, any of the scholars be collected together sooner, the time to be spent in learning to sing; to encourage which, the teachers are requested to attend as early a spossible.

Class Books.

The teacher of each class should be provided with a clåssbook, so ruled as to have columns of squares adapted for each Sunday morning and afternoon. In the first place the attendance for the whole quarter is to be taken. A second place to be appropriated for recording the stations of the scholars when they leave off reading. A third place for the stations in spelling. A fourth place to shew the progress in catechisms for the whole quarter. Some pages may be allowed to enter (if the teachers wish to do it) whatever else the scholars may learn, such as Hymns, Scripture, &c. The names of the scholars to be entered in the various places of the class-books by the secretary, or by each teacher.


Reading and Spelling.

All the scholars of the same class or division, are to learn the same lessons in reading and spelling, and are to be heard 'collectively: that is, the whole class or division is to be exercised in reading or spelling at the same time; and while thus exercising, if any scholar repeat a word wrong, the next in rotation, that can correct the mistake, is to take such scholar down.

The scholars in the Bible and Testament classes, are to read each one verse at a time, and in the other classes, each to a full stop; and when they have read once round, the teachers are to ask any questions they may think proper, which belong to the subject they have been reading about. They are then to read again, and be questioned as before.

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