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boat and oars, said to have been left in the care of John Henderson, Esq., and two spy-glasses in the possession of the city register.

In the charges for "carpenters, bricklayers, materials," &c., is included a considerable sum, say about $1,250, for reconstruction of the bridge at Canton. Considerable quantities of bricks and lumber are also included, mostly used in the crection or repair of a “powder-house," of the locality of which your Committee are not informed. Wherever situated, if not retained in use, the second-hand materials may be of some value to the city.

The payments for "rations," "pay-rolls," "horse and hack hire," "hauling," "armories," "advertising," &c., amounting in the aggregate to $23,106 35, represent so much outlay, from which the city reaps no tangible return.

The amounts of $8,518 19 for "workmen on parks," and $2,000 for "indigent widows, sewing-women," &c., were withdrawn from the fund by special resolutions of the council and expended for the benevolent purposes designated. The charge for "interest," is a necessary result of the loan, authorized by the ordinance of April 20th, 1861.

The remaining item is the "cash in bank" and this
brings your committee to the third and last clause of the
duties assigned them, viz: "to decide what disposition
shall be made of the remaining funds now in the City
On this point your committee are unanimonsly of the
opinion that the balance should be returned, pro rata, to

the several banks from which the whole amount was bor-
rowed, thus canceling so much of the city's indebtedness,
and stopping the payment or accumulation of interest.
In accordance with which statements and views, your
committee respectfully recommend the adoption of the fol-
lowing resolutions :

First Branch.


Second Branch.

Resolved, By both Branches of the City Council of Balti. timore, that the papers and vouchers relating to expendi tures under Ordinance No. 22, approved April 20th, 1861, be restored to the custody of the City Register.

Resolved furthermore, That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized and requested to have collected, at the carliest possible moment, the arms and military materials belonging to the city, in the custody of the U.S. Marshal, or else where, and, reserving such as, in his judgment, may be necessary for public use, to dispose of the balance, and place the proceeds in the City Treasury. Resolved, By the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, that the Register be and he is hereby authorized and directed to repay, pro rata, to the several banks, the balance remaining on baud from the sum borrowed of them, under authority of ordinance No. 22, approved April 20th, 1861, "to appropriate $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the defence of the city against any danger that may arise out of the present crisis."

These resolutions passed both branches.


The Legislature of Maryland passed the bill, reported by Mr. Wallis from the Special Committee consisting of the Baltimore city delegation, "to ratify an ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore appropriating $500,000 for the use of the city."

April 27, 1861, (the second day of the session,) this bill. under a suspension of the rules, passed the House of Delegates- yeas 58, nay 1, as follows:

rence Sangston, Joshua Wilson, William F. Bayless, Rich-
ard M'Coy, James Coudy, Martin Eakle, John C. Brining,
Howard Griffith, Josiah H. Gordon, W. R. Barnard, David
Roop of A., John W. Gorsuch, Bernard Mills, William Tur-
NAYS-Mr. William T. Lawson-1.

Same day, the bill passed the Senate-yeas 16, nays none, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. John B. Brooke, Thomas J. M'Kaig, John E. Smith, Coleman Yellott, John S. Watkins, Teagle Towns end, Stephen J. Bradley, James F. Dashiell, HI, H. Goldsborough, Charles F. Goldsborough, Daniel C. Blackistone, Franklin Whitaker, Tilghman Nuttle, Anthony Kimmel, Oscar Miles, Washington Duvall-16.

[blocks in formation]

May 4-Mr. Pitts, from Special Committee, reported a bill, entitled an act to relieve the Mayor and Board of Police of the city of Baltimore, and all persons who acted under the orders of the Mayor or of the Board of Police of Baltimore city, in their efforts to maintain peace and good order and prevent further strife, on and after the occurrences of the 19th April, 1861, in said city from prosecution in consequence of their acts of obedience to said order."

Pending the bill-

which were adopted:
May 5-Mr. Pitts offered these amendments;

in this State, shall be entitled to charge or receive any com-
That no prosecuting attorney nor any officer in any court
pensation or cost in any prosecution which has been or may
be instituted against any person for whose relief the act is


[blocks in formation]

YEAS-Messrs. Kilbourn, Sp'r, Durant, Morgan, Rasin, YEAS-Messrs. E. G. Kilbourn, Speaker, Clarke J. Durant, Medders, Briscoe, Parran, Burgess, Ford, Denison, Renshaw, George II. Morgan, Philip F. Rasin, Albert Medders, James Chaplain, Long, Lawson, Maxwell, Wotten, Landing, DenT. Briscoe, Benjamin Parran, Bernard Compton, F. B. F. nis of Wor., Routzahn, Johnson, Naill, Straughn, GoldsBurgess, Thos. C. Worthington, Robt. M. Denison, Leonard borough, Warfield, Brune, Winaus, Pitts, Harrison, ThomJ. Quinlan, T. W. Renshaw, J. Laurence Jones, Alex. Chap-as, Wallis, Sangston, Morfit, Scott, Wilson of Har., Bayless, lain, James U. Dennis, Edward Long, John R. Keene, Wm. Coudy, Eakle, Brining, Stake, Barnard, Roop, Mills, Brown, Holland, John R. Brown, James W. Maxwell, E. P. Bryan, 43. Richard Wooten, Ethan A. Jones, Wm. H. Legg, William L. Starkey, Curtis W. Jacobs, George W. Landing, Stephen P. Dennis, Andrew Kessler, jr., Thomas J. Claggett, John A. Johnson, William E. Salmon, Henry Straughn, G. W. Goldsborough, John C. Brune, Henry M. Warfield, Charles June 20-Mr. MILLS, from the Military ComH. Pitts, William G. Harrison, J. Hanson Thomas, S. Teakle Wallis, T. Parkin Scott, Ross Winans, H. M. Morfit, Lau-mittee, reported a bill entitled an act to repeal

May 8-Under the suspension of the rules, the bill passed-yeas 17, nays 2, (Kimmel and Stone.)

sections 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, and 112, of article LXIII, of the Code of Public General Laws, and sections 741, 742, 745, of article IV, of the Code of Local Laws of this State, in relation to the uniformed and ununiformed militia and v lunteer force in the several counties of this State, and in the city of Baltimore and the reclamation, custody, control, and redelivery of arms heretofore delivered to the officers and men under them; and to add to the said article LXV of the Code of Public General Laws a section providing for the prevention and suspension of proceedings upon bonds heretofore given under the laws of this State for the return of such arms; which was agreed to-yeas 40; nays 12.

The nays were Messrs. Medders, Keene, McIntire, Routzahn, Naill, Wilson, M'Coy, Fiery, Stake, McCleary, Roop, Gorsuch-12.


being for purposes which, in the opinion of this Legislature, Assembly of the State, in the name of her people, does a. in flagrant violation of the Constitution, the General hereby protest against the same, against the arbitrary restrictions and illegalities with which it is attended, calling upon all good citizens at the same time, in the most earnest and authoritative manner, to abstain from all violent and unlawful interference of every sort, with the troops in transit through our territory or quartered among us, and patiently and peacefully to leave to time and reason the

ultimate and certain re-establishment and vindication of the right.

5. That under existing circumstances it is inexpedient to call a Sovereign Convention of the State at this time, or to take any measures for the immediate organization for arm ing of the militia.


6. That when the Legislature adjourn, it adjourn to meet
, on the day of

The report was accepted, and 10,000 copies ordered to be printed-yeas 50, noys 11

May 10-They were consid red, and Mr. McCleary moved these as a substitute:

Whereas, it is right and proper, that the Gen ral Assembly of Maryland should give such expression of opinion as will call forth the united voice of the whole people of Mary

June 22-The bill passed-yeas 12, nays laud in the present emergency; and the border States, with




May 9-Mr. WALLIS, from the Committee on Federal Relations, reported these resolutions : Whereas, in the judgment of the General Assembly of Maryland, the war now waged by the Government of the United States upon the people of the Confederate States is nnconstitutional in its origin, purposes and conduct; repugnant to civilization and sound policy; subversive of the free principles upon which the Federal Union was founded, and certain to result in the hopeless and bloody overthrow of our existing institutions; and whereas, the people of Maryland, while recognizing the obligations of their State, as a member of the Union, to submit in good faith to the exercise of all the legal and constitutional powers of the General Government, and join as one man in fighting its authorized battles, do reverence nevertheless, the great American principle of self-government and sympathize deeply with their Southern brethren in the noble and manly determination to uphold and defend the same; and whereas not merely on their own account, turn away from their own soil the calamities of civil war, but for the blessed sake of humanity, and to arrest the wanton shedding of fraternal blood, in a miserable contest which can bring nothing with it but sorrow, shame, and desolation, the people of Maryland are enlisted with their whole hearts, upon the side of reconciliation and peace; Now therefore, it is hereby

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the State of Maryland owes it to her own self-respect and her respect for the Constitution, not less than to her deepest and most honorable sympathies, to register this, her solemn protest, against the war which the Federal Government has declared upon the Confederate States of the South, and our sister and neighbor Virginia, and to announce her resolute determination to have no part or iot, directly or indirectly, in its prosecution.

2. That the State of Maryland earnestly and anxiously desires the restoration of peace between the belligerent sections of the country; and the President, authorities and people of the Confederate States having over and over officially and unofficially, declared, that they seek only peace and self-defence and to be let alone, and that they are willing to throw down the sword, the instant the sword now drawn against them shall be sheathed, the Senators and Delegates of Maryland do fervently beseech and implore the President of the United States, to accept the olive branch which is thus held out to him, and in the name of God and of humanity, to cease this unholy and most wretched and unprofitable strife, at least until the assembling of the Congress at Washington shall have given time for the prevalence of cooler and better counsels.

3. That the State of Maryland desires the peaceful and immediate recognition of the independence of the Confederate States, and hereby gives her cordial consent thereunto as a member of the Union-entertaining the profound conviction that the willing return of the Southern people to their former federal relations is a thing beyond hope, and that the attempt to coerce them will only add slaughter and hate to impossibility.

4. That the present military occupation of Maryland,

the exception of Maryland, have already, through their legislatures or conventions, defined their positions and course of action: Therefore be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, The pressent position of Maryland in the Union, is that of strict cutrality, and will remain unchanged so long as Washington continues the seat of Government: Provided, the United States affords ample protection to slaves and other property. Resolved, That when the seat of the United States Government ceases to be at Washington, and a division of the country takes place, the people shall have the free right and choice of deciding which section they will be attached to, by a free expression and decision of the popular will at the ballot-box.

Which were rejected-yeas 13, nays 43, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Medders, Lawson, Keene, Miller, Jonathan Routzahn, Salmon, Naill, Joshua Wilson of Har'd, Bayless, McCoy, Stake, Lavid W. McCleary, Gor uch—13. NAYS-Messrs. Kilbourn, Sp'r., Morgan, Rasin, Briscoe, Compton, Ford, Jacobs, Landing, Dennis of Wor'r, Kessler, Claggett, Johnson, Sangston, Morfit, Scott, Coudy, Eakle, Brining, Denison, Quinlan, Renshaw, Chaplain, Holland, Bryan, Jones of P. G's, Legg, Starkey, Goldsborough, Warfield, Brune, Winans, Pitts, Harrison, Thomas, Wallis, Fiery, Griffith, Harding, Gordon, Barnard, Mills, Turner, Brown-43.

The blank in the resolutions reported, was then filled by "Frederick," and "Tuesday, the 4th day of June, at one o'clock, p. m."

And the resolutions were then adopted-yeas 45, nays 12, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Kilbourn, Speaker, Morgan, Rasin, Briscoe, Compton, Ford, Worthington, Denison, Quinlan, Renshaw, Jones of Talbot, Chaplain, Holland, Bryan, Wootten, Legg, Jones of Prince Georges, Starkey, Jacobs, Landing, Dennis of Worcester, Kessler, Johnson, Salmon, Goldsborough, Warfield, Brune, Winans, Pitts, Harrison, Thomas, Wallis, Sangston, Morfit, Scott, Coudy, Eakle, Brining, Griffith, Harding, Gordon, Barnard, Mills, Turner, Brown-45.

NAYS-Messrs. Medders, Lawson, Keene, Routzahn, Nail, Wilson of Harford, Bayless, McCoy, Fiery, Stake, McCleary, Gorsuch-12.


May 14-The committee recommended certain amendments; when these votes were taken : The first resolution was adopted-yeas 11, nays 3, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. John B. Brooke, President, Wash. Duvall, Thos. Franklin, J. F. Gardiner, John J. Heckart, Andrew A. Lynch, Thomas J. McKaig, Teagle Townsend, John S. Watkins, Franklin Whitaker, Coleman Yellott-11.

NAYS-Messrs. H. H. Goldsborough, Anthony Kimmel, John G. Stone-3.

The second resolution was adopted-yeas 14, (being all the above-named.)

The fifth resolution received all the above votes, and the third and fourth passed-yeas 11, nays 3, as the first.

The amendment of the committee, substitut- | borough of Dorchester, Kimmel, Miles, Nuttle, Smith, Stone ing the following for the sixth :

That a committee be appointed to consist of four members of the Senate and four members of the House of Delegates, four of which committee, (to be selected of themselves,) shall as early as possible, wait on the President of the United States at Washington, and the other four of said committee shall wait on the President of the Southern Confederacy, for the purpose of laying the foregoing resolutions before them, and that said committee be and is nereby especially instructed to obtain, if possible, a general cessation of hostilities, now impending, until the meeting of Congress in July next, in order that said body may, if possible, arrange for an adjustment of existing troubles by means of negotiation, rather than the sword.

Resolved. That said committee consist of Messrs. Brooke, Yellott, McKaig, and Lynch, of the Senate, and Messrs. and, of the House of Delegates.

Resolved, That said committee be requested to report, if practicable, to the General Assembly, on the 5th day of

June next.

Passed-yeas 11, nays 3, as before; and the resolutions, as amended, were then adopted by the same vote.

May 14 The House filled the blanks with the names of Harding, Morgan, Compton, and Goldsborough, and passed the resolution-yeas 24, nays 18, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Kilbourn, (Speaker,) Morgan, Ford, Quinlan, Renshaw, Jones of Talbot, Chaplain, Jones of P. G., Starkey, Kessler, Straughn, Goldsborough, Warfield, Brune, Winans, Pitts, Harrison, Thomas, Wallis, Sangston, Scott, Griffith, Harding, Turner-24.

NAYS-Messrs. Welch, Worthington, Denison, Keene, Holland, Maxwell, Landing, Claggett, Routzahn, Johnson, Salmon, Morfit, Fiery, Barnard, McCleary, Roop, Mills,




Mr. Goldsborough of Talbot moved to amend so as to give the power of appointment of the commissioners provided for to the Governor, one from each of the gubernatorial districts; rejected-yeas 6, nays 12.


A motion to recommnit was lost-yeas 10, nays

Motions to adjourn, recommit, change the names of the commissioners, were made and lost.

May 3-Mr. Goldsborough of Talbot moved to give the people, on the 13th of June, the election of three commissioners, one from each gubernatorial district, which was lost-yeas 8, nays 13, as follows:


YEAS-Messrs. Bradley, Grahame, Goldsborough of Talbot, Goldsborough of Dorchester, Kimmel, Nuttle, Smith, Stone NAYS-Messrs. Brooke, President; Blackistone, Duvall, Dashiell, Franklin, Gardiner, Heckart, Lynch, Miles, Townsend, Watkins, Whitaker, Yellott-13.

A like motion, for six commissioners, was lost-yeas 8, nays 12.

On the section respecting disbursements of money, Mr. Goldsborough of Talbot moved this proviso:

Provided, That the same shall not extend to the exercise of any powers for the disbursement of any moneys that may be hereafter appropriated for the arming of the military forces of this State and for the formation of any alliance offensive or defensive, with any other State in this Confederacy.

Which was rejected-yeas 8, nays 12, as fol

June 10-The House passed resolutions pre-lows: viously offered by Mr. Chaplain, after having amended them to read as follows:

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Representatives of the State of Maryland in the Congress of the United States at the approaching extra session of that legislative body be, and they are hereby, earnestly desired and requested to urge and vote for an immediate recognition of the independence of the government of the Confederate States of America.

Resolved, That the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the President of the Senate, together, forward to Hon. James Alfred Pearce and Hon. Anthony Kennedy, the Representatives of the sovereign State of Maryland in the Senate of the United States, a copy of the report of the Committee on Federal Relations and the accompanying resolutions, together with these resolutions.

Yeas 31, nays 22, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Kilbourn, Speaker, Durant, Morgan, Rasin, Welch, Briscoe, Parran, Compton, Jones of Talbot, Chaplain, Holland, Maxwell, Bryan, Wootten, Legg, Starkey, Landing, Kessler, Goldsborough, Warfield, Brune, Winans, Harrison, Thomas, Wallis, Sangston, Morfit, Scott, Griffith, Gordon, Mills-31.

NAYS-Messrs. Medders, Ford, Denison, Quinlan, Renshaw, Dennis of Somerset, Stanford, Lawson, McIntire, MilJer, Routzahn, Johnson, Salmon. Naill, Straughn, Wilson, Bayless, McCoy, Fiery, Brining, McCleary, Gorsuch-32.


June 22--The Senate passed these resolutions -yeas 9, nays 3, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Brooke, President, Blakistone, Dashiell, Franklin, Gardiner, McKaig, Townsend, Watkins, Whita


NAYS-Messrs. Duvall, Heckart, Lynch-3.



YEAS-Messrs. Bradley, Grahame, Goldsborough of Talbot Kimmel, Miles, Nuttle, Smith, Stone-8.

NAYS-Messrs. Brooke, President; Blackistone, Duvall, Dashiell, Franklin, Gardiner, Heckart, Lynch, Townsend, Watkins, Whitaker, Yellott-12.

Mr. STONE offered an additional section:

That no member of the board shall act as such, until he has taken the same oath as is now administered to the members of the Legislature.

Which was rejected-yeas 7, nays 12, as follows:

YEAS-Messrs. Bradley, Grahame, Goldsborough of Talbot, Kimmel, Yuttle, Smith, Stone-7.

NAYS-Messrs. Brooke, President; Blackistone, Duvall, Dashiell, Franklin, Gardiner, Heckart, Lynch, Townsend, Watkins, Whitaker, Yellott-12.

At this stage, and after a most obstinate contest, the bill was abandoned by its friends, and Maryland was spared a bloody baptism.

Votes on Secession Ordinances* in South Carolina, Florida, and Arkansas.

In South Carolina, it passed unanimously: YEAS-Messrs. James II. Adams, Robert T. Allison, David C. Appleby, Samuel Taylor Atkinson, Lewis Malone Ayer, Jr., R. W. Barnwell, A. I. Barron, Donald Rowe Barton, Thomas W. Beaty, A. W Bethea, E. St. P. Bellinger, Simp son Bobo, Peter P. Bonneau, J. J. Brabham, Alexander H. Brown, C. P. Brown, Juo. Buchanan, A. W. Burnett, William Cain, John Alfred Calhoun, Joseph Caldwell, W. II. Campbell, Meyrick E. Caru, James 11. Carlisle, James Parsons Carroll, II. I. Caughman, W. C. Canthen, Elgar W Charles, James Chesnut, Jr, Langdon Cheves, Ephraim M Clark, H. W. Conner, R. L. Crawford, William Curtis, A.

May 2-It was taken up-yeas 14, nays 8, as T. Darby, Julius A. Dargan, R. J. Davant, Ileury Campbell


YEAS-Messrs. Brooke, President: Blackistone, Duvall, Dashiell, Franklin, Grahame, Gardiner, Heckart, Lynch, McKaig, Townsend, Watkins, Whitaker, Yellott-14.

Davis, W. F. DeSaussure, Richard De Treville, Anthony W.
Dozier, Perry E. Duncan, Benjamin Fanueil Duakin, A Q
Dunovant, R. G. M. Dunovant, Daniel DuPre, W. K. Easley,
For Vote on Virginia Ordinance, see note, page 7; and

NAYS-Messrs. Bradley, Goldsborough of Talbot, Golds- on Tennessee League, note, page 5.

William J. Ellis, Thomas Reese English, Sr., Chesley D.
Evans, Simeon Fair, W. Peronneau Finley, Daniel Flud, Alex-
ander M. Forster, B B. Foster, John E. Frampton, James C.
Furman, Jas. M. Gadberry, H. W. Garlington, John C. Geiger,
Wm. H. Gist, Thos Worth Glover, E. W. Goodwin, Robert
N. Gourdin, T. L. Gourdin, H. D. Green, Maxcy Gregg, Wil-
liam Gregg, William S. Grisham, Andrew J. Hammond,
Thomas M. Hanckel, William W. Harlee, James Harrison,
Isaac W. Hayne, E. R. Henderson, John H. Honour, Wil-
liam Hopkins, William Hunter, W. Ferguson Hutson, John
A Inglis, John J. Ingram, Stephen Jackson, James Jeff-
eries, John Jenkins, Joseph E. Jenkins, William D. John-
son, Lawrence M. Keitt, Joseph Brevard Kershaw, Bonja-
min F. Kilgore, John P. Kinnard, John H. Kinsler, John
G. Landrum, Benjamin W. Lawton, Andrew F. Lewis, R. C.
Logan, William Strother Lyles, Edward McCrady, Henry
McIver, John McKee, Alexander McLeod, A. G. Magrath,
Gabriel Manigault, John L. Manning, Benjamin Franklin
Mauldin, John Maxwell, Alexander Mazyck, John Hugh
Means, C. G. Memminger, John Izard Middleton, William
Middleton, William Porcher Miles, Thomas W. Moore, Rob-
ert Moorman, Matthew P. Moyes, Edward Noble, John N.
Nowell, John S. O'Hear, James L. Orr, John S. Palmer,
Francis S. Parker, Thomas Chiles Perrin, Joseph Daniel
Pope, Francis J. Porcher, John G. Pressley, Paul Quat-
tlebaum, Samuel Rainey, J. P. Reed, R. Barnwell Rhett,
George Rhodes, F. D. Richardson, John P. Richardson, D.
P. Robinson, W. B. Rowell, B. H. Rutledge, Elias B. Scott,
E. M. Seabrook, George W. Seabrook, Benj. E. Sessions, Jno.
M. Shingler, W. Pinkney Shingler, Thos Y. Simons, R. F.
Simpson, J. S. Sims, Jas. C. Smiley, John Julius Pringle
Smith, P. G. Snowden, Albertus Chambers Spain, L. W.
Spratt, A. Baxter Springs, Peter Stokes, Robert A. Thomp-
son, Thomas Thomson, John M. Timmons, James Tompkins,
John Townsend, Theodore D. Wagner, John J. Wannama-
ker, David Lewis Wardlaw, Francis Hugh Wardlaw, W. D.
Watts, Thomas Weir, J. N. Whitner, John D. Williams,
Isaac D. Wilson, J. H. Wilson, William Blackburn Wilson,
T. J. Withers, Richard Woods, Henry C. Young, David F.
Jamison, President-170.

In Florida, this was the vote:

YEAS-Mr. President, Judge John C. McGehee, Messrs. Alderman, Allison, Anderson, Baker of Calhoun, Barrington, Beard, Bethel, Chanler, Collier, Coon, Cooper, Daniel, Davis, Dawkins, Devall, Dilworth, Finegan, Folsom, Gary, Gettis, Glazier, Golden, Helvenston, Henry, Hunter, Irwin, Kirksey, Ladd, Lamar, Lamb, Lea of Madison, Leigh of Sumter, Lewis, Love, McGahagin, McLean, McIntosh, McNealy, Mays, Morton, Newmans, Nicholson, Owens, Palmer, Parkhill, Pelot, Pinckney, Sanderson, Saxon, Sever, Spencer, Simpson, Solana, Stephens, Thomas, Tift, Turman, Ward, Wright of Escambia, Wright of Columbia, Yates NAYS-Messrs. Baker of Jackson, Gregory, Hendricks, McCaskill, Morrison, Rutland, Woodruff-7.


[ocr errors]

larhide, Philip H. Echols, H. Flanagin, William W. Floyd,
Urban E. Fort, Robert T. Fuller, R. K. Garland, A. H. Gar-
land, Josiah Gould, W. P. Grace, Thomas B. Hanly, Marcus
L. Hawkins, Benjamin F. Hawkins, L. D. Hill, Isaac Hil-
liard, Burr H. Hobbs, A. W. Hobson, J. F. Johnson, M. Shelby
Kennard, Felix R. Lanier, G. W. Lai ghinghouse, W. W.
Mansfield, William M. Mayo, J. Henry Patterson, Archibald
Ray, J. A. Rhodes, Samuel Robinson, J. N. Shelton, W. F.
Slemons, J. M. Smith, George P. Smoote, W. H. Spivey, J.
Stillwell, William Stout, William V. Tatum, James L.
Totten, Benjamin C. Totten, E. T. Wa'ke, I. C. Wallace,
W. W. Watkins, James Yell-55.

NAYS-H. H. Bolinger, John Campbell F. W. Desha, A.
Griffith, T. M. Gunter, Samuel Kelley, I. Murphy, John P.
W. Dinsmore, Isaiah Dodson, W. M. Fishback, Samuel L.
A. Parks, S. J. Stallings, Hugh F. Thomason, Jesse Turner,
David Walker, President-15.

The Ordinance of Secession then passed-yeas 65, nays 5, as follows:

Austin, Baber, Batson, Bradley, Bush, Bussey, Carrigan,
YEAS-Messrs. Alexander Adams, Charles W. Adams,
Clingman, Crenshaw, Cryer, Cypert, Cochran, Desha, Dins-
Fort, Fuller, R. K. Garland, A. H. Garland, Gould, Grace,
more, Dodson, Dollarhide, Echols, Fishback, Flanagin, Floyd,
Griffith, Hanly, Marcus L. Hawkins, Benjamin F. Hawkins,
Hill, Hilliard, Hobbs, Hobson, Johnson, Kennard. Lanier,
Laughinghouse, Mansfield, Mayo, Parks, J. Henry Patter-
son, Ray, Rhodes, Robinson, Shelton, Slemons, Smith,
Smoote, Spivey, Stallings, Stillwell, Stout, Tatum, Thoma-
son, James L. Totten, Benjamin C. Totten, Turner, E. T.
Walker, Wallace, Watkins, Yell, and David Walker, Presi
NAYS-Messrs. Bolinger, Campbell, Gunter, Kelley, Mur-

On the President urging unanimity, Messrs.
Bolinger and Campbell changed their votes to
aye, with the explanation "that they voted
against the ordinance as pledged to the people,
but to secure unanimity changed, at the same
time denying the right of secession;" Messrs.
Kelley and Gunter changed to aye, with the
explanation that they "were in favor of revo-
lution, but ignored the right of secession.
Mr. Fishback explained his vote.
the yeas were 69, nay 1-Mr. Isaac Murphy,
As declared,
now Governor of the free State, who also
refused to sign the ordinance after its passage.
The names of H. Jackson, Joseph Jester, and
H. W. Williams are not appended, though they
are among the yeas. Craighead county was not
represented. J. H. Stirman was permitted to

affix his name, May 14.


In Arkansas, the Convention adjourned March 21st, until the 19th of August, 1861, (see page 4,) but its President, David Walker, as author-vention, with John P. Jones as assistant. Elias C. Boudinot was Secretary of the Conized in an exigency in his opinion requiring it, jamin F. Arthur was clerk of the South Caroon the 20th of April issued a Proclamation con- lina Convention, and Albert R. Lamar secretary vening it on the 6th of May-the reason given being that "preparations are being made for a of the Georgia. war between the citizens of the free and the slave States."

1861, May 6-The question being on an ordinance of secession, Mr. A. W. Dinsmore offered this amendment:

And that the above ordinance be submitted to the citizens of the State of Arkansas, for their acceptance or rejection, by a writ of election, issued by the president of this Convention, to be held on the 1st Monday of June next.

On motion of J. Henry Patterson, this amendment was tabled-yeas 55, nays 15, as follows: YEAS-Messrs. Alexander Adams, Charles W. Adams, Thomas F. Austin, Milton D. Baber, Felix I. Batson, Thomas H. Bradley, James W. Bush, H. Bussey, A. H. Carrigan, Alexander M. Clingman, James W. Crenshaw, Wiley P. Cryer, Jesse N. Cypert, Samuel W. Cochran, James S. Dol


The Legislature of Georgia and Mississippi have passed resolutions disapproving, as unconstitutional, the bill suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and demanding its repeal.

men to the army; Florida, 4,000; Georgia, Alabama is reported to have furnished 40,000 North Carolina, 25,000; South Carolina, 25,54,000; Louisiana, 36,000; Mississippi, 40,000; 000; Texas, 29,000; Tennessee, 34,000; Virginia, 103,000; Arkansas, 28,000; Kentucky, 20,000; Maryland, 20,000; Missouri, 35,000; total, 501,000. The estimate of Maryland must be excessive.


The "Provisional."

FEBRUARY 18, 1861, TO FEBRUARY 18, 1862. Those formerly members of the Congress of the United States are italicized.

President Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi.

Vice President-Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia.

Secretary of State-Robert Toombs, of Georgia, from Febru-
ary 21 to July 30: resigned, and succeeded by Robert
M. T. Hunter, of Virginia.
Secretary of the Treasury-Charles G. Memminger, of South
Carolina, from February 21.

Seretary of War-Leroy Pope Walker, of Alabama, from

February 21 to September 10; resigned, and succeeded by Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana.

Secretary of the Navy-Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, from March 4.

Attorney General-Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, from

February 21 to September; resigned, and succeeded by
Thomas H. Watts, of Alabama.

Postmaster General John H. Reagan, of Texas, from March 6, Henry J. Ellet, of Mississippi, first appointed, having declined.


Secretary of War-It was reported that the position was offered to General Braxton Bragg, of Louisiana, but declined, after Mr. Walker's resignation.

&cretary of the Navy-Also, that John Perkins, Jr., of Louisiana, was first appointed, but declined. Mr. Toombs was appointed a brigadier general in July, 1861, and Mr. Walker August 20, 1861.

The President and Vice President were elected by the Congress, February 9, 1861, receiving the unanimous vote of the six States then composing the Confederacy.


The Deputies who organized the Confederacy at Montgomery remained in office one year, the "permanent" Government having been instituted in February, 1862.

There were four sessions of that body:

The first at Montgomery, from February 4 to March 16, 1861.

The second at Montgomery, from May 6 to May 21, 1861. The third at Richmond, from July 20 to September 2, 1861.

The fourth at Richmond, from November 18, 1861, to February 17, 1862.

The following are the names of members: President-Howell Cobb, of Georgia. Alabama-Robert H. Smith, Richard Wilde Walker, Colin J. McRae, John Gill Shorter, William P. Chilton, Stephen F. Hale, David P. Lewis, Thomas Fearn, Jabez L. M. Curry.

Arkansas-Robert W. Johnson, Albert Rust, Augustus H. Garland, William W. Watkins, Hugh F. Thomasson. Florida Jackson Morton, J. Patton Anderson, James B. Owens.

Georgia-Robert Toombs, Howell Cobb, Francis S. Bartow, Martin J. Crawford, Eugenius A. Nisbet, Benjamin H. Hill, Augustus R. Wright, Thomas R. R. Cobb, Augustus II. Kenan, Alexander H. Stephens.

Kentucky-Henry C. Burnett, John J. Thomas, Theo. L. Burnett., H. Ford, Thos. B. Johnson, Geo. W. Ewing, D.V.White, J. M. Elliott, M. S. B. Munroe, G. B Hodges. Louisiana-John Perkins, Jr., A. de Clouet, Charles M. Conrad, Duncan F. Kenner, Edward Sparrow, Henry Marshal. Mississippi-Wiley P. Harris, Walter Brooke, W. S. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, William S. Burry, James T. Harrison, J. A. P. Campbell.

Missouri-William H. Cook, Thomas A. Harris, Caspar W Bell, A. H. Conrow, George G. Vest, Thomas W. Freeman, Samuel Hyer.

North Carolina®—George Davis, William W. Avery, William N. H. Smith, Thomas Ruffin, Thomas D. McDowell, Abram W. Venable, John M. Morehead, Robert C. Puryear, Burton Craige, Andrew J. Davidson.

South Carolina*—R. Barnwell Rhett, Sr., Robert W. Barnwell, Lawrence M. Keilt, James Chesnut. Jr., Charles G. Memminger, William Porcher Miles, Thomas J. Withers, William W. Boyce.

Tennessee-W. H. DeWitt, Robert L. Caruthers, James H.
Thomas, Thomas M. Jones, John F. House, John D. C.
Atkins, David M. Curria.
Texas-Louis T. Wigfall, John H Reagan, John Hemphill,
T. N. Waul, William B. Ochiltree, W. S. Oldham, John

Virginia* James A. Seddon, William Ballard Preston, Robert M. T. Hunter, John Tyler, Sr., William II. Macfarland, Roger A. Pryor, Thomas S. Bocock, William C. Rives, Robert E. Scott, James M. Mason, J. W. Brockenbrough, Charles W. Russell, Robert Johnson, Waller R. Staples, Walter Preston.


J. Johnson Hooper, of Alabama, was Secretary of the Congress. Alabama-David P. Lewis and Thomas Fearn, elected Doputies, were succeeded during the year by II. C. Jones and Nicholas Davis, Jr. Mr. Shorter was elected Governor in November, 1861. Mr. McRae was afterwards appointed a brigadier general, and is now the cotton loan agent in Paris. Mr. Yancey was nominated for, but declined election to, the Provisional Congress, and was sent to Europe to negotiate for " Confederate" recognition.

Arkansas-Admitted, at second session, in May, 1861. Florida-J. Patton Anderson resigned early in the term. and was succeeded by G. T. Ward

Georgia-Mr. Toombs resigned, February 21, to become Provisional Secretary of State; in July was appointed a brigadier general. Mr. Howell Cobb subsequently became brigadier general, and now is a major general. Mr. Crawford subsequently became a cavalry colonel in the army, and was once a prisoner. Mr. Thomas R. R. Cobb became colonel of the Georgia Legion late in 1861 or early in 1862, and was killed at the first Fredericksburg battle, December 13, 1862. Mr. Stephens accepted the Vice Presi lency, February 11, 1861. Kentucky-Admitted, at fourth session, in December, 1861. Missouri-Admitted, at fourth session, in December, 1861;

See memorandum at the close of the list.

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