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The New Orleans Disaster.-Its Consequences and Effects.-Dispatches of the

European Commissioners.-Butler "the Beast."-Public Opinion in Europe.-The

Atrocities of the Massachusetts Tyrant.-Execution of Mumford.-Lesson of New

Orleans.-Spirit of Resistance in the South.-Change in the Fortunes of the Con-

federacy. Two Leading Causes for it.-The Richmond "Examiner."-The Conscrip-

tion Law.-Governor Brown of Georgia.-Reorganization of the Army.-Abandon-

ment of our Frontier Defences.-The Policy of Concentration.-Governor Rector's

Appeal.-First Movements of the Summer Campaign in Virginia.-The Retreat from

Yorktown.-Evacuation of Norfolk.-Destruction of the "Virginia."-Commodore

Tatnall's Report.-Secretary Mallory's Visit to Norfolk.-The Engagement of Wil-

liamsburg.-The Affair of Burhamsville.-McClellan's Investment of the Lines of the

Chickahominy.-Alarm in Richmond.-The Water Avenue of the James.-The Panic

in Official Circles.-Consternation in the President's House.-Correspondence be-

tween President Davis and the Legislature of Virginia.-Noble Resolutions of the

Legislature.-Response of the Citizens of Richmond.-The Bombardment of Drewry's

Bluff.-The Mass Meeting at the City Hall.-Renewal of Public Confidence.-The

Occasions of this.-JACKSON'S CAMPAIGN IN THE VALLEY.-The Engagement of

McDowell.-The Surprise at Front Royal.-Banks' Retreat down the Valley.-The

Engagements of Port Republic.-Results of the Campaign.-Death of Turner Ash-

by.-Sufferings of the People of the Valley of the Shenandoah.-MEMOIR OF TURNER

..PAGE 17

Effect of McClellan's Defeat in the North.-Call for more Troops.-Why the North

was not easily dispirited.-The War as a Money Job.-Note: Gen. Washington's

Opinion of New England.-The Yankee Finances.-Exasperation of Hostilities.-The

Yankee Idea of a "Vigorous Prosecution of the War."-Ascendancy of the Radicals.

-War Measures at Washington.-Anti-Slavery Aspects of the War.-Brutality of the

Yankees.-The Insensibility of Europe.-Yankee Chaplains in Virginia.-Seizures of

Private Property.-Pope's Orders in Virginia.-Steinwehr's Order respecting Host-

ages.-The Character and Services of Gen. John Pope.-The "Army of Virginia.”—

Irruption of the Northern Spoilsmen.-The Yankee Trade in Counterfeit Confederate

Notes.-Pope's "Chasing the Rebel Hordes."-Movement against Pope by "Stone-

wall" Jackson.-BATTLE OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN.-McClellan recalled from the Penin-

sula.-The Third Grand Army of the North.-Jackson's Surprise of the Enemy at

Manassas.-A Rapid and Masterly Movement.-Change of the Situation.-Attack by

the Enemy upon Bristow Station and at Manassas Junction.-Marshalling of the

Hosts.-Longstreet's Passage of Thoroughfare Gap.-The Plans of Gen. Lee.-Spirit

of our Troops.-Their Painful Marches.--THE SECOND BATTLE OF MANASSAS.-A ter-

rible Bayonet Charge.-Rout of the Enemy.-A hideous Battle-field.-Gen. Lee and

the Summer Campaign of Virginia.-Jackson's Share in it.-Extent of the Great

Victory of Manassas.-Excitement in Washington.-The Yankee Army falls back

upon Alexandria and Washington.-Review of the Situation.-Rapid Change in our

Military Fortunes.-What the South had accomplished.-Comparison of Material

Strength between North and South.-Humiliating Result to the Warlike Reputation

of the North.....
.PAGE 82

Our Lines in the Southwest.-Gen. Breckenridge's Attack on Baton Rouge.-De-

struction of the Ram Arkansas.-Gen. Price's Reverse at Iuka.-Desperate Fighting.-

THE BATTLE OF CORINTH.-Van Dorn's hasty Exultations.-The Massacre of College

Hill.-Wild and terrible Courage of the Confederates.-Our Forces beaten Back.--

Our Lines of Retreat secured.-The Military Prospects of the South overshadowed.

-THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TRANS-MISSISSIPPI.-Romance of the War in Missouri.-

Schofield's Order calling out the Militia.-Atrocities of the Yankee Rule in Missouri.

-Robbery without "Red Tape."-The Guerrilla Campaign.-The Affair of Kirks-

ville.-Execution of Col. McCullough.-The Affair of Lone Jack.-Timely Reinforce-

ment of Lexington by the Yankees.-The Palmyra Massacre.-The Question of Re-

taliation with the South.-THE MILITARY AND POLITICAL SITUATION.-Survey of the

Military Situation.-Capture of Galveston by the Yankees.-The Enemy's Naval

Power. His Iron-clads.-Importance of Foundries in the South.-Prospect in the

Southwest.-Prospect in Tennessee.-Prospect in Virginia.-Stuart's Raid into Penn-

sylvania. Souvenirs of Southern Chivalry.-The "Soft-mannered Rebels."-Political

Complexion of the War in the North.-Lincoln's "Emancipation Proclamation."—

History of Yankee Legislation in the War.-Political Error of the Emancipation Proc-

lamation.-Its Effect on the South.-The Decay of European Sympathy with the

Abolitionists.-What the War accomplished for Negro Slavery in the South.-Yankee

Falsehoods and Bravadoes in Europe.-Delusion of Conquering the South by Starva-

tion.-Caricatures in the New York Pictorials.-The noble Eloquence of Hunger and

Rags. Manners in the South.-Yankee Warfare.-The Desolation of Virginia.—

The Lessons of harsh Necessity. - Improvement of the Civil Administration of

the Confederacy.-Ordnance, Manufacturing Resources, Quartermasters' Supplies,

..PAGE 164

A Period of Disasters.-DEPARTMENT OF THE MISSISSIPPI.-Grant's March upon

Vicksburg.-Its Steps and Incidents.-The Engagement of Port Gibson.-The Evacu-

ation of Jackson.-The Battle of Baker's Creek.-Pemberton's Declarations as to the

Defence of Vicksburg.-A grand Assault upon the "Heroic City."-Its Repulse.-

The Final Surrender of Vicksburg.-How the Public Mind of the South was shocked.

-Consequences of the Disaster.-How it involved affairs on the Lower Mississippi.


Hooker manœuvred out of Virginia.-The Recapture of Winchester.-The Second

Invasion of the Northern Territory.-The Alarm of the North.-Gen. Lee's object in

the Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania.-His Essays at Conciliation.-The Er-

ror of such Policy.-The advance of his Lines into Pennsylvania.-The Battle of

Gettysburg. The Three Days' Engagements.-Death of Barksdale.-Pickett's splen-

did Charge on the Batteries.-Repulse of the Confederates.-Anxiety and Alarm in

Richmond.-Lee's safe Retreat into Virginia.-Mystery of his Movement.-Recovery

of the Confidence of the South.

Review of the Present Aspects of the

War.-Comparison between the Disasters of 1862 and those of 1863.-The Vitals of

the Confederacy yet untouched.-Review of the Civil Administration.-President

Davis, his Cabinet, and his Favorites.-His private Quarrels.-His Deference to Euro-

pean Opinion. Decline of the Finances of the Confederacy.-Reasons of their Decline.

The Confederate Brokers.-The Blockade Runners.-The Disaffections of Property-

holders.-The Spirit of the Army.-The Moral Resolution of the Confederacy.-How

the Enemy has strengthened it.-The Prospects of the Future.............PAGE 269

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