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Assistant Quartermaster of the Seventh Georgia regiment, for invaluable services, rendered on the banks of the Rappahannock, in the capacity of volunteer Aid.

on Monday, the fifteenth of September, with the Twentieth Georgia volunteers, commanded by Colonel John B. Cumming, and the Second Georgia volunteers, under the command of LieuI must also express my obligations to Lieuten- tenant-Colonel Holmes, (about four hundred ant Tennible, Ninth Georgia regiment, who aided muskets strong,) and both under the immediate me, and bore himself gallantly under the mur- command of Colonel Henry L. Benning, comderous fire at Manassas, after Lieutenant Hard-manding the brigade-at this time no notice wick, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, was wounded.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

GEORGE T. ANDERSON, Colonel Eleventh Georgia Volunteers, commanding Brigade.

REPORT OF BRIGADIER-GENERAL TOOMBS. WASHINGTON, GEORGIA, October 25, 1862. Brigadier-General D. R. Jones: GENERAL: The day that the army, commanded by General Lee, left Leesburg and marched toward Maryland, you notified me that I was assigned to the command of a division composed of my own brigade, General Drayton's and Colonel G. T. Anderson's brigades. When MajorGeneral Longstreet's command arrived within four or five miles of Hagerstown, I was ordered to send forward one of my brigades to that point, take possession of Hagerstown, and to hold it until further orders. I asked permission to accompany this brigade, which was granted by Major-General Longstreet. I took with me, for the execution of this order, my own brigade, then under the command of Colonel Benning, of the Seventeenth Georgia volunteers, leaving Brigadier-General Drayton's and Colonel Anderson's brigades with the main body of the army.

having been given me of what disposition was intended to be made of the rest of the division, which had been assigned to me. I subsequently understood from you that Anderson's brigade had been attached to Brigadier-General Hood's command, and Brigadier-General Drayton's brigade was retained by you in your line of battle on the heights in my rear, except one regiment (the Fiftieth Georgia volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Kearse) hereafter referred to.

The Antietam River runs comparatively straight from a point about one hundred paces above the bridge to a point about three hundred paces below the bridge, and then curves suddenly around a hill to a ford on a neighborhood road, about six hundred yards to my right and rear. The road from Sharpsburg to Harper's Ferry from the foot of the bridge over the Antietam turns suddenly down the river, and runs nearly upon its margin for about three hundred paces, then leaves the river nearly at right angles. Upon examining the position, I found a narrow wood upon the margin of the river, just above the bridge, (an important and commanding position,) occupied by a company of Texans, from Brigadier-General Hood's command. I then ordered the twentieth to take position, with its left near the foot of the bridge on the Sharpsburg side, extending down the river near its margin, and the Second Georgia, on its right, prolonging the line down to the point where the road on the other side from the mountain approached the river. This required a more open order than was desirable, on account of the smallness of the regiments, both together numbering but a little over four hundred muskets.

On Tuesday, you placed under my command the Fiftieth Georgia, (Lieutenant-Colonel Kearse,) numbering, I should suppose, scarcely one hundred muskets. I ordered this regiment on the right of the Second Georgia, extending it in open order, so as to guard a blind plantation road leading to a ford between the lower ford before referred to and the right of the Second Georgia volunteers.

On Saturday night, the thirteenth September, while in command at Hagerstown, I received orders to hold my command in readiness to march at daylight next morning. I received no further orders until about ten o'clock, on Sunday night, the fourteenth September; I then received orders to march immediately to Sharpsburg, which I did, and reached there before daylight Monday morning. On that day, I received orders from you to detail two regiments from my own brigade, the only one then with me, and to order them to Williamsport, for the protection of the wagon train, which left me with but two regiments only, and one of those (the Second Georgia) was very small, having less than one hundred and twenty muskets present for duty. With these two regiments I was ordered by you to occupy the most eligible position I could find on the Antietam On Tuesday evening I received notice of the River, near the bridge on the road to Harper's withdrawal of the company belonging to BrigaFerry, in order to prevent the enemy from cross-dier-General Hood's brigade from the position on ing the river. From this position I was ordered Colonel Cummings's left, above the bridge, and to fall back when it should become necessary, by was compelled to detail a company from the my right flank, and to hold a hill about four hun- Twentieth to take its place. dred yards below the bridge, and immediately on the river, as long as it might be practicable, and then to fall back and take position on your right in line of battle, with four other brigades of your command, about six or eight hundred yards in rear of the bridge. With these orders, I took possession of the ground indicated in your orders,

On Wednesday morning I ordered a company from General Jenkins's brigade, whom you had placed under my command, to relieve this company from the Twentieth, and occupy its position, that it might resume its position below the bridge. This order was not obeyed, and subsequently I placed the Captain and one half of this

company between the Second Georgia and Fiftieth Georgia, and the other half under a Lieutenant near the lower ford, to prevent or retard the passage of the enemy at this point. This command held its position with fidelity and firmness until withdrawn by my order. This position was important, and had been guarded by a cavalry regiment, with an infantry brigade in its rear, up to Tuesday evening, when both were removed to another position on the field of battle, and left the crossing unprotected, except by the small force I was thus enabled to place there. Finding that the battery belonging to my brigade (Captain Richardson) was placed too far in my rear to render me efficient service in defending the passage at the bridge, I applied to General Longstreet for another battery. He ordered Captain Eubank's to report to me, who was placed in my rear about half way between the river and Captain Richardson's battery, and rendered efficient service as long as he remained in that position.

the two fords referred to, led over a hill on my right and in my rear, which completely commanded my position, and all ingress and egress to and from it, below the bridge. My communications with the rear, above the bridge, were be set with other, but scarcely less difficulties. This approach could have been very successfully defended by a comparatively small force, and it was for this purpose that I so often and urgently asked the aid of a regiment on the day of the battle, not having another man available for that purpose. Not being able to get any reënforcements for the defence of these two fords, and seeing that the enemy was moving upon them to cross, thus enabling him to attack my small force in front, right flank, and rear, and my two regiments having been constantly engaged, from early in the morning up to one o'clock, with a vastly su perior force of the enemy, aided by three heavy 'batteries, the commanding officer, LieutenantColonel Holmes, of the Second, having been killed in the action, and the only remaining field officer, Major Harris, being painfully wounded, and fully one half of this regiment being killed or wound

The enemy opened on my position with his artillery, on Tuesday evening, and continued it until dark. The damage was but slight. My owned, and the Twentieth having also suffered severeskirmishers and the company from General Hood's brigade crossed the river, and were actively engaged with the enemy's skirmishers the most of this day.

ly in killed and wounded, and the ammunition of both regiments being nearly exhausted, and Eubank's battery having been withdrawn to the rear nearly two hours before, I deemed it my duty, in On Tuesday night the enemy advanced his ar- pursuance of your original order, to withdraw my tillery and infantry much nearer my position, and command, and place it in the position designated on Wednesday morning threw forward his skir- by you, opposite the two lower fords, some half mishers and light infantry, in greatly increased mile to the right and front of your line of battle. numbers, and before eight o'clock drove in my In pursuance of this order, Colonel Benning, who pickets, and advanced with heavy columns to the had commanded the remnant of the brigade dur attack of my position on the bridge. This posi- ing the action with distinguished gallantry and tion was not strong; the ground descended gently skill, withdrew these gallant regiments to their to the margin of the river, covered with a narrow new position, ready again to confront and battle strip of woods, affording slight protection to the with the enemy. The Fiftieth Georgia and the troops; its chief strength lay in the fact that, company from General Jenkins's brigade were at from the nature of the ground on the other side, the same time ordered to the same position, and the enemy were compelled to approach mainly were led back by their respective officers. This by the road which led up the river for near three change of position was made to my entire satis hundred paces, parallel with my line of battle, faction, and with but small loss, in the face of and distant therefrom from fifty to one hundred greatly superior numbers. Before these troops and fifty feet, thus exposing his flank to a de- had reached their new position, the Fifteenth structive fire the most of that distance. At be-Georgia volunteers, under the command of Colonel tween nine and ten o'clock the enemy made his Milligan, the Seventeenth, under the command first attempt to carry the bridge by a rapid assault, and was repulsed with great slaughter, and, at irregular intervals, up to about one o'clock, made four other attempts of the same kind, all of which were gallantly met and successfully repulsed by the Twentieth and Second Georgia.

of Captain McGregor, of my brigade, Major Lit tle, with five companies of the Eleventh Georgia, (Colonel Anderson's brigade,) all of whom had been detached several days before to guard ammunition and other trains, arrived on the field, and were also placed in the new position before The Fiftieth Georgia and the half company from designated. The Twentieth and Second were then General Jenkins's brigade, before referred to, ordered to the ammunition train to replenish were on the right of the Second Georgia, rather their cartridge-boxes. Though the bridge and below the main point of attack, and rendered upper ford were thus left open to the enemy, he little or no service in this fierce and bloody strug-moved with such extreme caution and slowness gle. After these repeated and disastrous repulses, that he lost nearly two hours in crossing and get the enemy, despairing of wresting the bridge from ting into action on our side of the river; about the grasp of its heroic defenders, and thus forcing his passage across the river at this point, turned his attention to the fords before referred to, and commenced moving fresh troops in that direction by his left flank. The old road, by the upper of

which time General A. P. Hill's division arrived from Harper's Ferry. I then received your order that as soon as General Gregg (of General A. P. Hill's division) arrived and relieved me, to move my command and take position immediately on

your right on the heights then occupied by the fantry, and retreat across the bridge. I desired to rest of your command. Before I was relieved by pursue the enemy across the river, but being deGeneral Gregg, I received from you another or- ficient in artillery to meet his heavy batteries on der to move up my command immediately to meet the other side, I sent my Aid, Captain Troup, to the enemy, who had already commenced his at- General Lee, for the purpose of supplying mytack upon your position. I immediately put my self, who ordered Captain Squiers to report to me command in motion, then consisting of the Fif- immediately, which he was unable to do (from teenth and Seventeenth Georgia, (lessened by one not receiving the order in time) until nearly company from each sent out as skirmishers,) Ma- night, when it was too late to risk the movement. jor Little's battalion of the Eleventh, a small Therefore, I ordered him to hold himself in readinumber of Kearse's regiment, and on the way I ness for the movement in the morning, if the acfound Colonel Cumming and a part of the Twen- tion should be renewed. I then determined to tieth, who had returned from supplying themselves move my troops upon and occupy the position with ammunition, and joined me, and hastened, held by me on the river at the beginning of the with all speed, to your position. On my arrival, action; but before the execution of this purpose, I found the enemy in possession of the ground II received your order to change my position, and was ordered by you to occupy on your right. He to occupy the heights on the opposite side of the had driven off our troops, captured McIntosh's road leading to the bridge from Sharpsburg, on battery, (attached to General Drayton's brigade,) the left of your command, which order was imand held possession of all the ground from the corn-mediately executed, and the troops bivouacked field on your right, down to the Antietam Bridge for the night.

road, including the eastern suburbs of the town I am happy to report that our loss in this last of Sharpsburg; all the troops defending it hav-attack was unexpectedly small. Such was the ing been driven back, and retired to the rear or through the town. Under this state of facts, I had instantly to determine either to retreat or fight. A retreat would have left the town of Sharpsburg and General Longstreet's rear open to the enemy, and was inadmissible. I, therefore, with less than one fifth of the enemy's numbers, determined to give him battle, and immediately and rapidly formed my line of battle in the road, within one hundred paces of the enemy's lines. While forming in the road, Captain Troup, my Aid, on my extreme left, rallied a portion of General Kemper's brigade who were retiring from the field, attached it to my line of battle, and led them into action with conspicuous gallantry and skill.

heroic vigor and rapidity of the assault upon the enemy, he was panic-stricken, and his fire was wild and comparatively harmless. Having been compelled to leave my command before official returns could be brought in, I am unable to state it accurately. Colonel Benning has doubtless, before this time, furnished you with them. Among the casualties of the day, I had to deplore the loss of two commanders of regiments. Colonel Milligan, of the Fifteenth Georgia, who greatly distinguished himself, both at Manassas and in this action, for personal gallantry and efficiency as a soldier and field officer, fell while gallantly leading his regiment in the final charge, (and nearly its close,) which swept the enemy from this part of the field of battle. Lieutenant-Colonel Holmes, who comAs soon as possible I opened fire upon the manded the Second Georgia volunteers, fell near enemy's columns, who immediately advanced in the close of his heroic defence of the passage of good order upon me, until he approached within the Antietam; and it is due to him to say that, sixty or eighty paces, when the effectiveness of in my judgment, he has not left in the armies of the fire threw his columns in considerable dis- the republic a truer or braver soldier, and I have order, upon perceiving which I immediately or- never known a cooler, more efficient, or more dered a charge, which being brilliantly and ener- skilful field officer. The conduct of the officers getically executed by my whole line, the enemy and men generally, under my command in the broke in confusion and fled. McIntosh's battery battle of Sharpsburg, was so strongly marked was recaptured, and our position retaken, within with the noble virtues of the patriot soldier, that less than thirty minutes after the commencement a narration of this day's deeds performed by them, of this attack upon him. The enemy fled in con- however simple and unadorned, if truthful, would fusion toward the river and bridge, making two seem like the language of extravagant and unor three efforts to rally, which were soon defeated merited eulogy. The reports of the regimental by the vigorous charges of our troops, aided by commanders will bring to your attention the Captain Richardson's battery, which I ordered up meritorious conduct of officers and men, which it immediately upon the recovery of the heights, might not have been my good fortune to witness; and which, with its accustomed promptness and and as I have not the benefit of their reports becourage, was rapidly placed in position and ac- fore me, I shall have to content myself with tion. The enemy, to cover his retreating columns, bringing to your attention the most conspicuous brought over the bridge a battery, and placed it in cases of individual merit which fell under my perposition. I ordered Richardson's battery to open sonal observation. Every opportunity for conupon it, and at the same time ordered the Fif- spicuous gallantry and valuable services which teenth and Twentieth Georgia forward, who pur- presented itself seemed to be eagerly embraced sued the enemy so close to his guns as to bring by those whose good fortune it was to fall in with them within range of musketry, which compelled it. Colonel Benning stood by his brigade on the his battery, after a few shots, to join his flying in- Antietam, guiding, directing, and animating his

special mention for his courage and fidelity to
duty, under circumstances of peculiar difficul
ties and danger.
I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,



CAMP NEAR Culpeper Court-HOUSE,
November 6, 1862.

Major A. Coward, A. A. G. to Brigadier-Gen-
eral D. R. Jones:

This command, consisting of the Eighth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-eighth, and Fiftysixth regiments of Virginia volunteers, commanded respectively by Colonel Hunton, Major Cabell, Colonel Strange, Captain Wingfield, and Colonel Stuart, left the neighborhood of Hagerstown, Maryland, on the morning of the fourteenth September last, and reached Boonsboro', on the Hagerstown and Frederick turnpike, in the afternoon, after a hot, dusty, and fatiguing march of some eighteen miles.

officers and men, with distinguished coolness, courage, and skill; withdrew them from that perilous condition; again led them, with equal skill and courage, in the final conflict with the enemy. He deserves the special consideration of the government. Colonel Cumming, with marked gallantry and skill, led his regiment throughout the day, and after the long and bloody conflict at the bridge, REPORT OF BRIGADIER-GENERAL GARNETT brought up one of its fragments to the last charge, and was among the foremost in it. Major Harris, of the Second, after the fall of Colonel Holmes, though suffering from a painful wound, stood firmly and gallantly by his command during the whole day. Colonel Benning being in command MAJOR: I have the honor to submit the followof the brigade, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hodges ing report of the part taken by Pickett's brigade, and Major Pickett both being absent from severe of General D. R. Jones's division, which I comwounds received by them in former battles, Cap-manded, in the battle of Boonsboro': tain McGregor led the Seventeenth regiment with ability, courage, and skill. Major Little led his battalion of the Eleventh Georgia with a dashing courage and success which won the admiration of his comrades. The officers and men of his battalion deserve especial mention for their gallantry and good conduct. Captain Richardson and his officers and men, of the company of the Washington artillery attached to my own brigade, were conspicuous throughout the day for courage and good conduct. Captain Richardson clung to the infantry amid every danger, and A short distance beyond the village, Kemper's, being nobly seconded on every occasion by his Pickett's, and Jenkins's brigades, (the latter comofficers and men, largely contributed to every suc-manded by Colonel Walker,) in the order named, cess. During the whole connection of this battery with my command, its officers and men have so conducted themselves everywhere on the march, in the camp, and on the battle-field-as to meet and receive my special approbation. The duties of my staff, from the nature and extent of the operations of my command, and its distance from the main body, were peculiarly arduous and dangerous; and I am much indebted to them for their extraordinary efforts on that occasion. Every difficulty was met by increased energy and exertion, and every increased danger with a higher courage and devotion to duty. During the combat on the river, they were all constantly engaged in arduous and dangerous duties. In the final conflict, Captain Troup was on the left of my line, Captain DuBose on my right; Cadet Lamar accompanied me personally, and Captain Hill, of the First Georgia regulars, (assigned to me for special duty,) and Lieutenant Grant, were actively executing my orders in carrying orders and bringing up troops. It happened to my Aid, Captain J. R. Troup, on three occasions during the day, while in the performance of his ordinary duties, to pass troops which had broken and left their positions, on all of which occasions he rallied them with great skill and energy, succeeded on one occasion in leading them back into position, and on another inspired them with his own courage and enthusiasm, and led them successfully in the charge on the enemy's columns. Captain Troup's conduct throughout the day was conspicuous for ability and courage, and is entitled to marked and special approbation. The conduct of one of my couriers, Mr. Thomas Paschal, of Cobb's legion, deserves

were moved in a southerly direction, on a road running perpendicular to the pike. Having proceeded over a mile, these troops were directed on another route, parallel to the turnpike leading toward a gap in the South Mountain, farther south than that through which the Hagerstown and Frederick road run. After marching nearly half a mile, Kemper filed to the left, and again moved in the direction of the pike. At this time I received an order, by Major Mayo, of General Jones's staff, to bring my troops to an about-face, and to return the way I came, until I reached a path which I must take. He was unable to give ine any information respecting the path in question, but said he would go forward and try to obtain some. I did not, however, see him again. I followed Jenkins's brigade, which was now in front, some distance; but hearing musketry open on the mountain, I took what I supposed to be a near cut in the direction where I presumed I was wanted. This took me over rough and ploughed ground up the mountain side; I at length found an old and broken road, along which General Kemper must have moved. Here I met Captain Hugh Rose, of General Jones's staff, who had orders for me to return to the turnpike. When I got back to this road, my troops were almost exhausted; I consequently lost the services of a number of men by straggling. After a short rest I proceeded up the mountain, and having gained the summit on the main road, I was sent by a narrow lane, bearing to the left, to a higher position. A portion of this route was commanded by several pieces of the enemy's artillery, which opened upon my column, marching

by the flank, as soon as it came in sight, which taken by his command. Lieutenant McIntyre, they were enabled to do with considerable accu- Eighth Virginia volunteers, A. A. A. G., Lieuracy, as they had previously been practising on tenant Elliott Johnston and Lieutenant A. C. other troops which had preceded mine. Several Sorrell, First Georgia regulars, acting A. D. C., casualties occurred from this cause whilst I was composed my staff. It is with much pleasure approaching and forming my line of battle, which that I acknowledge the zeal, intelligence, and I did by filing my command to the right through bravery with which they discharged their duties an open field. My right rested in a thick woods, pending the battle. which descended quite abruptly in front, and my We have to mourn, in this action, many of our left in a field of standing corn. As soon as my companions as killed and wounded, who go to troops were formed, I sent forward a line of skir- swell the list of noble martyrs, who have suffered mishers to ascertain the position of the enemy. in our just cause. It was my lot to be acquaintWhen these dispositions had been completed, ed with but one of the officers who fell on this which was only a short time before sunset, I re-occasion-Colonel John B. Strange, Nineteenth ceived an order from General Jones to detach my Virginia volunteers. His tried valor on other left regiment to Kemper's right, (he being on my fields, and heroic conduct in animating his men left,) and to withdraw the rest of the brigade to a to advance upon the enemy with his latest breath, wooded ridge a little to the left and rear. The and after he had fallen, mortally wounded, will first part of this order had scarcely been executed secure imperishable honor for his name and when the Federal skirmishers made their appear-memory. ance, immediately followed by their main body,

I herewith furnish a list of the killed and

Your obedient servant,

R. B. GARNETT, Brigadier-General, commanding.


November 7, 1862.

Major A. Coward, A. A. G. to Brigadier-Gen-
eral D. R. Jones:

so that the action at once became general. The wounded, and have the honor to state that the brigade sustained, for some time, a fierce attack of, delay and imperfection of my report with regard doubtless, twenty times their numbers. It has to details have been occasioned by my being rebeen subsequently ascertained that General Mc-lieved from the commands of Pickett's brigade Clellan's army, consisting of at least eighty before the reports of regimental_commanders thousand men, assailed our position, only de- could be made out, and, although I applied for fended by General D. H. Hill's divisions and a them some weeks since, I received several of part of General Longstreet's corps. The left was them only yesterday. the first to fall back, and finally the right was forced Very respectfully, to retreat, being without support. Many renewed the contest a little farther to the rear, and stoutly disputed the approach of the enemy; but it had now become so dark it was impossible to distinguish objects, except at a short distance. About REPORT OF BRIGADIER-GENERAL GARNETT this time, two regiments of Jenkins's brigade came up, and the probable position of the enemy being pointed out, they advanced to the attack with great gallantry. Just as these troops moved forward, I was ordered to bring off my brigade, which I did. It is due to the brigade to say, that it went into the battle of Boonsboro' under many serious disadvantages. It had marched (a portion of the time rapidly) between twenty-two and twenty-three miles, before it went into action, much oppressed by heat and dust, reached its position a short time before sunset, under a disheartening fire of artillery, and was attacked by a much superior force as soon as it was formed in line of battle. That it bravely discharged its duty, is fully attested by the number of casualties which occurred during the engagement. I had been placed in command of the brigade only a few days before the battle of Boonsboro', and therefore was personally acquainted with only a few of the officers, save the regimental commanders. I cannot, therefore, mention names, but can only say, I saw several in connection with them, both by word and example, encouraging and cheering on their men in the hottest of the fight. For further information on this subject you are referred to the sub-reports herewith enclosed.

Colonel Stuart, as I formerly mentioned, was detached, with his regiment, (the Fifty-sixth Virginia,) before the action commenced; his accompanying official report will show the part

MAJOR: I have the honor to forward the following report of the battle of Sharpsburg as far as participated in by my command, Pickett's brigade:

Early in the forenoon of the seventeenth September, 1862, these troops, composed of the Eighth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-eighth, and Fifty-sixth Virginia volunteers, commanded by Colonel Hunton, Major Cabell, Lieutenant Wm. N. Wood, Captain Wingfield, and Captain McPhail, were, ordered to the south-eastern side of the village to support several batteries of the Washington artillery, commanding the easterly and southerly approaches to the town. As far as practicable, the command was sheltered in a hollow in the rear of the artillery. For some four or five hours it was subjected to an almost uninterrupted fire of solid shot, shell, and spherical case, by which a number of men were killed and wounded, which casualties were borne by the troops with remarkable firmness and steadiness. subsequently ordered forward, on the brow of the hill, to dislodge the enemy's skirmishers, who began to annoy our artillery to the eastward. Here we were more exposed to the Federal artillery than in our former position, and suffered considerably.

I was

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