miles, and bivouacked about eight P.M., near Yellow River, the regiment doing picket-duty for the division. On the twenty-seventh, the picket was attacked by a small scouting-party of the enemy's cavalry, on both roads leading in an easterly direction; but their advance was checked by the force which I had thrown across these roads, remaining here until the evening of the twentyseventh, when the column started about eight P.M., and marched about seven (7) miles toward Atlanta. On the twenty-eighth, started about noon, and reached the regimental camp at Atlanta about six P.M. On the fifth November, 1864, pursuant to orders received from brigade commander, the regiment broke camp at Atlanta and moved out upon the McDonald road, about two (2) miles south of the city, and bivouacked. About noon, on the sixth November, orders were received to move back to our original camp, which was done. On the ninth November, 1864, the enemy attacked the picket-line on the Macon road, and advanced with a section of artillery and a few dismounted cavalry toward our works. The regiment was quickly moved into its position in the works, and there remained awaiting any attack which the enemy might make. After shelling our line a short time, the enemy retired. During the attack, one man was slightly wounded by a shell. From this time until the commencement of the Georgia campaign, the men were preparing for the active service which was soon to com mence. track, on the Augusta Railroad, by tearing up the track and burning the ties. 20th. Started at seven A.M., left the line of the Augusta Railroad, marched about fifteen (15) miles, and bivouacked at Denham's Factory, at quarter-past five P.M. 21st. Started at seven A.M., marched about ten (10) miles through a drenching rain-storm, and bivouacked at Dr. Nesbitt's plantation, at half-past five P.M. 22d. Started at six A.M. About noon crossed the Oconee River, joined the main column, and entered Milledgeville a little after dark. Marched across the river at Milledgeville, and bivouacked, about one mile beyond the city, at nine P.M., having made about fifteen (15) miles during the day. 23d. The regiment went with the rest of the brigade in the afternoon, for the purpose of destroying the railroad running to Gordon, on the Macon Railroad. Worked until dark and returned to the camp, this regiment having thoroughly destroyed about three fourths (4) of a mile of the track. 24th. Started at seven A.M. Marched about ten (10) miles, and bivouacked at six P.M., near Town Creek. 25th. Started at half-past six A.M. Marched about six (6) miles, and bivouacked at nine P.M., just beyond Buffalo Creek. 26th. Started at five A.M., passed through Sandersville, Georgia, and reached Station Thirteen, on the Macon and Savannah Railroad, about four P.M., having marched about fifteen (15) miles in all. The regiment was ordered to go into position in advance of the brigade, so as to guard against any attack which might be made by the enemy's cavalry, upon the troops who were at work destroying the railroad. order was obeyed, and the regiment remained in line until after dark, when it bivouacked with the rest of the brigade, near Station Thirteen. This In the foregoing summary of events, occurring during the occupation of Atlanta, I have necessarily been brief and somewhat disconnected, having lost my diary relating to that period, and therefore trusting almost entirely to my memory. November 15, 1864.-Pursuant to orders received from brigade headquarters, broke camp 27th. Broke camp at half-past six A.M., conat six A.M., and started upon the campaign tinued the destruction of the railroad until about through Georgia. Marched on the Decatur road two P.M., when our march was continued. Aralong the line of the Augusta Railroad, starting rived at Davisboro about ten P.M., having marchat seven A. M. Owing to the wagon train, our ed about twelve (12) miles during the day. Plac progress was necessarily slow and tedious. March-ed the regiment on picket, pursuant to instruced throughout the day. tions received from the division field-officer of the day. 16th. Continued our march until four A.M., when the regiment bivouacked near Stone Mountain, having marched, since the morning previous, about fifteen (15) miles. At eight A.M., again moved forward about ten (10) miles and biv-menced tearing up the track about noon. ouacked about five P.M., at Littlefield. 28th. Moved at seven A. M. back to the point on the railroad, distant some seven (7) miles, to continue the destruction of the railroad. Com 17th. Started at five A.M., marched about fifteen (15) miles, and bivouacked near Green Creek, at five P.M. 18th. Started at half-past five A.M., marched about twenty (20) miles, and bivouacked near Madison, Georgia, at half-past five P.M. 19th. Started at five A.M., marched about ten (10) miles and bivouacked, just beyond Buckhead and near the Appalachee River, at four P.M. During the afternoon the regiment destroyed about eight hundred (800) yards of railroad After working a short time, a portion of the troops so engaged, were fired upon by a small party of the enemy. I ordered the flank companies to cease work and deploy as skirmishers on both sides of the railroad, to guard the remainder of the regiment against any attack, and allow them to continue the destruction of the road. In a short time thereafter, pursuant to orders received from Colonel Barnum, commanding brigade, I ceased work upon the railroad, and marched back to join the main body of troops. This or der I obeyed with much reluctance, as the destruc tion of the track was incomplete, and many of the bridges, which were numerous along this portion of the railroad, were left undestroyed. As soon as the troops were drawn in, we marched back to division, and bivouacked at eight P.M. 29th. Started at six A.M., marched about twenty (20) miles, and bivouacked at six P.M., near Louisville. December 1.-Started at seven A.M. Marched as advance-guard about twelve (12) miles, and bivouacked at five P.M., at Blazed Tree Church. 2d. Started at eight A.M. Marched about eleven (11) miles and bivouacked about six P.M., near Buckhead Creek. 3d. Started at half-past twelve P.M. Marched until midnight, with numerous halts and over a difficult road, about eight (8) miles. 4th. Continued the march until four A.M., having made about three (3) miles, when the regiment bivouacked at half-past seven A.M. Again started, marched about six (6) miles. The regiment was placed on picket-duty for the night, with the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh NewYork volunteers. 5th. At seven A.M. drew in the picket-guard, and at nine A.M. moved forward with the column. Marched about fifteen (15) miles, and bivouacked at nine P.M. 6th. Moved at eight A.M. Marched about twelve (12) miles over very marshy roads, and bivouacked at six P.M. 7th. Started at seven A.M. Marched about ten (10) miles over very difficult roads, and bivouacked at six P.M., near Springfield. 8th. Started at half-past six A.M. Marched about nine (9) miles, and bivouacked about four P.M., at Wadley's Mills. 9th. Started at seven A.M. Marched about six (6) miles, and bivouacked at six P.M., near Monteith. 10th. Started at half-past nine A.M. Shortly after starting, the regiment was placed in rear of the first two hundred (200) wagons of the corps train, as guard for the one hundred (100) wagons immediately preceding it. Marched about nine (9) miles, and bivouacked at four P.M., five and one half (54) miles from Savannah, Georgia. 11th. At seven A.M., moved out upon the main road to Savannah, with the rest of the brigade. Moved forward about three fourths (4) of a mile thereon, and turned off to the left toward the Savannah River. A short time thereafter, the command was halted, having come up with the enemy's pickets. In about an hour, I was ordered by Colonel Barnum, commanding the brigade, to move forward the regiment and deploy it as skirmishers, connecting with the left of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New-York volunteers, which was already deployed and skirmishing with the enemy, and to continue my line until it reached the river, if possible. When but three (3) companies upon the right had been deployed, the river was reached. With the remainder of the regiment as a reserve, I ordered the skirmishers forward. They had moved but about twenty-five (25) yards, when further advance was prevented by a deep swamp, and the line had become so shortened as to render two companies sufficient to cover the space between the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New-York volunteers and the river. I therefore ordered company I to join the reserve, moved the reserve forward nearly to the skirmish line, and went forward with Colonel Barnum to reconnoitre the position. To get over the swamp with any force, it was found necessary to cross a narrow dike or road, which was commanded by the enemy's sharp shooters. At this time Captain Maguire had succeeded in crossing with a few skirmishers, and he meeting with but little resistance, I ordered company K, Captain O. J. Spaulding, to cross the road, quickly deploy, and with those already across, advance toward the enemy's works. This was gallantly done, and the enemy driven into his main line of works. I immediately ordered the reserve forward, when the enemy opened upon the column with artillery, and the force being insufficient to carry works by assault, and unsupported, I ordered the regiment to form in line behind a natural dike which had been previously occupied by the enemy, and which was about one hundred and fifty (150) yards from their main line. During this attack the regiment had two wounded: Captain Spaulding and one (1) private, both slightly. The regiment remained in this position, and improved and strengthened the earthworks in their front sufficiently to protect it from the enemy's fire. At half-past eleven P.M., it was announced to regimental commanders by Colonel Barnum that a night attack was ordered, and the plan detailed. 12th. At half-past twelve A.M., the regiment was called up and preparations made to assault the enemy's lines at one A.M. At that hour the regiment was in readiness, but the attack was delayed, and the regiment did not commence to move outside our line of works to get into position until about four A.M. This regiment was to form the left of the second line of the assaulting column, and the left wing had filed over and in front of our works when the order for attack was countermanded, and I received orders to take my original position within our line of works, which I did. Remained here during the day, nothing occurring except being annoyed by the enemy's sharp-shooters and a few shell. 13th. Early in the morning I ordered the construction of some rifle-pits in advance of our line about ten rods, and four (4) in number. The enemy's sharp-shooters kept up an annoying fire, and occasionally their artillery opened, with no other effect than the wounding of one (1) man slightly. 14th. Our rifle-pits having been finished, my skirmishers or pickets were enabled to silence the enemy's sharp-shooters to a considerable extent. During the day, the gunboat made its appearance in the river nearly in a line with the left of my regiment, and opened fire upon the line with shot and shell from six and a half and nine inch guns, from the effects of which I had five (5) men slightly wounded. From this time until the LIEUTENANT-COLONEL ZULICK'S REPORT. 20th. Nothing occurred beyond the usual picket-firing, and occasional shelling by the enemy. About nine P.M., my pickets on the left of the regiment reported that the men in the enemy's General: HEADQUARTERS TWENTY-NINTH PENNSYLVANIA VETERAN VOLUNTEERS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, December 24, 18 4. CAPTAIN: I have the honor to submit the following report, in compliance with orders from brigade headquarters, received December twentythird, 1864: works in our front could be seen apparently mov- Captain O. T. May, Acting Assistant Adjutanting to the right, (their left,) and soon thereafter the enemy could be heard crossing a pontoonbridge apparently opposite the city. A strict watch was instituted, and at about half-past ten P.M., becoming satisfied that they were leaving, went in person and reported these facts to the brigade commander. During this time the enemy kept up a vigorous fire from his artillery in our front. At eleven P.M. this ceased-from this until twelve o'clock the sound of the enemy crossing the pontoon-bridge could be heard continually. 21st. From one A.M. to three A.M. the sounds made by crossing could be so distinctly heard, and every indication of the evacuation of the city becoming so apparent, an advance was ordered by Colonel Barnum, who had come up in person to my position, to be made by ten (10) men from my regiment, to reconnoitre the position in our front, and discover whether or not the enemy were there. In a short time they reported the line evacuated, and at three A.M. I entered the first line of the enemy's works with the regiment, finding seven guns in position, and a large quantity of ammunition, etc., destroyed. In a short time the men sent forward reported the enemy's second line, across the canal, also evacuated. In obedience to orders from the brigade commander, I detached one company to guard the guns captured, and with the remainder of the regiment crossed the canal and entered the second line, where we halted and awaited the coming up of the remainder of the brigade. Detached two companies to take possession of and guard the guns in this line from the Augusta road to the river. At a quarter-past four A.M., an advance toward the city was ordered, my regiment leading. Marched rapidly forward until we reached the Augusta road, where I ordered one company in advance of the column as skirmishers. Moved forward very rapidly and with no opposition, except a few shots fired upon the advance-guard from the bridge crossing the canal, and entered the city at daylight, capturing some few stragglers from the enemy, and a large amount of stores of all kinds. During the whole of the campaign, both the officers and men of my command have behaved well, and it is sufficient to say have done their whole duty as becomes veterans. It is difficult, where all have so well performed their part, to make any distinction. Yet I would especially mention Captain O. J. Spaulding, commanding company K, Captain II. M. Maguire, company C, and First Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant T. W. Root, as deserving special mention for their bravery and vigilance throughout the campaign. Respectfully submitted, H. S. CHATFIELD, November 15.-Broke camp at seven A.M., took the Decatur road and marched in connection with the brigade, as rear-guard to division train, and reached camp at four A.M. of the sixteenth, beyond and to the right of Stone Mountain, some fifteen miles from Atlanta. 16th. Received orders, and took up line of march at six A.M., still acting as guard to division train. Crossed the Yellow and Stone Rivers and Haynes Creek, marched about fourteen miles, and bivouacked for the night. 17th. Took up line of march, the division and brigade having the advance, and made a march of eighteen miles, and bivouacked within two miles of Social Circle. 18th. Broke camp at six A.M., this regiment on. the left of the brigade, the division still the advancing column. Crossed the Little Haynes Creek, passed through the post-villages of Social Circle and Rutledge; bivouacked near the town of Madison, having marched seventeen miles. 19th. Took up the line of march before the break of day, passed through the town of Madison, halted for dinner at Buckhead Station. The division having separated from the corps and train, taking a different but converging road, halted for the night at Blue Springs, on the plantation of General Gordon. At this point the command was turned out, to destroy the Augusta Railroad, which was effectually accomplished for several miles. A large amount of cotton (one hundred and fifty (150) bales) and corn, ready for shipment, on the plantation of General Gordon, was destroyed by fire, by order of General Geary, commanding the division. 20th. Broke camp at seven A.M., this regiment being the advance guard of the column. After striking Oconee River, the column marched down this stream upon the west bank, passing through the village of Oconee; bivouacked at Dunham's, a large and extensive government boot and shoe and tannery establishment. The regiment, in connection with the One Hundred and Fortyninth New-York volunteers, being on picket, marched about fourteen miles. The 21st. Took up line of march at eight A.M. The brigade destroyed, by General Geary's orders, the tannery and work-shops at Dunham's. roads heavy, and incessant rain during the entire day. Marched twelve miles, and bivouacked on Westley's plantation. 22d. Marched at seven A.M., crossed the Little River on pontoons, and joined the corps at Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia. Marched about fifteen miles, crossed the Oconee, and reached camp about nine P.M., and bivouacked for the night. 23d. Remained in camp until two P.M., when the brigade and regiment, in connection with Third brigade, (Colonel Selfridge's,) First division, were ordered to destroy several miles of the Gordon Railroad, which was successfully accomplished. Reached camp at five P.M. 24th. Broke camp at seven A.M., crossed Town Creek, and encamped for the night near Gum Creek, having marched twelve miles. side of the road. The men were ordered to cross the burning bridge, which they did, and succeeded in backing the flames and brought the teams and horses across in safety. Halted for dinner at the Little Ogeechee, passed the First division, and bivouacked for the night, after a march of fifteen miles. Marched this 6th. Broke camp at eight A.M. day but eight miles, owing to the obstructions placed across the road by the enemy. 7th. Moved at seven A.M., marched to Springfield, fourteen miles. Regiment on picket, in connection with One Hundred and Forty-ninth New-York volunteers. 25th. Moved at nine A.M., passed through the town of Hebron, halted while nine bridges were repaired over the swamps at this point, which had been destroyed by a citizen by the name of Tucker. The bridges having been repaired, took up line of march about eight P.M. Crossed the 8th. Took up line of march at seven A.M., passswamps and bivouacked for the night, having ed through Springfield, encamped at four P M., marched about eight miles. having marched fourteen miles. 26th. Moved at seven A.M., reached Sandersville at noon, halted one hour for dinner. Marched to Tennille, some three miles distant, at Station No. 13, on the Georgia Central Railroad, destroying several miles of road toward Davisboro. Encamped for the night in close proximity to the railroad. 27th. At seven A. M. recommenced the destruction of the railroad, and took up line of march at two P.M. for Davisboro, some twelve miles distant, which place we reached at nine P.M. After 9th. Marched at eight A.M., halted at Monteith Swamp for dinner. At this point a brigade of the First division encountered the enemy. handsomely repulsing them, the Second division was ordered to encamp about five P.M. 10th. Moved at nine A.M., crossed the Savannah and Charleston Railroad, which had been destroyed by the First division. Bivouacked on the main road to, and within five miles of, Savannah. 11th. The brigade was ordered to break camp 28th. Resumed the destruction of the railroad at eight A. M., and move on a road to the left and in vicinity of Davisboro, in conjunction with First toward the Savannah River, to feel the enemy's brigade of Second division. While at work, an lines. Passed the Forty-sixth Pennsylvania vetassault was made upon the working parties by a eran volunteers, First division, Second brigade, detachment of Wheeler's cavalry, in which pri- doing picket-duty, and in close proximity to the vate William Grouse, of company H, of this regi- enemy's lines. After a slight skirmish with the ment, was wounded in the foot. Reached Davis- enemy by the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh boro about eight P.M., bivouacked for the night. and One Hundred and Second New-York regi29th. Moved at seven A.M., halted for dinner ments, in which they drove the enemy into their at Bartoe Station, some thirteen miles from Da- works, we took our position in a ditch made to visboro, passed through Bethany, and bivouack-drain road, and which served as good earthworks ed near the Ogeechee River, after a march of twenty-two miles. 30th. Took up line of march at nine A.M., in direction of Louisville, crossed the Ogeechee River about dusk, bivouacked near Louisville, marched about ten miles. December 1.-Moved at seven A.M., taking the advance. Marched fifteen miles and bivouacked near Burke Camp-Ground. 2d. Moved at seven A.M. Marched some fifteen miles, crossed Buckhead Creek, and bivouacked for the night. for the men, Twenty-ninth being the fourth in line from the left of the brigade, and within three hundred yards of the enemy's works. 12th. The enemy kept up a brisk artillery fire, which was only responded to by the skirmishline on our front. At eleven P.M., received orders to prepare to charge the enemy's works. The positions of the regiments were changed and the Twenty-ninth ordered to take the extreme left and charge the enemy's works on the river beach. The regiment took up its assigned position at two A.M., and at four A.M. was ordered into intrench 3d. Took up line of march at twelve v., cross-ments, the assault having been abandoned. ed the Augusta and Waynesboro Railroad, three miles north of Millen, marched some ten miles, and bivouacked at four A.M. 4th. Broke camp at seven A.M., being the advance-guard of the division. Marched but six miles, owing to the destruction of a dam by the enemy, which flooded the road. 5th. Started at ten A.M. Companies K and F were detailed as a rear-guard. After crossing the north branch of the Little Ogeechee, these two companies were ordered to destroy by fire the saw-mill and bridge, and break the dam, after the same had been opened and the road flooded. Three foraging teams came in sight on the other 13th. Heavy firing all day from the enemy, with shot and shell. 14th. Firing all day from the enemy. Received news of the capture of Fort McAllister. 15th. Things unusually quiet. 16th. Heavy firing from the enemy; two men wounded, both seriously. 17th. Firing from the enemy unusually heavy. Two enlisted men killed, four wounded-one mortally-and one commissioned officer, Captain Beaumont, wounded in left leg. 18th, 19th, and 20th. Nothing worthy of note. 21st. Received notice to fall in at two A.M., that the enemy had abandoned their works. Took up line of march, crossed to the enemy's lines, and pressed at once for the city, which we entored at six A.M., the Third brigade, Second diing in advance of all at half-past five P.M. Distance marched, eighteen miles. 21st. Moved at seven o'clock A.M., via Eatonton Factory. Crossed Little River and encampIf the night on the south bank at five o'clock |