Report of Casualties. we moved out and took position on a road leadPrivates, Calvin Metter, company I, Novem-ing to the Savannah River, where we remained, ber seventeenth, missing on the march; Levi doing skirmish duty and erecting field-works Muthard, company C, December thirteenth, until the morning of the twenty-first, when we wounded, head, slightly, by a piece of shell; were ordered to fall in, and moved into the city Lewis Harry, company I, December nineteenth, of Savannah, Georgia, the enemy having evacuated. We were then put on guard over the ordwounded severely, left leg amputated, since died; Martin Sachs, company F, December twentieth, nance and ordnance stores, in park and arsenal, wounded severely, head, by a piece of shell, since which were left by the enemy, and an inventory Sir, respectfully submitted, died. JOHN CRAEG, Lieutenant-Colonel One Hundred and Forty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania COLONEL KIRKUP'S REPORT. HEADQUARTERS FIFTH SAVANN OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY 04. } A. H. W. Creigh, First Lieutenant and Acting taken. ROBERT KIRKUP, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. MAJOR WRIGHT'S REPORT. HEADQUARTERS TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT OHIO VETERAN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, December 28, 1864. A. H. W. Creigh, First Lieutenant and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade, Second Division, Twentieth Army Corps: LIEUTENANT: In compliance with circular from headquarters First brigade, Second division, Twentieth corps, dated Savannah, Georgia, December twenty-third, 1864, I have the honor to make the following report of my command: I assumed command of the Twenty-ninth Ohio on the eighth day of September, 1864, at Atlanta, Georgia. From this date to the twenty-fourth nothing of note took place more than the regular routine of camp duty. September 25.-Had review. September 28.-Received detail to go to Nashville, Tennessee, with my regiment. September 29.-At nine A.M., marched the regiment to Captain's quarters for transportation; failed, and returned to camp. October 2.-Received orders to move at once, with one day's rations; marched to the dépôt at three P.M., moved to the Chattahoochee River, disembarked and marched across the river, camped for the night. The regiment entered the city of Atlanta, Ga., on the fourth day of September, 1864, and went into camp. The months of September and October were occupied in building defences around the city and doing garrison duty. On the ninth of November, the regiment was ordered into the works to assist in repulsing an attack made by the enemy's cavalry. On the thirteenth day of November, the regiment was ordered to report at brigade headquarters, and then marched out to assist in destroying the Atlanta and Chattanooga Railroad. On the fifteenth day of November, the regiment broke camp and marched out on the road leading to Decatur, Georgia; nothing of importance took place until the eighteenth instant, when the regiment halted and stacked arms, and assisted in destroying the railroad near Rutledge, Georgia, and on the nineteenth, when 4th. Put my command on the train for Nashnear Parker's Ferry, went into camp and destroy-ville, when I received a telegram to return to Ated the railroad. On the twenty-second, we cross-lanta. Recrossed the river and took the cars for ed the Oconee River and passed through Mil- Atlanta; after arriving in the city, went into ledgeville, Georgia, the capital of the State of camp two (2) miles north-west from dépôt, facing Georgia, and camped outside the city, where we south. remained until the twenty-fourth, when we again resumed the march, and entered Sandersville, Georgia, on the twenty-sixth instant, and marched to Tennille Station, on Central Railroad, where we assisted in destroying the railroad, and camp. ed for the night. On the twenty-seventh instant, we continued the destruction of the road until three P.M., when we marched to Waynesboro, and camped for the night. On the twenty-eighth instant, we marched back toward Tennville, and destroyed the railroad as we went, and then marched back to Waynesboro, and camped for the night. On the first of December, we crossed the Ogeechee River, and continued our march without interruption until the tenth, when we arrived in camp near Savannah, Georgia. On the eleventh, we moved into line, left in front, and near the Savannah River. At three P.M., 11th. Moved the regiment to the right one half│mile, and came into line where the One Hundred and Second New-York was. 18th. Moved camp again three fourths (1) mile further to the right, near a fort. 20th. Received orders to move at seven A.M. Marched the regiment to brigade headquarters, remained there till half-past seven, when the brigade moved, Twenty-ninth in centre of second section of train; passed through Decatur, Twenty-ninth on picket in night. 22d and 23d. Foraged pretty extensively; Twenty-ninth lost one man killed, William D. Haynes, private, company D. 24th. Returned to camp with teams well loaded with forage. Nothing special occurred from this date to end of month. November 5.-Received orders at two P.M. to march. Moved out on the McDonough road about one mile and went into camp for the night, Twenty-ninth on extreme right of division. 6th. Returned to Atlanta and went into our old camp. 8th. Election day. Some excitement in Twenty-ninth. Polled three hundred and eighty-four votes; Lincoln received three hundred and fortyfour, McClellan forty. 9th. At sunrise our line was attacked: immediately moved the Twenty-ninth into position, sent out skirmishers. Attack did not reach us; remained in trenches till twelve M., then moved back to quarters and stacked arms. 15th. Broke up camp at half-past six, marched slowly, stopped at Decatur for dinner, then marched in the direction of Stone Mountain. Reached the base of Stone Mountain at eleven P.M., and encamped for the night, Twenty-ninth in rear of First brigade. 16th. Marched at nine A.M. in between portion of the train, crossed Yellow River, and encamped for the night at eight P.M. 17th. Marched at five A.M., camped near Social Circle at five P.M. for the night. 18th. Marched about nine (9) miles in forenoon, stopping often to tear up railroad track, went into camp near Madison at five P.M. 19th. Broke camp at five A.M., Twenty-ninth rear-guard of division. Marched until four P.M., and camped for the night near Park Mills. 20th. Marched about seven (7) miles, camped near Dunham. 21st. Marched at half-past six A.M., halted at half-past four P.M. for the night. 22d. Moved at half-past seven A.M., and arrived at Milledgeville, Georgia, at nine P.M., and encamped about three miles south of town. 23d. Remained in camp, Twenty-ninth went on picket at four P.M. 24th. Moved at seven A.M., Twenty-ninth first battalion of first brigade; marched fifteen miles and camped for the night. 25th. Moved at eight A.M., Twenty-ninth train guard; arrived at Buffalo Creek, found the bridge destroyed. Parked the train, and stacked arms for dinner; remained here until the bridge was repaired, then crossed, and went into camp for the night. 26th. Moved at eight A.M. in rear of the trains, marched slowly until one P.M., arrived at Sandersville, halted for dinner, then moved to Station 13, took the railroad to the cast, tore up about one and a half miles of track, went into camp for the night at six P.M. Marched thirteen miles. 27th. Was called up at half-past one A.M. by alarm, remained in line two hours and lay down again. Marched at eight A.M., commenced tearing up track, worked until noon, took dinner and lay quiet until three P.M., then marched rapidly, arrived in Davisboro at half-past nine P. M. Marched about thirteen miles. 28th. Moved out on the railroad and tore up track until five P.M. Marched back to Davisboro, and camped near our old camp. 29th. Moved at half-past seven; moved in a south-east direction until seven P.M., and encamped for the night near Bostwick. 30th. Marched at seven; crossed the Ogeechee River, marched about six miles and camped for the night. December 1.-Moved at eight AM., marched until dark and camped; marched about nineteen iniles. 2d. Marched at six A.M.; moved briskly until twelve M., halted at Creek for dinner; found the bridge destroyed and enemy on the other side; Twenty-ninth received orders to drive the enemy out of reach of the bridge and hold the ground. Fell in, loaded, and moved across. Moved about half a mile, came in contact with the enemy in small force, deployed three companies to the left of the road. Deployed a line of skirmishers five hundred yards to the left of woods, right resting in woods on right of road. Also sent four companies, under command of Captain Jonas Schoonover, to cover two roads leading from main road; commenced firing, and drove the enemy from their position; advanced steadily to a ridge in open field about a mile from the bridge. Threw up some works, and extended the line to connect with Captain Schoonover. Here waited until the bridge was finished, then joined the brigade in the field and encamped for the night. 3d. Moved at ten A.M., and marched all day and night, made a distance of ten miles. Camped near Millen, Georgia. 4th. Moved at nine A.M., marched about three miles, halted for repairing of a bridge, moved again at half-past two P.M., arrived at Big Horse Creek, and halted for trains to pass. Crossed at eight, and camped for the night. 5th. Moved at seven A.M., Twenty-ninth in charge of First and Third brigade trains; moved fifteen miles, went into camp at five P.M. 6th. Moved at nine, halted for supper at six P.M., then crossed a big swamp and camped for the night. 7th. Marched at seven A.M.; Twenty-ninth assisted the trains, crossed Turkey Creek, at dark camped near Springfield. 8th. Moved at seven A.M.; marched twelve miles and camped for the night. 6th. Marched at nine A. M.; took dinner near Eden, went into camp for the night at Wallhower Swamp. 10th. Received orders to report to Colonel Jones, Second brigade; joined Second brigade and marched back to the train. Twenty-ninth took position on the same ground where we got dinner on the ninth. Sent a company forward about six hundred yards for pickets. Moved at twelve M.; Twenty-ninth took position in front of last hundred wagons, marched very brisk until six P.M., joined First brigade, and went into camp for the night. 11th. Moved at ten A. M., Twenty-ninth on right of First brigade; moved to the Savannah River, with instructions to deploy a line connecting with Third brigade on the right, and extending to the river, with a heavy reserve at the river. Found Colonel Bonham's line rested on it, and took position in supporting distance of his left, followed his skirmishers in line of battle to a fence about seven hundred yards from the enemy's works, remained here until four P. M., joined the brigade and moved to the right about half a mile, went into position on a road perpendicular to the river, about four and one half miles from the city of Savannah, Georgia. 12th. In line of battle before Savannah. Twenty-ninth moved to the left in support of Third brigade, which was to charge a fort in their front, but found a canal that they could not cross; they came back to their works. Twenty-ninth returned to our old position. Nothing of interest occurred during the day. 13th. In line before Savannah. At ten A.M., moved the Twenty-ninth to the rear about three hundred yards; prepared timber for rifle-pits. At four P.M., took the four right companies on to the picket-line, and placed them on duty. At nine, advanced the line one hundred and fifty yards into an open field, and put up pits. 14th. On skirmish line; considerable firing on both sides. Twenty-ninth pickets relieved by Fifth Ohio. 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th. Nothing worthy of note transpired. and through it, to the west side, where we are I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Captain Commanding Twenty-ninth Ohio Vet. Vol. Infantry. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL POWELL'S REPORT. HEADQUARTERS SIXTY-SIXTH REGIMENT OHIO LIEUTENANT: In compliance with circular from headquarters First brigade, Second division, Twentieth army corps, I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by this regiment in the campaign ending on the twentyfirst instant. The This regiment broke camp on the fourth September, 1864, on the Chattahoochee River, and moved to the city of Atlanta same day, and went into camp in the enemy's outer line of works, with right resting near Marietta Railroad. fifth of September, received orders to report to Colonel Beckworth, Commissary Subsistence, Military Division Mississippi, for duty as supplyguard, where we remained until the morning of the fifteenth November, 1864, when, with the First brigade, Second division, Twentieth army corps, we started on the campaign just ended. Nothing transpired of note during the cam 19th. Received instructions to take charge of the fortifications in front of First brigade. Commenced work at dark. While laying out a con-paign, until the eleventh December, 1864, when nection between Forts 2 and 3, I received a severe wound in my left foot. I then turned the command of the Twenty-ninth Ohio veteran volunteer infantry over to Captain Jonas Schoon over. I am, with much respect, your obedient serv- CAPTAIN SCHOONOVER'S REPORT. A. H. W. Creigh, First Lieutenant, and Acting I took command of the regiment in front of Savannah, Georgia, December twentieth, 1864. Nothing worthy of note transpired during the day. we reached the enemy's line of works, three and a half miles north-cast of the city. Here we went into line, this regiment on the right of brigade. Have no casualties to report until night of nineteenth, when I had three (3) men killed and three (3) wounded. We remained in line until the twenty-first, when we entered the city, and are now encamped on Chippewa Square. CASUALTIES. Privates.-G. Johnson, company A, killed; EUGENE POWELL, COLONEL P. H. JONES'S REPORT. HEADQUARTERS SECOND BRIGADE, SECOND DIVISION, TWENTIETH CORPS, SAVANNAH, GA., December 31, 1864. Captain W. T. Forbes, Assistant Adjutant-GenAt four o'clock A.M. of the twenty-first, the eral Second Division, Twentieth Corps: Twenty-ninth, in advance of First brigade, took CAPTAIN: I have the honor to state, that on up a line of march to the city of Savannah, and the eighteenth of September, 1864, I assumed from there to Fort Jackson, where I reported to command of this brigade, which was then lying Colonel Flynn, Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania vol- in camp about two hundred (200) yards north unteers, for duty, and performed garrison duty of the McDonough road, and south-west of Atuntil December twenty-fourth, when the regi- lanta nearly three fourths of a mile, where it rement was ordered to march at half-past nine A.M.mained until three o'clock P.M., November fifth, The Twenty-ninth, in rear of Twenty-eighth 1864, when orders were received to be in readiPennsylvania volunteers, marched to the city, ness to march at an hour's notice. At four o'clock P.M. on the same day, broke camp and marched about one mile in a southerly direction, and encamped for the night on or near the McDonough road. On the following day, orders were received to return, when we marched back and reoccupied our camps. My brigade furnished all required details for fatigue and foraging expeditions during the occupation of Atlanta, Georgia. On the morning of November fifteenth, 1864, at seven o'clock, we again broke camp in accordance with orders received the previous evening, with thirty days' rations and sixty (60) rounds of ammunition (in cartridge-boxes and knapsacks) per man. The course from Atlanta was south-easterly, along the Decatur Pike, passing several small villages, of which the following in their order are the most prominent-Decatur, Stone Mountain, Social Circle, Madison; and on the twenty-second of November, 1864, reached Milledgeville, Georgia, where we remained one day. On the twenty-fourth instant, resumed the march in an easterly direction to Sandersville, from which place our course was due south to a point on the Macon and Savannah Railroad, called Tennille, or Station No. 13.. The brigade assisted in destroying the railroad track until noon, when the march was resumed in the direction of Davisboro, where I arrived at ten o'clock P.M. November twenty-seventh, 1864. On the following morning, the brigade was detached for the purpose of escorting the headquarter train Twentieth corps to Spiers Station, where I encamped for the night. On the morning of November twenty-ninth, 1864, I received orders to march the brigade to Station No. 10 on the Macon and Savannah Railroad, with instructions to destroy one (1) mile of railroad track to the west of said station, and to the east as far as the Ogeechee River, and also the bridge crossing it, which I did in a very effectual manner. The advance of the brigade marched as far as Station No. 10, destroying some cotton and cotton-gins, and rejoined the brigade at the river before the destruction of the bridge and trestlework was completed. and rejoin the division, which I did at nightfall of that day. On the following morning, December tenth, I was ordered to march about two (2) miles to the rear, where the train of the corps was parked, and cover the approaches leading to it, and when it moved follow at a proper distance as rearguard, for which purpose a section of Winnegar's New-York battery reported to me, together with one (1) regiment of the First brigade, (the Twenty-ninth Ohio veteran volunteers.) The train moved forward at one o'clock P.M., and went into camp about midnight, on the line of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, about five (5) miles from the city. On the morning of December eleventh, the Third brigade of this division, under command of Colonel Barnum, having reconnoitred the position of the enemy, with a view to select ground for future operations, I was, about ten o'clock A.M., ordered to move the brigade to the front and the left of our position, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and subsequently, at three o'clock P.M., assigned position - the left resting on Savannah River, and about three (3) miles distant from the city. The brigade in the reserve of the division, and about five hundred yards behind the first line, composed of the Third and First brigades. Under the instructions of the division commander, I made disposition to protect the artillery in position on the river bank, and to picket the west bank of the river. On the thirteenth, I was ordered to send a small force to the north of Hutchinson Island, in the Savannah River, to observe the movements of the enemy, and secure a rice-mill on that part of the island, which was to be used as a post of observation for our artillery and staff-officers. Major William H. Hoyt, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York volunteers, with sixty (60) men, was sent for this purpose; and his force being insufficient, I was further ordered by General Geary, commanding division, to send a small regiment for the purpose. Lieutenant-Colonel A. H. Jackson, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York volunteers, was accordingly sent, and subsequently, the Seventy-third Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, Major (now Lieutenant-Colonel) C. C. Cresson commanding. These regiments remained there until the morning of the twenty-first instant. During the afternoon of the thirtieth, I was ordered to rejoin the division, and a guide was sent to conduct the brigade. After a tedious night march of about fifteen miles, I reported The enemy having evacuated the city of Sathe brigade to the division commander about vannah on the night previous, on the morning of three (3) miles north of Louisville, Georgia. the twenty-first, about four o'clock, I was orderOn the following morning the march was re-ed to withdraw the regiments upon the island, sumed, but until the ninth of December, nothing and march the brigade forward to the line of of importance occurred. On that day, the first division having the advance of the corps, encountered a force of the enemy intrenched behind a swamp about thirteen (13) miles north of Savannah, when this brigade was ordered to the support of Colonel Carman's brigade of the First division, then preparing to attack the enemy. works formerly occupied by the enemy; and upon arriving there, the General commanding division sent me orders to march to the city. Arriving in the city, I was assigned the city parade-ground, or Forsyth Place, as a ground for encampment, and the brigade assigned to the duty of guarding and patrolling a district of the city. I reported with the brigade at the place indiThe casualties of the brigade during the oper cated, but the enemy, in the mean time, aban-ations embraced in this report were slight. A doned the position, and I was directed to return tabular statement accompanies this report. railroad, a considerable portion of which we tore up and burned, and encamped within two miles of the Oconee River. 20th. Marched at seven A.M. Course down the right bank of the river toward Milledgeville. 21st. Marched at half-past seven A.M., in a southerly direction, passing about six miles to the left of Eatonton. 22d. Marched at six A.M., the regiment leading the division. Crossed Little River on pontoonbridge; entered Milledgeville at dark, crossed to left bank of river, and encamped at ten P.M. Entire regiment on picket. was then relieved by troops of Third brigade. 23d. Regiment on picket until near night, and Did not march to-day. 24th. Marched at seven A.M. toward Sandersville. 25th. Marched at half-past six A.M.; passed through Hebron; halted near Buffalo Creek, while the bridge was being rebuilt; crossed after dark, and encamped on the left bank. Numerical Return of Casualties of the Second Brigade, Second Division, Twentieth Corps, from the fifteenth day of November, 1864, until the twenty-first day of December, 1864: Seventy-third Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, wounded, one enlisted man. One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania veteran volunteers, no casualties. One Hundred and Nineteenth New-York volunteers, no casualties. One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New-York volunteers, killed, one 26th. Marched at six A.M. Regiment guard to commissioned officer, one enlisted man; wound- brigade train. Reached Sandersville about noon; ed, seven enlisted men; missing, eight enlisted halted until nearly night, and then marched to men. One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New-York the Georgia Central Railroad, which we struck volunteers, killed, one enlisted man; wounded, at Tennille Station. Moved easterly along the three enlisted men ; missing, three enlisted men. road about two miles and encamped. Thirty-third New-Jersey volunteers, wounded, 27th. Roused up about one A.M. by a false one enlisted man. Total, killed, one commis-alarm. Moved the regiment to a new position. sioned officer, two enlisted men; wounded, At seven A. M., moved out upon the railroad, twelve enlisted men; missing, eleven enlisted halting to tear up and burn the track as we admen. Total casualties, one commissioned offi-vanced. Followed the railroad about five miles, cer, twenty-five enlisted men. and then marched to Davidsboro, where we encamped at ten P.M. P. H. JONES, Colonel One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New-York SAVANNAH, GA., December 30, 1864. MAJOR WARNER'S REPORT. HEADQUARTERS ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOURTH Colonel P. H. Jones, Commanding Second Bri- COLONEL: In obedience to the requirements of circular of twenty-third instant, I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth regiment NewYork volunteers, under my command, in the various movements of the army of Georgia from the fifteenth day of November to the twentyfirst day of December, 1864, inclusive. November 15th.-Marched at eight A.M. toward Decatur, the regiment leading the brigade. Passed through Decatur, and encamped within three miles of Stone Mountain. 16th. Marched at eight A.M., Second brigade leading the corps. Course easterly, along the line of the Georgia Railroad. 17th. Marched at five A.M. Course same as yesterday. 18th. Marched at five A.M., passed through the village of Social Circle, and encamped within two miles of Madison. 19th. Marched at five A.M.; passed through Madison at daybreak, followed the line of the 28th. Brigade detailed to accompany the corps train to Spiers Station, to march at ten A.M., the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New-York leading. The brigade reached the station at sunset. Regiment on picket. 29th. Marched at seven A.M. toward Station No. 10. Reached here at twelve M., and passed the remainder of the day tearing up and burning the track from one mile west of the station to the Ogeechee River. 30th. Passed nearly the whole day destroying the railroad bridge over the Ogeechee River. At four P.M., marched to join the division, which was encamped near Louisville. Crossed the river here, and encamped at nine P.M. December 1st.-Marched at eight A.M. Regiment guard to headquarters left wing. Course, south-east toward Millen. Course same as yes 2d. Marched at six A.M. terday. Crossed Buck Head Creek and encamped near its eastern bank. 3d. Marched at ten A.M. Regiment guard to division train. Crossed the Augusta Railroad about three miles north of Millen. Just at dark moved on slowly and encamped at half-past |