J. L. LINCOLN, PROFESSOR OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN BROWN UNIVERSITY. SEVENTH EDITION. NEW-YORK: D. APPLETON & CO., 443 & 445 BROADWAY. M.DCCC.LX. 878 H5 273 1860 ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, by D. APPLETON & COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York. W 192 264 337 THE text of this edition of Horace is that of Orelli, as it exists in his second edition, published in two successive volumes in 1843 and 1844; the comparatively few readings of Orelli, which have not been adopted, are given at the foot of the page, with his name attached to them. As will be seen, the most important various readings are also given in foot-notes; a plan which, it is believed, will, so far as it has been well executed, meet with the approbation of scholars and teachers. In preparing the Notes, I have derived invaluable aid from the edition of Orelli, already mentioned, and from the excellent work of Dillenburger, in many respects a model of a school edition of a classical author, published first in 1843, and, in a revised form, in 1848. These editions I have had constantly before me, and have freely consulted; and the obligations I am conscious of owing them are so great and various, that I cannot specify them in detail, and can adequately state them only by a general acknowledgment. At the same time, it is not improper to say, that what I have gained from these editors, I have not appropriated by mere translation or compilation, but have so modified and changed by independent examination and study, that I deem myself entitled to consider it, in some sense at least, my own; and, moreover, |