| Dawson, William, & Sons, of London - 1809 - 344 pages
...interesting and entertaining series of volumes does not exist. 710 ELAINE'S Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports, or a Complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, &c. New edition, revised and corrected, with above 600 woodcut illustrations, including 20 ROW added... | |
| George Lindley - Fruit-culture - 1831 - 674 pages
...engraved Views of the Scenery. Fcp. 8vo. 10s. 6d. cl. BLAINE.-AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS ; Or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By DELABERE P. HLA INE, Esq. Author... | |
| J. S. Bayldon - Poor laws - 1834 - 286 pages
...has been * much enlarged and improved.' "—CHEMIST. BLAINE.-AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS ; Or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By DELABERE P. Hi. A INK, Esq. Author... | |
| Library catalogs - 1856 - 1156 pages
...Berkeley. Illustrated by Leech. London, 1854. Elaine, 10362, 0. The encyclopaedia of rural sports ; or a complete account, historical, practical and descriptive, of hunting, shooting, fishing, racing, and other field sports and athletic amusements of the present day. By Delabere P. Blaine. Illustrated by... | |
| Charles Caleb Colton - Aphorisms and apothegms - 1837 - 496 pages
...engraved Views of the Scenery. Fcp. 8vo. I0a.6d. cl. ELAINE.- AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS ; Or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Siiorts and Athletic Amusements of the present day. liv DELABEXB P. BLAINE, Eaq. Author... | |
| Clement Hoare - Climbing plants - 1837 - 252 pages
...in vellum. SUPPLEMENT, separately, with Two valuable Maps, 8s. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS; or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By DELAUERE P. BLAIXE, Esq. Author of... | |
| Elizabeth Sandford - 1839 - 274 pages
...Glohe. 1 vol. 8vo. containing upwards of 1500 pages, '.if. cloth. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS; Or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By Dclahere P. Blame, Esq., Author of... | |
| John Lindley - Botany - 1839 - 662 pages
...engraved Views of the Scenery. Fcp. Svo. IDs. fid. cl. ELAINE.- AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS ; Or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By DELABERE P. BLAINE, Esq. Author of... | |
| John Scandrett Harford - 1840 - 606 pages
...BY LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, * LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER ROW. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RURAL SPORTS ; or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By DELABERE P. ELAINE, Esq. Author of... | |
| George Bliss - Fruit-culture - 1849 - 360 pages
...:'/. 109. boards. *,* The New Supplement separately, 5j. sewed. AN ENCYCLOP/EDIA OF RURAL SPORTS; Or, a complete Account, Historical, Practical, and Descriptive, of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, and other Field Sports and Athletic Amusements of the present day. By Delabere P. Blame, Esq., anthor of... | |
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