| 1872 - 610 pages
...Colebrooko. With a Life of the Author by his Son. In three volumes. London: 1872, 461 Page VII. — 1. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...Treatises. By various Authors. Edited by T. Holmes, MA Cantab., Surgeon and Lecturer on Surgery at St. George's Hospital, Mem. Corresp. de la Socie'te de... | |
| Medicine - 1883 - 648 pages
...Abroad toward arriving at Proper Legislative Action. Reprinted from the Railway Review. Chicago. 1883. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. Holmes, MA Cantab., and JW Iliilke, FRS Third Edition, in Three Volumes. With Illustrations. New York: William... | |
| Medicine - 1883 - 518 pages
...Missenverhaltnisse des Menschlichen Herzens ; von Wilhelm Mtiller, Jena. Hamburg & Leipzig : Leopold Voss. 1883. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...Treatises by various authors. Edited by T. Holmes, MACantab., and J. W. Hulke, FRS Third edition. In Three Volumes. With Illustrations. London : Longmans,... | |
| Royal medical and chirurgical society of London libr - 1844 - 396 pages
...extinct Birds of the Islands Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Bourbon. plates, 4to. Lond. 1848 Surgery. — System of Surgery, theoretical and practical, in treatises by various authors ; edited by T. Holmes. 8vo. Lond. 1862 Vol.3. Operative Surgery — Diseases of Organs of Special Sense — Respiration, Circulation.... | |
| Sydney Smith - British literature - 1848 - 526 pages
...Surgeon to the Hospital for Sick Children. Second Edition, with 9 Plates and 112 Woodcuts. 8vo. 21s. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...and Lecturer on Surgery at St. George's Hospital, and Surgcon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police. Second Edition, thoroughly revised, with numerous... | |
| Medicine - 1870 - 586 pages
...&c. Fourth Edition, illustrated with numerous drawings. Churchill and Sons, London. 1869. pp. 282. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical. In Treatises by various authors. Edited by TimothyHolmes, MA, &c. Second Edition. In 5 vols., with illustrations. Vol. I, General Pathology. Longmans,... | |
| Georges Williams - Jerusalem - 1849 - 718 pages
...WF MONTGOMERY, MAMDMKLA. Svo. irith Illustrations, 25». NK\V WORKS PUBLISHED »y LONUMAKS AND CO. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...Treatises by Various Authors. Edited by T. HOLMES, MA C»uUb. As«i»tant-Surg«on to St. George's Ho.-piUl. 4 volt. Hvo. XI 13*. Vol. I. General Pathology,... | |
| 1853 - 1130 pages
...in den Text gedr. Holzschn. gr. 8. (VIII u. 399 S.) Wien, Braumüller. geh. n. 3'/s «£ Holmes. T., A system of surgery, theoretical and practical, in treatises by various authors. (In 4 volumes). Vol. I. General pathology. London, JW Parker. 8. 21 sh. Kiang-gaard, Dir. Dr. OME,... | |
| John Lindley - Gardening - 1855 - 662 pages
...Children. Second Edition, with 9 Plates and 112 Woodcuts. Svo. 21s. A System of Surgery, Theoretical nnd Practical, in Treatises by Various Authors. Edited...and Lecturer on Surgery at St. George's Hospital, and Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police. Second Edition, thoroughly revised, with numerous... | |
| Humphrey Lloyd - Light - 1857 - 260 pages
...Surgeon to the Hospital for Sick Children. Second Edition, with 9 Plates and 112 Woodcuts. 8vo. 2Ls. A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in...and Lecturer on Surgery at St. George's Hospital, and Surgeon-in-Chief to | the Metropolitan Police. 4 vols. 8vo. £4 13s. Lectures on the Principles... | |
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