The campaigns of Hannibal arranged and critically considered |
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Page 54
... besieging the posts of Placentia and Cremona , which were still held by Roman garrisons . † He was very desirous to relieve the Gauls from the burthens imposed on them by the presence of his army , and knowing that his first step upon ...
... besieging the posts of Placentia and Cremona , which were still held by Roman garrisons . † He was very desirous to relieve the Gauls from the burthens imposed on them by the presence of his army , and knowing that his first step upon ...
Page 126
... besieging Rome , he was soon employed in protecting Capua ; and why his pro- tection was finally unavailing . 5. Notwithstanding the success of the Cisalpine Gauls against Postumius , no hostile movement against Rome was made from Gaul ...
... besieging Rome , he was soon employed in protecting Capua ; and why his pro- tection was finally unavailing . 5. Notwithstanding the success of the Cisalpine Gauls against Postumius , no hostile movement against Rome was made from Gaul ...
Page 131
... besiege Casilinum , and as the Capuans from their proximity might annoy the besieging force , Marcellus came from Nola to observe Capua and to cover the siege . The place was garrisoned by 700 of Hannibal's veterans , and by 2000 ...
... besiege Casilinum , and as the Capuans from their proximity might annoy the besieging force , Marcellus came from Nola to observe Capua and to cover the siege . The place was garrisoned by 700 of Hannibal's veterans , and by 2000 ...
Page 142
... besieging force at Casilinum , Puteoli , and the fort of Vulturnum , at the mouth of the Vulturnus river , all of which were conveniently replenished by sea with corn brought from Ostia , whither it had previously been col- lected from ...
... besieging force at Casilinum , Puteoli , and the fort of Vulturnum , at the mouth of the Vulturnus river , all of which were conveniently replenished by sea with corn brought from Ostia , whither it had previously been col- lected from ...
Page 146
... besieging force , which should have been reinforced whenever it was known that Hannibal was approaching . The covering army would likewise , if either forced or turned by Hannibal , retire on that camp . With these dispositions , had ...
... besieging force , which should have been reinforced whenever it was known that Hannibal was approaching . The covering army would likewise , if either forced or turned by Hannibal , retire on that camp . With these dispositions , had ...
Common terms and phrases
African allies Apulia Ariminum arms attack battle Beneventum besieging Bruttium camp campaign Campania Cannę Canusium Capua Carthage Carthaginian Carthaginian army Casilinum cavalry Cisalpine Gaul command consuls defeat defended DICTIONARY encamped enemy engaged English Etruria Fabius favour Flaminius flank force formed front Fulvius garrison Gaulish Gracchus Hannibal Hannibal's Hasdrubal Hastati heavy infantry History hope horse hostile Illustrations Italy legions light infantry light troops Lucania maniples Maps Marcellus MAUNDER'S miles military Minucius neighbourhood Nero nibal Nola Numidians Observation occupied officers operations oppose organise Perusia Placentia plain Plates Post 8vo prętor present Punic R. A. PROCTOR rear reinforce revised Rhone river Roman army Roman cavalry Roman infantry Rome Samnium Scipio Second Edition second Punic war Sempronius senate sent Servilius Sicily siege soldiers Spain Spaniards Square crown 8vo Suessula Tarentum Tifata tion town TREASURY Triarii Varro victorious vols Vulturnus winter Woodcuts
Popular passages
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Page 16 - SCHELLEN'S SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, in its application to Terrestrial Substances and the Physical Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies. Translated by JANE and C. LASSELL; edited, with Notes, by W. HUGGINS, LL.D. • FRS With 13 Plates (6 coloured) and 223 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 28s. •CELESTIAL OBJECTS for COMMON TELESCOPES.
Page 19 - STRANGE DWELLINGS: a Description of the Habitations of Animals, abridged from ' Homes without Hands '. With 60 Illustrations.
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Page 27 - Spiritual Songs for the Sundays and Holidays throughout the Year. By JSB MONSELL, LL.D. Fcp.
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Page 16 - NEW STAR ATLAS for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in 12 Circular Maps (with 2 Index Plates).
Page 20 - A SYSTEM of SURGERY, Theoretical and Practical. In Treatises by Various Authors.
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