Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture |
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acid phosphate Agronomist animal Assistant Chemist Assistant Director average Bros Bulletin bushels cattle cent coöperation Corn cockle corn silage cotton cotton-seed hulls cotton-seed meal County cowpeas crimson clover crop cultivation dairy Dealer Department of Agriculture disease District Drug ears Edgecombe Farm ELIAS CARR Entomologist feed fertilizer field Garren Germination grain Gray growers growing grown Haw River herd Hickory Hill hog cholera Hollowell Hutt insect Institutes JULY 15 land larvæ legumes Lincolnton manure salt McKimmon milk Miss Hudgins Miss Mahler Miss Ward Miss Webb moths nitrogen North Carolina oats Parker pasture pest phosphoric acid plant plat plowed potash pounds per acre produced profit Prolific Raleigh Red Springs Richmond samples Scott seed Sept serum Shelled Corn Sherman silage soil stalks steers T. W. Wood tobacco varieties W. A. GRAHAM wheat Wild mustard Winston-Salem winter Wood & Sons yield
Popular passages
Page 8 - ... above. Care must be taken that the oil does not flow over the flange. Remove all air bubbles with a piece of dry paper. Place the glass cover on the oil cup, and so adjust the thermometer that its bulb shall be just covered by the oil.
Page 8 - When the temperature of the oil has reached 85" F., the testings should commence. To this end insert the torch into the opening in the cover, passing it in at such an angle as to well clear the cover, and to a distance about half way between the oil and the cover. The motion should be steady and uniform, rapid and without any pause. This should be repeated at every two degrees...
Page 26 - In the dietary studies made in connection with the nutrition investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations of the United States Department of Agriculture...
Page 8 - The appearance of a slight bluish flame shows that the flashing point has been reached. "In every case note the temperature of the oil before introducing the torch. The flame of the torch must not come in contact with the oil. "The water- bath should be filled with cold water for each separate test, and the oil from a previous test carefully wiped from the oil cup.
Page 4 - If any person, manufacturer or dealer shall sell or offer for sale in this State any of said...
Page 3 - State, any gasoline, kerosene or other mineral oil for power, illuminating or heating purposes, shall file with the Commissioner of Agriculture, Commerce and Industries a statement that they desire to do business in the State, and furnish the name or brand of the oil or oils which it is desired to sell, with the name and address of the manufacturer, and that the oil or oils will comply with the requirements of this Act. The Department of Agriculture, Commerce and Industries...
Page 7 - The food which was not, he causes to be. The first farmer was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land.
Page 4 - All checks or orders in payment for tags or stamps shall be made payable to the State Treasurer. The Commissioner of Agriculture is authorized to draw out of said fund, upon his warrants, such sums as may be necessary to pay all expenses incurred in connection with this act, including salary of oil chemist or chemists, cost of Inspection, tags, blanks, etc.
Page 53 - In fact, with the use of pasture crops the South is in a position to make pork cheaper than any other section of the United States. As stated before, the hog likes a variety of feeds and thrives better upon a ration made up of two or more feeds than upon one made up of but one. It has been proved by several of the experiment stations that wheat and corn, when fed separately to fattening hogs, are practically equal in feeding value. At the Wisconsin Experiment Station several tests were made to learn...