of their several corps.-Impediments, and slowness of their movements.— ..... Page 1 CHAPTER II. CHANCELLORSVILLE. Gravity of Hooker's situation.-Position of his army on the evening of the 2d. He ought to take the offensive on the morning of the 3d.-The Confederate army is divided; the least check would be fatal.-Hooker has the choice between Chancellorsville and Marye's Heights.-He remains immovable, and directs Sedgwick to take the offensive.-Stuart's position on the 3d at daybreak.-Hooker recalls Sickles at Fairview.-Lee's instructions to his lieutenants.-Stuart's first movement.-He attacks Sickles in retreat.-Birney at Fairview.-Stuart masses his artillery against him.— He advances on the left.-He crosses Lewis' Creek.-Sickles repulses him. The battle rages along the whole line.-New attack of the Confederates. After a desperate struggle they are again repulsed.—Stuart brings his reserves into action.-Success of the Confederates on the right. They are soon checked and driven back.-The Confederates halt.-Lee's attack upon Hooker's left.-Combat between McLaws and Hancock. Situation of both parties at nine o'clock in the morning.Hooker's inactivity.-Sickles and Slocum address him in vain.-Fatal immobility of one half of his army.-Stuart cannonades Chancellorsville.-Hooker is wounded.-The Federal army is without a chief.-The Southerners attack Fairview once more.-Lee with the Second Confederate corps.-Vigorous attack from the Confederate right.-The Federal line gives way everywhere at once.-Concentric fire upon Chancellorsville.Splendid retreat of Sickles and Hancock.-The Federals abandon Chancellorsville. Their new position.-Lee prepares to attack them.—He is stopped by the news received from Early.—Task imposed upon Sedgwick by Hooker.-Position of the Confederates on the 1st of May in front of the latter.-Hooker's error.-Sedgwick occupies Fredericksburg on the morning of the 2d.-He wastes much time before approaching Marye's Hill.-Early's arrangements.-Sedgwick decides at last to attack him.The Confederate position is speedily carried.-Early's line is pierced.-He falls back to the southward with part of his forces; Wilcox takes the remainder westward.-Sedgwick's slowness.-Wilcox delays him, and takes position at Salem Church.-Lee with the First corps leaves Hooker to go to the relief of Wilcox.-He reaches Salem Church before Sedgwick.-The battle opens at once.-A desperate struggle brought to a close by darkness.—Sedgwick's movement is checked.-Strong position of the Confederates.-The Federals may yet rectify their mistakes.-Different plans presented to Hooker's consideration.—His wound incapacitates him, for the present, from resuming command.-The Federal army is paralyzed.— Warren visits the Sixth corps.-Confused exchange of despatches between Hooker and Sedgwick.—Difficult situation of the latter.-Hooker, having no longer any idea of resuming the offensive, remains on the defensive.— Hooker waits in vain for Lee's attack on the 4th.—The latter takes nearly all his forces against Sedgwick.-Stuart with three divisions detains Hooker. Early recaptures Marye's Hill.-He is repulsed before Taylor's Hill.-Position of Sedgwick.-Lee attacks him eastward and southward at the same time.-Anderson's success.-McLaws makes a movement, but too late.-Night puts an end to the combat.-Sedgwick retires upon Banks' Ford.-Hooker might remedy his errors by joining him.- He gives him contradictory orders.-The First corps recrosses the river.- The game is up for the Federals.-Hooker decides to retreat.-Council of war.-A violent storm.-The rise in the river endangers the bridges.- Retreat of the army.—Exhaustion of the Confederates.-They rest on the 4th.—The Federals cross the Rappahannock again in great haste.-The passage is effected by six o'clock in the morning.-Lee returns to Freder- icksburg.--Death of Jackson on the 10th of May.-Losses of both armies. -The absence of their cavalry is the first cause of the defeat of the Fed- erals.-Hooker too confident of victory.--Progress of the Federal cav- alry.-Stoneman's raid.—Inaction of Averell.-W. H. F. Lee goes to Gor- donsville. Stoneman at Louisa Court-house the 2d of May.-Stoneman's delay. He divides his forces on the evening of the 2d at Thompson's Four Corners.—Wyndham cannot destroy the bridge at Columbia.-Gregg, at Hanover Junction, fails to destroy the bridge of the North Anna.- Stoneman recrosses the Rapidan on the 7th.-Kilpatrick appears before Richmond. He reaches Gloucester Point on the 7th.-Davis, after de- stroying Ashland Station, had arrived there the day before.-An attempt of Mosby against Warrenton on the 3d of May.-Stoneman has obtained no satisfactory results.-Situation of the Federal army.-Responsibili- Operations along the coasts of the Southern States during the first months Confederate batteries.-The gunboats reappear at Suffolk.-The battery of Hill's Point.-Fruitless attempt to destroy it.-Getty takes possession of it on the evening of the 19th.-Longstreet refuses to cross the Nansemond.— Reconnoissances of Cushing at Chuckatuck, and Corcoran toward Edenton.-Artillery-duels favorable to the Unionists.-Arrival of Hill with large guns; everything ready for the attack.-First news of the battle of Chancellorsville.-Longstreet, called back to Richmond, raises the siege on the 3d of May.—He is not eagerly pursued, and reaches Richmond on the 10th.-Small naval operations in Virginia.-The Federal South Atlantic squadron.-The Montauk.-It attacks Fort McAllister.-The Confederates have two iron-clad vessels at Charleston.-Position of the naval division blockading this port.-Ingraham attacks it January 31.— He seizes the Mercedita.-The Palmetto State and the Chicora attack the Keystone State.-The Union vessel disabled.-She escapes from the Confederates.-Ingraham retires.-Losses of the Federals. -The Confederates pretend to have raised the blockade.-The Federals lose the Isaac Smith.-Arrival of the new monitors at Port Royal.-The Montauk destroys the Nashville February 28.-The new monitors attack the fort March 3.-Results of this experience.-Occupation of Jacksonville by negro troops.-Jacksonville is evacuated March 31.--Plunder and disorders. Preparing to attack Charleston.-DuPont has nine iron-clads.---Preparations for defence.-Generals Beauregard and Ripley.-The forts of Charleston.-The batteries Gregg and Wagner.-The three lines of defence. Obstacles among the passes.-Armament of the works.--Difficulties of the task imposed upon DuPont.-He determines to reduce Fort Sumter. Struggle for supremacy between the naval and land artillery.— The Federal iron-clads cross the bar April 6.-DuPont gives the signal of attack on the 7th.-Imposing spectacle.-Opening fire.—The New Ironsides works badly.-The monitors stopped by floating obstacles.—They fight under steam in a circle of fire.-Slowness of their fire-The monitors begin to suffer.-The Weehawken is withdrawn, followed by the Passaic.-Damages to the monitors.-Injuries to Fort Sumter.-Retreat of the monitors.-Loss of the Keokuk.-Results of the fight more favorable to the monitors than the Federals supposed.-Disappointment of the Federals.-DuPont declines making another attack.-He recrosses the bar on the 11th.-The Secretary of the Navy orders him to renew the attack. He refuses.-A new plan of attack by land and sea.-General Gillmore replaces Hunter June 2.-The English steamer Fingal becomes the Atlanta. Her construction and armament.-She waits till June for a favorable opportunity to put to sea.-Exaggerated hopes of the Confederates about the Atlanta.-She attacks two monitors on the 17th of June, and is speedily disabled.-She strikes her flag.-Triumph of the fifteeninch guns.-DuPont is superseded by Admiral Dahlgren.-Naval operations in the Gulf of Mexico.-Small expeditions on the coast of Florida.-Commodore Bell takes the place of Renshaw west of the Mississippi. He arrives before Galveston January 10.-Entrance of the Alabama on the scene.-Operations of this privateer since November, 1862.— Negligence of the Federal government.—The Alabama evades all pur suit. She visits the Bahamas and hides on the coast of Yucatan.-She BOOK II. THE MISSISSIPPI. CHAPTER I. THE BAYOUS. The capture of Vicksburg the main object of the Federals in the West.- |