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until Crook's column was reached. A junction was effected with him at Union, and the division halted there to cover the passage of his command across the Greenbrier.

They encamped at Lewisburg on the nineteenth of May, having marched three hundred and fifty-one miles. They were out nineteen days on nine days' rations, and with such forage for their horses as they could pick up during the unfrequent halts. Resting for ten days without supplies, and on half rations, they moved eastward to join General Hunter at Staunton, which place was reached on the ninth day of June. Now commenced the real work of the already worn-out division. In advance of the army, they occupied Lexington, drove the enemy thence to Buchanan, so rapidly that the bridge over the James at that point was destroyed only by leaving the rebel General McCausland on the north side of the river, to escape by swimming as best he might. From Lexington a detachment was sent out by General Averell which crossed the Blue Ridge; cut the Lynchburg and Charlottesville railroad; swam the James river; destroyed the Southside railroad; passed around Lynchburg and rejoined the division at Liberty. They passed through Imboden's camp by night, killing and capturing a number of his men, and making prisoner of the sentinel in front of the headquarters of the rebel General. While at Buchanan, a portion of the Second cavalry division destroyed the branch of the Tredegar Iron Works, near Fincastle. The enemy were driven by the Second cavalry division, in a succession of sharp skirmishes from Liberty to New London, from New London to the point where, meeting their main body, they had resolved to make their final struggle. On the afternoon of the seventeenth, Averell, unsupported, attacked the enemy in front of Lynchburg, and by the impetuosity of his assault, drove them nearly a mile before the infantry could come up. A carbine would carry its ball from the place where Averell drove the rebels to the spot where the foremost Union soldier fell the next day. It is generally considered the thing for infantry to assist cavalry, and had all our infantry been up that night, the rising moon would have seen the Union troops in Lynchburg. That night General Hunter asserted that to Averell belonged the honor of the day. During the fighting of the eighteenth the Second division protected the right and rear. In the retreat which followed the battle of the eighteenth, General Averell with his division brought up the rear. At Liberty the division, and especially the first brigade, sustained for two hours a fierce attack from the pursuing enemy, the infantry a mile in rear commenting upon the progress of the fight and quietly cooking their coffee, while the slighted cavalry were beating back a superior force, that the weary footmen might rest. And this was done by the Second division, for the other was already far on its way to Salem. Marching his division all

that night and holding it in line of battle all the next day, the evening of the twentieth found General Averell hurrying on to Salem, picketing the roads, and ensuring a safe march to the trains and worn-out column. At Salem the division repulsed a fierce attack on the right flank of the retreating army, and while so engaged their commander received notice of the most serious disaster of the campaign. By gross neglect of the orders of General Averell a byroad had been left without a picket, and the enemy suddenly advancing upon it, attacked the artillery and captured ten pieces, but Averell moved his division quickly to the spot and in fifteen minutes, by a gallant charge, had recaptured the guns with thirty prisoners, losing, however, forty men in killed and wounded. Now rumors became rife of an enemy in our front, and Averell was put in charge of all the cavalry, and hurried in advance, leaving one brigade of his own division as rear guard of the army. To General Averell, now that the rear was comparatively safe, was entrusted the task of choosing a sure route of retreat, and repulsing the enemy should he dare to interfere with the homeward march of the column. This done, the cavalry again took the rear, protecting the trains, picking up the numerous stragglers, and transporting on the wagons and on their own horses such of the starving footmen as could walk no further. The loss of the division in this campaign was two hundred and fifty killed, wounded, and missing in action. This ends the story. The first in advance, the last in retreat, their casualties nearly double in proportion to those of the rest of the army, show the duty that they did. The history of this past campaign, truly told, will reflect honor alike upon the General and the troops which he commanded.

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COLONEL I have the honor to submit herewith a succinct report of the operations of this army in the recent campaign resulting in the evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg, and terminating in the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia.

On the twenty-ninth ultimo, in pursuance of orders received from the Lieutenant-General commanding, the Second and Fifth corps were moved across Hatcher's run, the former by the Vaughan road, the latter by the old stage road crossing at Perkins'. The Second corps, holding the extreme left of the line before Petersburg prior to moving, was relieved by MajorGeneral Gibbon, commanding two divisions of the Twenty-fourth corps.

Major-General Humphreys, commanding the Second corps, was directed after crossing

Hatcher's run, to take position with his right resting on Hatcher's run, and his left extending to the Quaker road. Major-General Warren, commanding Fifth corps, was directed at first to take position at the intersection of the Vaughan and Quaker roads, and subsequently, about noon of the twenty-ninth, he was ordered to move up the Quaker road beyond Gravelly


Miles, who, attacking the enemy vigorously, drove him back to his former position on the White Oak road, capturing several colors and many prisoners.

In the mean time Warren advanced with Griffin's division, supported by such portions of Ayres' and Crawford's divisions as could be rallied, and regaining the position held by Ayres in the morning, Griffin attacked with Chamberlain's brigade, driving the enemy and securing a lodgement on the White Oak road.

These orders were duly executed, and by evening Major-General Humphreys was in position, his right resting near Dabney's mill, and These operations over, hearing heavy firing to his left near Gravelly meeting-house, on the the left and rear, which was presumed to be the Quaker road. In taking this position Major- cavalry moving up from Dinwiddie Court-house, General Humphreys encountered but little op- Warren was directed to send a brigade down position, meeting only a small force in a line of the White Oak road to cooperate with the cavrifle-pits, who were quickly driven out. Major- alry. This brigade by night reached the crossGeneral Warren was delayed in his movement ing of Gravelly run, by the road leading through by having to rebuild the bridge over Gravelly J. Boisseau's, where, not meeting any enemy, it run. The advance of his column, Brigadier- bivouacked. General Griffin's division, was attacked about four P. M., when about a mile and a half beyond Gravelly run, by Bushrod Johnson's division. A spirited engagement ensued, in which Griffin handsomely repulsed and drove the ene-visions by the White Oak road and one by the my, capturing over one hundred prisoners.

On the thirtieth, Major-General Humphreys again advanced, driving the enemy into his main line of works, and by night occupying a line from the Crow house, on Hatcher's run, to the intersection of the Dabney's mill and Boydton plank-roads.

Major-General Warren during this day advanced on the Quaker road to its intersection with the Boydton plank, and pushed Ayres' division in a north-westerly direction over the White Oak road. No fighting of any consequence occurred this day except picket skirmishing and exchange of artillery shots from the respective lines, now close to each other.

During the night of the thirtieth, Major-General Humphreys, who had intrenched his line, was directed to relieve Griffin's division, Fifth corps, by Miles' division, and Major-General Warren was ordered to move both Crawford and Griffin within supporting distance of Ayres, whose position on the extreme left was considered likely to invite attack.

During the night, having been directed to send support to Major-General Sheridan at Dinwiddie Court-house, Major-General Warren was ordered to move with his whole corps, two di

Boydton plank-road. Major-General Humphreys was ordered to extend his left as far as prac ticable, consistent with its security.

During the foregoing operations, the Sixth and Ninth corps remained in the lines in front of Petersburg, with orders to watch the enemy closely, and, in the event of the lines in their front being weakened, to attack.

On April first, after consultation with the Lieutenant-General commanding, believing from the operations on his right that the enemy's lines on his left must be thinly held. orders were sent to Major-Generals Wright and Parke to attack the next morning at four. About seven P. M., intelligence having been received of the brilliant success of the cavalry and Fifth corps at Five Forks, orders were sent to Generals Parke and Wright to open their batteries and press the enemy's picket line. At the same time, Miles' division, Second corps, was detached to the support of Major-General Sheridan, and Major-General Humphreys advised of the intended attacks of the Twenty-fourth, Sixth, and Fifth corps, and directed to hold his two remaining divisions ready to coöperate in the same, should they prove successful.

On the thirty-first, about ten A. M., Ayres, under General Warren's orders, advanced to dislodge the enemy in position on the White Oak road. Ayres' attack was unsuccessful, On the second of April, Major-General Wright and was followed by such a vigorous attack of attacked at four A. M., carrying everything bethe enemy that Ayres was compelled to fall fore him, taking possession of the enemy's back upon Crawford, who, in turn, was so strong line of works, and capturing many guns strongly pressed by the enemy as to force and prisoners. After carrying the enemy's line both divisions back in considerable disorder in his front, and reaching the Boydton plankto the position occupied by Griffin, when the road, Major-General Wright turned to his left, pursuit of the enemy ceased. Immediately on and swept down the enemy's line of intrenchascertaining the condition of affairs, Major-ments till near Hatcher's run, where, meeting General Humphreys was ordered to move to Warren's support, and that officer promptly sent Miles' division to attack in flank the force operating against Warren.

This movement was handsomely executed by
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the head of the Twenty-fourth corps, General Wright retraced his steps and advanced on the Boydton plank-road toward Petersburg, encountering the enemy in an inner line of works immediately around the city. Major-General

Wright deployed his corps confronting their works, in conjunction with the Twenty-fourth and part of the Second corps.

march by the troops of the Second and Sixth corps, reaching Jetersville between four and five P. M., where the Fifth corps was found intrenched expecting an attack. No attack being

three corps were moved in the direction of Amelia Court-house, with the intention of at tacking the enemy, if found there; but soon after moving, intelligence was received that Lee had moved from Amelia Court-house toward Farmville. The direction of the corps was changed, and the six corps moved from the right to the left. The Second corps was ordered to move on Deatonsville, and the Fifth and Sixth corps to move in parallel directions on the right and left respectively.

Major-General Parke's attack at four A. M. was also successful, cafrying the enemy's lines, cap-made, on the morning of the sixth of April the turing guns and prisoners, but the position of the Ninth corps, confronting that portion of the enemy's line, the longest held and most strongly fortified, it was found he held a second and inner line, which Major-General Parke was unable to carry. Receiving a despatch during the morning from Major-General Parke, reporting his being pressed by the enemy, the troops left in City Point defences, under Brigadier-General Benham and Brevet Brigadier-General Collis, were ordered up to General Parke's support; their prompt arrival enabling them to render material assistance to General Parke in holding his lines.

So soon as Major-General Wright's success was reported, Major-General Humphreys was ordered to advance with the remaining divisions of his corps; Hays, on the right, advanced and captured a redoubt in front of the Crow house, taking a gun and over one hundred prisoners. Mott, on the left, on advancing on the Boydton plank-road, found the enemy's line evacuated. Hays and Mott pushed forward and joined the Sixth corps confronting the enemy. Early in the morning Miles, reporting his return to his position on the White Oak road, was ordered to advance on the Claiborne road simultaneously with Mott and Hays. Miles, perceiving, the enemy were moving to his right, pursued and overtook him at Sutherland's station, where a sharp engagement took place, Miles handling his single division with great skill and gallantry, capturing several guns and many prisoners. On receiving intelligence of Miles being engaged, Hays was sent to his support, but did not reach the field till the action was over.

The Second corps soon came up with the enemy, and commenced a rear-guard fight, which continued all day till evening, when the enemy was so crowded, in attempting to cross Sailor's creek, that he had to abandon a large train. Guns, colors, and prisoners were taken in these successful operations of the Second corps.

The Sixth corps, on the left of the Second, came up with the enemy posted on Sailor's creek. Major-General Wright attacked with two divisions, and completely routed the enemy. In this attack the cavalry, under Major-General Sheridan was operating on the left of the Sixth corps, while Humphreys was pressing on the right. The result of the combined operations was the capture of Lieutenant-General Ewell and four other general officers, with most of Ewell's corps.

The next day, the seventh of April, the Fifth corps was moved to the left toward Prince Edward's Court-house. The Second corps resumed the direct pursuit of the enemy, coming up with him at High bridge over the Appomattox. Here the enemy made a feeble stand with his rear

At three A. M. of the second of April, Major-guard, attempting to burn the railroad and comGenerals Parke and Wright reported no enemy in their front, when, on advancing, it was ascertained Petersburg was evacuated.

Wilcox's division, Ninth corps, was ordered to occupy the town, and the Second, Sixth, and Ninth corps immediately moved up the river, reaching that night the vicinity of Sutherland's station.

mon bridge. Being driven off by Humphreys, he succeeded in burning three spans of the railroad bridge, but the common bridge was saved, which Humphreys immediately crossed in pursuit, the enemy abandoning eighteen guns at this point. Humphreys came up with the enemy at the intersection of the High bridge and Farmville roads, where he was found intrenched behind rail breastworks, evidently making a stand to cover the withdrawal of his trains. Before reaching this point Humphreys had detached Barlow's division to the left toward Farmville. Near Farmville Barlow found the enemy, who was about evacuating the place, which operation was hastened by a successful

The next three days, the third, fourth, and fifth, the pursuit was continued along the river and Namozine roads-the Fifth corps following the cavalry, and the Second and Sixth following the Fifth; the Ninth having been detached to guard the Southside railroad. The progress of the troops was greatly impeded by the bad character of the roads, the presence of the sup-attack of Barlow's. ply-trains of the Fifth corps and cavalry, and by the frequent changes of position of the eavalry, to whom the right of way was given. On the night of the fourth, receiving a despatch from Major-General Sheridan that his army was in position at Amelia Court-house, immediate orders were given for the resumption of the

When Humphreys ascertained the position of the enemy, Barlow was recalled, but did not reach Humphreys till evening, and after an unsuccessful assault had been made by part of Miles' division.

The Sixth corps moved early in the morning toward Farmville, but finding the road occupied,

first by the cavalry and subsequently by the Twenty-fourth corps, it was too late in the afternoon before it reached that place, where it was found the enemy had destroyed the bridge. On learning the position of Humphreys, orders were sent to Wright to cross and attack in support. By great exertions a bridge for infantry was constructed, over which Wright crossed, but it was nightfall before this could be effected.

as I ever have been, for the most zealous and
faithful discharge of their duties.
Respectfully yours,

Major-General U. S. A., Commanding.

Colonel T. S. BOWERS,

Assistant Adjutant General.


CAVALRY HEADQUARTERS, May 16, 1865. GENERAL-I have the honor to submit the following narrative of the operations of my command during the recent campaign in front of Petersburg and Richmond, terminating with the surrender of the rebel Army of Northern Virginia, at Appomattox Court-house, Virginia, on April 9, 1865:

The next day, April eighth, the pursuit was continued on the Lynchburg stage road. On the ninth, at twelve M., the head of the Second corps, when within three miles of Appomattox Court-house, came up with the enemy. At the same time I received a letter from General Lee, asking for a suspension of hostilities pending negotiations for surrender. Soon after receiving this letter, Brigadier-General Forsyth, of General Sheridan's staff, came through the enemy's lines and notified me a truce had been made by Major-General Ord, commanding the troops on the other side of Appomattox Court-house. In consequence of this I replied to General Lee that I should suspend hostilities for two hours. At the expiration of that time I received the in- On March twenty-seventh this command went structions of the Lieutenant-General command- into camp near Hancock station, on the military ing to continue the armistice until further railroad in front of Petersburg, and on the same orders, and about four P. M., I received the wel-day the Second cavalry division, which had been come intelligence of the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia.

It has been impossible, in the foregoing brief outline of operations, to do full justice to the several corps engaged; for this purpose reference must be had to the reports of corps and division commanders, which will be forwarded as soon as received. At the same time I would call attention to the handsome repulse of the enemy by Griffin's division, Fifth corps, on the twenty-ninth ultimo; to the important part taken by the Fifth corps in the battle of Five Forks; to the gallant assault, on the second instant, by the Sixth corps-in my judgment the decisive movement of the campaign; to the successful attack of the Sixth corps in the battle of Sailor's creek; to the gallant assault, on the second instant, of the Ninth corps, and the firmness and tenacity with which the advantages then gained were held against all assaults of the enemy; to the brilliant attack of Miles' division, Second corps, at Sutherland's station; to the energetic pursuit and attack of the enemy by the Second corps, on the sixth instant, terminating in the battle of Sailor's creek; ard to the prompt pursuit the next day, with Barlow's and Miles' attacks, as all evincing the fact that this army, officers, and men, all nobly did their duty, and deserve the thanks of the country. Nothing could exceed the cheerfulness with which all submitted to fatigue and privations to secure the coveted prize-the capture of the Army of Northern Virginia.

The absence of official reports precludes my forwarding any statement of casualties, or lists of the captures of guns, colors, and prisoners. To my staff, gener..I and personal, I am indebted, |

On March twenty-sixth my command, consisting of the First and Third cavalry divisions, under the immediate command of Brevet MajorGeneral Wesley Merritt, crossed the James river by the bridge at Jones' landing, having marched from Winchester, in the Shenandoah valley, via White House, on the Pamunkey river.

serving with the Army of the Potomac, reported to me under the command of Major-General George Crook.

The effective force of these three divisions was as follows: General Merritt's command, First and Third divisions, 5,700; General Crook's command, Second division, 3,300. Total effective force, 9,000.

With this force I moved out on the twentyniuth March, in conjunction with the armies operating against Richmond, and in the subsequent operations I was under the immediate orders of the Lieutenant-General commanding. I moved by the way of Reams' station, on the Weldon railroad, and Malone's crossing, on Rowanty creek, where we were obliged to construct a bridge.

At this point our advance encountered a small picket of the rebel cavalry and drove it to the left across Stony creek, capturing a few prisoners, from whom, and from my scouts, I learned that the enemy's cavalry was at or near Stony creek depot, on the Weldon railroad, on our left flank and rear. Believing that it would not attack me, and that by pushing on to Dinwiddie Court-house I could force it to make a wide detour, we continued the march, reaching the Court-house about five o'clock, P. M., encountering only a small picket of the enemy, which was driven away by our advance.

It was found necessary to order General Custer's division, which was marching in the rear, to remain near Malone's crossing, on the Rowanty creek, to assist and protect our trains, which were greatly retarded by the almost impassable roads of that miry section. The First and Second divisions went into camp, covering the

isolating all this force from my main line covering Dinwiddie Court-house.

Vaughan, Flat Foot, Boydton plank, and Five Forks roads, which all intersect at Dinwiddie Court-house, rendering this an important point, Orders were at once given to General Merritt and from which I was expected to make a to cross this detached force over to the Boydcavalry raid on the Southside railroad, and ton plank-road, and march down to Dinwiddie thence join General Sherman, or return to Court-house and come into the line of battle. Petersburg, as circumstances might dictate. The enemy, deceived by this movement, followHowever, during the night the Lieutenant-Gen- ed it up rapidly, making a left wheel, and preeral sent me instructions to abandon the con-senting his rear to my line of battle. When his templated raid and act in concert with the in-line was nearly parallel to mine, General Gibbs' fantry under his immediate command, and turn the right flank of Lee's army if possible. Early on the morning of the thirtieth of March I directed General Merritt to send the first division, Brigadier-General Devin commanding, to gain possession of the Five Forks, on the White Oak road, and directed General Crook to send General Davies' brigade of his division to the support of General Devin.

brigade of the First division, and General Irvin Gregg's brigade of the Second division, were ordered to attack at once, and General Custer was directed to bring up two of his brigades rapidly, leaving one brigade of his division with the trains that had not yet reached Dinwiddie Court-house. In the gallant attack made by Gibbs and Gregg, the enemy's wounded fell into our hands, and he was forced to face by the rear rank, and give up his movement, which, if continued, would have taken in flank and rear the infantry line of the Army of the Potomac. When the enemy had faced to meet this attack, a very obstinate and handsomely contested battle ensued, in which, with all his cavalry and two divisions of infantry, the enemy was unable to drive five brigades of our cavalry, dismounted, from an open plain in front of Dinwiddie Courthouse. The brunt of their cavalry attack was borne by General Smith's brigade, which had so

Gregg's brigade, of Crook's division, was held on the Boydton plank-road, and guarded the crossing of Stony creek, forcing the enemy's cavalry, that was moving from Stony creek depot to form a connection with the right of their army, to make a wide detour, as I had anticipated, on the south roads of Stony creek and west of Chamberlain's bed-a very fatiguing march in the bad condition of the roads. A very heavy rain fell during this day, aggravating the swampy nature of the ground, and rendering the movement of troops almost impossi-gallantly held the crossing of Chamberlain's ble. General Merritt's reconnoissance developed the enemy in strong force on the White Oak road in the vicinity of the Five Forks, and there was some heavy skirmishing throughout the day. Next morning, March thirty-one, General Merritt advanced toward the Five Forks with the First division, and meeting with considerable opposition, General Devin's brigade, of Crook's division, was ordered to join him, while General Crook, advancing on the left with the two other brigades of his division, encountered the enemy's cavalry at Chamberlain's creek, at a point a little north and west of Dinwiddie, making demonstrations to cross. Smith's brigade was ordered to hold them in check and Gregg's brigade to a position on his right. The advance of the First division got possession of the Five Forks, but in the mean time the Fifth Army Corps, which had advanced toward the White Oak road from the Vaughan road, was attacked and driven back; and, withdrawing from that point, this force of the enemy marched rapidly from the front of the Fifth corps to the Five Forks, driving in our cavalry advance, and moving down on roads west of Chamberlain's creek, attacked General Smith's brigade, but were unable to force his position. Abandoning the attempt to cross in his front, this force of the enemy's infantry succeeded in effecting a crossing higher up the creek, striking General Davies' brigade of the second division, which, after a gallant fight, was forced back upon the left flank of the first division, thus partially

creek in the morning. His command again held the enemy in check with determined bravery, but the heavy force brought against his right flank finally compelled him to abandon his position on the creek, and fall back to the main line immediately in front of Dinwiddie Court-house. As the enemy's infantry advanced to the attack, our cavalry threw up slight breastworks of rails at some points along our lines, and when the enemy attempted to force this position they were handsomely repulsed, and gave up the attempt to gain possession of the Court-house. It was after dark when the firing ceased, and the enemy lay on their arms that night, not more than one hundred yards in front of our lines. The commands of Generals Devin and Davies reached Dinwiddie Court-house without opposition by way of the Boydton plank-road, but did not participate in the final action of the day. In this well-contested battle the most obstinate gallantry was displayed by my entire command. The brigades commanded by General Gibbs and Colonels Stagg and Fitzhugh, in the First division, Generals Davies, Gregg, and Smith, in the Second division, Colonels Pennington and Capehart, in the Third division, vied with each other in their determined efforts to hold in check the superior force of the enemy; and the skilful management of their troops in this peculiarly difficult country entitles the brigade commanders to the highest commendation.

Generals Crook, Merritt, Custer, and Devin, by their courage and ability, sustained their

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