doubt it was intended to capture the city, and the enemy; if Sturdivant's battery lost one gun, all the circumstances are strongly corroborative of this view. Thanks to a kind Providence, who has nerved the hearts and strengthened the hands of our brave men, we have been again preserved. The enemy crept up behind the residence of William A. Gregory, ascended to the roof, and, knocking off the shingles, were enabled not only to obtain an excellent view and ascertain the number of our forces, but, through the openings thus made, fired upon and killed many of our men behind the breastworks. The residence of Timothy Rivers, Esquire, fell into the possession of the invaders. After our forces had retreated, the scoundrels not only ransacked and robbed it of all its contents, but they applied the torch and burned it to the ground, they also having carried off Mr. Rivers a prisoner. GENERAL HENRY A. WISE'S ORDER Special Orders No. 11. VII. To the troops of my command for the defence of Petersburg, on the south side of the Appomattox, on the ninth instant, I have, with the approval and under the instructions of the Commanding General, to offer my grateful acknowledgments for their gallant conduct, and my congratulations upon their successful repulse of the enemy. Approaching with nine regiments of infantry and cavalry, and, at least, four pieces of artillery, they searched our lines from battery Number One to battery Number Twenty-nine, a distance of nearly six miles. Hood's and Batte's battalions, the Fortysixth regiment Virginia volunteers, and one company (Captain Woods' company F), of the Twenty-third South Carolina, with Sturdivant's battery, and a few guns in position, and Taliaferro's cavalry, kept them at bay, and punished them severely until they reached the Jerusalem plank-road, in front of battery Twenty-nine, defended by Major Archer's corps of reserves and second-class militia, and by one piece of Sturdivant's battery, a howitzer, under the temporary command of Brigadier-General Colston. Then, with overwhelming numbers, they were twice repulsed, and succeeded only at last in penetrating a gap in the line, and in flanking and gaining the rear of a mere handful of citizen-soldiers, who stood firmly and fought bravely as veterans, until ordered to fall back. Alas! some of the noblest of them fell "with their backs to the ground and their front to the foe," consecrating with their blood the soil of the homes they defended. Their immediate commanders have reported the heroism of them all, the living and the dead, and now with pride and gratitude I announce that Beauregard himself has thanked Archer and his comrades on the very spot of their devotion. If they lost killed, wounded and missing, sixty-five out of less than one hundred and fifty men, they spent their blood dearly to a better was captured, and another disabled, and if they lost a half a mile of ground, they gained about a half hour of time and saved their beloved city by holding on long enough for Sturdivant's and Graham's and Young's batteries, Deming's cavalry, and the Forty-sixth Virginia infantry, with Wood's South Carolina company, a company of convalescents and a company of penitents, to drive back the insolent foe from approaches which their footsteps for the first time polluted. With the help of God it shall be the last time. With such troops as all have proved themselves, commanders may well give assurance with confidence to the people of Petersburg. A people who can fight thus for their altars must be aided, supported, guarded by every arm which can be outstretched for their defence. Comrades! their wives and daughters are daily and hourly nursing our sick and wounded, they wipe the hot brow, cool the fevered lips, and tenderly nourish and comfort the suffering soldiers in their hospitals. The angel nurses and the stricken patriots of this patriotic place shall not fall into the hands of ruffian invaders. Its very militia has set an example which inspires the confidence that Petersburg is indomitable, and which consoles and compensates for every drop of blood which has been spilt at Nottoway, at Walthal Junction, and at Drury's Bluff, and Howlett's Neck, for the defence of the old Cockade City. Let the reserves and second class of militia of the surrounding counties now come in promptly, one and all, and emulate this bright and successful example-let it hotly hiss to blood-red shame the laggards and skulkers from the streets and alleys of the city to the lines; and let it proclaim aloud that Petersburg is to be and shall be defended on her outer walls, on her inner lines, at her corporation bounds, in every street, and around every temple of God and altar of man in her very heart, until the blood of that heart is spilt. Roused by this spirit to this pitch of resolution, we will fight the enemy at every step, and Petersburg is safe. Official: HENRY A. WISE, Brigadier General J. V. PEARCE, A. A. G. MOVEMENTS OF GENERAL GRANT. ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, Grant is again in motion on our right, and our Generals are making proper movements to meet him. He commenced retiring from our front last night, but the movement was not discovered until this morning, when our line of battle was advanced and it was discovered that the enemy were gone. Grant commenced crossing at Long bridge with infantry, artillery and cavalry this morning, after a feeble resistance on the part of the forces there stationed. Grant is therefore across the Chickahominy, and it cannot be long before a collision occurs. It is quite true that Grant has been taking up and burning the York River railroad, which indicates that Grant either intends to cross to the south side, or he intends taking the James river as a base. This morning troops are landing from transports near Malvern Hill. It is impossible yet to say where our lines are likely to be established. Grant has, by this movement, secured possession of Malvern Hill, it is believed. The breastworks which Grant has left were all of the most formidable character, and were six lines deep. No collision of any magnitude has yet occurred, but before to-morrow's sun shall set we may expect another battle. There was an engagement this morning near Ridley's shop, on the Charles City road, about fifteen miles below Richmond, between the enemy's forces, consisting of infantry, artillery and cavalry, and a body of our cavalry. Our cavalry, however, owing to the superiority of the enemy's numbers, were forced back. The enemy is also said to be moving up the river road. Grant has gotten no nearer Richmond by this move. He has, however, reached the south side of the Chickahominy. About one hundred and fifty prisoners, left by the enemy to-day in their abandoned trenches have been brought in-among them a mail carrier. GENERAL LEE'S DESPATCH. Honorable Secretary of War: been shipped. Very respectfully, &c., R. E. LEE, General. Immediately after the receipt of this despatch, a number of rumors were started through the city, and speculation was rife as to where Grant was making for.. Some thought that with his army beaten and demoralized, and himself smarting under the disappointment of not being nominated at Baltimore, he was withdrawing his army to Washington. Others that he was marching back to Fredericksburg. Others again thought that he was making for Suffolk, to move against the railroads in North Carolina. Others that he was sending off the bulk of his And army to reinforce Sherman in Georgia. still another opinion was that he was moving off to the south side. Ridiculous as some of these were, they were the rumors of the day, and as such we note them. To heighten this speculation, a deserter who came in yesterday reported that Grant was under arrest for drunkenness; that he had been dead drunk since the day of the fight near Hanover Court-house, and had to be borne in an ambulance. All this tended to increase the anxiety, and to give color to every rumor that was heard in the streets; but by night it was pretty definitely ascertained that Grant, or at least the greater portion of his army, had crossed over to the south side. We heard of no official intelligence of this, but from information we received last night we see no reason to doubt it. Westover, where General Lee in his despatch above states the enemy to have moved, is immediately on the James river, not far from Bermuda Hundred, where Butler is, and the river at that point is narrow and well situated for the laying down of pontoons. It is likely he crossed his forces over here, and effected a junction with Butler. At any rate, it was generally reported and believed last night that the enemy was moving on Petersburg, and a rumor was current that fighting had commenced between the two armies. We learned last night, on inquiry in official circles, that they had been advised of no fighting beyond some skirmishing yesterday with Dearing's cavalry, in which our pickets were driven in. Otherwise they reported all quiet. But private accounts reported that the enemy was around Petersburg, and that his forces were in line of battle in front of the outer fortifications. This may be a little extravagant, a little too far; but from all we can learn, we think it is likely that Grant has effected a junction with Butler, and designs moving on Petersburg, with the view of cutting our lines of communication with the South. Finding that he cannot whip us he will probably resort to the other expedient of starving us. PETERSBURG, June 16, 1864. At five P. M. yesterday, comparative quiet had settled along our lines for two hours or more, ing had ceased for the day. In this our troops and it was the general impression that the fightwere mistaken, for it was ascertained before dark that the enemy had massed a very heavy force on our left, especially on the City Point and Prince George Court-house roads. At sunset the enemy charged on batteries commanding these roads, coming up in line of battle six and seven columns deep. The brunt of the assault was sustained by the Twentyfifth and Forty-sixth regiments of Wise's brigade and Sturdivant's battery of four guns. Three furious assaults were made, the enemy coming up with a yell, and making the most determined efforts to carry the works. Our troops received them with a terrific volley each time, sending the columns back broken and discomfited. REBELLION RECORD, 1862-65. The fourth assault was made with such overwhelming numbers that our forces found it impossible to resist the pressure, and were compelled to give way. The enemy now poured over the works in streams, captured three of our pieces, and turning the guns on our men, opened upon them an enfilading fire which caused them to leave precipitately. The guns captured belonged to Sturdivant's battery, and we regret to hear that Captain S. himself was captured, and two of his lieutenants were wounded and fell into the enemy's hands. The gallant manner in which the battery was fought, up to the last moment, is the theme of praise on every tongue. All present, with whom we have conversed, say that Captain S. and his men stood up manfully to their work, and the last discharge was made by Captain S. almost solitary and alone. The city was filled with rumors last night regarding the killed and wounded. But as we could get nothing authentic regarding names, we fear to give them. It is generally conceded that Captain Sturdivant was captured, and also Major Batte, of the Petersburg city battalion. The position gained by the enemy is a most important one. Our generals are fully aware of this, and we shall undoubtedly have hot work to-day. Officers in the field yesterday, estimate the number of the enemy actually seen fronting different portions of our lines at from ten to twelve thousand. It is believed that this is only the advance column, and that Grant has nearly his entire army on this side of the river. Thirty odd transports ascended the James river with troops yesterday. Twenty three prisoners brought in last night, belonging to the One Hundred and Fortyeighth New York regiment, all concur in the statement that Baldy Smith's entire army corps (the Eighteenth), is on this side of the river. Again, other prisoners taken yesterday morning, state that they belong to Burnside's corps. Doc. 95. FIGHT WITH THE ALBEMARLE. CONFEDERATE STATES STEAMER ALBEMARLE, Commander B. F. Pinkney, Commanding, etc. : SIR-I have the honor to report that in obedience to yours of the fifth instant, I left here at meridian of that day, together with the prize steamer Bombshell, as tender, and the Cotton Plant, to convoy to Alligator river. As soon as we reached the mouth of Roanoake river, we discovered six of the enemy's gun-boats in the Sound, about ten miles distant.* They immediately got under way, and stood down the Sound, E.N.E., until we had run about sixteen miles, when three more gun-boats (double-enders) of a much more formidable * See Document 17, page 212, Volume 10; Rebellion Record. class, carrying from ten to twelve guns each, a mile apart, delivering his broadside as he until after dark, when they moved off. One of The action lasted from twenty minutes to five the largest and heaviest boats endeavored to run us down, but failed in the attempt, although she struck us heavily on the starboard quarter. gave her two shots while she hung to us, which I think we succeeded in sinking her, as we must have passed through her. smoke that I was unable to ascertain the damThe rapidity of the firing caused such a dense age done the enemy, but I think I am safe midable boats, and severely crippled two others. in saying that we sunk one of their most for about three hours. The disadvantages under The contest was a very severe one, lasting the impossibility of producing steam enough to which I labored from the tiller giving way, and manage the vessel to advantage, prevented me from inflicting much greater damage than we did. The smoke-stack was riddled to such an extent as to render it useless, and so great was my extremity at one time that I was forced to tear down the bulkheads, throw in all my produce steam enough to bring me back to the bacon, lard and other combustible matter, to river. crew, especially of the following-named men, I cannot speak too highly of the officers and viz.: John Benton, James Cullington, J. B. Cooper, H. A. Kahn, John Smith, H. P. Hoy, Thomas Wooten, John Steely, and T. Nichols. The pilot, John B. Hopkins, deserves great credit for the manner in which he manoeuvred the vessel, and brought her safely back to port. Since the engagement, I have learned by flag of truce that there was no one hurt on the Bombshell. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. M. COOKE, Doc. 96. Commander, C. S. N. A NATIONAL MOTTO. "THE HEEL OF THE OLD FLAG-STAFF SHALL BRUISE THE Union Ratification Meeting, held in Baltimore motto, conceived by Mr. W. W. Carter of that city, in March, 1862, and which he afterward had inscribed upon a handsome silken Union flag, which he presented to President Lincoln in the following August, accompanied by a letter requesting: "That the flag might be deposited in the War Department, in order that the motto might be incorporated into the national faith during the present struggle for the supremacy of the Constitution and the Laws, and the perpetuity of our nationality." The letter then continues: "The motto is national, symbolic, and prophetic. The Heel of the Old Flag-Staff represents the Federal Government; the Rattlesnake's Head represents the Rebellion inaugurated by South Carolina, the symbol of whose sovereignty is that vicious reptile; and the declaration of enmity between the heel and head is prophetic of the absolute power and inflexible determination of the Federal Government to crush out the Rebellion at any and every cost commensurate with the life of the nation. "Let the motto then be inscribed upon the flaunting banners of our advancing armies; let it be spread before the public eye, and thundered into the public ear at all the loyal gatherings of the people; let it stimulate the heart of the nation all over the land, and finally, let it be the battle-cry for the Union until the flag of our country shall again be planted upon every mountain-top, and its musical flutterings again be borne upon every passing breeze. Yea! until "O'er all the cities and forts once more, The sentiment, with its accompanying remarks, have been most heartily endorsed by a large number of the Governors of the loyal States, to whom they have been submitted, as well as by Hon. Edward Everett, Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson, Hon, Joseph Holt, and Commodores Porter, Dahlgren, and others. Doc. 97. EXCLUSION OF THE "ALABAMA." ACTION OF THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT. On the eighth of March, 1864, Mr. Burlingame, American Minister to China, notified the Government of that country of the appearance of the pirate Alabama in the Chinese seas, and requested that she should be excluded from Chinese ports. Prince Kung replied as follows, declaring that he had given orders for her exclusion: I had the honor to receive your Excellency's despatch on the eighth instant, in which you inform me that the southern part of the United States has risen in rebellion to the Government; and that a steamer, called the Alabama, is now cruising on the ocean, burning and destroying vessels and property of their citizens; you therefore request that a proclamation be issued forbidding her to enter the ports of China, &c. It appears from this, that by the rebellion of the southern portion of the United States against their government, your country is placed very much in the same position that China is, whose seditious subjects are now in revolt against her; and as it is highly desirable to prevent this rebel steamer from injuring or molesting American merchant ships, I have notified the various Governors-General and Governors of the maritime provinces that if the steamer Alabama, or any other ship, intending to injure American shipping, come into their jurisdiction, they are on no account to permit such vessel to come into any port. They are required to issue a proclamation to this effect immediately, as a measure adapted to promote the general welfare. I have informed the ministers of Great Britain, France and Russia, of these proceedings, that they may notify their consuls at the several ports for their guidance. I also enclose copy of the despatch issued to the various Governors for your Excellency's information. To His Excellency Anson Burlingame, United States Minister, China. March sixteen, (Tungchi, third year, second moon, ninth day.) The following is an account of the unsuccessful attempt by the rebels to capture a number of the blockading vessels on the Gulf coast. The plan was a bold and audacious one; deserving, perhaps, some little attention by our loyal people. It was after a fruitless cruise of thirty-two days that we again returned to Key West," the most delightful of places," where the residents charge one dollar to be looked at, and where a malady of the most fearful nature has been discovered, namely: pecuniary fever, which is both alarmingly contagious and infectious, and has thus far baffled the skill of the M. D.'s. The supposition was we should be delayed in port for at least three weeks. It was the old story, "machinery out of order, boilers in want of repair, needing what is technically called soft patches." I have asked the question would not hard ones suit the case better? but received in reply for such presumption, a polite invitation to refer to King's "Engineering;" so much for ignorance and curiosity. But now to business; we had made our minds up for a resting spell from that eternal rolling and pitching, which the waters of the gulf are so celebrated for; when in the midst of congratulations, an order was issued from headquarters to the effect that the Hudson should instantly coal up. The knowing ones looked dubious-what could it mean? only just entering port and ordered to coal up was a problem even more than the Island, within two miles of the United States wisest could solve. Yet it was plainly evident steamship Adele. So expertly and silently was that something was about to be done, some- the movement executed, that not a person on thing was in the wind." What could it be? the above mentioned vessel had even a suspectThe question was repeatedly asked but received ing thought of so near an approach of the eneno definite answer. Anything to relieve sus- my. Thus far, the marauders worked successpense, if nothing more than "Madame Rumor," fully, making no demonstrations whatever, until would have been eagerly seized and devoured eleven o'clock at night; then embarking in for truth. But in the meantime we have hauled boats, they pushed with full confidence of maup to the wharf and that dreadful operation king a sure capture of the Adele. Bent on commenced, "coaling;" under the heat of the nothing less than murder, these desperate sun, and the weight of coal, Jack considers characters, in the still hours of the night, were the job an unthankful operation; presently a wending their way toward their intended vicmessenger makes his appearance; what news? tims. The night was unfavorable for the conis the first ejaculation. The abrupt reply is, summation of the design, but so confident of "the Somerset and Chambers are both taken!" the result was the leader, that he paid no heed Taken! where? is the question, for such an at the time of leaving shore to the warnings idea was extremely preposterous. "They are which surrounded them. The moon shedding taken by the rebels" was the response. "A re-its bright lustre, reflected upon the ruffled waport was in circulation that the capture has been made, and your vessel is chosen to proceed without delay to the scene of the disaster." Such was the message received. The blockading vessels Somerset and Chambers were stationed in the harbor of Appalachicola, within eight miles of the town, which was once so thriving and prosperous, but made gloomy enough by the fortunes of war. The first vessel mentioned is a steamer, and formerly a New York ferry boat the latter a three-masted schooner, which, before the war, was engaged in theening clouds completely obscured the moon, coasting-trade. After taking in a sufficient quantity of coal, and receiving the necessary orders, we once more started up the coast; as a matter of course, under the dircumstances, all sorts of rumors were afloat; speculators were on the qui vive. ters a brilliant and radiating phosphorus, by which every splash of the oars could be distinctly seen for some distance; observing this, and fearing premature detection of their longcontemplated plans, the leader ordered a return to the shore, which being executed, they remained concealed for the whole of the following day. The night of the twentieth was again the scene of a similar undertaking. The aspects of affairs were of a different nature; black, threat thereby causing objects to be invisible to the casual glance of a lookout. But He who rules with divine power, who controls both winds and waves, and holds the destiny of nations in His hands, saw proper to cause a storm to sweep destruction over this villanous proceeding. Ere the frail boats had reached half the disThe cruise up the coast was a pleasant one, tance to be accomplished, the storm overtook in regard to weather, but devoid of anything them, and spent its fury around and about the of adventure save the usual monotonous routine whole scene; the impending danger, which was of ship duties; forty hours of hopes and expect- now fully perceived, forced the occupants of ations, served to convince us of the untruth-the boats to apply such means as might possifulness of the "Key West report;" yet it was not without a straw of foundation. On nearing the harbor of Appalach., the United States steamship Tahoma was descried, as the only vessel apparent to the naked eye; but by the aid of the glass the Somerset was "made out" further up toward the river; and now came proof positive of the safety of those feared to be lost. The schooner Chambers had previously relieved the United States steamship Stars and Stripes, and was then blockading off St. Marks; this accounted for her non-appearance. bly secure safety. To go forward was nothing but pure rashness, and the only alternative was to endeavor to reach the shore. Three boats had already swamped, and the half-drowning survivors were clinging with the desperation of despair to the gunwales of the more staunch and fortunate boats. At this moment three boats belong to the Somerset were just returning from an expedition, and upon discovering the boats of the rebels, they instantly gave chase, but unfortunately succeeded in taking but ten prisoners, the officers and the largest part of the men escaping. From the accounts of the prisoners, the officers consisted of a naval lieutenant, a surgeon and passed assistant, a paymaster, four engineers, and two midshipmen; all the boats were eventually taken, numbering twenty-two; and in them were found a mis The foundation of the report originated from an affair which transpired in the vicinity of Appalach.; and but for the timely interference of Him who rules supreme, it would have proved severely disastrous to the fleet. On the nineteenth of May, a force of two hundred rebels, consisting in part of the crew of the rebel ramcellaneous stock of goods, consisting of field Merrimac, that was, and lead by Catesby Jones, who was formerly an officer in the United States army, but now one of the rankest of secessionists, landed upon the extremity of Dog telescopes, marine glasses, compasses, quadrants, sextants, arms, ammunition, &c.; scattered about in various places, there were also found letters of a private nature, corre |