necessity for what is termed an active army, friends here, if you want the right man for a and should it be incumbent upon you to furnish husband, take him whose armless sleeves and troops from your reserves, you have no consti- noble heart betokens the duties that he has rentutional scruples, like Governor Strong, of Mas- dered to his country, rather than he who has sachusetts, against marching your militia from never shared the toils or borne the dangers of the borders of the State, to fight the battles of the field. If there still be left any of those milithe cause in which you are engaged. I honor | tary critics, who have never spoken of our Genyou for it. It is needless for me to argue ques-erals but to show how much better things could tions here which have been discussed elsewhere, for here I am among the disciples of him from whom I learned my lessons of State Rights-the great, the immortal John C. Cal houn. have been managed, or of our Government, but to find fault with it because it never took their advice-in mercy's name let those wise men go to the front and aid us in achieving our independence. With their wisdom and strength swelling our armies, I should have some hopes that I will not be a corpse before our cause is secured, and that our flag would never trail in dishonor, but would wave victoriously above the roar and smoke of battle. Among those to whom we are indebted in South Carolina, I have not yet alluded to that peculiar claim of gratitude which is due to the fair countrywomen of the Palmetto State-they who have gone to the hospital to watch by the side of the sick-those who throng your way- I believe it is in the power of the men of the side homes-who have used their needle with Confederacy to plant our banners on the banks the industry of sewing-women-who have of the Ohio, where we may say to the Yankee, borne privation without a murmur, and who Be quiet, or we shall teach you another have given up fathers, sons, and husbands, with lesson.' Within the next thirty days much is more than Spartan virtue, because they called to be done, for upon our success much depends. on no one to witness and record the deed. Within the next thirty days, therefore, let all Silently, with all the dignity and grandeur of who are absentees, or who ought to be in the patriotism, they have made their sacrifices-army, go promptly to their ranks. Let fresh sacrifices which, if written, would be surpassed by nothing in history. If all the acts of heroism and virtue of the women of the South could be transmitted to the future, it would present such a record as the world has never seen. All honor, then, I say, to the ladies of the Palmetto State. Their gallantry is only different from that of her sons in this, that they deem it unfeminine to strike; and yet such is the heroism they have displayed-such the noble demeanor they have exhibited-that at the last moment, when trampled upon, and it became a necessity, they would not hesitate to strike the invader a corpse at their feet. [Applause.] It is scarcely necessary for me, at a time like this, to argue grave questions respecting policy, past, present or prospective. I only ask you to have faith and contidence, and to believe that every faculty of my head and my heart is devoted to your cause, and to that I shall, if necessary, give my life. Let every one in his own sphere, and according to his own capacity, devote himself to the single purpose of filling up and sustaining our armies in the field. If required to stay at home, let him devote himself not to the acquisition of wealth, but to the advancement of the common cause. If there is to be any aristocracy in the land after this war, I hope it will be an aristocracy of those men who have became poor while bleeding to secure our liberty. [Applause.] If there are to be any peculiarly favored by public opinion hereafter, I trust it will be those men who have longest borne a musket and oftentimes bled upon the battle-field. If there is to be any young man shunned by the young ladies when he seeks their favor, I trust it will be the young man who has grown rich by skulking. And with all sincerity, I say to my young victories crown our arms, and the peace party, if there be such at the North, can elect its candidate. But whether a peace candidate is elected or not, Yankee instinct will teach him that it is better to end the war, and leave us to the enjoyment of our own rights. Prayerful for your welfare, confiding in the army of the Confederate States to do that which soft words can never achieve, and in the hope that God will preserve the little ones of all brave men who are in the field, or who are going to it, and trusting that in the future, under brighter auspices, it may be my fortune to meet the good people of Columbia; I wish you all, for the present, farewell. [Applause.] Doc. 51. THE CHICAGO CONSPIRACY. HEADQUARTERS POST, CAMP DOUGLAS, Capiain B. T.Smith, A. A. G., District Headquarters, Springfield, Ill.: CAPTAIN: I have the honor to respectfully report in relation to the origin, progress and result up to the present time of the late rebel raid for the purpose of releasing the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, taking possession of the city of Chicago, creating an insurrection in and overrunning the States of Illinois and Indi ana in aid of the Southern rebellion. That Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, Secre tary of the Interior during the administration of Mr. Buchanan, went to Windsor, Canada, some time in May or June last, under the assumed name of Captain Carson, and having been sup plied by the rebel government with large sums of money for the purpose, commenced operations to organize in Canada an expedition to release rebel prisoners of war at different camps in the North-west, and aid the "Sons of Liberty" with money and arms, to raise an insurrection, especially in the States of Illinois and Indiana, against the Government of the United States. About the twenty-fifth day of August last an expedition was organized at Toronto, Canada, under the immediate direction of Captain Hines, formerly of Morgan's command, composed of one hundred and fifty to two hundred escaped prisoners and rebel soldiers, accompanied by Colonel G. St. Leger Grenfell, at one time Morgan's Chief of Staff and afterward InspectorGeneral on the staff of General Bragg; Colonel Vincent Marmaduke, of Missouri; Colonel Ben. Anderson, of Kentucky; Captains Castleman and Cantrell, formerly of Morgan's command. and other rebel officers. This force was armed with pistols at Toronto, divided, and its members, in citizen's dress, came to Chicago, by different routes, in the same trains which brought the thronging thousands who assembled on the twenty-ninth of August to attend the Chicago Convention, and which made it difficult to detect their presence. It was to have been assisted by large numbers of "Sons of Liberty" and other guerrillas, who came armed to that convention, gathered from Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana and Illinois, and were to be under the immediate command of Brigadier-General Charles Walsh, of the "Sons of Liberty." into effect, to interfere by military force at the polls, against the Democratic party, as an excuse under which to arm themselves, as individuals, and had also obtained and concealed at different places in this city, arms and ammunition for themselves and the rebel prisoners of war, when they should be released. On the evening of the fifth day of November, it was reported that a large number of persons of suspicious character had arrived in the city from Fayette and Christian counties, in Illinois, and that more were coming. On Sunday, the sixth day of November, late in the afternoon, it became evident that the city was filling up with suspicious characters, some of whom were prisoners of war, and soldiers of the rebel army: that Captain Hines, Colonel Grenfell, and Colonel Marmaduke were here to lead, and that Brigadier-General Waish, of the "Sons of Liberty," had ordered large numbers of members of that order from the southern portion of Illinois, to cooperate with them. Adopting measures which proved effective to detect the presence and identify the persons of the officers and leaders, and ascertain their plans, it was manifest that they had the means of gathering a force considerably larger than the little garrison, then guarding between eight and nine thousand prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, and that, taking advantage of the excitement and the large number of persons who would ordinarily fill the streets on election night, they intended to make a night attack on and surprise this camp, release and arm the prisoners of war, cut the telegraph wires, burn the railway depots, seize the banks and stores The presence of these officers and men for containing arms and ammunition, take possesthat purpose was suspected by the Government, sion of the city, and commence a campaign for and reinforcements were made to the garrison the release of other prisoners of war in the at Camp Douglas, which thwarted the expedi-States of Illinois and Indiana, thus organizing tion, and its members dispersed, some of the rebel officers and soldiers to Canada, others to Kentucky, and yet others to Southern Indiana and Illinois, and the "Sons of Liberty" and guerrillas to their respective homes, to await a signal for the general uprising which, it was determined, should soon take place in the States of Illinois and Indiana against the Government. About the first of November another expedition of like character was organized in Canada, to be commanded by Captain Hines, and composed of the same elements as that which had failed at the time of the Chicago Convention. It was determined that the attempt should be made about the period of the Presidential election, and the night of that day was finally designated as the time when the plot should be executed. an army to effect and give success to the general uprising so long contemplated by the "Sons of Liberty." The whole number of troops for duty at Camp Douglas on that day were as follows: Eighth regiment Veteran Reserve corps, Lieutenant-Colonel L. C. Skinner, commanding..... Fifteenth regiment Veteran Reserve corps, Lieutenant-Colonel Martin Flood, commanding...... Total infantry.. 273 377 650 Twenty-fourth Ohio battery, Lieutenant Making a total of............. 796 During the canvass which preceded the election, the "Sons of Liberty," a secret organiza- to guard eight thousand three hundred and fiftytion, within, and beyond all doubt, unknown to two prisoners of war confined in the garrison the better portion and majority of, the Demo- square at this camp, by a fence constructed of cratic party, had caused it to be widely pro-inch-boards, twelve feet high. claimed and believed, that there was an intention on the part of the Government, and great danger that such intention would be carried The election was to take place on Tuesday, the eighth, two days thereafter. By deferring action till the night of Monday, the seventh instant, probably all the officers and leaders, and many more of the men and arms, of the expedition, might have been captured, and more home rebels exposed; but such delay would have protracted the necessary movements and attending excitement, into the very day of the Presidential election. The great interests involved would scarcely justify taking the inevitable risks of postpone ment. breech-loading carbines, and one Enfield rifle were seized at Walsh's barn, in the city of Chicago. Finding from investigation that the Sons of Liberty in this city continued to meet and plot, on the night of Sunday, the third of November, Patrick Dooley, secretary of the temple in this city, was arrested, and such papers as had not been destroyed, some of them valuable, as showing the intents and purposes of the organization, seized. On the night of Monday, November fourteenth, the following named persons, members of the "Sons of Liberty," were arrested, viz: Obediah Jackson, "Grand Senior," Charles W. Patten, Sending a despatch, dated half-past eight o'clock P. M., November six, by messenger over the railroad, to Brigadier-General John Cook, commanding the District of Illinois, a copy of which, numbered one, is annexed to, and made a part of this report, the following arrests"Member of State Council," Mr. Fenton, "Tyler" were made during the night. or door-keeper, James Geary, a dangerous member, Richard T. Semmes, nephew to pirate Semmes, Dr. E. W. Edwards, who harbored Colonel Marmaduke, all of whom remain in cus On the fifteenth instant a young Englishman, from Canada, under British protection-papers, named Mongham, was arrested, who proves to be a messenger between Jacob Thompson, Captain Hines, Brigadier-General Walsh, and the guerrillas of Colonel Jesse, of Kentucky. Colonel G. St. Ledger Grenfell, and J. T. Shanks, an escaped prisoner of war, at the Richmond House; Colonel Vincent Marmaduke, at the house of Doctor E. W. Edwards, No. seven-tody. ty Adams street; Brigadier-General Charles Walsh, of the "Sons of Liberty;" Captain Cantrell, of Morgan's command; and Charles Traverse, rank unknown, probably an officer under an assumed name, at the house of General Walsh; Judge Buckner S. Morris, treasurer of "Sons of Liberty," at his house, number six Washington street; also capturing at the same time in Walsh's house, about thirty rods from Camp Douglas, arms and ammunition, as per annexed schedule, numbered two. The shot guns were all loaded with cartridges, composed of from nine to twelve largest sized buckshot, and capped. The revolvers, (Joslyn's patent ten inch barrel,) also leaded and capped. Reported to Brigadier-General John Cook, commanding District of Illinois, and Colonel William Hoffman, Commissary-General of Prisoners,by telegraphic despatch, dated Camp Douglas, November seven, at four o'clock A. M., a copy of which is hereto annexed, numbered three, made a part of this report. On the morning of Monday, the seventh inst., Colonel John L. Hancock, commanding militia, by order from Governor Yates, reported to me, and Colonel R. M. Hough rapidly organized a mounted force of about two hundred and fifty men, which was armed with the revolvers captured, (from Walsh reported,) and were assigned to duty as patrols in the city of Chicago, remaining on duty till the morning of the ninth. Captain Bjerg, Military Provost Marshal, Captain William James, Provost Marshal First District of Illinois, the police of the city, and various detachments of this garrison, under different officers, arrested during the day and night of the seventh instant, one hundred and six bushwhackers, guerrillas, and rebel soldiers; among them many of the notorious Clingman gang," of Fayette and Christian counties, in this State, with their Captain, Sears, and Lieutenant Garland, all of whom are now in custody at Camp Douglas. An examination of many of the persons so arrested, show, beyond all doubt, that the "Sons of Liberty" is a treasonable, widely-extended, and powerful organization, touching into almost, if not all, the counties of this State; that it is an organization of two branches, one civil, the other military, the members of the civil being on probation for the military branch; that important secrets in relation to military plans, and the location of the depots for arms, were carefully guarded from persons of civil membership, though even they well knew that the organization had such depots, and was animated with a spirit of intense hostility to the government; that many of its leaders must have known of the intended attack on this camp and city, and that some of them have actually been in consultation face to face with men whom they knew to be rebel officers, conspiring to produce a revolution in the North-west. A schedule is hereto attached numbered four, which is believed to contain the names of some of the leading and most dangerous men belonging to this organization in the several counties of the State of Illinois. I respectfully recommend that the officers of the rebel army, and as many of the "Sons of Liberty" and guerrillas above mentioned, as the interests of the Government may require, be tried before a military commission and punished. I cannot close this report without expressing my conviction that the gratitude of the country is due to the Eighth regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, Lieutenant-Colonel L. C. Skinner commanding; the Fifteenth regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, Lieutenant-Colonel Martin Flood comOn the eleventh of November forty-seven manding; and the Twenty-fourth Ohio battery, double-barrelled shot guns, thirty Allen's patent | Lieutenant James W. Gamble commanding, which comprised the small garrison at Camp Douglas, during two weeks of severe, and almost unexampled duty. A garrison overworked for months, its officers and enlisted men met the demand for added and wearing duty, necessary to hold harmless the great interests committed to their care, with a cheerful alacrity and steady zeal, deserving the warmest commendations. Captain John Nelson, and so much of the police of this city as were detailed to act with him, and report to me, executed orders and performed duty with rare fidelity and energy. Colonel R. M. Hough and the mounted patrol under his command, deserve great credit for promptitude in organization, and duty efficiently performed. I have the honor to be, Captain, Your obedient servant, Brigadier-General John Cook, Springfield, Ill.: GENERAL: I send this despatch by a messenger for two reasons. First. I am not entirely sure of the telegraph, and the messenger will arrive about as soon as would a telegrain. Second. Though pressed for time, I can explain more fully our circumstances here, and what I propose to do. The city is filling up with suspicious characters, some of whom we know to be escaped prisoners, and others who were here from Canada during the Chicago Convention, plotting to release the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas. I have every reason to believe that Colonel Marmaduke of the rebel army is in the city under an assumed name, and also Captain Hines of Morgan's command, also Colonel G. St. Leger Grenfell, formerly Morgan's Adjutant-General, as well as other officers of the rebel army. My force is, as you know, too weak and much over worked, only eight hundred men, all told, to guard between eight and nine thousand prisoners. I am certainly not justified in waiting to take risks, and mean to arrest these officers, if possible before morning. The head gone, we can manage the body. In order to make these arrests perfect, I must also arrest two or three prominent citizens, who are connected with these officers, of which the proof is ample. These arrests may cause much excitement; I ought to have more force here at once. It seems to me as unwise as it is unsafe to leave a central | location like Chicago, with an unarmed rebel army near it, insecurely guarded, especially in times of doubt like these. I have made repeated representations on this subject, and I am well assured that they have been seconded both at District and Department | Headquarters. May I ask that you will again represent our necessities, and urge by telegraph that we be reinforced at once. I regret that I am not able to consult with you on my proposed action, before acting, without letting an opportunity pass which may never again occur, and which so passing would leave us open to much danger. It may happen that this action will be delayed till to-morrow night, but probably it will not. I shall telegraph in the morning if anything is done. If I do not telegraph, please give your views for my guidance to this messenger. I fear the telegraph might notify the parties interested. I have the honor to be, General, Very respectfully, B. J. SWEET, Colonel Commanding Post. CHICAGO, IL, Nov. 7-4 o'clock, A. M. Brigadier-General John Cook, Springfield, Ill.: Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: Morgan's Adjutant-General, Colonel G. St. Leger Grenfell, in company with J. T. Shanks, an escaped prisoner of war, at Richmond House. J. T. Shanks, Colonel Vincent Marmaduke, brother of General Marmaduke. Brigadier-General Charles Walsh, of the "Sons of Liberty;" Captain Cantrell, of Morgan's command; Charles Traverse (Butternut). Cantrell and Traverse arrested in Walsh's house, in which were found two cart-loads large size revolvers, loaded and capped, two hundred stands of muskets loaded, and ammunition. Also seized two boxes guns concealed in a room in the city. Also arrested Buck. Morris, Treasurer "Sons of Liberty," having complete proof of his assisting Shanks to escape, and plotting to release prisoners at this camp. List of names of prominent members of the "Sons of Liberty" in the several counties of the State of Illinois. Names. County. County. Names. ..Cook ...Crawford Fred. Rearick............Cass C. H. Palmer..........Dewitt David Epler.. James A. Dick...... ..... .... Saml. Christey. .Fayette M. Richardson.........Shelby John Hanna.. J. B. Smit...... J. L. Carr......... Vermillion C. A. Richardson...Woodford Doc. 52. BATTLE AT TAH-KAH-O-KUTY MOUNTAIN. UF ADQUAR JAN BY, TIMON, } CAMP ON HEART RIVER, D. T., July 31, 1864. SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of my operations since July twenty-five: On the twenty-third of this month I reached this point, having made rapid marches, considering I had a very large emigrant train under Thomas P. Bond.........Bond B. S. Morris.. my charge. I had started in a direction west, Harry Wilton...........Bond W. C. Wilson.......Crawford Thos. Hunter.. ........Bond L. W. Odell.. but on the road, receiving information that the Martin Brooks.........Brown Dickins..........Cumberland Indians were on or near the Knife river, I C. H. Atwood.......... Brown J. C. Armstrong.......Dewitt changed my course in a northerly direction. On Allen J. Hill. ......Cass B. T. Williams........Douglas my arrival at this point I coralled all my Cass Amos Green................. .Edgar the emigrant train, leaving it .Cass R. M. Bishop....... wagons and .Edgar Cass W. D. Latshaw...... Edwards under charge of Captain Tripp, Dakota Fayette cavalry, with a sufficient force to guard against Fayette danger. .Fayette About three P. M., on the twenty-sixth. 1 Ford succeeded in getting off, and about ten A. M., Phillip Dougherty. ..Clark A. D. Duff.......... Franklin of the twenty-eighth, succeeded in reaching the Clay B. F. Pope.. .Franklin enemy's camp, about eighty miles' march. All their camp was standing when I reached D. Wickersham.......... Cook A. Perry..............Fulton G. S. Kimberly. ..Cook J. H. Philsob..........Fulton there, and they prepared for a fight, no doubt S. Corning Judd........ Fulton E. D. Halm.............Knox with full confidence of whipping me, for they Charles Sweeney......Fulton J. M. Nicholson.........Knox had twenty-four hours' notice of my advance, .Knox by a party of my scouts falling in with a war M. M. Morrow....... Hancock D. H. Morgan. .....Lawrence party of theirs, not sixteen miles from here. ....Logan Dennis Smith........Hancock A. M. Miller. ........Logan We followed their trail, which led me to the J. S. Rainsdell.. ..Henderson P. J. Hously........Macoupin camp. A. Johnson........Henderson Dr. T. M. Hone......Madison A. M. Christian. Stephen B. Moore....... Coles W. B. Kelly. ...Ford .......Franklin Chas. Durham.........Henry S. R. Carigan...... Marion side of a mountain called Tah-kah-o-kuty, which Morrison Francis.. ..Henry John Burns.......... Marshall is a small chain of very high hills, filled with Jackson C. M. Baker.......... Marshall ravines, thickly timbered and well watered, .Jefferson J. Haringhorst......... Mason ....Jasper R. Smithson........Marshall situated on a branch of the Little Missouri Gros ..Jefferson J. R. Taggart........Marshall Ventres, latitude forty-seven degrees fifteen ..Jefferson J. S. Chamberlain......Mason minutes, as laid down on the Government map. ......Jersey J. W. Mathews......McDon'h The prairie in front of the camp is very rolling, O. W. Powell...... ..Jersey J. C. Thompson..... 66 M. Y. Johnson....Jo. Daviess Thos. A. Masteve.... David Sheen......Jo. Daviess Wm. H. Neece....... "" M. Simmons... ..Jo. Daviess R. Caswell.. W. J. Latham.. McLean and on the left, as we approached, high hills. On the top and sides of these hills, and on my Louis Shister Jo. Daviess J. C. Springer........McLean right, at the base of the mountains; also on the Thomas McKee.. .......Knox T. Alexander.. ......Putnam hillocks in front, on the prairie, the Indians J. F. Worrell......... McLean W. H. G. Burney.....Putnam were posted; there were over one thousand six E. D. Wright... Menard H. B. Kays..... ........ Putnam Edward Lanning...... Menard E. S. Wilson........Richland hundred lodges, at least five thousand or six Robert Halloway. ....Mercer J. W. Barrett......Sangamon thousand warriors, composed of the Unk-paRobt. Davis...... Montgomery W. T. Barrett......Sangamon pahs, San-saics, Blackfeet, Minniecougues, Thos. Grey...... Montgomery Jacob Epler........ .Sangamon Morgan B. R. Piper. Sangamon Yanck-ton-ais, and Santee Sioux. My force J. O. S. Hays......... Morgan W. M. Springer....Sangamon consisted as follows: eleven companies of the J. W. McMillen, ...Morgan E Edmonston.. ..Schuyler Sixth Iowa cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Pollock Dr. Keller..........Moultrie J. Montgomery. ..Schuyler commanding; three companies of the Seventh Schuyler Iowa cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Pattee comPeter Sweat..........Peoria G. W. Mentz........ Schuyler manding; two companies Dakota cavalry, CapPeoria F. B. Thompson.. Shelby tain Miner commanding; four companies of Peoria Reuben Rucssler... ..Shelby Brackett's Minnesota battalion, Major Brackett John Francis.......... Peoria C. Z. Landes.........Wabash commanding; about seventy scouts, and VOL. XI-Doo. |