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General Sully, commanding District of Iowa and the Indian expedition; General Sibley, commanding District of Minnesota, and General T. C. H. Smith, commanding District of Wisconsin, are entitled to my warmest thanks for their valuable services and the cordial good feeling which they have manifested during their entire term of service in this department.

To General Sully I particularly desire to invite the favorable consideration of the War Department. His arduous and distinguished services in organizing and conducting the Indian expedition and beating and dispersing the combined tribes of Indians in two considerable battles, at such remote points and in so difficult a country, and in thus bringing the Indians to the necessity of asking peace from the Government, entitle him to peculiar consideration, and make it proper for me to renew the application heretofore transmitted for his promotion. He has earned it fairly, and I trust and believe that the Government will not hesitate to confer it upon him.

Confederates about twenty miles north of Little Rock, killing and wounding four, and taking one prisoner.

Eleventh. Lieutenant Treadway, Third Arkansas cavalry, returned to Lewisburg from scout to near Devil's Fork, having killed rebel Captain Christopher and one man.

Twelfth. Captain Gill, Third Arkansas cavalry volunteers, returned to Lewisburg, having had a fight with Captain Adams' company on the Arkansas river, near Petit Jean, in which he killed two and wounded several of the enemy.

Fourteenth. A battalion of the Fourth Arkansas cavalry returned from scout through Saline, Hot Springs, and Montgomery counties. Fought with small bands of the enemy daily until arriving at Farr's Mill. Captain Green, with twentyfive men of this battalion, engaged Crook's and Crawford's companies, numbering about a hundred men, drove them, and killed four and wounded six of the enemy, without a single accident happening to his men.

The battalion lost during the expedition one To the reports of Generals Sully and Sibley, private killed, Captain Guinn and Lieutenant and to those of their subordinate commanders, I Spirr and six privates wounded, and three men refer for details of the various military opera- missing. tions herein sketched, and for a proper repreSeventeenth. Lieutenant Williams, Third sentation of the distinguished conduct of the Arkansas cavalry, returned to Lewisburg from several officers and of the troops under their scout to Norristown, Dover, &c., having killed command. I cheerfully endorse their recom-three bushwhackers and two horses on the mendations in behalf of the officers and soldiers in question.

I am, General, respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Major-General Commanding.

Major-General H. W. HALLECK,

Chief of Staff of the Army, Washington, D. C.

[blocks in formation]

Record of military operations in the Department of Arkansas for the month of July, 1864:

Fourth. A party of fifty-five men of the Third Arkansas cavalry volunteers from Lewisburg, under command of Captain Hamilton of that regiment, made a raid into Searcy, Arkansas, and killed seven rebels, wounded four, and captured one captain, two lieutenants, and fiftythree men, who were organized for General Shelby's command. They also captured twelve horses and mules, fifteen stand of arms, and one stand of colors.

Sixth. Lieutenant Mason, Third Arkansas cavalry, returned to Lewisburg from a scout to Norristown, having captured three deserters, and destroyed five flats and skiffs.

Tenth. A scouting party, consisting of one lieutenant and twenty men, of the Tenth Illinois cavalry volunteers, ran into a small party of

Arkansas river, below Norristown.

Twenty-second. Captain Taylor, Third Arkansas cavalry, returned to Lewisburg from scout to Red river, having killed four of the enemy.

Major L. H. Thacher, Ninth Kansas cavalry, while on a scout fifteen miles north-west of Pine Bluff, surprised the camp of Captain Lightfoot, of Cabell's command, wounding one man, capturing two horses, three guns, and a large amount of provisions and medical stores, which he destroyed.

Twenty-fourth. Lieutenant Reynolds, Third Arkansas cavalry volunteers, returned to Lewisburg from scout eight miles beyond camp Myrick, having killed ten of Jackman's and Shelby's men, and bringing in three prisoners.

Twenty-fifth. A scouting party from the Third Missouri cavalry, under command of Captain Jug, proceeded to Benton, Arkansas, and charged into the town. Private George Lucas, company C Third Missouri cavalry, pursued and killed the rebel Brigadier-General George M. Holt, Arkansas militia, capturing his arms and horse.

Twenty-sixth. A reconnoitering party, consisting of three hundred and sixty men of the Fiftysixth and SixtiethUnited States colored infantry, one section of Lembke's colored battery, the whole under command of Colonel W. S. Brooks, Fifty-sixth United States colored infantry, moved from Helena, in the direction of Wallace's ferry, on Big Creek, with the view of ascertaining the designs and force of the enemy. At the same time one hundred and fifty men of the Fifteenth Illinois cavalry volunteers, under command of

Major Carmichael, dropped down the Mississippi river on board a steamer, and landing at a point below Old Town, marched in the direction of Sims' ferry, on Big creek, to cooperate with Colonel Brooks.

The infantry and artillery crossed Big creek at five A. M, on the twenty-sixth, and learned that the rebel General Dobbins was near there in force, having three regiments, estimated at fifteen hundred men. Colonel Brooks recrossed his command, Dobbins crossing lower down and before him, and attacked him in front and right flank with vigor. The infantry and artillery held their ground stubbornly for several hours, when Major Carmichael, hearing the cannonading, made a forced march, and charged through Dobbins' command just at the moment when he had brought up his reserves, and was about to make a final charge. Our forces immediately assumed the offensive, and marched in the direction of Helena, the enemy giving away before them, but following them up within nine miles of that place. Our loss was about fifty in killed and wounded, including Colonel Brooks, Captain Lembke, Adjutant Pratt, and Surgeon Stoddard, of the Fifty-sixth colored, killed, and Lieutenant Crane severely wounded, one caisson and one limber were blown up, their horses having been killed. The enemy's loss is estimated, by officers who were in the action, at about one hundred and fifty men.

Twenty-seventh. A force of between fifteen hundred and two thousand rebels, under General Gano, attacked our outpost seven miles from Fort Smith, consisting of about two hundred men of the Sixth Kansas, under the command of Captain Mefford, moving up in two columns, the one driving in the pickets and the other flanking them.

Captain Mefford fought his men bravely, but was soon overpowered, and he and eightytwo of his men were taken prisoners. The enemy retired before reinforcements could be sent. Ten of our men were killed and fifteen wounded.

The enemy lost twelve killed and twenty wounded left on the field.

Major Galoway, of the First Arkansas cavalry, routed Major Pickles' and Buck Brown's forces, killing Major Pickles and a number of his men; and capturing thirty-five horses and mules. Captain Worthington, of the same regiment, subsequently attacked a portion of Brown's force, killing nine, and capturing fifteen horses and mules.

Twenty-ninth. Captain Napirs, Third Arkansas cavalry, returned from scout to Greenbrier, having killed the rebel Captain Birr near Red river.

I have the honor to be,
Very respectfully,

Doc. 49.


MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, July 27, 1864.
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to make the fol-
lowing report of the part taken by my division
on the late expedition to Tupelo, Mississippi :
I left La Grange on the morning of the fifth
instant with my command, which was composed
of the following brigades and batteries: First
brigade, Colonel McMillen, Ninety-fifth Ohio
volunteer infantry; Second brigade, Colonel
Wilken, Ninth Minnesota volunteer infantry;
Third brigade, Colonel Woods, Twelfth Iowa
volunteer infantry; Fourth brigade, Colonel
Ward, Fourteenth Wisconsin volunteer infantry.
This brigade was a detachment from the Sev-
enteenth Army Corps, temporarily assigned to
my command. Second Iowa battery, Lieutenant
Reid commanding; First Illinois, company E
(one section), Lieutenant Cram; and a battery,
four Rodmans, belonging to company M, First
Missouri, but manned by Captain Miller's com-
pany, Sixth Indiana battery.

We arrived at Pontotoc on the twelfth instant, and on the morning of the thirteenth moved toward Tupelo.

The colonel çommanding brigade of colored troops, which was in rear of my division about nine miles of Tupelo, sent word to me that he was threatened by a large force of the enemy. I directed Colonel Ward, whose brigade had been marching on the right flank of the train, to place one regiment in the rear, so that he might be better able to render assistance to the negro brigade. At the same time I ordered Colonel Woods to place two of his largest regiments on the right flank of the train. The column proceeded in this manner some three miles when an attack was suddenly made on the train for nearly its entire length.

The attacking force, as I have since learned, consisted of four brigades of cavalry. This attack was soon repulsed, Colonel Ward's brigade taking the chief part in the fight, and capturing a rebel flag.

As soon as the enemy was repulsed I again started the column on, keeping the wagons ahead of the main column; when, finding that the enemy were moving rapidly at some distance on my right flank toward my front, I proceeded toward the head of the column for the purpose of making arrangements to protect the wagon train.

I had just arrived at the head of the Ninth Minnesota, which had been sent forward to protect the train, when a furious attack was made on the column a short distance to the rear. I immediately halted that regiment and faced it toward the enemy and directed skir mishers to be deployed; at the same time the balance of the brigade was halted by Colonel McMillen and faced toward the enemy, and the Adjutant-General, United States Army, Washington, D. C. order given to charge. The enemy was driven

Your obedient servant,

Major-General Commanding.

Brigadier-General L. THOMAS,


in confusion. I then brought up the Eleventh Missouri to Colonel McMillen's support, but before they arrived in front the rebels had disappeared and the fight was over.

Colonel McMillen and his command displayed great gallantry in so quickly repulsing this attack.

As soon as our wounded had been picked up I again moved on and arrived at the camp about dark.

The next morning the General commanding the expedition indicated to me the positions he wished my division to occupy, and I placed the troops of my commad as follows: Colonel Woods' brigade on the left, its left resting on the Pontotoc road, and connecting with the right of the Third division; Colonel Ward's brigade on the right of Colonel Woods'; Colonel McMillen's brigade on the right of Ward's; and Colonel Wilken's brigade in reserve.

The Second Iowa battery was placed on the left of Colonel Ward's brigade, and commanded the Pontotoc road and the open field on the right of that road. Captain Miller's battery was placed on the right of Colonel Ward's brigade, and the section of Company E, First Illinois battery on the right of Colonel McMillen's brigade.

had crossed the creek, and passed through the
bottom on the north side of it, several shells
were suddenly dropped into the camp by the
enemy, who, it seems, had driven in our cavalry
the very moment the infantry had crossed the

I was directed by Major-General Smith to
take a brigade and drive the enemy back. I
ing them in line of battle. I attacked the ene-
moved the First brigade immediately back, form-
my and drove them about two miles.

Colonel McMillen's brigade behaved most gallantly, and were led by him, he riding in advance of them and cheering them on.

After the enemy had been driven I withdrew my troops and ordered them into camp, leaving the position to be held by Colonel Moore, commanding the Third division.

I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of
both officers and men in the several engage-

I regret to have to report the loss of Colonel
Wilken of the Ninth Minnesota, commanding
second brigade, who, although he had been
with the command but a short time, had
already endeared himself to both officers and
men by his high-toned bearing and gentlemanly

I enclose here with a sketch of the battle-field
A list of casualties has already been forward-
and reports of brigade commanders.
to you.
I am, Captain,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Brigadier-General Commanding.

The enemy commenced the attack at about half-past seven o'clock in the morning, coming I down in line of battle along our front and opposite our left, moving in an irregular mass. directed the fire to be retained until they approached quite near, and then opened on them with shell, canister, and musketry. The fight continued for about two hours and a half, when, finding that they would not approach any nearer our lines, I ordered the third brigade to charge | Captain J. H. HOUGH, on them. This was very gallantly done, and the enemy driven from the field with heavy


I had two field officers and several men sunstruck during the charge, and the enemy, having fallen back to their led horses, disappeared from our front.

I did not attempt to pursue them any further, as my command was well nigh exhausted with the march of nineteen miles and the fighting of the day before; in fact it would have been useless to pursue mounted infantry with troops on foot under any circumstances.

On the morning of the fifteenth, the enemy again appeared in our front. I awaited their attack, but finding that they were not disposed to approach within musket shot, with the exception of their skirmishers, I moved upon them and drove them about two miles, when they again took to their horses and fled. I then followed the third division, which had already moved out on the Ellistown road. A brigade of cavalry formed the rear guard.

I arrived at the camp on Oldtown creek, and was there met by a staff officer of the General commanding the expedition, who directed that my division should pass by the Third and encamp in advance of them. Just as my rear brigade

Assistant Adjntant-General,

Right Wing Sixteenth Army Corps.


MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, July 22, 1864. CAPTAIN: In obedience to orders, I moved with my command (the First brigade, First division, Sixteenth Army Corps) on the morning of the first instant to the depot of the Memphis and Charleston railroad, when the Ninth Minnesota infantry, which had been temporarily embarked on the cars, the artillery and train assigned, joined the brigade. The troops were going by road, the former reaching a point near La Fayette, when we encamped for the night. On the morning of the second instant, by order of Brigadier-General Sturgis, I was placed in command of all the infantry connected with the expedition, which was organized as follows:

First brigade: Colonel Alexander Wilken, ty-second Ohio infantry, veteran volunteers, Ninth Minnesota infantry, commanding; SevenLieutenant-Colonel Charles G. Eaton, commanding; Ninety-fifth Ohio infantry volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Jefferson Brombeck, commanding; One Hundred and Fourteenth Illinois infantry volunteers, Colonel De Witt C. Thomas,


commanding; Ninth Minnesota infantry volun-
teers, Lieutenant-Colonel John F. King, com-
manding; Ninety-third Indiana infantry volun-
teers, Lieutenant-Colonel J. F. Marsh, command-
; company E, First Illinois light artillery,
Captain John A. Fitch, commanding; section
Sixth Indiana battery, Captain M. Miller, com-

cavalry, leaving the other two brigades to come up with the train. I accordingly ordered Colonel Hoge, commanding Second brigade (the advance that day), to move up in quick time, without any reference to the column in his rear, and sent my quartermaster to close up the train, and have it, with the brigades of Colonels Second brigade: Color.el George B. Hoge, possible. I accompanied the advance brigade Wilken and Bouton, moved up as rapidly as One Hundred and Thirteenth Illinois infantry, and en route to the field received repeated and commanding; Eighty-first Illinois infantry vol- urgent orders to move up as rapidly as possible, unteers; Ninety-fifth Illinois infantry volun- as the enemy was developing a large force and teers; One hundred and eighth Illinois infantry driving our cavalry back. Colonel Hoge's advolunteers; One hundred and thirteenth Illi-vance regiment, the One Hundred and Thirteenth nois infantry volunteers; One hundred and Illinois infantry, reached the cross-roads betwentieth Illinois infantry volunteers; Company tween one and two P. M., and went into action B, Second Illinois light artillery, Captain F. H. at once Chapman, commanding. on the right of the Baldwin road, Third brigade: Colonel Edward Bouton, which had been forced back to within a short relieving Colonel Waring's brigade of cavalry, Fifty-ninth United States infantry (colored), distance of Brice's house. As fast as Colonel commanding; Fifty-fifth United States infantry, Hoge's regiment came up they were deployed (colored), Major E. M. Lowe, ing; Fifty-ninth United States infantry, (color-line in a semi-circular form in the direction of command- on the right of the Baldwin road, extending the ed,) Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Cowden, commanding; Battery F, Second United States artillery (colored), Captain C. A. Lamburgh commanding.

During the organization of the infantry division the large supply and ammunition train was brought up by the cavalry and turned over to me for safe conduct. The cavalry moved on the same day in the direction of Lamar, and the next morning at half-past three o'clock, the infantry was in motion in the same direction.

From this time until the morning of the tenth instant, nothing of importance occurred beyond the difficulties constantly encountered in consequence of heavy rains daily, causing the streams to be much swollen, and the roads almost impassable, together with the embarrassment we labored under in procuring forage, our line of march being through a country destitute of supplies. Our progress was necessarily slow and laborious, giving the enemy ample opportunity to ascertain our force and make arrangements to meet us with superior numbers. On the evening of the ninth we reached a point on the Ripley and Fulton road, fifteen or sixteen miles from the former place, where we camped for the night, marching on the morning of the tenth in the direction of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, expecting to strike it at or in the vicinity of Guntown. I had proceeded some five miles with the head of the column, and halted to permit the wagon train to cross the Hatchie river and close up. The road through the bottom land of this stream was almost impassable, and we found it impossible to put it in good condition.

While waiting at the head of my column to hear from the rear, I was informed by General Sturgis that General Grierson, commanding cavalry division, had struck the enemy beyond Brice's cross-roads, some five miles in advance, and was ordered to move my leading brigade up as rapidly as possible to the support of the

the Guntown road, relieving the cavalry as they took position. As soon as the regiments took their position in line, skirmishers were thrown in their immediate presence in force, and that forward, and the men told that the enemy was they must be prepared to meet a heavy attack the whole front by Captain Fernald, Seventysoon. The skirmish line was established along second Ohio infantry, acting aid-de-camp, under a constant fire from the enemy. Chapman was Brice's house, and directed to open upon the ordered in battery in the open ground about enemy over the heads of our men.

position, the First brigade, Colonel Wilken, came Soon after Hoge's brigade was placed in up, the Ninety-fifth Ohio infantry in advance. This regiment was immediately placed in line on the left of the Baldwin road, with instructions to assist the regiments of Hoge's left in holding that road, and to govern itself by the movements of his brigade. The One Hundred and Fourteenth Illinois infantry coming next pleting the line to the Guntown road, and was placed on the right of Hoge's brigade comrelieving the cavalry to that point. The Ninety third Indiana infantry, Colonel Thomas, was placed on the right of the Guntown road, over which it was very evident the enemy was then advancing to attack. The Seventy-second Ohio infantry and Miller's section of the Sixth Indiana battery were posted on an eminence in the getting possession of a bridge a short distance rear of Brice's house to keep the enemy from back and cutting us off. Battery E, First Illinois light artillery, Captain Fitch, and the Ninth commanding, were held in reserve near the Minnesota infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Marsh cross-roads. Colonel Bouton's brigade of colored troops had charge of the train on that day and had not yet come up.

yet been fully completed before the enemy
The arrangements mentioned above had not
made a furious attack along the whole line and

on each flank, developing the fact that his force was far superior to that portion of ours then engaged. My extreme right after a sharp and bloody contest was forced back, and I was obliged to throw in the only regiment I had in reserve to drive the enemy back and reëstablish my line at that point. This work was gallantly performed by the Ninth Minnesota under the heroic Marsh, and I desire here to express to him and his brave men my thanks for their firmness and bravery which alone saved the army at that critical moment from utter defeat and probable capture.

United States infantry (colored), Major E. M. Lowe commanding; I posted his regiment on the left of the road, with instructions to hold his position until the troops then engaged should retire, when he could bring up the rear. A short distance further to the rear I met Colonel Bouton, with the Fifty-ninth United States infantry (colored), and Lamburgh's section of artillery, in a good position on the right of the road. I remained with him until the other regiments of his brigade, which had been posted near the creek referred to above, fell back, and ordered it into line on his left, directing Colonel Bouton to hold the enemy in check as long as possible, in order to give the retiring column time to take up a new postion in the rear, which was done on a ridge near a white house, about one and a half or two miles from the battle-field.

This line was formed by portions of the First and Second brigades, the whole under command of Colonel Wilken, and Colonel Bouton was informed by Lieutenant Barber, of my staff, that he could fall back and take up a new position in the rear of this line, my object being to retire by successive lines.

As the enemy on our right was being driven back by the Ninth Minnesota and Thirteenth Indiana, I directed Captain Fitch to put one section of his battery in position on the Guntown road and sweep it with grape and canister. Soon after our success on the right the regiments on the left and left centre gave back in considerable confusion, the rebels following them in force up to the road over which we had advanced, and from which they were kept by the Seventy-second Ohio and Miller's battery, posted in our rear. I endeavored, aided by my staff, to rally the different regiments, and get In the mean time the wagon train and artilthem to advance to their original position, butlery were moving to the rear as fast as posfailed, succeeding, however, in forming a line along the Baldwin road, and at right angles with it, parallel to the Fulton road, in which position I fought until again flanked on the left, and greatly exposed to a capture of the troops engaged.


When Colonel Bouton fell back the enemy followed him up in heavy force, and the line established at the white house soon fell back to another position in the rear, when a stand was made and the enemy repulsed. In this affair the Ninth Minnesota again took a conspicuous part, and the colored regiments fought with a gallantry which commended them to the favor of their comrades in arms. I desire to bear testimony to their bravery and endurance, as well as the gallantry of Colonel Cowden and Major Lowe, commanding regiments. This checked the pursuit and ended the fighting for that evening. The whole column was then put in motion for Ripley. Upon reaching the crossing of the Hatchie the wagon train was found stuck and the road completely blockaded, so that the artillery had to be abandoned, after long-continued and laborious effort, on the part of battery commanders and the men generally, to get it through.

At this time I sent word to General Sturgis that I was hard pressed, and that unless relieved soon I would be obliged to abandon my position. I was informed that he had nothing to send me, and that I must use my discretion as to holding my position. It had been evident, for some time, that the troops could not remain in that position long, as the enemy were fast closing round us. I therefore determined to retire, and in order to do so, directed Captains Fitch and Chapman to open a rapid fire, with grape and canister, along the roads and through woods in our immediate front, and to maintain it until the infantry were well under way, and that I would form another line, a short distance in the rear, to keep the enemy from the cross-roads until they could get their pieces away. This new line was I arrived at Ripley, in company with the Gena prolongation of that occupied by the Seventy-neral commanding, about five o'clock A. M. on second Ohio infantry, and was formed by that regiment, the Ninety-fifth Ohio infantry, and about two hundred dismounted men of the Tenth Missouri cavalry, under Captain Currry, who reported to me for orders on the field, and rendered valuable and gallant service in assisting to hold the enemy in check until the retreating column had passed.

The main portion of the First and Second brigades, which had been hotly engaged with the enemy for nearly three hours, now retired under cover of this new line, and continued to march by the flank to the rear. Just after crossing a small stream, about a quarter of a mile in the rear of the cross-roads, I met the Fifty-fifth

the morning of the eleventh instant. I at once commenced the reorganization of my division. At seven and a half A. M. I reported my command reorganized and in tolerably good shape, with the exception that many of the men had thrown away their arms during the retreat, and that those who had arms were short of ammunition. I was directed by General Sturgis to move out on the Salem road, in rear of the First brigade of cavalry, then in advance. Before the troops all left the town of Ripley the enemy made a furious attack upon the place, gaining possession of the road on which we were marching, and cutting my command in two. In this attack the colored regiments and a part of Hoge's

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