Though General Hazen no longer belongs to my command, I deem it my duty, as it certainly is a pleasure, to bear testimony to the intelligent, efficient and zealous manner in which he performed his duties while in my division. During the late campaign his brigade was always ably handled, and rendered valuable service. In the battle of the twenty-seventh of May, leading the assault, it particularly distinguished itself. At nine o'clock P. M., on Thursday the twentyfifth of August, my division with the other divisions of the corps, withdrew from its lines in front of Atlanta, to participate in the bold, but dangerous flank movement which terminated, most brilliantly, in compelling the enemy to evacuate Atlanta. Silently and quietly the troops drew out from the immediate presence of the enemy undis-I covered. No suspicion of our designs or the nature of our movements seemed to have reached him. The movement was continued nearly all night, when the troops were allowed to wait till daylight and to get their breakfast. About seven A. M., Friday, the twenty-sixth, our pickets reported some movement among the enemy, which was supposed might indicate an intention to attack-but it resulted in nothing important. prepared to attack the enemy at daylight the following morning; but when the morning came, it was found the enemy had retreated. The the Sept. 2.-The pursuit was continued. enemy was again intrenched across railway, about two miles north of Lovejoy's station. I was ordered to deploy my division into order of battle, and to advance, with a view of attacking the enemy's position. The deployment was made as quickly as possible, and at the order the division moved forward. The ground over which the advance was made was the most unfavorable that can be conceived. Abrupt ascents, deep ravines, treacherous morasses, and the densest jungle were encountered in the advance. Having arrived near the enemy's works, and while the troops were halted to readjust the lines, I became satisfied that the most favorable point for attack in front of my division was in front of my left, or third brigade. hence ordered the brigade commander to prepare to attack. Thinking we had arrived at or near the right flank of the enemy's line, I went toward the left, to concert with the two brigade commanders next on my left for a simultaneous attack. To reach them, I had to pass over an open space which was swept by a sharp fire of musketry from the enemy's works. I crossed this space safely in going over, saw the two brigade commanders, and made the uecessary arrangements. As I was returning across the dangerous space, I was struck down by a rifle-shot. I immediately despatched a At eight o'clock A. M., our movement was continued and kept up through the day. Saturday, the twenty-seventh, the movement was resumed, and the troops moved steadily around the ene-staff-officer to the brigade commander, to direct my's left toward his rear. Sunday, the twentyeighth, the West Point railroad was reached. Monday, the twenty-ninth, my division was engaged in destroying the West Point road. Tuesday the thirtieth, the movement was resumed to reach the Macon railway. It was considered certain that the destruction of this last line of his rail communication must inevitably compel the enemy to evacuate Atlanta. Wednesday, the thirty-first, my division leading the Fourth corps, and in conjunction with a division of the Twenty-third corps, made a strong lodgement on the Macon railroad. Early Thursday morning, September first, the work of destroying the road was commenced, but it was soon discontinued, so far as my division was concerned, by an order to move by the Griffin road in the direction of Jonesboro'. It was understood that two corps, Hardee's and Lee's, of the rebel army were concentrated there. My division being in reserve for the day, and in charge of the trains of the corps, did not reach Jonesboro' till nearly nightfall, and of course, had no opportunity to take part in the engagement which occurred there late in the afternoon. Arriving near the field a little before nightfall, I was ordered to mass my division in rear of the First and Second divisions of the corps, which were deployed in order of battle, and just then becoming slightly engaged. During the night, orders were received to be him to proceed with the attack. This was gallantly made under a sharp fire of musketry, grape, and canister, and the first position of the enemy carried, and about twenty prisoners captured; but the failure of the troops on the left to come up, whereby the brigade was exposed to a flank, as well as a direct fire, rendered a further advance impossible, though the effort to do so was made. The front line of the brigade intrenched itself in advance of the captured line of the enemy's works, and held this position till the final withdrawal of the army. The brigade suffered quite severely in the assault, especially in the loss of some valuable officers. Captain Miller, Assistant Adjutant-General of the brigade, was killed instantly. He was a most gallant, intelligent, and useful officer. His untimely death is mourned by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Colonel Manderson, Nineteenth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Bailey, Ninth Kentucky, Captain Colclaizer, Seventyninth Indiana, and other valuable officers, were wounded in the assault. I remained on the field till I had seen my division securely posted, and finally reached my headquarters about eight P. M. The following morning the Commanding General of the Grand Military Division of the Mississippi announced the long campaign terminated. But my division maintained its position in close proximity to the enemy, daily losing some men in the picket encounters, till Monday night, the fifth, when it was quietly and successfully withdrawn. By easy stages, unembarrassed by the enemy, the division continued its march to this city, reaching here on the eighth instant. And here the division rests after the termination of the labors of the campaign. If the length of the campaign, commencing on the third of May, and terminating on the second of September, with its ceaseless toil and labor, be considered; if the number and extent of its actual battles and separate conflicts, and the great number of days the troops were in the immediate presence of, and under a close fire from the enemy be remembered; if the vast amount of labor expended in the construction of intrenchments and other necessary works be estimated; the bold, brilliant, and successful flank movements, made in close proximity to a powerful enemy, be critically examined; and if the long line of communication over which the vast and abundant supplies of every kind for the use of this great army were uninterruptedly transported during the entire campaign be regarded, it must be admitted that the late campaign stands without a parallel in military history. The campaign was long and laborious, replete with dangerous service, but it was brilliant and successful. No adequate conception can be formed of the vast extent of labor performed by the troops, except by having participated in it. Whether by day or by night, this labor was cheerfully performed, and it affords me high satisfaction to bear official testimony to the universal good conduct of the officers and men of the division. For the numerous instances of the good conduct of the officers and men deserving special commendation, I must refer to the reports of brigade and regimental commanders. To the various brigade commanders who have served in the division during the campaign my thanks are specially due for zealous and intelligent performance of duty, and hearty co-operation throughout. I have already noted that Brigadier-General Willich, commanding First brigade, was seriously wounded at Resaca. The command of the brigade devolved on Colonel Wm. H. Gibson, Forty-ninth Ohio, who performed the duties with zeal and ability till the expiration of his term of service, on the twenty-fourth of August. Colonel Hotchkiss, Eighty-ninth I linois, succeeded Colonel Gibson in command of the brigade, and performed the duties well to the termination of the campaign. Colonel P. Sidney Post succeeded Brigadier-General Hazen in the command of the Second brigade on the seventeenth of August, and thence to the end of the campaign performed all the duties of the position most zeal ously, intelligently, usefully, and gallantly. Since my injury Colonel Post has attended to all the field duties of the division commander, and performed them well. Early in the campaign, Brigadier-General Beatty, commanding Third brigade, was disabled by sickness from exercising command of his brigade, and it devolved on Colonel Kneffer, Seventy-ninth Indiana, and well and ably has he performed all the duties of the position. Cheerful and prompt when labor was to be performed; ready with expedients when the necessities of the service demanded them; gallant and sensible on the field of conflict, he has so borne himself throughout the campaign as to command my highest approbation. It is due to the members of my staff that I should commend their good conduct, and confide them to the kindly consideration of my seniors in rauk. To them by name I return my sincere thanks: Captain M. P. Bestow A. A. G.; First Lieutenant Geo. Shaffer Ninety-third Ohio Volunteers, Aid-de-camp; Major A. R. Y. Daw son, Fifteenth Ohio Volunteers, Chief of Out-posts and Pickets; Captain I. R. Bartlett, Forty-ninth Ohio Volunteers, Inspector-General; Captain C. K. Taft, Fifteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Provost Marshal; Second Lieutenant H. H. Townsend, Ninth Kentucky Volunteers, Topographical Engineer; Captain L. D. Myers, Assistant Quartermaster; Captain H. C. Hagdon, Commissary of Subsistence, and First Lieutenant P. Haldeman, Third Kentucky Volunteers, Ordnance Officer, all performed their duties well. Captain Cullen Bradley, Sixth Ohio battery, was Chief of Artillery until the consolidation of the Artillery into a corps organization. For the intelligent manner in which he performed his duties, I offer to him my thanks. Would that I could include in the foregoing list of my staff, the name of one other, who commenced the campaign with us, but whom the inscrutable ways of Divine Providence_early called away: the name of Major James B. Hampson, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteers. Preparatory to the attack which was to be made on the twenty-seventh of May, it had been ordered that all the guns should be placed in position during the night of the twenty-sixth, and to open on the enemy's works early the next morning. One of my batteries was slow in opening, and I ordered Major Hampson to go to the battery, to hasten the work of preparation. While so employed the fatal shot of the sharpshooter was sped on its murderous errand, and Major Hampson fell, mortally wounded. He expired at four P. M., of that afternoon, happy in the consciousness of dying in his country's service. Young, ardent, intelligent graceful, gentle, and gallant, he fell in the early bloom of his manhood-a victim to an atrocious rebellion, a martyr to his devotion to his country. During the campaign my division, in the various conflicts, captured sixteen commissioned officers and six hundred and sixty-six men, for whom receipts were obtained. Two million four hundred and twenty-eight thousand rounds of small-arms ammunition were expended during the campaign. Taking the mere strength of the division during the campaign, this number would give an average of four hundred and After moving about five miles, we came upon a portion of Kilpatrick's cavalry that had been checked by two brigades of the cavalry of the enemy. Forming two regiments as a support to the skirmishers already made strong, they all advanced in conjunction with some troops of the Sixteenth corps on the right, the enemy giving way. As often as the enemy found time during the day, he endeavored, by making temporary barricades, and by the use of artillery, to check our column; but the march was kept up with but little delay the entire day, crossing Flint river, driving him from the other side, repairing the bridge and pushing to within one fourth mile of the town before dark. At this time we captured an infantry soldier from the enemy, who informed us that two divisions of Hardee's corps were before us, and that our lines were not over two hundred yards apart. This was also made probable by the musketry fire. The troops were here formed in line, the right rest Lieutenant-Colonel R. R. Townes, A. A. G., Fif-ing on the Fairburn and Jonesboro' road, and teenth Army Corps: This division was commanded from the beginning of the campaign to the fifth day of August by General Morgan L. Smith, from that date to the day I took command by General J. A. J. Lightburn. For that period I have caused the Adjutant-General of the division who has been on duty with it all of that time, to make a report of the operations of the division, which, upon comparison with the reports of brigades and regiments, I find to be substantially correct. I found the division August seventeenth, in the trenches in front of Atlanta, composed of two brigades, the First, commanded by Colonel Theodore Jones, Thirtieth Ohio volunteers, with nine hundred and seventy-seven effective aggregate for duty. The Second, commanded by Colonel Wells S. Jones, Fifty-third Ohio volunteers, with one thousand one hundred and seventy-three effective aggregate for duty, with two batteries of light artillery-Company H, First regiment Illinois light artillery, with three twenty-pounder Parrotts, commanded by Captain F. DeGrass, and company A, of the same regiment, with four twelve-pound light field-guns, effective aggregate of both for duty being one hundred and forty-one, making the entire strength of the division two thousand two hundred and ninety one. The division remained in the position I found it, about six hundred yards from the enemy, till August twenty-sixth, when at eight P. M. it moved with the corps in the direction of Fairburn, reaching the West Point and Atlanta railroad without opposition, at a point about thirteen miles from Atlanta, at twelve м., August twentyeighth. extending north, and a good barricade made along their front. Early on the morning of the thirty-first, Colonel Theodore Jones, commanding First brigade on the left, was directed to seize and fortify a commanding eminence about one half mile to the frout of his left. He had just gained it, when the enemy came also to occupy it. He held his ground, however, with a portion of his command, while the remainder fortified the position. It was found to be of the greatest importance, as it overlooked the entire front occupied by the enemy. Columns of rebel troops were now seen to be extending to our left, planting artillery and making all dispositions necessary to attack. As he extended beyond my left, and as my troops were formed in a light line, with considerable intervals, a brigade from the Seventeenth corps under Colonel George E. Bryant, Twelfth Wisconsin volunteers, and two regiments under Colonel William B. Woods, Seventy-sixth Ohio volunteers, were sent to me, and posted where most needed, where they afterward performed good service. I now had sixteen regiments in the line and one in reserve. No point of it could be given up without endangering the entire line. At two P. M., the enemy commenced a vigorous fire of artillery all along his line, and was soon after seen advancing his infantry. We had good works, and the attack was met with the most perfect confidence. He came on with two full lines, supported by troops in mass, coming in one place quite inside the works, and persisting in the attack for about three fourths of an hour, when he was completely repulsed at all points, and those who came too near captured. We lost quite heavily in the trenches before the fight took place, but during the fight we had but eleven killed, fifty-two wounded, and two missing. On the morning of the twenty-ninth, a squad of one officer and nine enlisted men of a Texas cavalry regiment was captured and brought in by Captain George M. Crane, Eighth Missouri deOf the enemy we buried over two hundred, tachment. The division, leading the corps, took captured ninety-nine unhurt, and seventy-nine up the march at seven A. M., the thirtieth, in the wounded. We took also two stands of colors, direction of Jonesboro', distant thirteen miles. I and over a thousand stands of small-arms. I have reason to believe that over a thousand of the in behalf of the brave officers and men who enemy were wounded. The division remained in this position during the fight of the Fourteenth corps on the first instant, participating in it from behind our works, and on the second moved forward to near Lovejoy's Station, remaining in position there till the night of the fourth, when it moved back to Jonesboro', and on the sixth and seventh to this point. I learn from the records of the division, that it left Larkinsville, Alabama, in May, with three thousand four hundred and forty-one effective men. It has lost in the campaign: participated in those engagements, that just and proper consideration be given to those who were present and can speak of what they saw. Enclosed will be seen a sketch of the field of the thirty-first, also the accompanying reports of brigade and regimental commanders. I must also ask the indulgence of my commanders for calling attention in this report to the subject of attacks of the front of an enemy in position. Since the accurate-shooting rifle has replaced the random-firing musket; since troops now, when in position, protect their persons by shelters against bullets, and since they can no longer be scared from the line, but see safety in maintaining it; and citing as an evidence of the disproportion of advantage in 216 those contests, the battle of the twenty-eighth of July, when the enemy attacked under such circumstances, leaving of his dead in front of this division, three hundred and twenty, while he killed along the same front but twelve, 1,229 and on the thirty-first of August, when he left over two hundred dead, and killed of us but eleven. 18 430 The division has taken from the enemy six hundred and three prisoners, three stands of colors, two thousand and forty-one stands of small arms. I have to render my warmest thanks to all the commanders, and their men, for bravery and good conduct. My staff, especially, who were strangers to me, have shown that devotion to duty which merits consideration. Captain Gordon Lofland, A. A. G., and Captain Geo. M. Crane, Eighth Missouri mounted infantry, commanding escort, were wounded while in the discharge of their duty. BRIGADIER-GENERAL GROSE'S REPORT. HEADQUARTERS THIRD BRIGADE, FIRST DIVISION, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, September 5, 1864. Capt. E. D. Mason, A. A. G., First Division: SIR: In completion of my duties in connection with the arduous campaign just closed, I have the honor to report the part taken therein by my command, the Fifty-ninth Illinois, Colonel Post, Seventy-fifth Illinois, Colonel Bennett, Eighty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Waters, Eightieth Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel Kilgour, Ninth Indiana, Colonel Suman, Thirty-sixth Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel Cary, Thirtieth Indiana, CapTo Colonel Theo. Jones, Thirtieth Ohio volun-tain Dawson, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, Capteers, commanding First brigade, I have to call especial attention, for close attention to duty, and a quick, efficient method of performing it. I believe the service would be benefited by his promotion. Colonel Wells S. Jones, commanding Second brigade, has also shown close attention to duty, and bravery in executing it. The artillery of this division, under Captain F. De Grass, has performed efficient service. Brigadier-General J. A. J. Lightburn was wounded on the twenty-fourth of August, while near the lines of his troops, by a stray bullet from the enemy, causing him, for the present, to be absent from the front. I would respectfully call attention to the marked and distinguished service of this division on the twenty-seventh of June at Kenesaw Mountain, and on the twenty-second and twentyeighth of July, before Atlanta, with the hope, tain Lawson, to which was attached battery B, Pennsylvania. Effective force, officers and men, about two thousand nine hundred. By orders from Major-General Stanley, Division Commander, we marched, with the balance of his command, on the third day of May, 1864, from our camp at Blue Springs, near Cleveland, Tennessee, to Red Clay, on the Georgia state line, and camped for the night. May 4.-Marched with the division to Catoosa Springs, Georgia (with light skirmishing), for concentration with the army, where we rested until May seventh, when we marched with the corps, drove the enemy from, and possessed Tunnel Hill, Georgia. For several succeeding days we advanced upon, and ineffectually endeavored to drive the enemy from Rocky-Face Ridge, in our front. My position was on the left of the rail and wagon roads leading through Buzzard-Roost Gap, on the Dalton road. The enemy had strongly fortified this pass and the the high ridge on either side. I had some previous knowledge of the position, and knew that it was impregnable to our assaults, but in obedience to orders, we frequently made the attempt with a heavy skirmish line, at which my loss was about forty men. Finally, a portion of our army having passed the ridge further south, on the morning of the thirteenth of May, it was found that the enemy had retired from our front, when I was ordered and moved in pursuit on the Dalton road, but soon came up with the rear guard of the enemy, and skirmishing commenced. We drove to and through Dalton; my forces (Ninth and Thirty-sixth Indiana), the first to enter the place so long a stronghold of the enemy. We continued the pursuit, and at about twelve M., three miles south of Dalton, on the Resaca road, we came upon the enemy, in line upon a high, wooded hill; as we approached he opened upon us with a battery of artillery. Our artillery was placed in position, and a heavy duei commenced across a large open farm, with a low valley between. The Ninth and Thirtysixth Indiana, supported on the right by the Eighty-fourth Illinois, were ordered into line, and advanced across the valley "double-quick," under a heavy fire, ascended the wooded hill, drove the enemy from his barricades, and carried the place with very light loss. This was the last of our fighting for the day. We advanced a few miles to the right, entered Sugar Valley, and camped (with the corps in line), for the night. May 14.-Early this morning, our corps moved toward the enemy's position at Resaca, on the right bank of the Oostanaula river, Georgia. At about twelve M., we came upon the enemy in position, about three miles from the river. The face of the country is rough and hilly, interspersed with small farms, but mostly heavy woodland, with thick underbrush. I was directed and put my command in position in double lines on the left of General Hazen's brigade of General Wood's division. The Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, Eightieth Illinois, Seventy-fifth Illinois, Thirtieth Indiana in the front line. The ground was too rough for the artillery to move with us. About one o'clock, General Wood informed me he was ready to advance, and I had received orders to advance in connection with his division. The other two brigades of our division were to have been in line on my left, but did not come up, and the lines advanced about two o'clock, my brigade on the extreme left of the advancing lines. We drove the enemy from the woodland, in which we formed, across a farm in my front, through another woodland, then over another small valley farm, and over a high, wooded hill beyond, upon which we were ordered to halt-a farm in a valley to our front, and the enemy fortified on the wooded hills beyond. Here I caused barricades to be constructed in front of my front line; late in the afternoon the other two brigades of our division came up, and took position on iny left. The enemy, near night, advanced upon them, and drove them back. When I discovered them giving way, I immediately formed a line from my rear regiments, facing to my left, perpendicular to the rear, to protect the left flank of the main line. This new formation was made by the Fifty-ninth Illinois, one wing of the Eighty-fourth and Thirtysixth Indiana. It was formed and ready for action, with skirmishers out, in less than ten minutes. Our batteries in the meantime, had been brought up and put in position, under the command and personal supervision of the gallant, brave, and lamented Captain Simonson, of the Fifth Indiana battery, on the left of this flank line, but the enemy moved rapidly forward toward and to the left of the batteries, with, as he thought, no doubt, a sure prize before him. But the ever-ready Major-General Joe Hooker was advancing with his corps at this point, and met the advancing enemy, engaged and drove him back with severe punishment. My front line was engaged at long range with the enemy while the fight with Hooker was going on. Night soon threw her mantle over the bloody scene, and all was quiet except continued skirmishing. In this day's battle, some of our bravest and best officers and men were among the fallen. My Acting Assistant Inspector-General, Captain Davis, of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, a brave, good soldier fell here. May 15.-Major-General Hooker's corps advanced on my left, my left swinging around to assist; and a severe engagement ensued, in which we gained signal advantages, capturing prisoners and artillery, and the enemy had to retreat during the night, leaving most of his dead and wounded in our possession. May 16. We pursued the retreating enemy across the Oostanaula at Resaca, and advanced to near Calhoun, and camped for the night. May 17.-Advanced, encountering the enemy's rear, with heavy skirmishing, to near Adairsville, Ga., and lay for the night. My command not engaged to-day. May 18.-Passed Adairsville, the enemy re treating with light skirmishing, and camped for the night on the Kingston road. May 19.-Moved on to Kingston, found the enemy in position; attacked and drove him; most of the Fourth corps engaged; my command captured enemy's hospitals, with property, &c., &c. Continued to drive the enemy, with heavy skirmishing and artillery firing on both sides, so at nightfall the enemy was driven into his prepared trenches on a high ridge to the south-east of Cassville. At this point we made a junction with the Twentieth Army Corps, MajorGeneral Hooker, and during the night the enemy again retreated, crossing the Etowah river, seven miles distant, burning the bridges behind him. Our loss not heavy. We rested in camp at Cassville nntil May twenty-third, when we marched, crossed the Etowah river to the right of the Atlanta road, and camped at Euharley. |