ladies of Washington are adopting practical-an army tug, of which the chief engineer was measures, with a view to remedy at least a por- severely wounded. On the morning of the first tion of the evil. On Monday last, as we learn instant, in company with the Agawam, this vesfrom the Star, nearly three hundred of the most sel took position to bring a cross-fire on the poprominent ladies of the city assembled in Dr. sition of the battery, and both vessels opened Sunderland's church, and formed a society, the without eliciting any reply, neither could any object of which is to check the importation and one be seen in the neighborhood. After firing consumption of foreign goods. A constitution about twenty shell I ceased, and there has been was adopted, and the society was named the no demonstration in this vicinity since. On the "Covenant." The constitution, which is to be afternoon of the first information was received signed by each member, contains the following from a French resident that the enemy had pledge: "For three years or the war we pledge moved some of their guns further down the ourselves to purchase no foreign article or river, with a view to annoying passing vessels, apparel when American articles can possibly be and to shell the camp of General Foster, below substituted." This is a good pledge, but might Four-Mile Creek. I therefore directed Lieutenbe made better. It will do, however, as a be- ant Fyffe to proceed down the river, below ginning; and if the men and women in all parts Tilghman's wharf, and if the enemy were about, of the country will but act on the principle in- to remain there. About seven o'clock P. M. volved in it, much good will be accomplished. Lieutenant Fyffe fired again, which was immeEconomy should be the watchword in such diately responded to by the rebels, their shell times as these. There is no family that cannot bursting in the neighborhood of General Fosreduce the consumption of goods now pur-ter's camp. Their fire soon ceased, and it was chased for its use at least one-third, and this with entire regard to the health and comfort of all. Ignore the butterman when he demands an exorbitant price for it; reduce the supply of milk; substitute something else for coffee; live on plain food, and discard all luxuries; stop off one fire in the winter; watch the cook, that he or she does not waste; and in a thousand other ways pursue a system of strict and careful economy, and much, very much, will be done towards breaking down the conspirators who are robbing the people and the Government. Acting Rear-Admiral S. P. Lee, commanding ascertained by Lieutenant Fyffe the next morn- Your obedient servant, Acting Rear-Admiral, commanding N. A. B. Squadron. Doc. 8. SHERMAN IN GEORGIA. TUNNELL HILL, GEORGIA, Thursday Afternoon, May 12, 1864. General Sherman's grand campaign has reached that point where great events may be looked for at any moment. It is two weeks to-day since he left Nashville, his army then stretching from Decatur to beyond Knoxville, occupying the same lines held during the winter. His arrival at Chattanooga gave every division of the army a mysterious impulse, and, at the mo ment that Thomas gathered his legions into hand for an active movement, the corps on the flanks showed signs of life, and, by rapid strides, converged towards the centre of operations. Vet eran regiments poured in from the North. Outlaying detachments were thrown together, and troops guarding important points were reduced to exact fighting weight. In less than ten days a tremendous concentration of troops has taken place, and to-day an immense army-a larger number of effective men than moved upon Cor inth, after the battle of Shiloh-is in position within gunshot of the enemy. The preparations were killed and wounded. Our loss was one for decisive fighting have been weighty and man killed. conclusive. Not an ounce of baggage is carried by the trains. Tents have been discarded, and the ammunition and supply trains are the only ones which have not shrunk to a shadow of their former selves. Johnston has been occupying a position of immense natural strength, covering Dalton and Atlanta, and presuming the latter place to be the objective point of the campaign, the first aggressive movement promises, and has been found to be, one of great difficulty-one which peculiarly requires delicacy of judgment, combined with vigor of execution. Sherman has the absolute confidence of his men; he is a thorough soldier, a subtle strategist, and a fearless fighter. He will make the campaign a de cisive one. Camps were broken at noon; and amidst the wildest enthusiasm of the troops at the prospect of the opening of the spring campaign, the line of march was taken with the object of centering at Catoosa Springs, three miles north-east of Ringgold. Thursday and Friday, May 5 and 6. The army, or at least the Fourth, Fourteenth, and Twenty-third corps, which had arrived at advanced positions, remained in its position of Wednesday, awaiting the arrival of General Hooker's and General McPherson's corps, who marched around to our right, preparatory to a flank movement upon the enemy's left, for the purpose of turning it. General Sherman arrived at the front to-day, and in company with other general officers, rode along the lines, minutely inspecting the country, and familiarizing himself with the position of his command. This morning at an early hour, a small force advanced upon the enemy, who, in small force, held Bald Knob, a small hill about a mile south of Catoosa Platform, and drove them from it without the loss of a man on either side. This morning Morgan's brigade of Davis' division were on picket, when a squad of rebels, mounted, came up within three hundred yards of our pickets, and called out, "Will you exchange coffee for tobacco?" "Yes," was the reply, " Fort Pillow, d-n you," as the pickets leveled their guns and discharged a volley into them, wounding one man. The rebels not liking leaden coffee retreated, exclaiming as they ran, "Are you niggers or white men, to treat us that way Saturday, May 7. Wednesday, May 4. Reveille at five in the morning, just as night is lifting her dark mantle from the earth, and the glimmer of morning is seen in the east. The At five o'clock in the morning the Fourth soldier turns over, rubs his eyes open, crawls corps encamped on the hills about Catoosa from under his blanket, is quickly upon his feet, Springs, moved east, Stanley taking the lead, blowing into life the smouldering embers the followed by Generals Newton and Wood, arrivremnant of the previous evening's fire. A few ing at Lee's House in the valley to the northmoments later, bright fires burn all around us, west of Rocky Face Ridge. Newton's division the coffee-pots are brought out, filled by can- halted in line of battle. Stanley, with his inteens, and while the water is warming, the fires vincible division, moved forward about a mile are deserted for the creek near by, where the further, on the left of Tunnel Hill, and throwing soldiers take their morning's ablutions. Red out a heavy skirmish line, the right of which Clay is left in the rear, and a slow and tedious rested at the base of Tunnel Hill Ridge, where march is made, with roads blocked up by it joined General Davis' skirmishers, under Colcavalry upon Catoosa Springs, which was reach-onel Dan McCook, whose brigade was on the ed about two o'clock in the afternoon. A line extreme left of the line of the Fourteenth corps. of battle was at once formed, with the left The left rested on the base of Rocky Face Ridge. (Newton's division) resting near Burke's Mill, It was General Howard's intention to throw three miles east of the Springs, and the right Wood's division in on the right centre to sup(Wood's division) joining Baird's division of the port General Stanley, but the enemy presented Fourteenth corps, which had been thrown for- so weak a front that Stanley was able to accomward to Catoosa Platform, south of Hooker's plish all that was expected the turning of the Gap. Stanley's division formed the centre. enemy's left flank by a movement along Tunnel Fortifications of a temporary kind were at once Hill range to the hill immediately in front of thrown up, heavy lines of pickets thrown out the town. in front, while General Edward McCook's cav- At ten o'clock the enemy, about three hunalry division guarded our left flank, and Gen-dred strong, comprising artillery and dismounted eral Kilpatrick's our right. I must not neglect to mention that, as we moved down from Red Clay to Catoosa Springs, a portion of General McCook's division of cavalry took the lead and had a few slight skirmishes with the enemy, driving them from our front upon their reserve. Several of the enemy cavalry, could be discerned on the ridge commanding the town. Whitaker's brigade of Stanley's division at once moved forward up the moderate slope of the range occupied by the enemy, and with a single line of skirmishers drove the enemy from the hill, assisted by the Fifth Indiana battery, Lieutenant Morrison, one section of which was located on a commanding hill about a mile north-west of the town. Sunday, May 8. At 8 A. M. the assembly was sounded in GenWhile the Fourth corps were thus engaged, eral Johnson's division, and it immediately Johnson's and Davis' divisions moved up from moved forward and formed line of battle about Catoosa Platform, on the centre, and entered a mile in advance of its former position. ImTunnel Hill. Davis' division moved along the mediately after General Howard, who, in the abmain wagon road running parallel with the rail- sence of General Thomas, had command of the road, and threw his line across the valley. John-Fourteenth and Twenty-third corps, in addison came up on the right and entered the town tion to his own corps, ordered forward Genby a narrow trail running down from the direc-eral Stanley's division on the centre to make tion of Nickojack's Gap. Barnett's Illinois battery, attached to Davis' division, opened their guns upon the enemy's position about nine, and a brisk cannonading was kept up for two hours until the enemy was flanked and took flight. The fire of the enemy's artillery was quite accurate, and the cavalry displayed remarkable abandon and contempt for our fire, only retiring when compelled to by overwhelming numbers. On comparison of notes by brigade commanders, it was found that less than ten wounded was our total loss in the occupation of the town and the surrounding ridges. Immediately on the retirement of the enemy Stanley threw his column forward along the ridge overlooking the approach to Buzzard Roost, and joined his right to Palmer at the wagon road leading to Dalton. At one P. M., a small brigade of rebel infantry approached within a mile of our advance and formed in an open field, but a few well-directed shots from the Fifth Indiana battery soon dispersed them, and they retired, leaving a small picket force. Generals Sherman and Thomas were early on Tunnell Hill, and to-night have their headquarters within a mile of our advance line. Both Generals watched every movement of the enemy, and gave their orders with a coolness and confidence that proved them to be equal for any emergency that may arise. The brigades in Stanley's division of the Fourth corps engaged, were commanded by Generals Whitaker and Cruft, and Colonel Gross, and those of the Fourteenth corps by General Morgan and Colonels McCook and Mitchell. The principal skirmishing was performed by McCook's brigade, which lost no men. Our line to-night is about one mile south of Tunnel Hill, and within three miles of the celebrated Buzzard Roost, near which the Fourteenth corps had the spirited engagement on the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh of February last. Our line extends from Rocky Face Ridge to (report says) the left of General Hooker, who has come up on the enemy's left flank. A large force of cavalry is under General Kilpatrick, scouring the country on our extreme right. To-day, while Barnett's Illinois battery was playing upon the rebels, who responded vigorously, a shell struck the ground and exploded within three feet of Brigadier-General Davis and Captain Barnett. The General had a narrow escape from death, but he remained in his position and looked on as coolly as though there were no enemy within a hundred miles. a demonstration to develop the enemy's strength and position. Simultaneously with this order General Newton was instructed to endeavor to throw a regiment or two up Rocky Face, and to move along it cautiously. General Harker was instructed by Newton to execute the order, and promptly selected the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Ohio, Colonel Opdycke, to perform the task. The response of Colonel Opdycke and his "Ohio Tigers" was prompt, fearless, and steady. The veteran regiment climbed the steep ride, ever and anon stopping to cross some rocky gorge, or scale almost perpendicular bluffs, where to miss a step was certain death. Arriving on the summit of the ridge the regiment immediately encountered the skirmishers of the enemy, who in small force extended across the ridge. The enemy was slowly driven from the ridge toward Dalton, retreating before the unerring fire of the brave regiment that confronted them. So many natural and artificial obstructions were encountered that the regiment did not move more than half a mile per hour. Learning that the rebels were moving to our left against our force in large numbers, General Harker was ordered to throw his whole brigade up the ridge to support the One Hundred and Twenty-fifth. The order was obeyed with alacrity, and the enemy was driven about three miles, when a deep gorge was encountered which checked the advance for the rest of the day. The regiments that played a conspicuous part in the capture of the hill were the One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, and the Seventy-eighth Illinois. General Cruft held the right of Stanley's line, and when the forward movement was ordered sent the Thirty-first Indiana out as skirmishers. They moved rapidly and in excellent order across the open fields, the enemy retreating from behind their barricades at their approach, and seeking safety in flight. Halting for a brief moment, and seeking protection behind the rebel barricade, the Thirtyfirst again moved forward, and the whole line simultaneously pressed forward, and at the close of the skirmishing, at sundown, occupied a position about one mile in the rear of the gaps in which Palmer fought the enemy so stubbornly on the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh of February. Brigadier-General Wood's skirmishers were engaged during the day on the left of Stanley extending to the base of Rocky Face. The day has not brought on a regular en gagement, though it has witnessed the repulse of a gallant charge made by two brigades of Geary's division of Hooker's corps. Johnston must of necessity vacate his almost impregnable position, and move back on Atlanta or Rome, or fight us this side at Resacca, in a less strong position. I shall not attempt to speculate upon the probable work of to-morrow, but record the movements as they occur. The rebel sharpshooters seem to be the possessors of excellent guns, which are completely under their control. To-day General Howard rode out to meet General Stanley, and in con As I have already said, Schofield's corps is working east of the rebel positions, while Hooker's bears south-west of Dalton, and McPherson, with a large army, is aiming at Resacca, in the rear of the rebel works at Dalton. Geary's division is in front of Dug Gap, in John's Mountain, which is a precipitous elevavation four and a half miles south-west of Dal-versation, about a mile from the front, received ton, covered with forests, some undergrowth, and loose with tumbling boulders. a bullet through his coat. The same ball passed About three o'clock this afternoon Colonel Buschbeck's and Colonel Candy's brigades, the first consisting of the One Hundred and Nine- At six o'clock Davis' division opened the teenth, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth, One ball on the right by throwing forward his whole Hundred ard Fifty-fourth, New York, Twenty-line towards the base of Rocky Face Creek into seventh, Seventy-third, One Hundred and Ninth, the gaps where the engagement took place in Pennsylvania, and Thirty-third New Jersey, and February last. Much difficulty was experienced the latter of the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania, in crossing the creek, which the rebels had inand Twenty-ninth, Fifth, and Seventh Ohio, undated since our last visit to Buzzard Roost; were marshalled for assault. They advanced yet the difficulty was overcome by wading the up the mountain with splendid spirit, meeting stream, an attack was at once made up the knolls with little opposition until they toiled up the and hills on the left of the railroad, which were crest, where they received a withering and con- gallantly carried by our skirmishers, the One centrated fire, which, in about twenty minutes, Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, Lieutenant Colcompelled them to fall back to a plateau on the onel Warner, occupying the hill on the immemountain not far from its base. The rebels diate left of the railroad, while Morgan's briwere commanded by General John H. Morgan,gade, which occupied the centre, carried the who is now leading a division of rebel infantry. Two of our batteries were at the base of the mountain in a field, but they could not be sufficiently elevated to be effective. At the same time the rebels could not depress their guns to contest our advance up the hillside. They were in heavy rifle-pits, and their concentrated fire was not to be borne by mortal man. Our troops held their ground for about half an hour at the first assault. A second assault was made about six o'clock by the Thirty-third New Jersey, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New York, and One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania, led by Colonel Mindel, of the former, the object being to flank the rebel right on the crest. Like the first, it failed after a gallant fight. Our troops withdrew about dark to their position occupied in the morning, and went into bivouac. The loss during both assaults will not exceed two hundred and fifty killed and wounded. It must be remembered that large bodies of troops are working around the rebel left flank. Kilpatrick occupies our right with his cavalry. Stoneman is on the left. The failure of one or two storming parties is expected before Johnston can be expelled. His attention will soon be called to other localities than Dalton. hill to the left, or immediately to the right of Rocky Face Ridge. Morgan's brigade was immediately thrown round on the left of the hill, carried by it, and pushed rapidly forward through a gap separating it from Rocky Face. In his attack the fire was quite brisk, and his loss in wounded was about thirty. At six in the morning brisk skirmish fire was heard on Rocky Face, near the position held by Newton's division, the balance of which was thrown up at an early hour. Musketry and artillery firing from Newton was kept up for half an hour, when a wild cheer was heard, and it was supposed that Newton had carried the fortified gorge which impeded Harker's advance yesterday. This, however, proved unfounded, for to-night his line is but a few hundred yards in advance of where it was last night. During the afternoon Wood's and Stanley's divisions of the Fourth corps made an assault upon the base of Rocky Face from the valley with the view of making a demonstration in favor of Newton. Very heavy skirmishing ensued, in which the line took part for a few moments, but so rugged was the slope that the jutting rocks and steep gorges rendered an assault and capture of the ridge impossible. In the operations of the day Wood lost about seventy wounded and six killed. General Schofield, with his corps, to-day At eleven o'clock, and previous to the assault reached Newton's left, and this afternoon moved by Wood and Stanley, the enemy opened upon up Crow Valley, to the left of Rocky Face Ridge. Johnson's division from a mountain howitzer, He will possibly strike the enemy on his right planted on the summit of a commanding hill, flank, simultaneously with an attack on his left which forms a link in the chain of hills known by a column now moving forward for that pur-as the Chattanooga Mountains. Johnson promptly pose. Should these flank movements succeed, ordered one section of Houghtalling's Illinois battery into position, and shelled the rebel bat-hour the news of General Grant's splendid victery, the third shot taking effect in the howitzer, and silencing it until in the afternoon, when Wood and Stanley made their demonstration, and called out a vigorous artillery and musketry fire along the whole line. At four o'clock, General Howard ordered the divisions of Stanley and Wood forward into the gaps facing the enemy's breastworks and fortifications to the right of Dalton. The movement had the desired effect, compelling the enemy to open his artillery, and expose the position of his batteries. From five until after dark a heavy fire was kept up, and when it ceased Stanley was far in advance of Davis' position of the morning, and extended his line some distance up the slope of Rocky Face, supported by General Wood's division. With the exception of Davis' division, the Fourteenth corps was not engaged. General Schofield, with his corps, succeeded about one o'clock in getting up and confronting the enemy's fortifications on the left of Dalton. Brisk firing was heard in the direction of his position, and I learn to-night that he holds, like the centre and right wings of the army, every foot gained during the day. A despatch was received at noon from General McPherson, who had occupied Snake Gap, near Resacca, in Chattanooga Mountains, with his force, on Sunday night, which was within six miles of Resacca at that time. The General | is directly on the enemy's flank, and it is very strange that he was permitted to occupy so vital a defile without great opposition. His present position is about thirty miles in the rear of Dalton, and in all probability the enemy, in finding his flanks and rear exposed, will fall back from the gap in front of Dalton, and give McPherson battle, or retreat hastily without offering fight. The loss of Newton's division (chiefly in Harker's brigade) on Rocky Face Ridge, was, up to last evening, one field and one line officer and fifteen men killed, and three line officers and thirty men wounded. tory over Lee spread from camp to camp, and along the whole line the shout of joy was carried until the valley rang with loud huzzas, to which frowning Rocky Face, that sternly gazed down upon us, gave back its echo. Never was more joy and enthusiasm manifested by an army, who momentarily expected to be led against the enemy's frowning fortifications and bristling guns, around which, with the aid of a glass, their cannoneers could be easily discerned." Had the command been given to assault the works at that moment, when the spirits of the whole army were elated, no one can doubt the result. We would have had a repetition of Mission Ridge upon a larger scale, with, I fear, however, a very heavy loss. Generals Sherman and Thomas are slow to sacrifice life by direct assault, when the same results can be worked out by strategy. At half-past seven, in the midst of a heavy rain shower, brisk skirmish fire was heard on Rocky Face, between Hooker's advance and the enemy. It lasted only fifteen minutes, when a lull of an hour followed. At half-past eight, Davis's artillery awoke the enemy from their meditations upon Lee's discomfitures, by vigorous shelling, which drew forth no response for some time. Late in the afternoon a few guns opened from a point on Rocky Face, when Brydge's Illinois battery was moved into position, and opened upon the battery on the ridge. The third shot was effective, and was placed among the rebel guns, which were silenced for an hour. At one o'clock it again opened upon Stanley's line of battle, exposed in the fields in the valleys. The Fifth Indiana battery took position, and, in conjunction with Brydge's, promptly silenced the fire from Rocky Face. For some time all was quiet; the rain poured down in torrents, as though Heaven had opened its floodgates to deluge the earth. For half an hour together not a sound was heard, except the occasional witticism from a mirth-provoking soldier, and the reparte of his companions, interrupted by an occasional report of a rifle or cannon. Thus the skirmishing waged all day, and night found us still in our former position, with our front well protected by hastily constructed fortifications. Our casualties, I have just learned, include Colonel McIlvaine of the Sixty-fourth Ohio, and Lieutenant Ehler, same regiment, killed; Colonel Buckner, Seventy-ninth Illinois, wounded in the body; the. gallant Major Boyd, Eightyfourth Indiana, shot through both thighs; Captain Chamberlin and Lieutenant Hall, Sixtyfourth Ohio, slightly, and Lieutenant-Colonel Battery C, First Ohio artillery, and HoughBullett, Third Kentucky, slightly. The Sixty-talling's battery, of the Fourteenth corps, were fourth was in the hottest of the desperate conflict for the possession of Rocky Face Ridge, and, led by the dauntless McIlvaine, it won the encomiums of all who witnessed its daring and intrepidity. Tuesday, May 10. The weather to-day was exceedingly unpropitious for active operations. Heavy showers of rain fell during the entire day, with short intermissions. But, notwithstanding this, the eagerness of our troops to advance was unabated might say increased, for at an early ordered into an advanced position, early in the morning, by General Thomas, who personally went out under a brisk sharpshooters' fire, and pointed out the position to be taken, and the point upon which to direct their fire. These batteries did excellent work, and spread terror in the enemy's lines, the men comprising which could be distinctly seen, at each discharge of our guns, running in all directions. The very faint responses to our fire to-day is unaccountable. Some are of the opinion that the enemy is retiring a large portion of his |