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tioned, it has received a brigade (Harding's) of
at least three thousand from Mobile. This gives
the enormous loss to them, since the campaign,
of fifty-two thousand men.
chance is there for these thirty-three thousand
What possible
now before us? These figures may seem exag-
gerations, but they are not-they are realities;
and when it is remembered that we have taken
twelve thousand prisoners, have had no less
than twelve engagements, where from one to
three corps have been in battle, with the ordi-
nary desertions and losses from disease, the fifty-
two thousand is readily made up. What will
hinder the daily attrition of the next three
months from completing the overthrow of the
foe before us?

iron to Mr. Hindman's men. Then, in rapid succession, Griffin's battery and the Fourth Ohio battery belched out a few shots, in order to harmonize the lively proceedings. to keep a spirit of unity, and as far as possible given signal, a few minutes before eleven o'clock, our ears were startled with one of At a those victorious Yankee shouts, and at the same time the eye was more than gratified to witness the intrepidity of the divisions as they bounded forth nimbly to the enemy's long line of rifle-pits, bent upon capturing them. As our men dashed on, the rebele fled in the wildest confusion, firing random shots at our men, and crawling out of their well-formed pits more like coop than "Southern knights of chivalrous frightened pigeons out of a crowded pigeon

We are losing some good officers, and, of course, some men, but I wish all could under-renown." The pits were in full possession of stand how vitally this campaign is striking the rebellion. All must read Governor Brown's proclamations calling out the militia and detailed men? There is no blossoming palmetto about that, but a plain and open groan, showing clearly how deep the travel of our army is moving down upon the tender places of the Confederacy.

GEORGIA, August 3-12 P. M.

the assaulting party in less than ten minutes, with fifty prisoners, who were at once sent to the rear for safe-keeping, with a rebel flag which has been flung to the breeze for the last time. their new position for two hours, when sudOur troops were safely ensconced in denly an overwhelmingly superior force of the enemy was discovered emerging cautiously from the edge of woods in rear of their strong works, and were likewise advancing through a pied by our soldiers. ravine just in front of the rebel rifle-pits occu

At 10:30 o'clock this forenoon, General Logan ordered the Second division, commanded by Brigadier-General Lightburn, and the Fourth time, that the enemy were in force on General It was discovered, fortunately, at the same division, Brigadier-General Harrow command-Lightburn's flank of the Second division. The ing, to advance their lines, in order to support an infantry force which was to move out through an open field, and, if possible, drive the rebel skirmishers from a long line of riflepits.

only alternative then left was for our troops to evacuate the rebel rifle-pits at the last moment, and then retire in good order to our first line of works, where General Logan was fully prewith the most distinguished consideration. pared and very anxious to receive such visitors After discharging their last shot, our men quietly and in excellent order took the new position assigned them.

From these ugly pits the treacherous sharpshooters of the enemy controlled our lines, being situated only four hundred yards distant from our main line of works. No sooner was a "Yankee" frontispiece displayed above what is called the "head logs"-logs elevated at each pared his lines to advance and retake the same At 4:30 o'clock General Logan had again preend, so that musketry can be fired from a small line of rifle-pits which prudence obliged him aperture without exposing the head-than unceremonious shots whistle in profusion, and in erans pushed forward, after being thoroughly to abandon temporarily. With cheers the vetdisagreeable proximity to the heads of our drenched with a pelting rain which descended men. Fortunately, but few of our soldiers in torrents for half an hour, and under a brisk were wounded or killed by these sharpshoot-musketry and artillery fire from the enemy's ers, many of their leaden messengers piercing works, the pits were at once wrested from the the heavy logs with a dull heavy "thug," often- enemy, together with fifty additional prisoners, times imbedding the bullet completely from including one or two commissioned officers. view. yards in length, and the capture of them is These rifle-pits were quite an important item for our future movesome twelve hundred ments.

The object, therefore, of the movement of General Logan was to dislodge these fellows from their apparently snug position, for while they were left unmolested our men were subjected to a great many dead shots. The line and wounded. I am unable to forward a comOur loss was smali, not over seventy in killed having been formed, for the rebel skirmish-line plete list of the casualties in season for this letwas a very strong one, three batteries, belong-ter, but, among the officers killed, was Major ing to the Fifteenth Army Corps, were ordered Brown, commanding the Seventieth Ohio, one of to open upon the rebel rifle-pits. Captain the most gallant patriots that ever wore the Frank De Grass' celebrated twenty-pound Par-uniform of honor. As an officer he was unex

rott guns, battery H, Twelfth Illinois artillery, celled. Always at bis post in the hour of danopened the soiree, sending his compliments inger, his presence inspired his men with renewed

heroism, and so perfect was their confidence in their brave leader, in his energy, ability, firmness, undaunted courage, and stern determination, that he had but to point the way and they would go. His dying words were expressive of the man: "Tell my folks I died like a soldier at my post, while in the discharge of my solemn duties." Those who saw the heroic manner in which he led three regiments from General Harrow's division to carry these rebel rifle-pits unite with General Logan in saying: "He died | like a true soldier, with his face to the foe, and he was a gallant fellow." Three or four more officers are reported killed, and as many wounded, the rest of the casualties being non-commissioned officers and privates.

Quite a desperate battle has been fought this afternoon on our left, but no particulars have reached these headquarters up to the present hour of writing. The engagement lasted nearly three hours, and was reported in front of the Fourteenth and Twentieth corps. Very heavy musketry and artillery fire was indulged in, but at dark hostilities appeared to be suspended, as but little firing has been heard in that direction since. Rumor has it that Hardee's corps again assaulted our lines, and were driven back with great loss.

August 6.-About ten o'clock A. M., the First brigade, composed of the One Hundredth Ohio, commanded by Colonel Slevin, One Hundred and Fourth Ohio, by Lieutenant-Colonel Sterling, Eighth Tennessee, by Major Jordan, and the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois by Lieutenant-Colonel Bands. Brigadier-General Riley commanding the brigade, was ordered to make a charge upon the enemy's works.

General Cox, with staff, was on the field, and gave directions to General Riley, during a sweeping fire of the enemy, with a coolness and a precision which is admirable and characteristic of him. The man who can exhibit a moral fearlessness on such an occasion, we feel, has reached the very acme of human greatness.

When the order was given to charge, the brigade moved forward with an unfaltering line, which would do credit to anything on record. Napoleon's veteran troops never exhibited more true courage than did the First brigade of the Third division, in the charge on the sixth. Not with any desire or wish to disparage the tried bravery of the One Hundredth and One Hundred and Fourth Ohio, and One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois, whose list of killed and wounded tell in unmistakable language, of the part they took in the conflict, I wish to speak of the Eighth Tennessee, in connection with an incident worthy of note.

This regiment was made up in East Tennessee, of men who have been persecuted to the bitter end by their unrelenting rebel neighbors. They have left their families in a portion of country where they are liable to the spiteful revenge of rebel raiders. But banishment, persecution and death itself have been preferred to enlisting under the accursed banner of treason. The

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regiment is commanded by Major Jordan of the One Hundred and Fourth Ohio.

No regiment ever charged in better line or went into action and fought more bravely than did this noble little regiment, getting within a few rods, some but a few yards from the enemy's works, in open view, without shelter or protection, yet giving shot for shot, holding the position, fighting and hoping that relief might come, for nearly two hours, and only falling back when ordered, bringing off nearly all their wounded. The colors were captured. The color-sergeant and corporal were both killed or mortally wounded, having carried the colors within a few feet of the enemy's works. About the time they got the orders to fall back, creeping quietly through the low bushes, a rebel officer, having ordered his men not to shoot unless the Yankees should shoot first, announced that he was going to make the "Yankees" a speech, and that they should not shoot him, jumped over their works and began by saying, "I am going to talk to you, my enemies. You are my men, and I might have you all killed, but I don't want to do it. I intend to capture you; you had better surrender, if you don't wish to be killed. We have ten times your number here, and can shoot you down if you attempt to get away." The "Eighth boys" "reckoned" they "couldn't see it," and having got the signal to begin falling back, those nearest crowded into the low bushes, and so all not wounded worked their way skilfully back, crawling for two hundred yards or more, until they got back to the edge of the woods.

The enemy's works were protected by palisades in front; on top they had large logs which fitted closely down to their works, with barely space enough between to admit their guns and view our men. The charge was unsuccessful, but surely as brave and skilfully managed as any during the campaign.

UTOY CREEK, August 7, 1864.

The Twenty-third corps began to advance with little difficulty. The bloody and unsuccessful assault of the previous day had demonstrated afresh the expensiveness of direct assault, and so, on the morning of the seventh, General Hascall's division pushed boldly out a little further to the right, and began to swing around upon the rebels, toward a north and south line. The division held the extreme right, as on the day before, and was about three miles north of East Point, the junction of the West Point and Macon railroads, and a mile from the south branch of Utoy creek. Overlapping the rebels by just about the half of a brigade, they advanced the right wing boldly through the woods, threatening the rebel flank, and the latter fell back at once with little show of opposition. Falling back on the wing they must also draw back the centre, and thus our advance was secured with very small loss. The Second division soon passed the works from which they had been obliged to retreat the night before, and soon also the Third division was in motion, and

moved through the works where they had been so bloodily repulsed the day before, and recovered and buried their dead left on the field. The loss was small, as might have been expected; so small as to be scarcely worth the naming. The line was completely straightened out, so that the Twenty-third corps formed a prolongation of the line of the Fourteenth, both running north and south. The Second division of the Twenty-third was still more swung around, so that its direction was a little south-east, and its extreme right was retired close along the north bank of the south branch of Utoy creek. The extreme right flank had advanced during the day fully two miles and a half, though, by swinging, it had accomplished but a small part of this distance toward the railroad. About one hundred and seventy-five prisoners were captured by the Twenty-third corps during the day by a rapid advance upon their skirmish line.

UTOY CREEK, August 8, 1864.

miles long, yet we can find troops enough to cover the railroad. When that is accomplished, and the rebel's last railway communication is in our possession, he must either evacuate and march out by the dirt roads on the south-east side, or give us battle. One or two more days will develop more fully Hood's intentions. General Sherman issued orders to-day for all the batteries of the various corps that had range upon Atlanta to open upon the city with solid shot and shell, expending fifty rounds to each gun during the day. While this artillery demonstration was making, General Schofield was ordered to fully develop the strength and position of the enemy on our right. Lively skirmishing was also to be kept up along our lines, to attract the enemy's attention. At ten o'clock the roar of artillery was terrific, beginning miles away to our left, from the Fourth corps (General Stanley), the echoes of which reverberated like rapid peals of distant thunder, and ere the dull, heavy sound had died away The movements of the day were summed up belched forth their hissing shots and clouds of among the hills, the batteries in the centre in the occupation, by Colonel Strickland's brismoke. Oftentimes our pieces were "fired by gade, of the south bank of Utoy. The passage was effected with little difficulty, and the brigade, battery," that is, by discharging all the guns at forming on the south bank, began to advance these fearful iron messengers as they literally one signal or order. It was appalling to hear through a corn-field, when they encountered two rebel lines of battle, and retired to their works, tore through the air. Not less than thirty heavy though the rebels were little disposed to fight, guns have maintained a constant bombardment and withdrew without offering battle. The vast upon the doomed city, whose shattered walls and chimneys attest the accuracy of our artillery importance of the advance which the Twenty-firing. Up to the present hour of writing, midthird corps has made for the few days past night, no report has been received from General toward the railroad cannot well be exaggerated. The day when we lay hold upon that, that day fact is looked upon as good evidence that every Schofield concerning his progress to-day. This the rebels, if they have not already left it, must lay aside their hopes of holding Atlanta. Gar- thing has so far progressed favorably. General Hood, true to his word, is holding on rard's cavalry hold the Augusta railroad in their to Atlanta, but he does not seem much in the possession, and, with this last one in our grasp, humor of attacking us. He uses his big guns we throttle them as inevitably as death. Already our batteries could knock the trains from with a great deal of pertinacity; but he may the track, if only they could find a hillock which learn, even to-day, that there are two parties would raise them above the interminable trees. who can handle big guns, and that he has more This they cannot for the present. to damage in the beautiful town of Atlanta than we have out here in the woods. But you are deceived if you think we are asleep or idle. Could you ride over the ten miles along which our line extends and see the lines of earthworks, heavier than any we have ever made before, and notice the fine forts lately erected, you would give us credit for industry, even if you could not believe that it has been well directed. Let it, then, be understood that we are steadily at work, day and night. Do you imagine that all our toil will be unproductive of results?

NEAR ATLANTA, August 10, 1864. The movements of the enemy during the past few days are calculated to impress one with the belief that Hood's policy is to guard the railroad until the last moment, and, when it has been struck by our prolongated lines, suddenly turn upon us, and, by massing upon a weak point, break it and throw us on the defensive. Since Friday last our line has been slowly reaching out parallel with the line of railway, and one division of the Twenty-third corps has swung round upon and struck the enemy's flank, compelling him to fall back. The situation at present is quite favorable, and our line now extends to within seven eighths of a mile of the railroad. As we approached it the enemy threw in brigade after brigade, and regiment after regiment, to cover our line; but they have put in their last regiment, and can extend no further without shortening their line on their right. Our line is now fully fourteen

When such an army as General Sherman's has closed in on three sides of a town fortified with the skill and labor that has been expended on Atlanta, their advance is necessarily slow. We are now on the east and north sides, within easy shelling distance. The extreme right of the army reaches toward the Macon railroad, which we are trying to get in our possession, and the rebels are opposing our endeavor by all means in their power. Day by day we are steadily working our way up. It is done in this way:

On one day, by aid of our artillery, we advance our pickets say three or five hundred yards. They intrench their posts, and the rebels spitefully yield the ground, or make an attempt at night to regain it. But no sooner has night clothed the earth in darkness than the corps of engineers, aided perhaps by a regiment, advance and commence to throw up a line of earthworks in the rear of the pickets, but greatly in advance of the lines of the brigade. In the morning, or whenever the work is done, the whole line advances into the new works, and it is so much permanently gained. This kind of work is not rapid, but safe and sure, and will take us into Atlanta, if no great mishap befalls us. But it would be no wiser to set a particular day for the triumphal entrance than it was for Miller to appoint a day for the world to blow up. There is a singular perverseness in human affairs that has always been very annoying to men of prophetic inclinations.

Marietta is doomed. It is being made a base of supplies, and the site for hospitals. The streets, and houses, and suburbs are crowded with men, and wagons, and trains. Fences and out-houses soon disappear, and no one can tell who was to blame. The trees are barked, shrubbery destroyed, and insensibly, but perceptibly, the beauty and marks of comfort and refinement pass away, and soon the town looks dilapidated, outcast as the boys say "played out." I have seen this change come over more than one town, and it makes one sad to see the work of destruction commenced upon so beautiful a town as Marietta. But it is inevitable, and a part of the retribution that follows the rebellion, as it withdraws doggedly to its original


We have had rain, in greater or less amounts, every day for more than a week; and it has happily preserved the purity of the atmosphere and allayed the heat, and been a great blessing to the wounded and sick.

NEAR ATLANTA, August 11, 1864.

We have passed a sleepless night under the ceaseless roar of our artillery that has been firing into Atlanta. The din was the most ter rific and unearthly that I have ever heard; shots following each other in such rapid succession that it was impossible to count them. For nearly an hour at a time the discharge from our guns of various calibre was so rapid that one almost imagined that he was listening to a medley of thunders from the clouds. And, only think, every discharge carrying with it to the rebel city a messenger of death. Our guns command the Macon railroad, seven eighths of a mile distant, as I am informed by the topographical engineer of the Fourth Corps, who learns that the rebels have not ventured to use the road for three days.

This portion of the army still continues to be the sole point of interest, but the time seems to have arrived when even here the lively activity and advancing of the past few days must sub

side, as it has in all the rest of the line, into the monotony of a siege. All the swinging around, of which the Twenty-third corps has accomplished so much of late, was opposed, it would appear, only by the enemy's flauk forces-their lines defended by only temporary works-but the advance has at last developed a line of massiveness and strength which defies all assaults.

General Hascall's division was pushed over Utoy creek on the morning of the ninth, in support of the third brigade, which had crossed the day before, and, advancing somewhat, found themselves confronted by a parallel of earthworks, which it were madness to assail. The skirmishers approached them within three hundred yards, but there they must needs make a pause.

The engineers give it as their opinion that this is a part of the great system of defences about Atlanta, and that it will be found to stretch continuously from Atlanta to East Point. By pressing our lines strongly against theirs, we have developed this system of defences from Atlanta down as far as we have yet gone; and as we are but a mile and a half from East Point, and can see these works stretching down a valley in that direction half a mile, it is highly probable that they encircle that important point. Beginning north of Atlanta, they run, circling around, to the west, then nearly southwest to Utoy creek, then south, and finally south-east to East Point. They lose none of their formidable character as they recede from Atlanta. In our front here, only a mile and a half from East Point, there is a regular bastioned fort, not quite completed yet, and lines of abatis and carefully-constructed earthworks, capable of offering the most serious resistance to an assault. The rebels can be seen from our lines still at work completing them, and as they promise to be when finished, there is nothing which will avail against them but a regular siege.

Captain Shields planted his battery (the Nineteenth Ohio), yesterday on a knoll, from which he declares he can shell any thing that runs over the track. There is a large trestle bridge plainly visible from this stand-point, a mile and a quarter distant, and it is believed that our batteries will be able to knock this to fragments. It is devoutly to be hoped that we shall be able to break the railroad above East Point, since, if it is done below, it will be necessary to cut it twice.

Pretty substantial preparations are in progress here for carrying on a vigorous siege. heavy guns of -inches calibre, were brought down a few days ago, and planted near the railroad, and have already given the rebels a taste of their quality. The heaviest artillery yet employed by the rebels against us is a gun of seven and three quarters bore, throwing a shell of sixty-four pounds. Good gunners state that a gun of the size employed by us is every way more effective than such ponderous affairs as those used by the rebels.

The engineer driving the train which brought these large cannon to the army, being a gay

think the thunders of some big guns will be heard from the embrasures of our works ere you get this into print, and that any future demonstration of the enemy's cannonading propensity

fellow, ran his engine clear up against our line of fortifications, and thrusting the cow-catcher into the breastworks, lay there full ten minutes, while the whistle was shrieking at its topmost. The boys of the corps, who were within hear-will receive, for a punishment, the concentrated ing distance, gave cheer upon cheer, and the wrathful rebels opened upon the saucy locomotive with showers of shot and shell.

The labors of the past week have been excessive. Within five days the second division of the Twenty-third corps built nine heavy lines of works, besides marching, picketting, and skirmishing almost incessantly. All this was necessary to secure safety, but it was at a fearful cost of nerve and muscle. Besides all that, it was extremely difficult to push the supply wagons on after them, through thick woods and ravines, and there was a lack temporarily of supplies and forage.


Everything is in a state of perfect quietude on this flank the extreme right of the army. There has been nothing of a warlike nature, except skirmishing and an occasional cannonade, since the sixth, a day long to be remembered by the troops of General Cox's command.

Sherman's troops have advanced, until it seems impossible to gain another foot, and it is equally impossible from the nature of the country, and the status of affairs, for the army, or either army, for that matter, to flank to the right. In other words, things are aptly expressed by the term statu quo, the rebels are 'pushed to the wall," and with manifest increase of strength, have become more saucy and obstinate than ever. The evident policy of Sherman is to hold his present position, feel the enemy's lines, and ascertain their weak points. Nothing decisive need be looked for from this quarter, till one side or the other break over their present boundaries or adopt a new base. Once for all, let me tell the sensation-lovers of the North that they need not expect now, a week hence, or in a month to come, any such news as "the rebels evacuating Atlanta!"

The steady day-by-day skirmishing, to which we are so well used as to scarcely notice, is picking off by degrees this large and heroic army, till our hospital lists embrace not only every regiment, but every day of the month, and yet, even in the aggregate, the figures fail to astonish. Rather do we hear the exclamation, "So few !"

The enemy have become so enraged at our close approach to their works and lines, that they have given vent by turning al! their batteries of siege guns and columbiads upon us-a spleen so wildly developed and poorly executed that the damage has been but slight, and mainly consists in throwing up dirt and tearing through the timber. Our guns have either not been able to cope with them, or have lain back awaiting a more favorable opportunity for a display of their gunnery. From present indications I

fire of all the guns that can be brought to bear on the offenders-and that it will be prolonged till they are silenced.

The enemy, with a city at their back, cavalry on their flanks, siege guns on their main lines, and militia and dismounted cavalry on their front, have become much emboldened of late; so much so that we look for nothing else than an early and desperate assault on our lines. This is, of all the things likely to "turn up," the one most desirable, easiest met, and for which we are best prepared. In the language of a predestined martyr, our boys unanimously exclaim: "Let 'em come!"

ON THE BANKS OF UTOY CREEK, August 14. Thursday passed without anything occurring to break the monotony which has settled down upon us, except a rumor that a movement was to be made upon a certain portion of the line, and a vigorous demonstration along the front of the Fourth corps (Major-General D. S. Stanley's) to support said movement. The demonstration was made; but the movement remained-a rumor. So much cannonading was done that each wing of the army believed the other heavily engaged; but it all ended in huge sounds and-smoke.

Yesterday and last night certain things occurred which would send a thrill of joy to loyal hearts throughout the land. We have recently received the most substantial proofs that in the very army which seems so obstinately to confront us, there is a wide-spread and growing dissatisfaction with the rebellion and the rebel Government, which confines itself no longer to thoughts and words, but takes the form of solemn and significant deeds.

We shall have battles still to fight. The leaders of the rebellion will struggle fiercely as long as they can put a legion in the field. Enough will cling obstinately to the falling" Confederacy" to make it necessary to dash their power to pieces by the weight of battalions and artillery. But if we continue the present pressure a little longer, if we sternly and firmly fill up and push on our columns, three fourths of the strength of the rebellion will melt away, and disappear in a mauner of which some of us liitle dream.

A singular and unfortunate casualty occurred on the evening of the eleventh instant, which will deprive the service of an able officer.

Colonel Carter Van Vleck, Seventy-eighth Illinois, was walking toward his tent, half a mile in rear of our skirmish line, when a chance bullet struck him above the left eye and penetrated his forehead. Although the wound has been probed to the depth of three inches, the ball cannot be found; and yet, incredible as it

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