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vania feel every blow at any of her sister States as an assault upon themselves, and give to them all that hearty good will, the expression of which is sometimes more important, under the infliction of calamity, than mere material aid.

It is unnecessary to refer to the approach of the rebel army up the Shenandoah valley, on the third day of July last, to the defeat of General Wallace on the Monocacy, their approach to and threatening of the Capital, or their destruction of property and pillage of the counties of Maryland lying on our borders. These events have passed into history, and the responsibilities will be settled by the judgment of the people.

At that time a call was made upon Pennsylvania for volunteers, to be mustered into the service of the United States, and to serve for one hundred days, in the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and at Washington and its vicinity.

Notwithstanding the embarrassments which complicated the orders for their organization and muster, six regiments were enlisted and organized, and a battalion of six companies. The regiments were withdrawn from the State, the last leaving the twenty-ninth of July.

I desire that at least part of this force should be confined in the service to the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and made such an application to the War Department. As this proposition did not meet its approbation, it was rejected, and the general order changed to include the States named and Washington and its vicinity. No part of the Rebel army at that time had come within the State. The people of the border counties were warned, and removed their stock, and at Chambersburg and York were organized and armed for their own protection.

I was not officially informed of the movements of the Federal armies, and of course, not of the strategy of their commanders; but it was stated in the newspapers that the rebel army was closely pursued after it had crossed the Potomac, and was retiring up the valley of the Shenandoah.

The head of this column reached Chambersburg at three o'clock a. M., on Saturday, the thirtieth ult.

The rebel brigades of Vaughn and Jackson, numbering about three thousand men, crossed the Potomac about the same time, at or near Williamsport.

Part of the command advanced on Hagers town; the main body moved on the road leading from Williamsport to Greencastle; another rebel column of infantry and artillery crossed the Potomac simultaneously at Sheppardstown, and moved towards Leitersburg.

General Averill, who commanded a force reduced to about twenty-six hundred men, was at Hagerstown, and being threatened in front by Vaughn and Jackson, and on his right by McCausland and Johnson, who also threatened his rear, and on the left by the column which crossed at Sheppardstown, he therefore fell back upon Greencastle.

General Averill, it is understood, was under the orders of General Hunter, but was kept as fully advised by General Couch, as was possible, of the enemy's movements on his right and to his rear. General Couch was in Chambersburg, where his entire force consisted of sixty infantry, forty-five cavalry, and a section of a battery of artillery; in all less than one hundred and fifty men.

The six companies of men enlisted for one hundred days remaining in the State, and two companies of cavalry, had, under orders from Washington, as I am officially advised, joined Averill. The town of Chambersburg was held until daylight by the small force under General Couch, during which the Government stores and train were saved.

Two batteries were then planted by the enemy, commanding the town, and it was invested by the whole command of Johnson and McCausland. At seven A. M. six companies of dismounted men, commanded by Sweeny, entered the town, followed by mounted men under Gilmore.

The main force was in line of battle, and a Repeated successes of our troops were also demand was made for one hundred thousand announced, and the people of the State had just dollars in gold, or five hundred thousand dolcause to believe that quite sufficient Federal lars in Government funds, as ransom, and a numforce had been thrown forward for its protec-ber of citizens were arrested and held as hosttion upon the line of the Potomac. ages for its payment.

On Friday, the twenty-ninth of July, the rebel brigades of Johnson and McCausland, consisting of from twenty-five hundred to three thousand mounted men, with six guns, crossed the Potomac at Clear Spring. They commenced crossing at ten o'clock A. M., and marched directly into Mercersburg.

There were but forty-five men picketed in that direction, under the command of Lieutenant McLean, United States Army, and as the enemy succeeded in cutting the telegraphic communications, which from that point had to pass west by way of Bedford, no information could be sent to General Couch, who was then at Chambersburg.

No offer of money was made by the citizens of the town; and even if they had any intention of paying a ransom, no time was allowed, as the rebels commenced immediately to burn and pillage the town, disregarding the appeals of women and children, the aged and infirm; and even the bodies of the dead were not protected from their brutality.

It would have been vain for all the citizens of the town, if armed, to have attempted, in connection with General Couch's small command, to defend it. General Couch withdrew his command, and did not himself leave until the enemy were actually in the town.

General's Averill's command being within

nine miles of Chambersburg, it was hoped he would arrive in time to save the town, and efforts were made during the night to communicate with him.

In the meantime the small force of General Couch held the enemy at bay. General Averill marched on Chambersburg, but did not arrive until after the town was burned and the enemy had retired. He pursued and overtook them at McConnellsburg, in Fulton County, in time to save that place from pillage and destruction. He promptly engaged and defeated them, driving them to Hancock and across the Potomac.

them all. We ask of the Government that the recruits thus raised shall be credited to the quotas of our States, on the call last made, to be armed, equipped, and supplied as other volunteers in the service.

We are aware that, as a general rule, wellfounded objections exist to the enlistment of a force to be exclusively used for home or local defense, but we regard such a service as we now suggest as an exceptional case, and the complete protection of this part of our frontier as of admitted national importance. For after the outbreak of the rebellion, the importance of a special defence of the region bordering on the Upper Potomac was recognized by the Government, and the Honorable Francis Thomas, of Maryland, was authorized by it to raise three regiments with a view to the protection of the counties on either side of the river.

I commend the homeless and ruined people of Chambersburg to the liberal benevolence of the Legislature, and suggest that a sufficient appropriation be made for their relief. Similar charity has been heretofore exercised, in the case of an accidental and destructive fire at Pittsburg. And I cannot doubt the disposition of the Legislature on the present occasion. On the fifth day of the month a large rebeligencies of the service required their employarmy was in Maryland, and at various points on ment elsewhere, and they therefore afford at the Potomac as far west as New Creek; and as present no particular security to that region bethere was no adequate force within the State, Iyond other troops in the service. deemed it my duty on that day to call for thirty thousand volunteer militia for domestic protec


They will be armed, transported and supplied by the United States, but as no provision is made for their payment, it will be necessary, should you approve my action, to make an appropriation for that purpose.

Feeling it to be the duty of the General Government to afford full protection to the people of Pennsylvania and Maryland by the defence of the line of the Potomac, I united with Governor Bradford in the following letter to the President, dated July twenty-first, 1864:

ANNAPOLIS, July 21, 1864.

His Excellency, Abraham Lincoln, President of
the United States:

Regiments were raised, but the subsequent ex

The necessity, as we think, for some such peculiar provision has now become so obvious, that we would, with great respect, but most earnestly, urge upon your Excellency the expediency of acceding to the suggestions we have made, and we will immediately set about raising the forces required, and we have no doubt they will be promptly procured.

We have the honor to be,
With great respect,


Your obedient servants,

The following letter, from the Assistant Adjutant-General, dated August first, 1864, is the only reply received by me up to this time:

WASHINGTON, D. C., August 1, 1864


SIR: The repeated raids across the Potomac River made by portions of the rebel army, and the extent of the damage they have succeeded so frequently in inflicting, have most injuriously affected the people of Maryland and Pennsylvania, in the neighborhood of that river, and many of them, it is believed, as the only security against such losses in the future, are seriously considering the propriety of abandoning their presenting the fords of the Potomac. homes, and seeking safety at the North.

His Excellency, the Governor of Pennsylvania: SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the joint letter from yourself and the Governor of Maryland, dated July twenty-first, 1864, asking authority to raise a volunteer force in your respective States, to be exclusively used for home or local defenses, and for guard

In reply, I am directed by the Secretary of It seems to us that not merely in the sectional War to inform you that the proposition has aspect of the case, but in its national relation, been fully considered, and that the authority the security of the border line between the loyal asked for cannot be granted. In this connection and rebellious States, is an object justifying and please see the Act of Congress, approved Febrequiring a disposition of a portion of the na-ruary sixteenth, 1862, and promulgated in Gentional force with an especial view to its defence. eral Orders, No. fifteen, series of 1862, from this The Potomac river can only be crossed in its office. ordinary state of water at some five or six fords, and we propose to enlist from our respective States a volunteer force that shall be sufficient, with the aid of the fortifications which the force itself can speedily construct, to effectually guard VOL. XI.-Doc. 10

I have the honor to remain,
Sir, respectfully,


Your obedient servant,
Asssistant Adjutant-General

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Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: SIR: During the recent raid into Maryland, the citizens of Chambersburg turned out with a determination to stand by the few soldiers present and hold the town against any cavalry force that might assault it. Five hundred citizens of York, irrespective of party, volunteered and were armed, and went down the Northern Central Railroad and repaired the bridges.

In order to show you that the border citizens are beginning to realize that by united action they have the strength to protect themselves against an ordinary raiding party, enclosed I invite your attention to a letter addressed to the Governor, together with the endorsement upon the subject of forming a special corps from the six border counties most exposed.

If ten thousand men can thus be organized, its existence would be a protection and give confidence. I am informed that the general sentiment of the people in question is in favor of something being done at once, and as a military measure I think it will be of essential service to the General Government, and recommend that the War Department encourage the movement, by authorizing the loan or issue of uniforms, provided the law in question is enacted. It is believed that the new militia law of this State will practically prove of no value, expecting that an enrollment will probably be made. I am, sir,

Very respectfully

Your obedient servant, (Signed) D. N. COUCH, Major-General, commanding Department.

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Very respectfully,


Your obedient servant,

Headquarters Department of the Susquehan-
na, Harrisburg, August sixth, 1864.-A true
copy, respectfully furnished for the information
of his Excellency, Governor A. G. Curtin.
Assistant Adjutant-General.

In each of the three years, 1862, 1863, and 1864, it has been found necessary to call out the State militia for the defence of the State, and this has been done with the assent and assistance of the General Government.

From the want of organization, we have been obliged to rely exclusively on volunteer military, and with few exceptions to organize anew for such occasions.

This has caused confusion and a loss of val

uable time, and has resulted in sending to the field bodies of men in a great measure undisciplined.

The militia bill passed at the last session is, I think, for ordinary times, the best militia law we have ever had, but under the existing extraordinary circumstances it seems to require modifica tion.

I suggest that the Assessor be directed to make an immediate enrollment, classifying the militia as may be thought best.

That the officer be appointed by the Governor, on the recommendation, approved by him, of a board of examination, composed of three MajorGenerals for each Division, of whom the MajorHeadquarters Department of Susquehanna, Har-General of the Division shall be one, the other risburg, August 4-A true copy: respectfully furnished for the information of his Excellency, Governor A. G. Curtin. (Signed)

JOHN S. SCHULTZ, Assistant Adjutant-General.

two to be designated by the Governor, from adjoining divisions, or in such other modes as the Legislature may think fit; that in all cases the officers shall be selected by preference from officers and men who have been in service, and shall have been honorably discharged by the United States, and that effectual provision be made for drafting the militia when required.

The recommendation in regard to appoint

On the same day approved in writing of the proposition, and expressed my opinion that the Legislature would pass an act in accordance with it at its adjourned session, on the twenty-ments is made to avoid the angry dissension, third of August.

I am furnished with an official copy of the following reply, dated August first, 1864, to the proposition of General Couch:

and too often political jealousy, which divide military organizations by the election of officers, and to secure the services of the most deserving and competent men. The election of officers in

the volunteer forces in the field has been found to be injudicious to the service, while promotions by seniority and appointments of meritorious privates have produced bravery, and stimulated to faithfulness. In the enlistment of new organizations the plan adopted of granting authority to officers to recruit companies has been found to be the best policy.

I also recommend that the Governor be authorized to form either by the acceptance of volunteers or by draft, in such parts of the State as he may deem expedient, a special corps of militia, to consist in due proportions of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, to be kept up to the full number of fifteen regiments, to be styled Minute Men, who shall be sworn and mustered into the service of the State for three years; who shall assemble for drill at such times and places as he may direct, who shall be clothed, armed, and equipped by the State, and paid when assembled for drill or called into service; and who shall at all times be liable to be called into immediate service for the defence of the State, independently of the remainder of the term enlisted for. As this force would be subjected to sudden calls, the larger part of it should be organized in the counties adjoining our exposed border, and as the people of those counties have more personal interest in their protection, the recommendation is made to authorize the Governor to designate the parts of the State in which it shall be raised, and save the time and expense of transporting troops from remote parts of the State, and the subsistence and pay in going to and from the border. A body of men so organized will, it is believed, be effective to prevent raids and incursions.

transportation and supplies with the National Government when it becomes necessary to call it into the field.

When thoroughly organized, it should be in all its appointments an army which could be increased from our enrollment of classified citizens.

The plan which I have above suggested is the result of the reflection and experience which I have had during the last three years, and I have felt it to be my duty to submit it for your consideration, for the purpose of providing for the effectual defence of the State.

If the Legislature should prefer the adoption of any other plan, more efficient and economical than that which I have herein proposed, it will give me pleasure to co-operate heartily in carrying it into effect.

In accordance with the act of March 4, 1864, I have appointed for the Eastern armies, Colonel F. Jordan as agent at Washington, and Lieutenant-Colonel James Gilliam as Assistant Agent at that place; and also for the Southwestern armies, Lieutenant-Colonel James Chamberlain as Agent at Nashville.

These agents are now actively engaged in the performance of their duties, and it is desirable that our people should be aware that a part of them consist in the gratuitous collection of all claims by Pennsylvania volunteers, or their legal representatives, on the State and National Governments.

Volunteers having claims on either of these Governments can have them collected through these agents without expense, and thus be secured from the extortions to which it is feared they have sometimes heretofore been sub

The expenses of clothing, arming and equip-jected. ping such a force cannot be correctly ascertained, but the Quartermaster-General has been directed to approximate estimates for your information, which will be independent of pay and subsistence.

The State should provide at least six four-gun batteries of field artillery, with all the modern improvements. The suggestion has been frequently made by more reflecting persons that the State should raise a force and keep it permanently in the field for her defense.

Apart from other considerations, it is to be observed that the expense of such a measure would be quite beyond the present ability of the State.

To raise and maintain an army of fifteen regiments (and any smaller force would be inadequate) would involve an annual expenditure of more than fifteen millions of dollars.

The plan which I have above proposed would, I think, give the State efficient protection, and if the Legislature should think fit to adopt it, the expense can be readily provided for by loan or otherwise.

Having an organized force under the control of the authorities of the State, and mustered into service for domestic protection, we would not, as heretofore, lose time in arranging for

Having received information from the agents of the State that our sick and wounded were suffering greatly for the want of comforts and even necessaries, I have been recently compelled to call on the people to contribute supplies mainly in kind, for their relief; and it gives me pleasure to say that this appeal has been cheerfully responded to, as have been all my former appeals to the same end.

It seems impossible to exhaust the liberality of our generous people, when the well-being of our brave volunteers is in question.

In my special message of the thirtieth of April I stated the circumstances attending the advance, by banks and other corporations, of funds for the payment of the militia called out in 1863.

In consequence, the Legislature passed the act of May 4, 1864, authorizing a loan for the purpose of refunding, with interest, the amount thus advanced, in case that Congress should fail to make the necessary appropriation at its then current session.

I regret to say that Congress adjourned without making such appropriation. The balance in the Treasury being found sufficient to reimburse the funds so advanced without unduly diminishing the sinking fund, I have deemed it

advisable not to advertise for proposals for the loans, and I recommend the passage of an act directing the payment to be made out of the money in the Treasury.

As the omission of Congress to act on this subject involved an unprecedented disregard of the good faith of the national authorities, I recommend that the Legislature take measures for procuring an appropriation at the next session of Congress.

The revenue bill passed at the last session has been found to be defective in several points, and I recommend a careful and immediate revision of it.

The bounty bill passed at the last session is found to be defective and unjust in many of its provisions, and from the manner in which it is administered in some parts of the State, oppressive on the people.

I therefore recommend a careful revision of it, as the present session has been called for the consideration of matters of vital public import

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it was characteristic of her; but I will not weary you by turning aside to relate the various incidents of giving up the last son to the cause of our country, known to me. Wherever we go we find the hearts and hands of our noble women enlisted. They are seen wherever the eye may fall or the step turn. They have one duty to perform; to buoy up the hearts of our people. I know the deep disgrace felt by Georgia at our army falling back from Dalton to the interior of the State. But I was not of those who considered Atlanta lost when our army crossed the Chattahoochee. I resolved that it should not, and I then put a man in command who I knew would strike a manly blow for the city, and many a Yankee's blood was made to nourish the soil before the prize was won. It does not become us to revert to disaster. Let the dead bury the dead. Let us, with one arm and one effort, endeavor to crush Sherman. I am going to the army to confer with our Generals. The end must be the defeat of our enemy. It has been said that I abandoned Georgia to her fate. Shame upon such falsehood. Where could the author have been when Walker, when Polk, and when General Stephen D. Lee were sent to his assistance? Miserable man. The man who uttered this was a scoundrel. He was not a man to save our country. If I knew that a General did not possess the right qualities to command, would I not be wrong if he was not removed? Why, when our army was falling

SPEECH OF JEFFERSON DAVIS: AT MACON, GA., SEPTEMBER 23, 1864. Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, and Fellow-back from Northern Georgia, I even heard that citizens:

It would have gladdened my heart to have met you in prosperity instead of adversity. But friends are drawn together in adversity. The son of a Georgian, who fought through the first Revolution, I would be untrue to myself if I should forget the State in her day of peril. What though misfortune has befallen our arms from Decatur to Jonesboro, our cause is not lost. Sherman cannot keep up his long line of communication, and retreat, sooner or later he must; and when that day comes the fate that befell the army of the French Empire in its retreat from Moscow will be reacted. Our cavalry and our people will harass and destroy his army as did the Cossacks that of Napoleon; and the Yankee General, like him, will escape with only a body-guard. How can this be the most speedily effected? By the absentees of Hood's army returning to their posts; and will they not? Can they see the banished exiles; can they hear the wail of their suffering countrywomen and children and not come? By what influence they are made to stay away it is not necessary to speak. If there is one who will stay away at this hour he is unworthy of the name of a Georgian. To the women no appeal is necessary. They are like the Spartan mothers of old. I know of one who has lost all her sons, except one of eighteen years. She wrote that she wanted me to reserve a place for him in the ranks. The venerable General Polk, to whom I read the letter, knew that woman well, and said

I had sent Bragg with pontoons to cross it to Cuba. But we must be charitable. The man who can speculate ought to be made to take up his musket. When the war is over and our independence won-and we establish our independence-who will be our aristocracy? I hope the limping soldier. To the young ladies I would say that when choosing between an empty sleeve and the man who had remained at home and grown rich, always take the empty sleeve. Let the old men remain at home and make bread. But should they know of any young man keeping away from the service, who cannot be made to go any other way, let them write to the Executive. I read all letters sent me from the people, but have not time to answer them. You have not many men between eighteen and forty-five left. The boys-God bless the boysare, as rapidly as they become old enough, going to the field. The city of Macon is filled with stores, sick and wounded. It must not be abandoned, but when the enemy come, instead of calling upon Hood's army for defence, the old men must fight, and when the enemy is driven beyond Chattanooga, they too can join in the general rejoicing. Your prisoners are kept as a sort of Yankee capital. I have heard that one of their Generals said that their exchange would defeat Sherman. I have tried every means, conceded everything to effect an exchange, but to no purpose. Butler, the beast, with whom no Commissioner of Exchange would hold intercourse, had pub

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