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equalled by the Yankee editors in deeds of valor. Let war be breathed, and the first swear to a man that they are ready and anxious to exterminate creation, whilst the latter, not content, like Alexander, to sigh for more worlds to conquer, threaten to destroy the laws of gravity, and lay violent hands upon the whole planetary system. Yet, these war mandarins are all members of the Peace Society, and would no more think of resenting a blow on the cheek, the seduction of a wife, or the dishonor of a daughter, than they would of flying. We have not forgotten how all Massachusetts collected in Boston, when Anthony Burns was to be delivered to his Virginia master, and swore that it should not be done. A single file of soldiers, however, marched the fugitive from State street to the lower end of Long Wharf, through miles of streets packed with valorous fanatics, who did nothing but sing old Puritan hymns, with a most hideous and barbarous disregard to metre. - Richmond Examiner.

JOHN FORSYTH, editor of the Mobile Register, vents his indignation upon the North in this way:

War to save the 'to show that we

"The cry of the North is for war! Union, to defend the United States flag, have a government.' These are the pretences of sheer hypocrisy. They are the patriotic gloss given to a false cause. The cement that unites the North is rage at the inevitable mischief that has been done to Northern property by the loss of the trade and tribute of ten, perhaps twelve, of the richest and most productive States of the late Union.

"If they want war, give it to them to their heart's content -to the knife and the hilt. Give them battle every morning and every evening, whenever we can marshal a force for the fight. Nor should we stop to receive it. It ought to be sought for and invited. Nor wait to drive them from confederate soil, but force the war to their own borders. We hold that the enemy should be driven from Washingtonnot because we want Washington, but because it is in a slave State, and because our brethren in Maryland should be released from the iron heel of military power that is upon their necks. Whose blood does not boil to read of the proud men

of Maryland overrun and subdued by the outcasts of Massachusetts, under the lead of that scoundrel, Gen. Butler, who played his part in the political disturbances that were the immediate cause of this revolution? Maryland should be freed at all hazards, and the enemy driven beyond the Susquehanna.

"Defensive aggression is the Southern policy in this war. The surest and the safest way to defend our homes is to meet the enemy at a distance from them-to keep away the havoc and devastation of conflict from our women and children as far as possible. The North has undertaken to conquer the South. We must make up our minds to conquer the North, at least so far as to dictate the terms of peace. To this end, every man must devote himself to arms. Nothing else is of value, nothing worthy to be thought of in comparison to the sacred duty of defending the liberties of our country in this atrocious war. We must become a nation of soldiers, and every man ready to take the field when called upon. An active and desperate war is always a short one. We cannot make this war too bloody or too desperate."

THEY are alarmed for Washington, but they have not yet begun to tremble for New York and Boston. As England and France knew that there would be no stable peace with the treacherous, knavish, cowardly and cruel Chinese, short of Pekin, so we know that there can be no lasting peace with the Chinese counterparts on this continent until Confederate cannon overawe New York, and Confederate legions bivouac on Boston Common. Boston is the Pekin of the Western China; and "On to Pekin" is the watchword of Southern armies. Washington is a mere circumstance. We don't want it, any further than to dislodge the obscene birds that now infest it. Baltimore, too, which inspires the tyrants with so much terror, is not worth a moment's consideration beyond breaking the fetters (in passing) of that outraged people. Our true goal is Pekin the headquarters of the genuine Tartar horde, with their gongs and stink-guns. The military occupation of the Yankee capital can alone give indemnity for the past and security for the future. Then up with the universal shout, "ON TO PEKIN!" Richmond Whig.

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THE rapidity with which Northern society has been demoralized is almost incredible. All the domestic relations are affected by it; husband and wife, parent and child, live together there, or rather apart, in a manner which is an outrage in the sight of Heaven, and of the great Eye of Humanity. We do truly hold that it is, perhaps, from utter despair at a state of things of which they seem at once the unavoidable occasion, if not cause, and the victims, that so many of the better sex have singly, or in bands, perpetrated of late years so many extravagancies in that region. They deserve pity rather than condemnation.




The system of education at the North, which is being introduced among us, has been much criticised, and with justice. It contains much that is bad. Indeed, contemplated in some of its aspects and relations, particularly with reference to its effects, we do not think we go further than truth warrants, when we say that it would be a curse in any country. *




It is very evident, to many of those who are at all conversant with the details of life at the North, that the people of that section are, whether from the effects of climate acting upon the idiosyncracy of race, or from some other cause, wonderfully predisposed to insanity. Legislators, theologians, judges, lawyers, physicians, merchants, in very respectable standing, have exhibited characteristics, and used language and performed actions, indicative of a morbid condition of the functions usually attributed to the brain. Here is a society almost wholly touched with an epidemic mental disorder of such a nature as to seem contagious. The very crimes that are committed in all that part of the Union, when not the acts of acknowledged madmen, have something about them in the details and circumstances of their development which similar crimes of other culprits never exhibit. -Richmond Literary Messenger.

If the hungry and ravenous pack of hyenas who are sent upon their hellish missions of plunder and rapine are driven back into their dens, they will turn upon their silly betrayers, only to make them the victims of their devouring wrath. Memphis Appeal.

THE experiment of republican institutions is lost at the North, and it can only be saved at the South by maintaining as strict non-intercourse with the moral Sodom and political Pandemonium on our borders as the nature of the case will permit. We are willing to agree to the cessation of hostilities; but if any foreign mediation shall exact concessions of intercourse, and commercial and political privilege, as a bargain and stipulation, it will exact what cannot be granted without destruction to our social, political and commercial integrity.

The case, therefore, is not one for arbitration. The South cannot refer so grave a question as that of her independence to any arbitration, much less to that of a foreign potentate. Did ever two litigants refer to arbitration the question of either one's slavery? Independence is a question that cannot be referred by the South, and that is, in fact, the only question really involved in the present contest. The Yankee may become sick of the war, and is capable of descending from a demand of our service and fealty to begging the privilege of peddling his wooden nutmegs and bark clocks through our country; but neither of these demands are proper for mediation, and we should be very wary of granting treaty privileges of trade. Despairing of conquering the South by open hostilities, they will try the artifice of the Greeks before Troy, and attempt to introduce, by means of trade privileges, the wooden horse into our midst. It is only some purpose of this sort that mediation can accomplish; and we should distrust and eschew such schemes, as the Trojans learned to distrust their enemies, even when bearing pretended gifts. Richmond Dispatch.

THE New Orleans Advocate, a religious paper, of which Rev. C. C. Gillespie, D. D., is editor, says: "Davis is the very soul of courage, honor, chivalry; Lincoln is a cowardly sneak. In the midst of the present storm, Davis is calm, cool, generally cheerful, comprehensive in observation, rigidly keeping his own counsel. Lincoln is filled with abject fear, drunk half the time, occasionally foolishly facetious, whistling to keep his courage up!

WHEN a long course of class legislation, directed not to the general welfare, but to the aggrandizement of the Northern section of the Union, culminated in a warfare on the domestic institutions of the Southern States-when the dogmas of a sectional party, substituted for the provisions of the constitutional compact, threatened to destroy the sovereign rights of the States-six of those States, withdrawing from the Union, confederated together to exercise the right and perform the duty of instituting a government which would better secure the liberties, for the preservation of which that Union was established.

Whatever of hope some may have entertained that a returning sense of justice would remove the danger with which our rights were threatened, and render it possible to preserve the Union of the Constitution, must have been dispelled by the malignity and barbarity of the Northern States in the prosecution of the existing war. The confidence of the most hopeful among us must have been destroyed by the disregard they have recently exhibited for all the time-honored bulwarks of civil and religious liberty. Bastiles filled with prisoners, arrested without civil process or indictment duly found; the writ of habeas corpus suspended by Executive mandate; a State Legislature controlled by the imprisonment of members whose avowed principles suggested to the Federal Executive that there might be another added to the list of seceded States; elections held under threats of a military power; civil officers, peaceful citizens and gentle women incarcerated for opinion's sake, proclaimed the incapacity of our late associates to administer a government as free, liberal and humane as that established for our common use.

The people of the States now confederated became convinced that the government of the United States had fallen. into the hands of a sectional majority, who would pervert that most sacred of all trusts to the destruction of the rights which it was pledged to protect. They believed that to remain longer in the Union would subject them to a continuance of a disparaging discrimination, submission to which would be inconsistent with their welfare, and intolerable to a proud people. They therefore determined to sever its bonds, and establish a new confederacy for themselves.

The experiment instituted by our Revolutionary fathers, of

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