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Last Address.



South Eastern Kentucky.

Christian gentleman in the | or gathering at Camp Wild truest sense of the word. Cat, between Great and The statement that most of Little Rockcastle rivers, the Federal army of invasion was composed was designed to operate against Zollicoffer, of foreigners whom Lincoln employed to do then in possession of Cumberland Gap, with his behests was outrageously untrue, since an advance to Barboursville. The rebels, for Ohio, Indiana and Illinois furnished from three weeks of October, carried terror through their own citizens, the great mass of troops the adjacent country. Union men fled or called to Kentucky's aid. And so the record were given over to the cruel mercies of ConThe entire appeal was grounded upon federate jailors in East Tennessee; families a perverse sentiment of loyalty; it would were stripped of their means of sustenance or have had but little foundation for its conclu- driven out from their homes into exile. Assions had the Senator been truly impartial sassins lurked everywhere to shoot down and neutral. any "suspicious person."


The Military Position.

Battle of Wild Cat.

Not desiring the presence of Colonel Garrard's force at Camp Wild Cat, Zollicoffer resolved to strike him before reenforcements could ar

The position of the belligerents, October 15th, indicated an early collision. Sherman's advance to Nolin Creek, twenty miles from Green River, commanded by Generals Ros-rive. To this end he advanced against the seau and McCook, it was thought would meet position with six regiments of infantry, one Buckner's and Hardee's combined forces at of cavalry and a battery of six light pieces. any moment. A flank movement upon Lou- Reconnoitering and demonstrating during isville by Polk and Pillow was feared. Oc- Sunday, October 20th, he made his attack on tober 17th Sherman urgently telegraphed the the morning of the 21st. General Schoepff War Department for reenforcements. The having arrived on the ground, assumed comnext day, Secretary of War Cameron and Ad- mand. Ordering forward the Thirty-third jutant - General Thomas visited Sherman's Indiana, four companies under command of headquarters, on their return to Washington Colonel John Coburn, advanced and took from a tour of inspection in Fremont's de- possession of an eminence called Round Hill. partment. Seeing the imminence of the dan-one-half mile from the camp. This advance, ger, eight thousand troops were ordered on two Tennessee regiments of the enemy assailby special trains from Pittsburg, Indianapo-ed on the hill, pressing up under cover of the lis and Chicago. General Ward, in command at Camp Johnson, at Greensburg, dispatched messengers, October 18th, for reenforcements, learning that a rebel column three thousand strong was advancing in that direction. He fell back twelve miles to Campbellville, to await reenforcements. No enemy, however, confronted him. All the enemy's efforts seemed to be directed to the Federal advance * The enemy here tried the ruse so fatally suctoward Bowling Green-whose loss would cessful at the battle of Edwards' Ferry, Virginia, of be a severe blow to the Confederate occupa-personating Federal troops. One Tennessee regition and winter campaign in Western Kentucky. The rapid augmentation of Union forces under Sherman, and at Cairo and Paducah, soon placed the rebels strictly on the defensive. By November 1st Louisville was considered safe, and arrangements were then making for prosecuting the advance against Columbus and Bowling Green..

In Eastern Kentucky, the column gathered

woods, and when quite near the summit, opening a rapid fire of musketry.* Colonel Woodford soon joined Colonel Coburn, with about two hundred and fifty Kentucky cavalry. These troops bore the brunt of the fight with such persistence as to break the enemy's attempted charge; and, after an hour's fire,

ment advanced out of the woods, with their caps

on bayonets, shouting: "we are Union men!" Lieutenant Knight, in command of a breast work which the Indianians had thrown up, sprang to the embankment and ordered his men not to fire, supposing the looked-for reenforcements had arrived. in a moment the Tennesseans sent in a volley and pushed on to carry the work. They fairly wilted, however, before the sheet of flame which leaped from the crest of the work like an avenging herald.

Battle of Wild Cat.

This little fight was the precursor of a second attempt in the afternoon, upon the position; but, the celerity of movement of the Seventeenth Ohio, Colonel Connell, and the Fourteenth Ohio, Colonel Steedman, gave the Unionists so much the advantage that Zollicoffer's hopes were dashed, and, at night, he beat a quick retreat toward Cumberland Gap. These two regiments, last named, made marches of extraordinary expedition to relieve Colonel Garrard from his perilous position, and arrived in time to throw a few shot into the disordered ranks of the rebels. They then gave premonition of the gallantry and endurance which distinguished them throughout the war.

The Condition of
East Tennessee.

the Tennesseeans withdrew | Cumberland River, at the to reorganize for a stronger mouth of White Oak Creek, effort, leaving seventeen of their dead on the where he waited the exfield. Many of their dead and most of their pected advance. He still retained the passage wounded they succeeded in carrying off. at Cumberland Gap, to provide for retreat and to check any attempt of the Federalists to reach East Tennessee through that, its most natural avenue of approach. How the longsuffering and heroic people of that now his toric region looked for the promised relief to press in through that gorge! The stream of life which leaped from the rock at the touch of Moses' rod, did not send a wilder thrill of joy through the famishing hearts of the suffering people of God, than the clarion of promised deliverance which rang through the valleis and over the hills of East Tennessee, in the fall of 1861. Nor did the wail of the mothers of Israel over Herod's slaughter of their offspring send out upon the air a more appalling cry of pain than went up from the scaffolds and dungeons of Tennessee when that deliverance was withheld. Truly we need not go to old-time histories for lessons when the story of East Tennessee offers us its record of joys and sorrows, of sufferings, but not of triumphs.

The Condition of
East Tennessee.

This rather badly conducted attempt to capture Camp Wild Cat was followed by no further rebel demonstration in that quarter. Zollicoffer finally took up a strong position opposite Mill Spring, on the

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cruits for Price's army, near Palmyra, Mo. Rebel loss, 3 killed, 5 wounded and 16 prisoners.

Nov. 18.-Captain Foote, U. S. N., assigned to the fleet operating in the Western rivers.-North Carolina " provisional" Convention meets at Hatteras. Forty five counties represented. The se cession of the State repudiated, provisional Governor appointed, &c., &c. More of Price's recruits (50) captured near Warrenburg, Mo.

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Dec. 4.-Spirited skirmish near Anandale, Va. Colonel Taylor, with 30 of his men (Third N.Jersey) surprises and cuts to pieces, by an ambush, a troop 40 rebel cavalry.-John C. Breckenridge expelled from the U. S. Senate.-Landing at Ship island of the advance of Butler's expedition against New Orleans. General Phelps in command issues a procla

Nov. 19.-Burning of the ship Harvey Birch by the Confederate privateer Nashville, near Southampton, England.-Warsaw, Mo., burned by the rebels. General Halleck assumes command in Missouri.Jefferson Davis sends in his Message to the Confed-mation which forewarns the people that he comes erate Congress. See pages 430-33.-The gunboat Conestoga reconnoiters up the Tennessee.

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Nov. 22.-Price's army crosses the Osage river on its second trip to the North.-Rebel Camp above Newport News shelled and destroyed by Federal gunboats. Gallant affair at Brownsville. A band (100) of Kentuckians repulse 300 rebels.

Nov. 22-23.-Bombardment, by Fort Pickens, of the rebel batteries at Pensacola Bay. Fort McRae is silenced and Fort Barrancas much injured. The village of Warrenton is destroyed and the Navy Yard greatly injured.

Nov. 23.-The Steamers Constitution and Forest City, with the advance of Butler's expedition against New Orleans, sails from Portland, Me.-General Thomas, with his entire division, advances from Danville, Ky., to Columbia. This movement is designed to give Zollicoffer battle.

Nov. 24.-Skirmish at Lancaster, Mo. Colonel Moore meets the rebels, killing 13 and taking prisoners.-Tybee island taken possession of by the Federal forces.

Nov. 25-The rebel privateer Royal Yacht destroyed in Galveston harbor, by an expedition from U. S. frigate Santee, commanded by Lieutenant Jou


upon a crusade against slavery as well as against

those in rebellion.

Dec. 7.-General John Pope is assigned command of all the Federal forces between the Missouri and Osage rivers. The force is composed largely of Fremont's old troops.-Capture at Rogers' Mill, near Glasgow, Mo., of the notorious robber Captain Sweeny, by a detachment of Federal cavalry under Captain Merrill.

Dec. 8.-Final occupation of Port Royal island and the village of Beaufort, S. C., by the Federal troops under General Stevens.

Dec. 9.-Bombardment by the Federal gunboats of the rebel position at Freestone point. The rebel works and buildings all destroyed.-Severe battle in the Indian country, between the Confederate forces (Texans and Indians) led by General Cooper and the loyal Indians led by Opotheleyholo. It was pronounced by the rebel authorities a drawn battle, though Opotheleyholo fairly won a victory. The losses were great on both sides. Cooper's force was about 2000, that of the Chief about 500 greater. He was aided by many old hunters and scouts. Cooper" withdrew" fighting.

Dec. 10.-Sharp skirmish of pickets at Dam No. 4, on the Potomac near Sharpsburg. One Federal company entrapped and made prisoners.

Dec. 12.—Great conflagration in Charleston, S. C. Over one half of the richest portion of the city is consumed.-Colonel Merrill's cavalry return to Sedalia from a very successful scouting expedition, bringing in a number of rebel emissaries, officers, spies, &c.-Skirmish at Green river, Ky., in which Co. I. of the Fifteenth Ohio repulses a rebel cavalry squadron.

Nov. 26.-Second Grand Review of the forces of McClellan around Washington. Reconnoissance Dec. 13.-Battle of Alleghany Summit. The Fedby Colonel Bayard, from Langley's to Dranesville, erals under General R. H. Milroy assail the rebel Va.—Reconnoissance toward Hunter's hill from Vi- stronhgold, but ineffectually, owing to the want of enna.—Meeting of the Convention at Wheeling to artillery supports. Union loss, killed 20, wounded form a new State.-Commodore Tatnall, with three 107, missing 10. The rebel loss is known to have small steamers and one gunboat runs down from been severe. Colonel Edward Johnson command. Fort Pulaski to engage the Federal fleet, in Cock-ed the rebel force, about 2000 strong. spur roads. He "retires" after firing about forty shots.

Nov. 27.-The Federal Government assumes command of all commerce on the Mississippi river below St. Louis.-Reconnoissance up.the Coosaw river, S. C., by the gunboat Pawnee, Commander Drayton.

Nov. 28.-Reconnoissance by Colonel Cone from Springfield, Va., toward Manassas.-Immense conflagration of cotton on the plantations lying between Beaufort and Charleston, S. C.

Dec, 2.-Meeting of the Federal Congress. Dec. 3.-President Lincoln's Message read to Congress. See pages 437-443.

Dec. 15.-Platte City, Mo., fired by the rebels, to "smoke out" the Federals. The court house and post office are consumed.

Dec. 17.--Conflict at Munfordsville, Ky. Colonel Willich's German regiment, Thirty-second Indiana, encounter and repulse a strong force under General Hindman. Federal loss 11 killed, 21 wounded. See pages 222-23.

Dec. 18.-Capture of Milford, Mo., by General Pope's forces, with 1300 prisoners, great quantities of arms, supplies, &c.--Expedition of reconnoissance up the North and South Edisto rivers, S. C., by Commander Drayton.


Dec. 19.-Rebels shell Colonel Geary's camp near Point of Rocks. Geary replies, and after a furious. cannonade drives the rebels back, and destroys several houses where their sharpshooters are concealed. The enemy lost 18 killed and wounded.A band of "Moccasin rangers" (rebel) plunders the town of Ripley, Va.


nounced by the publication of the correspondence on the subject. Mason and Slidell are given up but no apology made, nor is Captain Wilkes suspended from command.

Dec. 29.-Pillage of the town of Commerce, Mo., by men from Jeff Thompson's force.

Dec. 30.--The first regular cartel passed between Dec. 20.--Battle of Dranesville. For particulars the Federal and Confederate authorities, by General see pages 470-71.-Partial destruction of the Mis- Huger (rebel) announcing the readiness to deliver souri railway by the rebels. One hundred miles of 240 prisoners of war from Richmond.-Destruction track between Hudson and Warrenton disabled; of the rebel light vessel and local battery at Wilstations, water tanks, bridges and wood burned.mington, N. C., by an expedition from the steamer -Attack on the rebels at Hudson by Major McKee, | Mt. Vernon. in which he kills 10 and takes 17 prisoners.—Sinking of the stone fleet in Charleston harbor. Operations commence on the 19th.-Jackson's (rebel) forces appear on the Potomac opposite Williamsport and at points a few miles below. His design is supposed

to be to cross and sack the town.

Dec. 22-Sharp skirmish at Newport News between Colonel Max Weber's men and rebel cavalry and infantry. The rebels are "punished" for interfering in foraging operations.

Dec. 23.-Rosecrans, from Wheeling, issues an address to his troops, proclaiming an end of the campaign.

Dec. 24.-Expedition from General Pope's command visits Lexington, Mo., destroying foundry, ferry boats, &c.—The War Department (Federal) issues orders discontinuing enlistments of cavalry. Enough are pronounced to be in the service.Bluffton, S. C., occupied by Federal forces under

General Stevens.

[blocks in formation]

Dec. 26.—Arrival in New York of General Scott, from his brief visit to Europe. He returns fearing a war between Great Britain and the United States on the Mason-Slidell emeute.

Dec. 27.-Intelligence received of the good progress of National arms in New Mexico under command of Colonel Canby. Forts Craig and Stanton had been retaken and, at the last dates, the Federal officer was en route to retake Fort Fillmore, betrayed by Colonel Lynde. Colonel Canby had had a stirring campaign.-Bridges over the Fabius and North Fabius rivers, Mo., destroyed by the rebels. -Rebel forces in front of Washington are announced to have gone into winter quarters: considering the campaign ended.

Dec. 28.—General Prentiss, hunting up the bridge buruers and rebel canips in Northern Missouri, attacks Colonel Dorsey at Mount Zion Church, Boone county. After a sharp conflict the rebels are utterly routed, with a very heavy loss in killed, wounded and prisoners. See page 457.-Colonel Vandeveer (Thirty-fifth Ohio) destroys the rebel salt works on Fishing creek, Ky.-Sharp conflict of cavalry at Sacramento, Ky. A scouting party from Colonel Jackson's Kentucky cavalry fell in with a strong detachment of Forrest's rebel cavalry. After a severe hand to hand struggle the Federals fled, losing Captain Bacon killed and eleven wounded and prisoners. The rebels confessed to a greater loss, including Lieutenant-Colonel Merriweather killed. The Nationals fought with astonishing intrepidity against overwhelming odds.

-Settlement of the "Trent difficulty" first an

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Dec. 31.--Biloxi, Miss., surrenders to an expedition consisting of three National gunboats, under command of Commodore Melancthon Smith. A doned after the removal of the guns from the water prize also secured in the bay. The town is aban


arrested on the British steamer Trent, are delivered Jan. 1, 1862.-Mason and Slidell, rebel emissaries up to the British Government-Fort Pickens again opens its guns on the land batteries and Navy Yard at Pensacola Bay.Yard at Pensacola Bay.-Expedition against the rebel fortification at Port Royal ferry. The battery at that point was abandoned on the approach of the Federal gunboats and infantry.

Jan. 2.-Bombardment, by Federal gunboats, of the rebel battery on Cockpit Point, Potomac river. Jan. 3.-Large arrest of bridge burners near Hunnewell, Mo., by Colonel Glover.-Reconnoissance

by Colonel Max Weber to Big Bethel, Va.

Jan. 4.-General Milroy's expedition, under Maand destroys the large amount of rebel winter stores jor Webster, enters Huntersville, Western Virginia, at that point.-Heavy skirmish at Bath, Va. Federals driven back upon Hancock by Jackson's ad


Jan. 5.-Fortifications erecting around Richmond, Va., are announced as progressing satisfactorily. It is assumed that, in three months, the city will be impregnable.

Jan. 7.-Expedition against and destruction of a Colonel Dunning, from General Kelley's command. rebel nest at Blue's gap, near Romney, Va., by -Skirmish near Paintsville, with Humphrey Marshall's (rebel) brigade. Marshall retires before the Federal cavalry of Major Bowles, Colonel Garfield occupies Paintsville from which Marshall fled in great precipitation.

Co, B, Second Virginia (Union) voludteers, Captain Jan. 8.--Desperate fight between 17 men from Latham, and 30 guerrillas, on Dry Fork, Randolph Co., Va. After an hour's "Indiau fight" the guerrillas filed, leaving six dead upon the field. Federal loss, six wounded.-Severe struggle at Roan's tanyard, in Randolph Co., Mo. Majors Torrence and Hubbard's Federal cavalry attacks the rebel Poindexter's fortified camp and routs the rebels. Camp property is all burned, and 25 wagons of provisions,

clothing, powder and arms secured.

Jan. 9.-Colonel H. Anisansel, with two companies of Virginia Union cavalry, pursue a large body of bushwhackers who had plundered Sutton, Va. The ragamuffins were come up with thirty miles east of Sutton when a fight immediately ensued. Thirty of the "rebel agents" were killed, wounded and taken prisoners, and their large train of plunder se

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