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[From the Richmond, Va., Times, January 23, 1898.]


Incidents in the Remarkable Career of the Great Soldier.


He Made a Poor Impression When he First Arrived at West Point-A Second in a Duel-He Obeyed Orders at Great Cost.

Men will never cease to wonder at the character and history of - General Thomas Jonathan Jackson. No other man in history can be likened to him. He has oftener been compared with Oliver Cromwell than with any other great soldier. But Cromwell was a great statesman, who ruled his people with far-reaching wisdom. We have no evidence that Jackson can be likened to Cromwell in this, but would be inclined to pronounce Jackson a warrior, pure and simple, devoid of any great strategic capacity, as he seemed to be of good fellowship, humorous inclinations or any degree of tenderness.

Four years of incarceration together at West Point and subsequent service together in the armies of the United States and Confederate States gave me as good opportunities of estimating the mind and the nature of Stonewall Jackson as any man has ever enjoyed. I believe Jackson was as fond of me as he ever was of any man of our times. It was for his wife to waken and nurture, and since his death to disclose to the world the deep tenderness of that wonderful character, a tenderness never before suspected by any human being to exist.

In the life and letters of Stonewall Jackson, published by her, are revelations of affectionate gentleness unknown to any but to her. The world owes her untold gratitude for this work, so beautifully accomplished that it will be a classic as long as the English language shall be known.


I entered the Military Academy at West Point in June, 1842. A week afterwards a cadet sergeant passed, escorting a newly-arrived cadet to his quarters. The personal appearance of the stranger was so remarkable as to attract the attention of several of us, who were

standing near and chatting together. Burkett Fry, A. P. Hill, and George Pickett, all Virginians, and destined to be distinguished generals, made our group. The new cadet was clad in gray homespun, a waggoner's hat, and large, heavy brogans; weather-stained saddlebags were over his shoulders. His sturdy step, cold, bright gray eye, thin, firm lips, caused me say, 'That fellow looks as if he had come to stay," and on the return of the sergeant I asked him who that cadet was. He replied: "Cadet Jackson, of Virginia." Whereupon I at once ascended to his room to show him

my interest in him, a fellow-countryman in a strange land. He received my courteous advances in a manner so chilling that it caused me to regret having made them, and I rejoined my companions with criticisms brief and emphatic as to his intellectual endowments. Days and weeks went by, with no change in the "snap-shot" estimate then imparted.

One evening, Fry and Hill and I were lolling upon our camp bedding, the evening police were going on, and “Cadet Jackson, from Virginia," was upon duty about our tent, when I, desirous again to be affable and playful with our countryman, lifted the tent wall, and addressed him with an air of authority, and mock sternness, ordering him to be more attentive to his duty, to remove those cigar stumps, and otherwise mind his business. His reply was a look so stern and angry as to let me know that he was doing that job. Whereupon, I let that tent wall drop and became intensely interested in my yellow-back novel. So soon as police was over I arose and girded my loins, saying I had made Cadet Jackson, of Virginia, angry, and must at once humble myself and explain that I was not really in command of that police detail. I found him at the guard tent, called him out, and said:

"Mr. Jackson, I find that I made a mistake just now in speaking to you in a playful manner-not justified by our slight acquaintance. I regret that I did so.'

He replied, with his stony look, "That is perfectly satisfactory, sir." Whereupon I returned to my comrades, and informed them that, in my opinion, "Cadet Jackson, from Virginia, is a jackass," which verdict 'was unanimously concurred in; and we all with one accord began to array ourselves for the next duty in order, and thenceforward nobody in that tent "projected" with that cadet until our four-years' course was ended, and we were emancipated from the military prison of West Point, for we all liked and respected him.

After our encampment of two months was over we went into barracks and were arranged in sections alphabetically, and thus it was McClellan and I sat side by side; for a very brief space, though. Next week he went up till he became head, while I remained tutisimus in medio for four blessed years. I was very sorry to lose Mac. from my side, especially during recitations, for he used to tell me things, and was a great help; besides he was such a little bred and born gentleman, only fifteen years and seven months, while I—God save the mark—was twenty.


"Old Jack," as we called him, hung about the bottom, at the first January examination all below him were cut off, he was foot and probably would have been cut off also, but his teachers observed in him such a determined intention to succeed that they felt sure he would certainly improve-and he did.

Our rooms were small, each with two single bedsteads (iron), a bare, cold floor, and an anthracite grate. "Old Jack," a few minutes before taps, would pile his grate with coal, so as to have a bright, glowing fire when taps sounded and all other lights were out.

Then he would lie prone upon the floor, when the light enabled him to study the lesson for the day, and very soon he began to rise in his class, and we all were glad of his success; for cold and undemonstrative as he was, he was absolutely honest and kindly, intensely attending to his own business, and as it was, he came to be near the head of our class, the largest that had ever graduated there. We had altogether 164 members-counting those turned back into it; we graduated sixty after four weary, profitless years (to me).

Then Cadmus Wilcox, Archie Botts, "Dominie" Wilson and "Old Jack," as we now called Jackson of Virginia, traveled on together to their Virginia homes, and arriving in Washington, took a room in Brown's Hotel. All four were in one room, and it was blazing hot, for they were right under the roof. Cadmus, on reaching the capital of the nation, was invited to spend the evening with the Secretary of War, and did not return to his room until about 1 o'clock A. M. He paused; the door was locked, and the sounds of boisterous revelry were roaring within.

For some time he demanded entrance in vain, and when at last admitted found "High Jinks" were enacting there. Poor Archie, in his fine new uniform, lay slumbering upon a bed, while Dominie

and "Old Jack," with only one garment, were singing with stunning effect "Benny Hahn's Oh," and executing a barefooted back-step in time to the music. Each composed his own poetry, in tones which resounded through the house and over the Avenue, till old Mr. Jesse Brown sent his compliments, with a request that they "would stop that noise." This was "Old Jack's" first and last frolic, to which in years long after his fame had filled the world he dimly alluded, when he said he was too fond of liquor to trust himself to drink it.

As for poor Dominie, his long pent craving was never slaked any more until his enfeebled frame was laid to rest in a soldier's grave, away off in the shadow of the Rockies.


From the moment that Jackson entered upon his duties in the army, he evinced that terrible earnestness which was the characteristic of his conduct in battle or in work.

My squadron of the Mounted Rifles escorted four siege-pieces, which he was charged to deliver safely in Monterey, and he did it with an unrelenting energy which was necessary to get them through. During the battles in the Valley, he served as a lieutenant of Magruder's battery, and won many distinctions. Having entered the service as a second lieutenant, he was brevetted first lieutenant, captain and major, in one year's field service.

While serving in the Valley of Mexico, he acted as second in a duel between two officers of one of the new infantry regiments-the Ioth, I believe. General Birkett Fry told me the incident, as fol


Lieutenant Lee, of Virginia, was the adjutant of the regiment, who, feeling himself aggrieved by Captain of Philadelphia, sent him a challenge. The Captain was an avowed duelist and an expert rifle shot, and accepted Lee's challenge. They were to fight with rifles at forty paces. Jackson and Fry were seconds to Lee. Jackson won the word, which he delivered, standing in the position of a soldier, in stentorian tones, audible over a forty-acre lot. rifles cracked together, and Jackson, astounded that his man was still standing, said to Fry: "What shall we do now? They will demand another shot." "We will grant it with pistols at ten paces," said Fry, and as he said, the second of the Captain came forward


and demanded another shot. "We agree," said Jackson, "and we will fight with pistols at ten paces." The Captain declined the terms, the men were never reconciled. The Captain died many years after, regretting that he had not killed Lee.

Jackson was a strict constructionist of all orders and of all points of duty.


When John Brown made his attempt to arouse insurrection in Virginia, Governor Wise called out the troops of the State, and ordered the Corps of Cadets to be held ready for immediate service. General Smith, superintendent of the corps, promptly obeyed the orders. Major Jackson reported at the guard-room ready for the field. General Smith, after giving attention to some matters requiring it, said: "Major Jackson, you will remain as you are till further orders." At that moment Major Jackson was seated upon a campstool in the guard-room with his sabre across his knees.

Next morning at reveille General Smith repaired to the guardroom and found Jackson sitting on the camp-stool and said:

"Why, Major, why are you here?"

"Because you ordered me to remain here as I was last night, and I have done so. "'*

Next year he went off to the great war between the States, and won fame at once. Rumors of a great victory came. His wife and friends were anxious for the news. It came by a courier, who spurred in hot haste to his home, in Lexington. These were the words: "My subscription to the negro Sunday-school is due-it is fifty cents-which I send by the courier." Nothing more.

At the First Manassas his fame was made, when that noble soldier, Bernard Bee, cried out to his wavering men, "See where Jackson, with his Virginians, stands like a stone wall! Let us form behind them."

After the repulse at Malvern Hill, General Lee and other generals were discussing the situation, and what we were to do in the morning. Jackson was lying upon the ground, apparently slumbering, his cap lying over his face. He was aroused and asked his opinion

*Jackson was Professor of Mathematics. There was a desire on the part of the cadets that he should command the corps in the impending battle. General Smith meant he should remain as Professor of Mathematics by "remain as you are."

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