Be and cordage of the Ship of State strong, flexible and sufficient to anchor it securely in any harbor, and sail it safely on any sea. lieving in the ability of this Union to maintain its own greatness, the Southern counsel will urge the Government to heed the advice of Washington and make no entangling alliance with, or dangerous concession to, any foreign power. The Monroe doctrine is understood to be a settled policy as to improper European aggression on this hemisphere, and the South is now listening with boundless sympathy to the cry of Cuba, and on hearing the wail of this oppressed neighbor it inquires, Why shall all America be free and the beautiful Queen of the Antilles be alone a slave? In short, you will allow the statement to be made that your South, like the Goddess of Justice, can weigh the issues of this day in unbiased scales, and with unselfish patriotism join the true men of all the States in protecting the political axioms of our people, and contributing with all its increasing resources to the future unexampled greatness of the American Union. THE AMERICAN SPIRIT. In consideration of all our traditions and our present vantage ground as a Nation, let us cherish a strong American spirit. Not a proscriptive or prejudiced, but a characteristic Americanism in both the native and the naturalized citizen. Our country is not isolated from other nations, but it is indeed differentiated from them by its form, its policy, its people and probable destiny. It was not born great and had no greatness thrust upon it; but it has achieved a greatness that is not European, nor Oriental, but purely American. The blood of all European tribes has been pouring into our National body, and we have feared the development of foreign traits; but the predominance of the American spirit will secure the American character. The laws, the institutions, the ideas and even the language of this country will be distinctively American. A peculiar people, bearing in character, manners and views the impress of strong American individuality, has risen, and will reign in this country from sea to sea. The type is not in process of formation; it is already formed and the development cannot be arrested. The typical American has unbounded faith in the wisdom of his country to devise its own policy, in its power to execute its own will, and in its goodness to preserve the liberties of its people. My Southern Comrades: When the victorious veterans of the Northern armies formed their great association I was charmed by the modesty with which they adopted the title of the Grand Army of the Republic, for I supposed they felt that a people could be grander in defeat than in triumph, and therefore left the survivors of the Southern side the privilege to be called the Grander Army of the Republic! But when both armies are found united as they now are in the fellowship of the American spirit, and emulating each other in eulogy of the American soldier, they present a sublime spectacle while passing in review before the American people, and win for themselves the right to be called the GRANDEST ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC! I feel sure, therefore, by this fraternal regard for each other's valor, patriotism and convictions, you will not be asked to strike no more the resonant, tuneful chords of memory in proud recall of marches, bivouacs and battles where the columns in gray added new martial glory to American chivalry. Your battle banner, stripped of all gory significance and meaning only the memory of a comradeship in arms, although radiant yet with stars that bejewel the red cross, signifies the luster shed upon the whole American name by the intrepid courage of the brave young Southerners who bore it aloft through storms of fire. That emblem need not be furled, for it has no honorable foe who demands its disgrace; shows no stain upon its bullet-riven folds, means no fight, frightens no man of sense, and only inspires the Southern patriot to love, follow and defend the star-spangled banner of his country. My Southern Countrymen, your fathers gave our nation much of its territorial greatness; they evolved into chrystallized beauty the elements of human liberty under constitutional safeguards; they bore their part in the material uplift of this land to the present crest; they shed their warm, rich blood freely in all wars for your country's sake, and therefore, by all well acknowledged reasons and rights, your voice will be potent in the councils of your countrymen, and your influence felt in the future achievements of the American people. May God speed you on your patriotic way, my native South! May our whole country trust you, my noble Southern Land, and millions yet unborn rise up and call you blessed! [From The State Columbia, S. C., Sept. 10, 1895.] HAMPTON AND BUTLER. Some Pages of Heretofore Unwritten History. A Paper read by Captain U. R. Brooks before a Meeting of Camp Hampton Confederate Veterans, at Columbia, S. C., Sept. 6, 1895. "History is a brilliant illustration of the past, and leads us into a charmed field of wonder and delight. It reflects the deeds of men, and throws its rays upon the just and unjust, and leads us upward and onward to that mention of facts bearing directly upon a brilliancy surrounding our every day life as it was and as it is. "That brilliancy called history is pitiless; it has this strange and divine thing about it, that all light as it is, and because it is light, it often throws shadows over spots before luminous, it makes of the same man two different phantoms, and one attacks the other, and the darkness of the despot struggles with the lustre of the captain." In the language of Wendell Phillips: “If I stood here to-night to tell you the story of Napoleon, I should take it from the lips of Frenchmen, who find no language rich enough to paint the great captain of the nineteenth century. Were I to tell you the story of Washington, I should take it from your hearts-you who think no marble white enough on which to carve the name of the father of his country." I am about to tell you of one of the many battles which was planned, fought and won by our illustrious lieutenantgeneral, Wade Hampton, on the 10th day of March, 1865-the charge on Kilpatrick's camp, twelve miles this side of Fayetteville, N. C. Hampton's plan of action was a masterpiece. No historian will ever say of him what has been said of Wellington, that "Waterloo is a battle of the first class, won by a captain of the second." Hampton's brave men who dared to follow where he dared to lead saw no Waterloo, because that expressive word of defect was not written in their vocabulary. Napoleon said that "detail facts belong rather to the biography of regiments than to the history of the army." I will, therefore, try to deal in facts as I remember them. In January, 1865, General Lee ordered Lieutenant-General Hampton, with General M. C. Butler and two of his brigades (Young's and Dunovant's) from the A. N. V. to meet Sherman at Columbia, where General Wheeler was to report to General Hampton upon his arrival. Each general had a squad of scouts, who were brave and courageous men. I will give their names as I remember them: General Hampton's scouts were G. D. Shadbourn, sergeant commanding; Bob Shiver, W. W. Miller, D. F. Tanner, Phil Hutchinson, Jim Doolin, Jim Guffin, Lem Guffin, Walker Russell, David Smith, Jack Shoolbred, Simons, Jim Sloan, Shake Harris, and R. B. Merchant. General Butler's scouts were Dick Hogan, sergeant commanding; Hugh K. Scott, Bernard King, Joel Adams, Jim Niblet, Black, Ashley, Callins, - Hodges, Bill Burness, Bill Turner, Pem Guffin, and a brave young lad from Virginia named Colvin, and also the fearless Captain James Butler. Colvin was killed just before Johnston surrendered. General Wheeler's scouts were commanded by Captain Shannon. The gallant General Butler commanded the rear guard. On the morning of the 17th of February, 1865, when the rear guard was leaving Columbia, and while the remnant of the Second squadron of the Fifth South Carolina Cavalry was reluctantly leaving our beautiful city, Sergeant Hill Winn was killed in the college campus, when withdrawing the picket line, by Black Jack Logan's advance guard. This gallant young soldier belonged to Company B, which, with Company F (the cadet company), formed the Second squadronthan whom no braver squadron ever crossed the James. The hero of Sherman's army was Lieutenant John A. McQueen, of the Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry, who saved several houses in Columbia, at the peril of his life, and in the language of Dr. A. Toomer Porter: "He was one of the finest men I have ever known—a brave soldier, chivalrous enemy, a devoted friend and a devout and honest Christian gentleman." So much pleased was Dr. Porter with him that he wrote this letter : COLUMBIA, S. C., February, 1865. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL WADE HAMPTON: Dear General,—Should Lieutenant McQueen, Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry, one of General Howard's escort, U. S. A., ever fall into your hands or any of your command, let me entreat you to show him every kindness in your power. In the awful night of the 17th, I testify but for him my family and Dr. Reynolds' would have suffered indeed. He stuck to us all the night and all the day. He was a great part of the night on the shed, and labored with all his might to save Dr. Reynolds' house, which, by the good providence of God, by his aid was saved. I beg you, by all kind of remembrance of the past, for my sake as well as for him who has in the midst of the horrors of that night proved himself a man and a Christian, return to him in his extremity all the kindness he showed to us in ours. (Signed) I am, gentlemen, yours faithfully, A. TOOMER PORTER. Bummers were men who were ordered by Sherman to go from house to house along the march, and rob our women and children of every morsel of bread and meat they possessed to feed his 70,000 hungry men, who, with few exceptions, acted like savages more than soldiers. Some of our women were forced to rake up grains of corn from where these men had fed their horses in order to prepare it for food as best they could. Every horse, mule, cow, turkey, chicken, and all that could be eaten, had been stolen. The day after leaving Columbia, General Butler, with a few men, charged some “bummers," and they ran in every direction from the house they were then pillaging, and in a chase of about 200 yards through the woods, I caught one of them, who begged hard for his life, and offered me a beautiful riding whip not to kill him, which he evidently had stolen from some lady, and, as he had thrown his gun away, all that I could do was to accept the whip and him too. I turned him over to General Butler, and left him answering questions. The next day some one presented General Butler with a large map of the State, which was put in my charge until we could get a smaller one, which was procured I think the next day. About sundown of the first day I carried it. General Butler called for the map, which, to my disgust, I had left five miles away, in a house where some ladies had given me a piece of bread. The order had to be obeyed, and when I mounted my faithful horse, something, I know not what, seemed to tell him that quick work was all that could save us both. The smoke from the houses all around showed that we were gradually being surrounded, and I expected every moment |