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Dr. Tyler's view of, presented, by E. Slaves, The Compromises of the Con-

A. Lawrence, XVII, 766.
Sin, H. W. Bellows's view of the Rela-
tion of, to the Moral Government of
God, criticised, by B. N. Martin, VI,


Sin, O. Dewey upon, criticised, by B.
N. Martin, VI, 75.
Sin, Prof. Park's Interpretation of Em-
mons's Theory with regard to the In-
troduction of, into the World, con-
sidered, by G. P. Fisher, XIX, 719.
Sin, God not the Author of, N. W.
Taylor's view, presented, by Joseph
P. Thompson, XVI, 396.
Sin, N. W. Taylor's vindication of the
Divine Character in view of the exist
ence of Evil, commented upon, by B.
N. Martin, XVII, 930.
Sin, Dr. Tyler's views respecting the
Origin of presented, by E. A. Law-
rence, XVII, 764.

Skepticism of the Church with regard

to the results of Missions, Article, by
Burdett Hart, IX, 207.

Skinner, (Aaron N.), Public Spirit in
the Private Citizen, Article, by George
B. Bacon, XVII, 726.

Slave Compromise of 1850, Daniel,
Webster's Speech upon, reviewed, by
Leonard Bacon, VIII, 299.

Slave, Fugitive, rescued at Wellington,
Ohio, Article, by Henry C. Kingsley,
XVII, 687.
Slave Law, The Fugitive, Article, by
Joseph P. Thompson, VIII, 615.
Slave Law, Fugitive, Judge Daniel's
Decision in the case of Dred Scott,
reviewed, by T. D. Woolsey, XV,


Slave Law, Fugitive, The Relation of
the Personal Liberty Bill of Connec-
ticut, (1854), to the, stated, by Henry
Dutton, XII, 453.

Slave Owners, The Rights of, Dr. Thorn-
well's Sermon on, reviewed, by Leon-
ard Bacon, XII, 93.

Slave Trade, The Reopening of the
African, Article, by Wm. De Loss
Love, XVIII, 90.

Slave Trade, African, Dr. Stiles's Theory
that it is "peradventure the most Phi-
losophical and Sublime Missionary
Movement under Heaven," commented
upon, by Wm. De Loss Love, XVIII,

Slave Trade in Newport, as represented
by Mrs. Stowe, commented upon, by
Leonard Bacon, XVIII, 153.

stitution with regard to the delivery
of, Article, by W. A. Larned, VII,


Slaves, Foreign, by the Laws of Moses
not Manumitted at the Jubilee, XVIII,

Slaves, Religious Instruction of the,
Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, IV, 45.
Slavery, Political Agitation of the ques-
tion of, the result of the Mexican war,
Article, by Leonard Bacon, VI, 292.
Slavery and the Bible, Joseph P. Thomp-
son upon, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dut-
ton, XV, 102.

Slavery in the Cherokee and Choctaw
Missions, Report of S. B. Treat re-
specting, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dut-
ton, VII, 273.

Slavery and the Church, Albert Barnes
upon, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton,
XV, 102.

Slavery, Relations of the Federal Con-
stitution to, discussed, by James G.
Birney, Jr., III, 591, 595.

Slavery. Effects of, upon the Property,
Intelligence, and Morals of the Whites,
Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, XIV,


Slavery, Shall it be Extended, Article,
by G. I. Wood, VIII, 292.

Slavery, Albert Barnes on God's Esti-
mate of, IV, 384.

Slavery among the Hebrews, Article, by
J. B. Bittinger, XVIII, 352.
Slavery and Infidelity, W. W. Patton
upon, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton,
XV, 102.

Slavery, Illegality of Legalizing, by the
Nebraska Bill, XII, 304.

Slavery, The Literature of, Article, by
Leonard Bacon, X, 588.

Slavery and Oppression, God's Opposi-
tion to, Article, by L. Perrin, XIV,


Slavery, Shall we Vote to Perpetuate
it? Article, by Wm. A. Larned, II,


Slavery, The Pulpit and its duty toward,

Article, by Leonard Bacon, XIX, 140.
Slavery, The National Sin of, with its
Retribution, Article, by S. W. Magill,
XIV, 527.

Slavery and the Slave Trade to Cuba,

Article, by T. D. Woolsey, XVI, 594.
Slavery, Apostasy of the Southern
States in regard to the wrongfulness
of, Article, by Leonard Bacon, XII,


Slavery, Southern Writers upon, Arti-Society, The best, is a Christian Home,
cle, by S. W. S. Dutton, XV, 634.
Slavery, as it Affects the Right of Suf-
frage, Article, by Leonard Bacon,
XVIII, 466.

Slavery, The Exclusion of, from the
Northwest Teritory, Article, by E. B.
Andrews, XII, 384.

Slavery, The Extension of, aimed at by
the Government in the Annexation of
Texas, Article, by Wm. A. Larned,
II, 453.

Slavery, The Theory of, Opposed to
that of Christianity, Article, by T.
D. Woolsey, XV, 603.

Slavery, The American Tract Society's
Duty to Publish on the Moral Evils
Arising out of, Article, XVI, 612,
XVII, 618.

Slavery, The Proposed Abolition of, in
Western Virginia, Article, by Edward
R. Tyler, VI, 357.

Slavery, Nehemiah Adams's South-Side
View of, reviewed, by A. P. Marvin,
XIII, 61; XIII, 485.
Slavery, Albert Barnes's "Scriptural
Views" of, reviewed, by S. IV. S.
Dutton, IV, 384.

Slavery, Dr. Lord's Letter upon, re-
viewed, by S. W. McKeen, XIII, 397.
Slavery, Mrs. Stowe's exhibition of, in

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'Dred," examined, by G. P. Fisher,
XIV, 515.

Slavery, M. Stuart's Vindication of the
Speech upon, by Daniel Webster,
1850, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon,
VIII, 472.

Slavery, Dr. Thornwell upon, Article,
by Leonard Bacon, XII, 93.
Slavery, (Southern), Review of Gov.
Hammond's Letters to Thomas Clark-
son on, by S. W. S. Dutton, III,

Smith, (Hugh), on Ordination of Arthur
Carey, reviewed, by Leonard Bacon,
I, 586.

Smith's, (John Cotton), Address at the
Meeting of the Alumni of Yale Col-
lege, (1845), III, 624.
Smith, (Sidney), notice of, II, 257.
Social Compact, Theory of the, Article,
by Joseph P. Thompson, VII, 534.
Social Reforms, Article, by Joseph P.
Thompson, VIII, 264, 452.
Socialism, examined, Article, VIII, 264,

Societies, Responsibility in the manage-
ment of, Article, by Leonard Bacon,
V, 28.

Article, by George I. Wood, V, 192.
Society and Manners, Article, by Mrs.
Sarah Allen, I, 365.

Society, A Religious Reformation of,
necessary, Article, by Joseph P.
Thompson, VIII, 264, 452.
Somnambulism, discussed, by J. Knight,
IV, 433.

Sonship of Christ, The, Article, by H.
M. Goodwin, XVIII, 851.

South Carolina and Massachusetts, Con-
troversy between, respecting the
rights of free persons of color, Arti-
cle, by J. G. E. Larned, III, 411, 606;
IV, 195.

South-Side View of Slavery, by Nehe-
miah Adams, reviewed, by A. P.
Marvin, XIII, 61, 485.

Southern Apology for Secession, Arti-
cle, by T. D. Woolsey, XIX, 731.
Southern Churches on the subject of
the wrongfulness of Slavery, Article,
by Leonard Bacon, XII, 627.
Southern Views of the Compromises of
the Constitution, examined, Article,
by Wm. A. Larned, VII, 329.
Southgate, (Horatio), Representations of
the Policy of American Missionaries,
discussed, by Noah Porter, Jr., III,


Sovereignty, Nature of State, Article,
by Wm. A. Larned, I, 85.

Sovereignty, Dr. Tyler's views on Di-
vine, presented, by E. A. Lawrence,
XVII, 769.

Species unable to spread beyond a natu-
ral barrier, VIII, 564.

Species of America, Distinct from those
of Europe, VIII, 565.
Species, Darwin on the origin of, criti-
cised, XIX, 345.

Spelling Book, Classical, A. B. Chapin's,
reviewed, by H. N. Day, II, 350.
Spiritual Development, The First Duty
of Man, Article, XI, 46.
Spiritualism, Article, by C. L. He quem-
bourg, XII, 33.

Spiritualism, The various explanations
of it unsatisfactory, XVI, 686.
Spiritualism, The Literature of, review-
ed, by C. S. Lyman, XVI, 666.
Spiritualism as a new religion, XVI

Spiritualism, Are the Phenomena of
Supernatural? Article, by Joseph P.
Thompson, XVIII, 381.
Spiritualism Tested by Christianity,
Article, by I. E. Dicinell, XV, 553.

Spiritualism Tested by Science, Article,
by Samuel W. Johnson, XVI, 225.
Spiritualism, The case of the Woman at
Endor, examined, by E. C. Jones,
XIV, 75.

Sprague's Annals of the American Pul-
pit, reviewed, by C. A. Goodrich,
XV, 169.

Spurgeon and Extemporaneous Preach-
ing, Article, by O. E. Daggett, XVI,


Stanley, (Prof. A. D.), Obituary notice

of, by Denison Olmsted, XI, 325.
States, Right of, as against the General
Government, Article, by H. C. Kings-
ley, XVII, 687.

State Sovereignty. The Nature of, Arti-
cle, by Wm. A. Larned, I, 85.
Steamboat and Rail Car, Results of the
Increased Facility and Celerity of
Intercommunication by Means of,
Article, by H. L. Wayland, XVI,

Stewart as a Metaphysician, character-
ized, Article, by Wm. A. Larned,
XVIII, 168.

Stiles upon Anti-Slavery, reviewed, by
S. W. S. Dutton, XV, 634.
Stiles, (Ezra), Mrs. Stowe's representa-
tion of, in the Minister's Wooing,"
criticised, by Leonard Bacon, XVIII,


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Stoddard, (D. T.), Thompson's Memoir

of, reviewed, by W. I. Budington,
XVI, 874.
Stoddardeanism, Article, by W. Bement,
IV, 350,

Stone's, (Dr.), Memoir of Dr. Milnor,
Article, by S. W. S. Dutton, VII, 122.
Story. (Joseph), Life and Letters of,
reviewed, by Wm. A. Larned, X, 147.
Stowe, (Harriet Beecher), and The
Minister's Wooing, reviewed, by Leon-
ard Bacon, XVIIÍ, 145.

Stuart, (Moses), on the Apocalypse, re-
viewed, by Edward R. Tyler, IV, 139.
Stuart, (Moses), on the Old Testament,
reviewed, by Edward R. Tyler, IV,


Stuart, (Moses), Sketch of the Life of,
Article, by Leonard Bacon, X, 42.
Suffrage, Conscience in the exercise of
the right of, Article, by Leonard
Bacon, VI, 441.

Suffrage, The Crime against the Right
of, Article, by Leonard Bacon, XVIII,


Sun, The, and its Phenomena, Article,
by Daniel Kirkwood, XIX, 51.

Supernatural? Are the Phenomena of
Spiritualism, Article, by Joseph P.
Thompson, XVIII, 381.

Supernatural events of Sacred History,
Tayler Lewis's examination of, re-
viewed, by B. N. Martin, XVIII,


Supernatural, Nature and the, Horace
Bushnell on, reviewed, by Noah Por-
ter, Jr., XVII, 224.
Swedenborg and the New Church, Arti-
cle, by J. H. Barrett, V, 495.
Swift, Dryden, and Prior, reviewed, by
J. P. Dabney, XII, 198.
Taney, (Judge), Arguments against
Negro Citizenship, reviewed and
answered, Article, by Wm. A. Larned,
XV, 478.

Taste and Fashion, Article, by Horace
Bushnell, I, 153.

Taylor's, (Isaac), Works, reviewed, by
Leonard Bacon, VII, 610.

Taylor, (N. W.), Dr. Cleaveland's Mis-
representation of the Theological
Opinions of, corrected, XVI, 841,
XVII, 181.

Taylor's, (N. W.), Controversy with
Dr. Tyler, characterized, by E. A.
Lawrence, XVII, 746.

Taylor, (N. W.), and the Edwardean
Theology, The Princeton Review
upon, Article, by Noah Porter, Jr.,
XVIII, 726.

Taylor's, (N. W.), Ethical Theory of,
Article, by Noah Porter, Jr., XVIII,

Taylor's, (N. W.). Moral Government,
reviewed, by B. N. Martin, XVII,


Taylor, (N. W.), and his System, Arti-
cle, by Joseph P. Thompson, XVI,


Taylor, (N. W.), Theological views of,

sustained by the Standard Divines of
New England, Article, XVI, 395.
Taylor's, (N. W.), views with regard
to the Divine Permission of Evil,
Originality of, disclaimed, XIX, 633.
Taylor, (N. W.), views of Moral Gov-
ernment, defended, by Noah Porter,
Jr., XVIII, 746.
Taylor, (Rev. Oliver Alden), Memoir of,
reviewed, by S. D. Clark, XI, 509.
Teachers, The Necessity of their Edu-
cation in the Art of Teaching, VI,


Teachers, Female, from the East, Popu-
lar Education in the West by, Arti-
cle, by S. W. S. Dutton, VII, 593.

Tecumseh, by George II. Colton, re- Toleration, Religious, Article, VI, 194.

viewed, by I. N. Tarbox, I, 53.
Telegraphs, Results of the increased
Facility and Celerity of Intercommu-
nication by means of, Article, by H.
L. Wayland, XVI, 790.
Temperance and the Prohibitory Liquor
Law of Connecticut, (1854), Article,
by Henry Dutton, XII, 449.
Temperance Law, Maine, Article, by S.
W. S. Dutton, X, 63.
Templars, Knights, History of, Article,
IX, 388.

Tennyson's (Alfred), Poems, reviewed,
by Luzerne Ray, III, 57.
Tennyson's, (Alfred), In Memoriam, re-
viewed, by I. N. Tarbox, VIII, 598.
Tennyson, (Alfred), and the Idyls of
the King, Article, by George B. Bacon,

Tennyson's, (Alfred), Princess, reviewed,
by J. Hadley, VII, 193.
Territories of the United States, Coloni-
zation of, by Christian Emigrants,
Article, by Eli Thayer, XVI, 847.
Territories, Settlement of the, Article,
by W. Bement, VIII, 220.
Territories, Early Settlement of the
North Western, Article, by E. B.
Andrews, XII, 384.

Territories? Shall Slavery be Extended
into the, Article, by Leonard Bacon,
VIII, 299.

Testament, The Use of, for Covenant,
Article, by J. W. Gibbs, XV, 242.
Texas, Annexation of, by Wm. A. Lar-
ned, II, 453.

Texas, Annexation of, noticed, IV, 148.
Texas? Shall we Vote for the Perpetua-
tion of Slavery, by Annexing, Arti-
cle, by Wm. A. Larned, II, 589.
Thacker, (Elias), the Congregational
Martyr, XIX, 438.

Theological Seminaries at the West,
Article, by William Twining, II, 58.
Theological Student, Advice to a, by W.
G. Schauffler, V, 505.

Theology, A Glimpse of German, Article,
by E. A. Lawrence, XV, 202.
Theology, Schools of, at Paris, referred
to, by T. D. Woolsey, X, 36.
Theology in its Relation to Natural
Science, Article, by Samuel Harris,
X, 1.

Thorndale; or the Conflict of Opinions,
reviewed, by Noah Porter, Jr., XVII,

Thornwell, (Dr.), on Slavery, reviewed,
by Leonard Bacon, XII, 93.

Townsend, (Isaac H.), Dr. Dutton's
Eulogy on, V, 334.

Tract Society, American, Alteration of
Standard Works by the, censured,
by S. W. S. Dutton, III, 272.
Tract Society, American, Constitution
of the, examined, V, 28.
Tract Society, American, Is it an Elee-
mosynary Corporation? Article, by
H. C. Kingsley, XVII, 620.
Tract Society's, The American, duty to
publish on the Moral Evils arising
out of Slavery, Article, by H. C.
Kingsley, XVI, 612; XVII, 618.
Tract Society, American, and Mr. Dan-
iel Lord's Defense, examined, by H.
C. Kingsley, XVII, 618.
Traditionary Law, Influence of, upon

Civil Government and Religion, Arti-
cle, by A. Blanchard, IV, 305.
Translations, The Influence of, upon
Scholarship, Article, by T. A. Thacher.
XVI, 762.
Transcendentalist, Plain Discussion
with a, Article, by M. Richardson,
I, 502.
Transubstantiation, History of the Cor-
ruption of the Lord's Supper, result-
ing in the Romish doctrine of, Arti-
cle, by Wm. T. Eustis, XI, 420,
Tree of Life, Examination of the Scrip-
tural meaning of the phrase, I, 384.
Trench, (R. C.), on the Authorized Ver-
sion of the New Testament, com-
mented upon, by E. W. Gilmas,
XVII, 144.

Trench, (R. C.), on the Authorized Ver-
sion of the New Testament, com-
mented upon, by J. W. Gibbs, XVII,

Trinity, The Christian,

a Practical
Truth, Article, by Horace Bushnell,
XII, 485.

Trinity, O. Dewey upon the, criticised,
by B. N. Martin, VI, 70.
Trinity, The Doctrine of the, Article,
by Joseph Haven, Jr., VIII, 1.
Trinity, F. D. Huntington upon the,
commented on, by W. I. Budington,
XVIII, 193.

Truth in our Intercourse with the Sick,
Article, by Worthington Hooker, III,


Tyler, (Bennet), and his Theology, Arti-
cle, by E. A. Lawrence, XVII, 746.
Tyler, (E. R.), Obituary notice of, by

Leonard Bacon, VI, 603.
Tyler's Edition of the Germania and

Agricola of Tacitus, reviewed, by T.
A. Thacher, VI, 302.
Types, Interpretation of, Article, by
Charles Beecher, XII, 205.
Unchastity, Article, by Wm. T. Eustis,
XVII, 469.

Uncle Tom's Cabin vindicated against
Pro-Slavery Criticism, X, 588.
Union, (Christian), Article, by Joseph
P. Thompson, IV, 132.
Union, (Christian), Article, by J. W.
McLane, IV, 532.

Union, (Christian), Article, by Horace
Bushnell, V, 102.

Unitarian, Claim of the North American
Review that Thomas Jefferson was a,
noticed, XIX, 665.
Unitarian Controversy, Orville Dew-

ey's Contributions to, reviewed, VI, 67.
Unitarian Controversy, Ellis on the, re-
viewed, by Noah Porter, Jr., XVI,

Unitarian and Episcopalian Affinities,
Article, by Edward R. Tyler, III, 556.
Unitarians, Orthodox views held by,
Article, by Joseph P. Thompson, V,


Unitarian System, The, as Related to
Infidelity, being a review of the Auto-
biography of J. Blanco White, by
Noah Porter, Jr., IV, 238.
Unitarian Theories respecting Sin and
the Atonement, criticised, by B. N.
Martin, VI, 249.

Unitarianism, The Dilemma of, Article,
by Joseph P. Thompson, IV, 494.
Unitarianism in New England, Article,
VIII, 126.

Unitarianism in New York, Article, by
Joseph P. Thompson, V, 20.
Unitarianism, Tendency of, to Unbelief,
admitted by Dr. Bellows, XVII, 968.
United States, Dangers to which it is
exposed. (1843), Article, by William
C. Fowler, I, 492.
United States, Charles Dickens upon
the, reviewed, by Joseph P. Thomp
son, I, 64.

United States, Democracy in, Article,
by Joshua Leavitt, XIV, 52, 385.
United States and England, Agriculture
and the Mechanic Arts in, compared,
by Timothy Dwight, VI, 281.
United States. The germs of the future
growth and character of the, to be
found in the early History and Con-
stitution of the Connecticut Colonies,
Article, by Joseph G. E. Larned, X,



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United States, Legislation in, Article,
by Wm. Strong, XVIII, 43.
United States, Free Persons of Color
Entitled to the Protection of the, as
Citizens, Article, by Joseph G. E.
Larned, III, 411, 606, IV, 195.
United States, True Policy of, Self-De-
velopment not Aggression, Article,
by I. E. Dwinell, XIII, 583.

United States, Prospects of the Future
Prosperity of the, (1847), Article, by
Edward R. Tyler, V, 388.

United States, Protestantism in, Arti
cle, by J. M. Sturtevant, XV, 537.
United States, Account of Roman Cath-
olic Missions in, Article, by H. C.
Kingsley, XVII, 104.


United States, The National Sin of
1854 must bring Chastisement from
Heaven, Article, by Gordon Hall,
XIII, 19.

United States, Sources of the Popula-
tion of, Article, by A. P. Marvin, X,
393, XI, 471.

United States, Statistical view of, Arti
cle, by A. Woodbury, XIII, 183.
Unity of the Church or Christian Com-
prehensiveness, discussed, by Horace
Bushnell, VI, 81.

Unity of the Church, Classification of
Opinions in Respect to the, XV, 540.
Unity, National, What constitutes it?
Article, by W. W. Andrews, VI, 577.
Unity, Original, of the Human Race,
VIII, 542.

Universal Salvation, John Foster's
views on, criticised, V, 262.
"Universalism Renounced," M. H.
Smith's, reviewed, by S. W. S. Dutton,
I, 35.

Universities, German, The American
Student in, Article, by Noah Porter,
Jr., XV, 574.
Universities, Rise of, Article, by T. D.
Woolsey, X, 21.

Upham's Interior Life, reviewed, by
Ray Palmer, III, 373.

Usefulness, True Idea of, Article, by
G. I. Wood, VII, 410.

Utah and the Mormons, Article, by Wm.
T. Eustis, XII, 653.

Van Lennep, (Mrs. Mary E.), Memoir of,
reviewed, by Mrs. Ď. E. Sykes, VI,


Van Rensselaer Patent, Tenures by
which Tenants have held under the,
Article, by S. D. Law, IV, 99.
Varieties among the Animal Species,
described, VIII, 553.

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