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700 men in prison, and provision has been made for the addition of 531 midshipmen to the number now trained at Annapolis.

The navy has been increased by the addition of forty-seven ships; a million dollars have been appropriated for aviation, fifteen machines have been purchased and fifteen ordered; the number of aviators has been increased from four to eighteen, and the establishment of an all-year school at the Pensacola station is turning out fliers and mechanicians as a matter of routine; the first three sea-going submarines ever possessed by the navy have been authorized; radio has been installed on all submarines and seventy-five ships; the navy is manufacturing its own powder for thirty-four cents a pound as against the fifty-three to eighty cents charged by the monopoly; the manufacture of torpedoes has been doubled at the Newport and Washington yards; for every nine mines possessed two years ago, there are now thirty-one; in place of one mine-laying vessel there are three; nets and entanglements have been provided; and every navyyard has been turned into a building and manufacturing plant.

A five-year program, prepared by the General Board and Secretary Daniels, will strengthen the navy by ten dreadnoughts, ten battle-cruisers, ten scouts, forty destroyers, fifteen fleet submarines, eighty-five coast submarines, and bulwarked by a $25,000,000 fund for reserve ammunition, all totaling a cost of $500,


It is up to Congress, Republicans as well as Democrats, and by the increases or decreases urged or brought about the people will be permitted to judge of the faith

and intelligence of men and parties. President Wilson stands on Mr. Daniels's recommendations.

Taken as a whole, and examined in connection with facts and results, the Wilson record presents an impregnable front. The truth stands clear, however, that this examination will not be made by the electorate unless the President himself compels it. The people are lacking in information, suffering from inflammation, and tormented by exaggeration. There is not a man in all his following able to make the interpretations that must be made, to give the explanations that must be given.

If the President indulges his natural distaste for vote-begging and keeps to his tent, he will be defeated. Few men, however, have greater gift of the direct appeal that gets under the skin of people. Woodrow Wilson more than any other man in public life to-day possesses the ability to present confused and complicated issues simply and clearly, winning interest and understanding without resort to noise and fustian. If he goes before the country, taking the people into his confidence, it is not believed that all the millions of the opposition can prevent his reëlection.

It is a duty laid upon him less by his ambitions than by the future welfare of the nation. The answers that must be given to the pressing problems of national defense and international relations will not disappear with the needs that call them forth, but will endure to shape the thought of the people and the destiny of democracy. It is the high privilege of Woodrow Wilson to restore habits of orderly deliberation so that these great answers may not be given in anger, fear, or hysteria.

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