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"In a period of less than forty-eight hours, more than five thousand soldiers have arrived in this city on their way from the Army of the Potomac. Not all these, nor a majority of them are invalids or furloughed on account of disability, but sound, able-bodied men sent home to vote the Republican ticket.

"One party of seventy-five, from different companies, were all Republicans but two, and these two were obliged, before getting leave to come home, to pledge themselves to vote the Republican or so-called Union ticket. Most of these were sound men, and made no secret of the fact that they were sent home to vote. Men not willing to pledge themselves thus could not obtain a furlough."

[From the Hartford Times.]

"The following letter is from a soldier, who when in Hartford, always voted the Republican ticket:

"ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, April 3, 1863.

"DEAR WIFE:-I did not go home with those who went home to vote. I expected to go, but the furloughs were given to a picked crowd, that would pledge themselves to Vote for Buckingham. I never want to take any such oath as this, although I think I should vote for Buckingham myself if I had been there; but I could not now at any rate, for I call this a damnably mean game. If I had come, I did'nt mean to let you know of it until I came in and took you by surprise; but this game has turned me, and all the rest of the regiment, too. I think half of the regiment would have come out again if this had not occurred; now, they won't come at any rate; and I don't blame them. You can tell all my Republican friends that I am no more a Republican if they carry on elections in such away as this.

of the Potomac, whose word was never questioned in the neighborhood where he lived, stating that he applied for a furlough at the time when so many were being allowed to go home and visit their friends, and the reply was that he could have a furlough on condition that he would vote the so-called Union ticket, but as he had always been a Democrat, and was so still, he could not agree to such terms, and therefore was compelled to remain on duty while many of his companions had gone home.

"We have also another letter from the army of the Potomac, dated October 8th, which is as follows:

"DEAR PARENT:-It would give me the greatest pleasure to visit you, as some of our boys are taking furloughs for twenty days, which is to give them a chance to vote at the election. But there is a condition upon which these furloughs are given with which I cannot comply. Any one twenty days to visit friends. Father, this I cannot do.of us that will pledge our vote for Gov. Curtin can have

The boys call us, who refuse, foolish, but we think otherwise. They promise to deliver our letters to our friends while they visit theirs."

The shameful act of using one part of the army to vote, and the other-not of the administration school of politics-to fight, is again and again being presented. and again being presented. The New York Journal of Commerce says:

"Several thousand more soldiers arrived from Washington Friday. They were pouring through some of the streets from morning to night, making their way to the railroad de

Here is another which appeared in the Hart-pots and steamboat landings, where they could ford Times:

Camp near Stafford Court House,
April 3, 1863.

Editors Times:--Col. Ross is acting Brigadier General, Col. Wooster is in command of the regiment. To-morrow morning about twenty-five men leave here for Connecticut. All that go are pledged to vote the Republican ticket. There are men in the regiment who have done no duty during the last three months. The doctors say they ought to be discharged. These cannot go, and the reason is they will not pledge themselves to vote for Buckingham. The following is from the Cincinnati Commerical (Rep.):

"COLUMCUS, O., Oct. 9, 1863. "Nearly two thousand soldiers are in the city to-night, from Camp Chase, receiving transportation to their different counties, to enable them to vote on Tuesday next. They are given ten days furlough, and are jubilant over their visit home, shouting lustily for Brough and the Union. They are now besieging Quartermasters Burn's office, determined not to allow the employees to leave until each

and all have their tickets."

[From the Troy Press.]


"We have in our possession a letter from a friend, a non-commissioned officer in the army

take passage home to vote. When asked how many are on the route, they laugh, and say that,

"It's only begun to sprinkle yet, but a smart shower may be looked for on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday."

"Within the last two days from 6,000 to 8,000 reached this city, and it may be inferred from the size of the advance guard, how large an army will be distributed throughout the state by Monday next?”

A Sergeant in BATES' Battery, on his way through Albany boasted he

"Had brought on sixty-nine soldiers-all Republicans-on their way to Utica to vote, and had left every d-d Democrat behind to take charge of the battery and horses.”

Mr. STANTON boasted that he had elected Gov. CURTIN, for said he:

"I sent him 15,000 votes more than his majority."

Says the World:

"It is pretended that no soldiers are 'brought from the front. The battle of Chickamauga was lost in order to carry the Ohio election. General Meade was left to be driven into retreat by General Lee in order that the administration might carry the Pennsylvania election. In the face of these glaring facts, it is no wonder that the Abolition journals try to make it appear that nothing is lost to our effec

tive strength in the field by this fresh depletion of the Army of the Potomac to carry the New York election."



The following cases in Connecticut, bear their own comments, and are but samples of a large class:

just four days prior to the election in that
CINCINNATI, OHIO, July 31, 1863.

Order No. 120.

Whereas, The state of Kentucky is invaded by a rebel force, with the avowed intention of overawing the judges of elections, of intimidating the loyal voters, keeping them from the polls, and forcing the election of disloyal candidates at the election on the 3d of August; and

cers are commanded to aid the constituted authorities of the state in support of the laws and of the purity of suffrage, as defined in the late proclamation of his Excellency, Governor Robinson..

"In Williamantic, some 65 voters having dependent families, were forced to vote the Republican ticket against their will. Yellow bal- Whereas, The military power of the governlots were used, and employers stood by the ment is the only force that can defeat this atballot box, watching to see if any 'freemen' tempt, the state of Kentucky is hereby dedared to disobey their openly proclaimed or-clared under martial law, and all military offiders! From 60 to 70 workmen, thus watched, in that place alone voted abolition against their own wishes! One poor old man, not employed in any of the mills, and too infirm for work, voted a white ticket, for the party with whom he had acted for half a century. The malignant abolition wretches could not discharge him because they had not employed him, but the old man had a daughter in one of the mills, whose daily labor was the support of the family. Her they wreaked their vengeance upon, and discharged her at once! -and not satisfied with this, they ordered the old man and his family out of the tenement in which they lived! A subscription was set on foot by the democrats to save them from suffering. The names of the free speech men who discharged this inoffensive girl, are Hayden-managers of the 'Smithville Co. Mill."

The same infamous proceedings changed some 600 votes in other towns in Windham county, and nearly as many each in New London and Tollard counties. Colored ballots to 'spot' workmen-open proclamation of proscription as the consequence if they dared to vote as their conscience dictated-this, with wholesale bribery and the votes of 3,000 picked and selected soldiers, sent home on a promise to vote abolition, was the way in which the disunion party worked in every county in the State.

"In Colt's Pistol Factory this same tyranny made at least 100 of the democratic workmen vote the abolition ticket.

"In Plymouth, a man having refused the abolition command to vote that ticket, his family in his absence, were turned out of the house, the furniture and bedding thrown out, and a family of negroes put in the house! Legal action will be taken in this case.

"'In many towns the abolitionists, aided and encouraged by the 'Loyal Women's League,' have stopped all dealings with Democrats, and pass their former friends and neighbors without recognizing them in the street. Such are the legitimate results of fanaticism.

"A day is coming when these persons will regret this shameful conduct."


The following is BURNSIDE's order suspending civil law in reference to elections,

As it is not the intention of the Commanding General to interfere with the proper expression of public opinion, all discretion in the conduct of the election will be as usual in the hands of legally appointed judges at the polls, who will be held strictly responsible that no disloyal person be allowed to vote, and to this end the military power is ordered to give them its utmost support.

The civil authority, civil courts, and business will not be suspended by this order. It 1s for the purpose only of protecting, if necessary, the rights of loyal citizens, and the freedom of election.

By command of Major Gen. Burnside.


No subsequent fact demonstrated that any such combination as is here referred to existed in the state, or that there was any cause to suppose that such was the case. Of course, an election under such an "edict" was a farce, which the voluminous documents before us. amply prove. We have only room for the following.

The following appeared in the War Eagle at Columbus, Kentucky, three days before the election. This sheet was published under military control.

"We now warn the people to beware of these traitors, for if they, in defiance to the will of Government, go to the polls and vote for Trimhle, or any other man who has not publicly avowed himself as an unconditional Union man, they will hereafter be treated as enemies, and as men deserving on their guilty heads all the punishment which the Government has in reserve for traitors.

"Other persons of lesser magnitude have announced themselves as candidates for the State Senate, and for Representatives in the State Legislature, who are occupying the same position that Wickliffe and Trimble occupy. The people are warned not to vote for such men, as they are enemies, and are running in

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[From the Louisville Journal.]

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“PADUCAH, Ky., Aug. 16, 1863. "To the Editor of the Chicago Times: ra penje v pria "In your paper of the 18th inst. you gave to your readers the oath which the detestable tools of the administration at Washington were wont to cram down the throats of the democrats of Kentucky. Herewith I give your another item that will be of interest to the mighty army of democrats in the free States who read your excellent paper.

"He who would make use of force to prevent "It is now announced, with all Puritan infreedom of election is a traitor to all the prin- nocence and godlike simplicity, that L. Anderciples of civil liberty. To accomplish a tem- son, Esq., of the 1st Congressional district, is porary object, he would invoke a power which elected by an overwhelming majority. Now, will destroy not only the liberties of his fellow- let me show you how this overwhelming ma citizens, but eventually his own. The horse in Jority' was attained. At our Precint, No. 3, we did not vote at all. Why? Let the follow

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"Be it known that we, the undersigned voters of McCracken.county, Ky., did, on this day, appear, at our Precinct No. 3 to vote, in accordance with the laws of the thereof, dated July 20, 1863, but that we have been pre Commonwealth, and the proclamation of the Governor vented from so voting by reason of the fact that the Judges could not execute the duties of their office in accordance with the laws of the State, and at the same time obey the

the fable, to wreak his vengeance on the stag,
permitted the man to saddle him, and was riding answer:
den ever after, till the day of his death. We
consider ourselves superior to our English an-
cestors six hundred years ago; but many men
in this age may learn a lesson from the times
of Edward the First. "And because elections
ought to be free," says a statute of that time,
"the king commandeth, upon great forfeiture,
that no man, by force of army, nor by malice,
or menacing, shall disturb any to make free

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military orders respecting the manner in which our élections shall be conducted; and, to said military orders, a squad of armed soldiers are here present, to deter the Judges from doing their duty. Therefere, we, the undersigned, voters of McCracken county, declare it to have been our purpose and intention to vote at this time and The following is a statement of the polls in place the democratic ticket headed by Wickliffe for Gor Governor, &c., &c., and that we have been prevented from 80 doing for the reasons hereinbefore stated. "(Signed by 35 voters)." Extract from a letter dated:


Mount Washington, at 9 o'clok a. m.:

"Wickliffe 21, Bramlette 3, Green 21, Samuels 3, Frazier 21, Dawson 3.

"Voting on the Wickliffe ticket was stopped by military order at 9 o'clock in the morning. The polls opened at about 8 o'clock in the morning. ROB'T. HALL, Clerk,'

The following is a true statement of the polls in Mount Washington at the close for dinner, at 112 o'clock:

"Bramlette, 15; Jacobs, 17; Harlan, 15; Garrard, 16; Samuels, 15; Stephens, 15; Harding, 17; Thompson, 24; Hogland 12.

"P. S.-There were four or five of the above votes cast before the interferance of military authority. R. HALL, Clerk.”

The New Albany (Ind.) Ledger in its report printed on the afternoon of election day, said: "Numerous arrests of persons pointed out by the "spotters" at the polls as rebels have been made, the parties arrested being placed in the military prison. Files of soldiers are stationed at all the polls, and we saw several pieces of artillery, with horses hitched and the men at the guns, ready for action at a moments


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BLOOMFIELD, Ky., Aug. 4, 1863, "Bloomfield is a small town, twelve miles from Bardstown, in the midst of a fine coun try, where Democrats abound. On Monday Chicago, but now an Indiana Captain of caymorning (election day), Capt. Sea, formerly of alry-an Abolitionist who voted for Lincoln, avowed himself in favor of the emancipation and negro-arming policy of the President, and defines 'loyalty' to be a support of all the President's measures-with a squad of twenty-.. five soldiers, armed with carbines, sabres, and revolvers, took possession of the polls. He informed the judges that they were under martion according to his directions, which he had tial law, and would have to conduct the elecreceived from his superiors. He then declared Hon. C. A. Wicklife a disloyal man, and that no vote should be cast for him. He furnished State, Congressional, and county tickets, which he declared to be loyal,' and said that 'loyal men' might vote for them. At a later period he stated that votes of 'loyal men' might be cast for other candidates, provided the judges would indorse the loyalty of the candidates ad monishing them, at the same time, that they would be held responsible for all men voted form. and that if any of them should hereafter be declared 'disloyal' by the military authorities, the judges would be punished; but what the punishment might be he was not authorized to say. The judges, overawed by the military,

of men, and voted for Wickliffe, Bramlette securing only 'six' votes, and Wickliffe more than one hundred. A KENTUCKIAN.”

We ask not to be excused for publishing the following entire. It bears its own com

being acquainted with only a few of the long
list of candidates, and warned of exposure to
an undefined military punishment if by chance
a disloyal man should be voted for, concluded to
receive votes only for the military ticket, of
which Bramlette, for Governor, was the head.
A few Democrats offered to vote for Mr. Wick- ment:
liffe, but were met with the assurance of the
Indiana, Abolition, negro-arming Captain, | GOV.
with his revolver conspicuously displayed,


"Mr. Wickliffe is a disloyal man, and that in no case shall a vote be cast for him."

The Democrats then gave up the contest and resigned the polls to the military and the --''loyalty.” About nine-tenths of this precinct zis democratic, and would have so appeared on the poll-books, if we had been allowed to vote; but the military decreed onterwise, and like our beloved brethern, the northern democrats, when they get in a tight place, "we are a law and order people." "But for our forbearance, blood would have been shed," as our northern brethern say. when they allow the adolitionists to "spit upon them and rub it in.". That is to say, we quietly submitted to have our rights wrested from us, and the soldiers had no occasion to "shed the blood?' of so docile a peo ple. The whole number of votes cast was nineteen-all for the Bramlette ticket. If the democrats had been allowed to vote Mr. Wickliffe's majority would perhaps have been 120 or more The entire bogus Union" strength was polled, except, perhaps two votes.


"Anapolis, Nov. 2, 1863.
"Proclamation by the Governor.
"To the Citizens of the State, and more especially the
Judges of Election:

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That there are many evil disposed persons now at large. in the State of Maryland who have been engaged in rebellion against the lawful government, or have given aid and comfort, or encouragement to others so engaged, or who do not recognize their allegiance to the United States, and who may avail themselves of the indulgence of the authority which tolerates their presence to embarrass the approaching election, or through it to foist enemies of the United States into power," proceeds among other things to direct "all Provost Marshals and other military officers to arrest

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all such persons found at or hanging about or approaching any poll or place of election, on the 4th of November, 1863, and to report such arrests to headquarters."

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"Old men who have been voting for forty and fifty years were yesterday refused the privilege of voting, while mere youths, just out of their "This extraordinary order has not only been minority, freely voted. An aged minister of issued without any notice to, or consultation the Gospel, who has been a legal voter, but with, the constituted authorities of the State, not a politician, for fifty-seven years, was denied but at a time and under circumstances when a vote; while a young man, without sufficient the condition of the State and the character of intelligence to read his ticket, and known to the candidates are such as to preclude the idea be a thief, voted Bramlette & Co. Men of large that the result of that election can in any way wealth and high character, who pay heavy taxes endanger either the safety of the government to State and national governments, could not or the peace of the community. vote, while "squatters" and "sponges freely. voted, who will probably never pay a dime to support the national government, and nothing more than head tax to the state government. “Thus did 'the military officer aid the constituted in the Gen. Burnside's order proclaiming martial law. Thus did the commander of Indiana troops in Nelson county fulfil his promise, made in flaming capitals, that the people shall 'NOT BE MOLESTED IN ANY WAY, and shall be protected in their sovereign rights."

It is a well-known fact that, with perhaps one single exception, there is not a Congressional candidate in the state whose loyalty is even of a questionable character, and in not a county of the state outside of the same Con

of the purity of suffrage,' under aws and gressional district is there, I believe, a candi

"At Bardstown and other parts of the county the same scene was enacted. The same was done in several other counties heard from. And yet the Louisville Journal and other abolition papers will claim a brilliant victory achieved.

"At Chaplain, in this county, the judges, supported by a few citizens, 'overawed' a dinutive specimen of a Captain and his squad

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date for the Legislature or any State office whose loyalty is not equally undoubted. In the face of this well-known condition of things, the several classes of persons above enumerated are not only to be arrested at, but " approaching any poll or place of election." And who is to judge whether voters thus on their way to the place of voting have given "aid, comfort or encouragement" to persons engaged in the rebellion, or that they "do not recognize their allegiance to the United States,?? and may avail themselves of their presence at the polls "to foist enemies of the United States into power?" As I have already said, in a very large majority of the counties of the States there are not to be found among the candidates any such


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"enemies of the United States," but the Provost Marshals-created for a very different purpose-and the other military officials who are thus ordered to arrest approaching voters, are necessarily made by the order the sole and exclusive judges of who fall within the prescribed category; an extent of arbitrary discretion under any circumstances the most odious, and more especially offensive and dangerous in view of the known fact, that two at least of the five Provost Marshals of the State are themselves candidates for important offices, and sundry of their deputies for others.

This military order, therefore, is not only without justification when looking to the character of the candidates before the people, and rendered still more obnoxious by the means appointed for its execution, but is equally offensive to the sensibilities of the people themselves and the authorities of the state, looking to the repeated proofs they have furnished of an unalterable devotion to the government. For more than two years past there has never been a time when, if every traitor and every treasonable sympathizer in the state had voted they could not have controlled, whoever might have been their candidates, a single department of the state, or jeopardized the success of the general government. No state in the Union has been or is now actuated by more heartfelt or unwavering loyalty than Maryland —a loyalty identified and purified by the ordeal through which it has passed; and yet looking to what has lately transpired elsewhere, and to the terms and character of this military order, one would think that in Maryland and no where else is the government endangered by the 'many evil disposed persons that are now at large.'

"Within less than a month the most important elections have taken place in two of the largest states of the Union; in each of them candidates were before the people charged by the particular friends of the government with being hostile to its interests, and whose election was deprecated as fraught with the most dangerous consequences to its success. One of the most prominent of these candidates was considered so dangerously inimical to the triumph of the national cause that he has been for months past banished from the country, and yet hundreds of thousands of voters were allowed to approach the polls, and to attempt "to foist" such men into power, and no Provost Marshals or other military officers were ordered to arrest them on the way, or, so far as we have ever heard, even to test their allegiance by any oath.

"With these facts before us, it is difficult to believe that the suggestion that the enemies of the United States may be foisted into power at our coming election was the consideration that prompted this order; but whatever may have been that motive, I feel it to be my duty to solemnly protest against such an intervention with the privileges of the ballot-box, and so offensive a discrimination against the rights of a loyal state.

"I avail myself of the occasion to call to the


particular attention of the judges of election the fact that they are on the day of election clothed with all the authority of conservators of the peace, and may summon to their aid any of the executive officers of the county, and the whole power of the county itself, to preserve order at the polls and secure the constitutional rights of the voters.

"It is also made their 'special duty' to give information to the State's Attorney for the county of all infractions of the State laws on the subject of elections, and by these laws it is forbidden to any

"commissioned or non-commissioned officers quartered or posted in any district of any county of the state, to muster or employ any of said troops or march any recruiting party within the view of any place of election during the time of holding said election.??

terms of the oath they are required to take be"I need not, I am sure, remind them of the fore entering upon their duties, and according to which they swear

"to permit all persons to vote who shall offer to poll at the election, etc., who, in their judgment, shall, according to the directions contained in the constitution and laws, be entitled to poll at the same election, and not to permit any person to poll at the same election who is not in (their) judgment qualified to vote as aforesaid."

"It is the judgment of judges of election alone, founded upon the provisions of the con stitution and laws of the state, that must determine the right to vote of any person offering himself for that purpose. I trust and believe they will form that judgment, and discharge their duty, as their conscientious convictions tions they assume shall dictate, undeterred by of its requirements, under the solemn obligaany order to Provost Marshals to report them to 'headquarters.'

"Whatever power the state possesses shall be exerted to protect them for anything done in the proper execution of its laws.

"Since writing the above I have seen a copy of the President's letter to the chairman of the Union State Central Committee, bearing the same date with the order, and evidently showing that the order was unknown to him, that it would not have been approved by him if he had known it, and that it is therefore all the more reprehensible.

"By the Governor. A. W. BRADFORD. "WM. B. HILL, Sec'y of State.??

After the above was in print, at 3 o'clock tnis afternoon, I received from the President the following dispatch:

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"I revoke the first of the three propositions in General Schenck's General Order No. 53, not that it is wrong in principle but because the military, being of necessity exclusive judges as to who shall be arrested, the provision is liable to abuse; for the revoked part I shall substitute the following:

"That all Provsot Marshals and other military officers do prevent all disturbances and violences at or about the pells, whenever offered by such persons as above described, or by any other person or persons whomsoever; the other two propositions I allow to stand; my letter at length will reach you to night.


"Whilst this modification revokes the authority of the Provost Marshals and military officers to arrest the classes of persons enumerated in the preamble to the order

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