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Treaty between the United States and Mexico. Mesilla Valley. Pacific

The New Territories: Nebraska and Kansas

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St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans Railroad.

St. Louis, Paducah and Nashville Railroad Connection.
Germany-Taste. Translated from the French of Mad. De Stael..

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.8, 111, 159, 239, 319, 400

Valley of the Ohio. Its conquest and settlement by Americans. By MANN
BUTLER, Esq, of Missouri..
The Critical and Miscellaneous Essays of Christopher North, [Professor


Wilson]. By ALGERON.



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........ 273

Dependence of Mind upon Matter. By PEARCE C. GRACE, Esq., of Mo... 137
Universal Prime Mover. By ALEX. J. GRAHAM, of St. Louis, Mo...
Angel Child. A poem, by LETTIE, of Lexington, Ky............
Memory of Friends. A poem, by HARRY.



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Africa and African Slavery. By Hugh A. Garland, Esq., of St. Louis.. 338
England and the Slave Trade. By HUGH A. GARLAND, Esq., of St. Louis 415



Africa and African Slavery, 338.
Agricultural Capacity of California,

Agriculture: Its essentials and non-es-
sentials, 450.

Amazon Valley: Its climate and pro-
ductions, 96.

Angel Child, a poem by Lettie of Ky.,

Arkansas Railroads and Land Grants,


Arkansas trade with St. Louis, 134.
Australia, produce of gold, in, 379.

Banking: Free Banks, Banking Corpo-
rations, 154.

Banks: How Savings Banks get rich,

Banks and Banking in Indiana, 431.
Banks of Illinois. Commissioner's re-
port, 436.

Banana, Culture of, in Florida, 446.
Bartlett's Personal Narrative of the
country between San Antonio, Texas,
and the Pacific, 251.
Beauty, a sketch, 228.
Boone, Daniel, taken prisoner by the
Indians, 14.

Bricks, new style of manufacture, 351.


Cahokia, Great Indian Council at, 246.
California, its Agricultural Capacities,
264. Its commercial aspects. Prices
of flour and other commodities. Vac-
ant houses in San Francisco. Ship-
ment of gold, &c., 362.
Chambers, A. B., Obituary notice, 149.
Chicago, Statistics of trade, manufac

tures, &c. History of its improve-
ments, public and private, 43, 124.
Completion of the railroad from Chi-
cago to Alton, 376.

Cleveland and St. Louis air line Rail-
road, 374.

Coffee, Trade, Imports, Prices, &c.,

Commerce of Chicago, 43, 124. Com-
merce of the United States, 282 to
292, and 352 to 357. Commerce be-
tween St. Louis and Arkansas, 134,
and between St. Louis and the South,
Clark, Gen. George R., Negotiations
with Virginia for the Illinois cam-
paign; his march to Kaskaskia, in
1778; capture of Kaskaskia, 159. His
notions of Indian negotiations, 238.
His plan for recovering Vincennes
from the British, 319. His second
invasion of the Indian country, 400.
Commercial Regulations: Treaty be-
tween the United States and Japan,

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Galvanized Iron, 430.

Gas Cost and consumption of, in 34
cities in the U. S., 380.
Geological survey of Missouri, 1.
German Philosophy, 68, 135.
Germany: Taste. From the French of
Mad. De Stael, 225.

Gold: Amount deposited in the U. S.
mint in the year 1853, 173. Forma-
tion of gold, 276. Shipment of gold
from California during the first six
months of 1853 and 1854, 367. Pro-
duce of gold in Australia, 379.
Graham, A. J., Inventor of Prime
Mover, 273.

Great Britain: Its Iron trade, 60. Its
Railroads, 343.

Gutta Percha: Its history, manufacture,
uses, &c., 85.


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Lake Erie, Wabash and St. Louis rail-
road, 387.

Lander, Col., His opinion respecting a
railroad route to the Pacific, 299.
Lands, public, Statistics of the General
Land Office, 44.

Lands, public, Speech of Mr. Perkins,
of La., on a proposition to transfer
them to the States, 381. Law gradu-
ating the price of the public lands,

Let me think in my heart, a poem, 228.
Libraries, public, 22.

Life among the Mormons, 279.
Limited Partnerships, 238.
Literary Notices, 67.

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Public Lands, Pre-emption laws, edu-
cation endowments, Railroad grants,
&c., 37.

Pacific Railroad, Mo., Equity Shares,
&c., 63.

Pacific Railroad Convention in Cali-
fornia, 296.

Prime Mover, Universal, Graham's in-
Partnerships, limited, 238.
vention, 273.

Railroads. Pacific Railroad, Mo.,
Equity shares, &c., 62. Fremont's
exploration of the central route. 184.
Southern route, 256. Central route
convention in California, 296. Rail-
roads in Arkansas, 64. Midland R.
R., 224. Breaking ground at Hele-
na, 300. Mississippi, Quachita and
Red River Railroad breaking ground,
301. Railroads concentrating at He-
lena, Ark., 370. Mobile and Ohio
Railroad, Engineer's Report, 173. St.
Louis, Memphis and New Orleans
Railroad, 212. St. Louis, Paducah
and Nashville Railroad Connection,
220. Railroads in Great Britain, Re-
port for 1853, 343. Keokuk and
Muscatine Railroad, 374. Cleveland
and St. Louis air line railroad; its
progress, length of straight lines,
curves, grades, &c., 374. Ohio and
Mississippi railroad open to Carlyle,
376. Chicago and Mississippi Rail-
road completed, 376. Mississippi &
Tennessee Railroad, Engineer's Re-
port, 377. Lake Erie, Wabash and
St. Louis Railroad, Progress of the
work, 378. Railroad iron, shall the
duties on be repealed? 77.

Railroad iron, improved method of rol-
ring bars, 301.

Rocks, decomposition of, and recom-
position of their metalic composition,



St. Louis and Arkansas Trade, 134.
Trade with Hickman, Ky., Tennessee
and Arkansas Rivers, 294. St. Louis
civil statistics- Mayor's message,
197. St. Louis, Memphis and New
Orleans Railroad, 212. St. Louis,
Paducah and Nashville railroad con-
nection, 220.

Savings Banks, how they get rich, 428.
Slavery in Africa and in the United
States, 338.

Slave trade, history of, as carried on by
England, 415.

Steel, manufacture of, 61.
Stone, manufacture of, by L. S. Rob-
bins, N. Y., 121.

Sugar trade and sugar crop of Louisi-
ana, 358.


Taste-Germany, by Mad. De Stael,

Taste, cultivation of, by farmers, 448.
Tennessee River Trade, 294.
Territories, Nebraska and Kansas, 305.
Tonnage, vide Commerce of the Ú. S.,
288 and 353, &c.

Tonnage of the several districts of the
U. S., 353.

Treaty between the United States and
Mexico [1854], 251.

Treaty between the United States and
Japan, 368.

Treaty between Brazil and Peru, re-
specting the navigation of the Ama-
zon river, 98.


United States--material progress, 28.
Treaty with Mexico, 251. Commerce

of 282 to 288, and 352 to 357.

Treaty with Japan, 368. Education-
al statistics, 438.

Universal Prime Mover, 273.

Valley of the Ohio: Its conquest and
settlement by Americans, 8, 111,
159, 239, 319, 400.

Valley of the Amazon: Its productions,
&c., 96.

Valley of Mesilla, 251.

Vessels, number built in the United
States during the year ending June
30, 1853, 355. Number and class
built in the United States from 1815
to 1853 inclusive, 356. National
character of vessels entered at the
ports of the United States, in 1853,

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