MORO GIRLS OF THE PRINCESSA'S HOUSEHOLD POSING TO THE BEATING OF TOM-TOMS wild Tirurays, of whom twenty were timuays (chiefs), followed, and they so crowded into the presidente's new house that they threw it out of plumb. With Sultan Telekoko were three hundred Moros from Bagumbayan. With Dato Bakee came two hundred Moros from Kalaganan. Other chiefs had followers in proportion. Along with their timuays came the Tiruray dancing-girls, their ears pierced from lobe to tip. Men, women, and little girls danced together to the sounds of a stringed bamboo instrument. These sounds, united with those of the numerous brass bracelets and anklets, as the bare heels stamped the ground, made pleasant music. The dancers circled about, one following the other, whirling as they went, the girls keeping time most modestly with graceful gestures of their arms, hands, and heads. Into the midst of this rode old Piang on a prancing pony decorated with plumes and jingling sleigh-bells. Dancing in front of him came his fiercely helmeted clown, beating a snare-drum, and the little redclad Bilan, beating a tom-tom, making music with his steps. Accompanying Piang were four hundred of his Moros, good-naturedly pushing into the crowd. Then came Mastura with four hundred and fifty of his people and his relative, the Sultan of Maguindanao, with the yellow umbrella. Mantauiel from away up the river, Ynuk from the swamp lake, Dilangalan and Djimbangan, Sansaluna and Kulee, the pagans Cinkala and Sambulao, each, with his separate following, joined the crowd. Such numbers elbowed in that the program had to be suspended until the constabulary beat the crowd back. In the meantime the Philippine Scout Band had started playing in another place, and the music called the crowd away. I Early during the fair the captain Chinaman, old Celestino, came to ask that the rules against gambling be suspended, as the Chinamen wanted to enjoy a little diversion in celebration of the occasion. This was not allowed, but it later appeared that some gambling did occur. had tried several times in vain to buy a huge urn from Mastura's exhibit, but on the morning after the last night of the fair Dato Dra brought it to me. He was haggard and worn. An all-night contest was written on his face. He needed money. At last he confessed that the Chinamen had had their diversion at his expense. As the fair progressed, the agricultural implements attracted increasing interest, and datos and taos took turns plowing, harrowing, and cultivating. The wilder the people were, the more interest they showed. Dato Ampatuan, who less than a year before was fighting us, showed the taos how to plow, the Sultan of Maguindanao worked the forge, Dato Ynuk managed the cultivator, and the Tirurays harrowed. The cultivators and harrows attracted most interest, as with these the most ground can be covered with the least effort. All were inquiring the prices of the implements, and Ynuk wanted to buy a cultivator and half a harrow. To enliven things, field-events were included in the exercises. First, a sackrace occurred, the contestants being Moro, Filipino, Tiruray, and Chinese boys. This event caused some excitement, but it was nothing to that aroused by the tug of war. The Moros on one side, with my orderly, Saligidan, as captain, and the Tirurays on the other, with some army officers backing them, settled down for a steady pull. It was quite even, first one side hauled the mark a trifle and then the other. The excitement spread. Would the sons of Mohammed be outdone by the Pagan Tirurays? But the Tirurays were big fellows, and held like posts. The Moros yelled at one another and then at their team. Still the Tirurays held. This was unbearable. Hot temper came as a wave. Allah! they must beat the pagans! They closed their black, concavely filed teeth and, mad with fury, willed to win. A Tiruray shifted his foot ever so little, and the mark moved Moroward; then a nervous pull, and it moved farther; then, with one heart-ruining effort, the mark passed the line, and the Moros yelled like demons over their victory. Then Moro girls from the princessa's household came and danced. With hair piled high in peaks, pink-stained fingernails inches long, cheeks and lips painted red, these girls appeared in pairs. To the deafening tom-toms they posed, and moved, and struck their shapely toes, backs down, upon the mat, gracefully waving handkerchiefs on the left, while on the right they passed to and fro their spangled fans. Next day the Scout Band called the people together to learn the uses of American tools. When they had seen them, and all the tools were purchased, they drifted to the river for the vinta (boat) races; and here the Moros, in the presence of the general, the governor, and the hundred chiefs, outshone even themselves. Then came the foot-races, and although the Moro can outrow all others, he cannot run with the Tiruray, whose fear makes him fleet. The competitors were to run to a line and return. The slowest one in the race kept running until he saw the leaders turn; then he turned, and easily beat the swiftest to the starting-point; and he took away a prize, for his trick was not seen by the native judges. Then came the Cotabato Carnival Procession, some afoot, some in bull-carts, some in mule-carts, and some astride. This merged into theatricals, in which the Conquest of Jolo was portrayed. Toward evening, the headmen, datos, timuays, and chiefs met with the provincial and district governors in a large, open room to talk of peace, prosperity, and government by law. They listened and replied; they asked questions and were instructed. And, while so engaged, in came the pagan Cinkala. He entered in halfnaked, native dignity, walked clear around them all, passed in front of the two sultans, and approached the governor. The sultans frowned, and two Moros got him and set him in his place beside the door. The hundred chiefs then took the talk away and brought it to the subject of the coming marriage of the Sultan Magueeguin with the princessa. And, because they had no more important subject than this to discuss, we concluded that they were contented with the government given to them, and that they believed in our endeavors to better their condition. On this last night an eclipse of the moon occurred. The night was clear. No one failed to witness it. The Moros believed a great fight was on between the sun and the moon, and that the moon was being eaten up. They got tom-toms, drums, kettles, pans, and horns, anything to make a noise, anything to help the moon. The night air became saturated with sound. The din was awful; but finally the moon was saved. It came out whole and uneaten. The Moros had the satisfaction of believing that they had helped in this. So homeward they went, tired and content. HO wish no worlds to conquer, they are craven men and churls, WHO Who cower from the north wind and shrink them from the sun, Who rot at home in quiet over tasks but fit for girls, Nor heed the wild sea crying where white the billows run. The spirit of our fathers that stirs our blood to fire, Who wish no worlds to conquer, let them stay and till the fields, Is sweeping from the western sea to urge us from our home. To bask in tropic sunshine; to battle with the storm; The wealth of fabled islands; and distant, unknown lands, Where the shady palm-groves greet us or glistening icebergs form; They are beckoning and calling, and our ships are on the sands. Who wish no worlds to conquer, they will welcome us again, They will glory in our conquests, and will wonder at our gifts. The salt is in our nostrils, and the sea is whipped with rain, And our ships are slipping westward where the breaking fog-bank lifts. The mobile color of her cheek supplied; And on this world of wonder, pride, or shame, Her guileless, so sweet eyes were open wide. LL fatherless and motherless she came, ALL motherless she forest-side; It was as though a rose, changed into flame, The rest? It was upon a day in spring Fate brought her to the castle of the king. 1 Adapted from the Polish of L. Rydel, a contemporary poet. Drawn by W. T. Benda Haze place engraved by S. Dunis |