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a bygone day, which have long since ceased to represent the true sentiments of this great section of our common country. Not only, then, has Lincoln come to be a truly national figure and to represent, in his hopes and ideals for America and American institutions, the North and South, the East and West, alike, but wherever thoughtful men or hopeful men turn to American institutions as the hope of democracy, he stands forth as the heroic figure on the horizon of time.

Abraham Lincoln holds this place to-day in the minds and hearts of all his countrymen and men of similar aspirations everywhere, not alone because of his public utterances, his keen insight into the problems of a democratic State, his emancipation of millions of slaves, his even-handed justice to friend and foe alike, or any one or all of the things that go to make up his public career, but also because of his personality and life history. In his own day there were those who sneered because his training and manner were not conventional. These very facts, and the opposition which they caused, endeared him to the people as a whole, for they represented their joys and sorrows, their aspirations and hopes, their ideals and beliefs, their struggles for self-expression in all the varied activities of life.

It is sometimes commented upon as remarkable that a man like Lincoln should have risen from conditions such as marked his youth and early career. Americans then, and Americans now, have been among those who raise the question. It may be excusable for men brought up in other civilizations, to wonder at the possibility, but for an American to do so is to doubt his own institutions, and to question the power of democracy. It is out of such conditions, modified from decade to decade in accordance with the development of the country, away from the deadening level of the schools and the crushing conventionality of a settled society in our great cities, that we are most apt to draw our truly great men.

Lincoln had a fine mind and a splendid physique, both developed to great perfection. He was a natural student, trained largely by his contact with men, but not neglecting every opportunity to master the books that he had at hand.


Albums containing the Newspaper Clippings Concerning the Lincoln Centenary, in the Library of the Editor

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The Lincoln Medal Struck for the Grand Army of the Republic

(See page xxv)

He struggled for what he attained, but the result was a mastership of English style-two or three of his utterances rank with the finest in the world-a statesmanship as wide. as the problem of the nation itself, a humanity as broad as the needs of men.

The feeling about Lincoln being what it is, it is not surprising that, with the approach of the Centenary of his birth, the suitable celebration of it began to be agitated throughout the country-not alone by the people who knew him, or the thousands still living who had come in contact with him, hazarded property or life or loved ones to sustain him, or come to recognize him as their far-seeing friend in the time of stress and trouble-but even more by the millions who had been brought up under the inspiration of his memory and with reverence for his name.

Centenary celebrations are not altogether unusual, but are generally of great national events. Never before did a whole people approach the centenary of the birth of a man with such interest and unanimity, or carry out its celebration with such enthusiasm. It was the spontaneous tribute of the nation to him who had justified its existence, given vitality to its utterances, preserved it for its destinies, and given promise of its future.

It is hard to trace the origin of the Centenary celebration. Plans for it seemed to spring into existence simultaneously in various parts of the country: in the action of the Congress of the United States; in the appointment of State commissions, by the Governors of all the States in the Union, to represent their States in the preparation for the national celebration at the Lincoln Farm; and-to stimulate celebrations within their own States in the organization of municipal celebrations; and the activities of various associations and patriotic societies.

The American Federation of Labor paid tribute to the day by the adoption, by its Executive Council, as part of its Report for the Denver Convention, the following recommendation, written by Samuel Gompers, President of the Federation:

"On Friday, the twelfth of February, 1909, will occur the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. In all the history of our Republic, no man lived who, in himself and in his work, more completely embodied and typified the ennobling aspirations and ideals of human justice and human freedom. No man ever loved his fellow men more than he. None had a better knowledge of, or a deeper sympathy with, the struggles and hopes of the toilers.

"We were asked, and gladly gave, our support to a movement to make of his birthplace a perpetual Mecca of all who loved liberty and humanity. It is expected that a country-wide, fitting celebration be had upon the centennial anniversary of Lincoln's birth. The celebration is yet in indefinite form.

"We recommend that Friday, February 12, 1909, the centennial of the birth of the revered and martyred Lincoln, wherever possible, be made a holiday by all labor.

"That we urge upon Congress and the several States that that day be declared a legal holiday.

"That the officers of the American Federation of Labor be authorized to be duly represented in any national celebration which may be inaugurated, or which they may initiate, so that the day, and the memory of the advent and services of this great and good man, may be fittingly observed and impressed upon the hearts and consciences of our people."

The Grand Army of the Republic issued, through its national Commander, a formal Proclamation to all its Posts, requesting "that every Post recognize the day in some fitting manner, either in special meeting, or in attendance, as a body, where a public celebration was held." The Proclamation also urged united observances of the day, where there was more than one Post in a city, and the invitation of other patriotic societies to participate in all functions arranged for this occasion. The organization, naturally, had a large part in the national commemoration of the Centenary, and its every Post, throughout the country, actively participated, often initiating the local celebrations, always taking part in them, and always the honored guests of the general committees where organized. In this celebration, they were joined many times by their brethren of the South, who wore the grey, and whose valor and sacrifices, although rendered to the Lost Cause, contribute so much to the glory of the Union to which Lincoln was martyr.

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