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carted away, for there is now a big hole where | I took the horses out again for six hours the principal part of the house stood. Troops to graze, and made acquaintance with two have evidently been encamped upon the Irishmen, who gave me some cut grass and ground, which was strewed with fragments salt for the horses. One of these men had of Yankee clothing, accoutrements, etc. served and had been wounded in the Southern I understand that Winchester used to be a army. I remarked to him that he must have most agreeable little town, and its society ex-killed lots of his own countrymen; to which tremely pleasant. Many of its houses are he replied, "Oh, yes, but faix they must all now destroyed or converted into hospitals; take it as it comes." I have always observed the rest look miserable and dilapidated. Its that Southern Irishmen make excellent female inhabitants (for the able-bodied males" Rebs," and have no sort of scruple in killare all absent in the army) are familiar with the ing as many of their Northern brethren as bloody realities of war. As many as five thou- they possibly can. sand wounded have been accommodated here at one time. All the ladies are accustomed to the bursting of shells and the sight of fighting, and all are turned into hospital nurses or cooks.

From the utter impossibility of procuring corn, I was forced to take the horses out grazing a mile beyond the town for four hours in the morning and two in the afternoon. As one musn't lose sight of them for a moment, this occupied me all day, while Lawley wrote in the house.

In the evening we went to visit two wounded officers in Mrs. -'s house, a major and a captain in the Louisianian Brigade which stormed the forts last Sunday week. I am afraid the captain will die. Both are shot through the body, but are cheery. They served under Stonewall Jackson until his death, and they venerate his name, though they both agree that he has got an efficient successor in Ewell, his former companion in arms; and they confirmed a great deal of what General Johnston had told me as to Jackson having been so much indebted to Ewell for several of his victories. They gave us an animated account of the spirits and feeling of the army.

At no period of the war, they say, have the men been so well equipped, so well clothed, so eager for a fight, or so confident of success -a very different state of affairs from that which characterized the Maryland invasion of last year, when half of the army were barefooted stragglers, and many of the remainder unwilling and reluctant to cross the Potomac. Miss told me to-day that dancing and horse-racing are forbidden by the Episcopal Church in this part of Virginia.

June 24 (Wednesday).—Lawley being in weak health, we determined to spend another day with our kind friends in Winchester.

I observed to-day many new Yankee graves, which the deaths among the captives are constantly increasing. Wooden head-posts are put at each grave, on which is written, " An Unknown Soldier, U.S.A. Died of wounds received upon the field of battle, June 21, 22, or 23, 1863."

A sentry stopped me to-day as I was going out of town, and when I showed him my pass from General Chilton, he replied with great firmness but with perfect courtesy, “I'm extremely sorry, sir, but if you were the Secretary of War, or Jeff Davis himself, you couldn't pass without a passport from the Provost-Marshal."

June 25 (Thursday).—We took leave of Mrs. and her hospitable family, and started at 10 A.м. to overtake Generals Lee and Longstreet, who are supposed to be crossing the Potomac at Williamsport. Before we had got more than a few miles on our way, we began to meet horses and oxen, the first fruits of Ewell's advance into Pennsylvania. The weather was cool and showery, and all went swimmingly for the first fourteen miles, when we caught up M'Laws's division, which belongs to Longstreet's corps.

As my horse about this time began to show signs of fatigue, and as Lawley's pickaxed most alarmingly, we turned them into some clover to graze, whilst we watched two brigades pass along the road. They are commanded, I think, by Semmes and Barksdale,* and are composed of Georgians, Mississippians, and South Carolinians. They marched very well, and there was no attempt at straggling; quite a different state of things from Johnston's men in Mississippi. All were well shod and efficiently clothed. In rear of each regiment were from twenty to thirty negro

Barksdale was killed, and Semmes wounded, at the battle of Gettysburg.


slaves, and a certain number of unarmed men | very unpromising circumstances carrying stretchers and wearing in their hats was so ill that he could hardly ride; his the red badges of the ambulance corps; this horse was most unsafe, and had cast a shoe; is an excellent institution, for it prevents un--my animal was in such a miserable state wounded men falling out on pretence of tak- that I had not the inhumanity to ride him; ing wounded to the rear. The knapsacks of but, by the assistance of his tail, I managed the men still bear the names of the Massa- to struggle through the deep mud and wet. chusetts, Vermont, New Jersy, or other regi- We soon became entangled with M'Laws's. ments to which they originally belonged. division, and reached the Potomac, a distance There were about twenty wagons to each of nine miles and a half, at 5 P.M.; the brigade, most of which were marked U.S., river is both wide and deep, and in fording and each of these brigades were about twenty-it (for which purpose I was obliged to mount) eight hundred strong. There are four bri- we couldn't keep our legs out of the water. gades in M'Laws's division. All the men The little town of Williamsport is on the seemed in the highest spirits, and were cheer-opposite bank of the river, and we were now ing and yelling most vociferously. in Maryland.

We reached Martinsburg (twenty-two miles) at 6 P.M., by which time my horse nearly broke down, and I was forced to get off and walk. Martinsburg and this part of Virginia is supposed to be more Unionist than Southern; however, many of the women went through the form of cheering M'Laws's division as it passed. I dare say they would perform the same ceremony in honor of the Yankees to-morrow.

Three miles beyond Martinsburg we were forced by the state of our horses to insist upon receiving the unwilling hospitality of a very surly native, who was evidently Unionist in his proclivities. We were obliged to turn our horses into a field to graze during the night. This is most dangerous, for the Confederate soldier, in spite of his many virtues, is, as a rule, the most incorrigible horsestealer in the world.

June 26 (Friday).—I got up a little before daylight, and, notwithstanding the drenching rain, I secured our horses which, to my intense relief, were present. But my horse showed a back rapidly getting worse, and both looked "mean" to a degree.

We had the mortification to learn that Generals Lee and Longstreet had quitted Williamsport this morning at 11 o'clock, and were therefore obliged to toil on to Hagerstown, six miles farther. This latter place is by no means rebel in its sentiments, for all the houses were shut up, and many apparentabandoned. The few natives that were about stared at the troops with sulky indifference.

After passing through Hagerstown, we could obtain no certain information of the whereabouts of the two generals, nor could we get any willing hospitality from any one; but at 9 P.M., our horses being quite exhausted, we forced ourselves into the house of a Dutchman, who became a little more civil at the sight of gold, although the assurance that we were English travellers, and not rebels, had produced no effect. I had walked to-day, in mud and rain, seventeen miles, and I dared not take off my solitary pair of boots, because I knew I should never get them on again.

June 27 (Saturday).-Lawley was so ill this morning that he couldn't possibly ride; I therefore mounted his horse a little before Lawley being ill, he declined starting in daybreak, and started in search of the genthe rain, and our host became more and erals. After riding eight miles, I came up more surly when we stated our intention of with General Longstreet, at 6.30. A.M., and remaining with him. However, the sight of was only just in time, as he was on the point real gold instead of Confederate paper, or of moving. Both he and his staff were even greenbacks, soothed him wonderfully, most kind, when I introduced myself and and he furnished us with some breakfast. stated my difficulties; he arranged that an All this time M'Laws's division was pass- ambulance should fetch Lawley, and he in"ing the door, but so strict was the discipline, vited me to join his mess during the camthat the only man who loafed in was imme-paign; he told me (which I did not know) diately pounced upon and carried away cap- that we were now in Pennsylvania, the enetive. At 2 P.M., the weather having become my's country Maryland being only ten a little clearer, we made a start, but under miles broad at this point: he declared that

Bushwhackers exist in the woods, who shoot unsuspecting stragglers, and it would be unsafe that Lawley and I should travel alone. General Longstreet is an Alabamian-a thick-set man, forty-three years of age he was an infantry major in the old army, and now commands the 1st corps d'armée: he is never far from General Lee, who relies very much upon his judgment. By the soldiers he is invariably spoken of as "the best fighter in the whole army."

Whilst speaking of entering upon the enemy's soil, he said to me that although it might be fair, in just retaliation, to apply the torch, yet that doing so would demoralize the army and ruin its now excellent discipline. Private property is to be rigidly protected.

The women (many of whom were pretty and well dressed) were particularly sour and disagreeable in their remarks. I heard one of them say, “Look at Pharaoh's army going to the Red Sea." Others were pointing and laughing at Hood's ragged Jacks, who were passing at the time. This division, well known for its fighting qualities, is composed of Texans, Alabamians, and Arkansians, and they certainly are a queer lot to look at. They carry less than any other troops; many of them have only got an old piece of carpet or rug as baggage; many have discarded their shoes in the mud; all are ragged and dirty, but full of good-humor and confidence in themselves and in their general, Hood. They answered the numerAt 7 A.M. I returned with an orderly (or ous taunts of the Chambersburg ladies with courier, as they are called) to the farmhouse cheers and laughter. One female had seen in which I had left Lawley, and after seeing fit to adorn her ample bosom with a huge all arranged satisfactorily about the ambu-Yankee flag, and she stood at the door of her lance, I rode slowly on to rejoin General house, her countenance expressing the greatLongstreet, near Chambersburg, which is a est contempt for the barefooted Rebs; several Pennsylvania town, distant twenty-two miles from Hagerstown. I was with M'Laws's division, and observed that the moment they entered Pennsylvania the troops opened the fences and enlarged the road about twenty yards on each side, which enabled the wagons and themselves to proceed together: this is the only damage I saw done by the Confederates.

This part of Pennsylvania is very flourishing, highly cultivated, and, in comparison with the Southern States, thickly peopled. But all the cattle and horses having been seized by Ewell, farm labor had now come to a complete stand-still.

In passing through Greencastle, we found all the houses and windows shut up, the natives in their Sunday clothes standing at their doors regarding the troops in a very unfriendly manner. I saw no straggling into the houses, nor were any of the inhabitants disturbed or annoyed by the soldiers. Sentries were placed at the doors of many of the best houses, to prevent any officer or soldier from getting in on any pretence.

I entered Chambersburg at 6 P.M. This is a town of some size and importance: all its houses were shut up, but the natives were in the streets, or at the upper windows, looking in a scowling and bewildered manner at the Confederate troops, who were marching gayly past to the tune of Dixie's land.

companies passed her without taking any notice, but at length a Texan gravely remarked, "Take care, madam, for Hood's boys are great at storming breastworks when the Yankee colors is on them." After this speech the patriotic lady beat a precipitate retreat.

Sentries were placed at the doors of all the principal houses, and the town was cleared of all but the military passing through or on duty. Some of the troops marched straight through the town, and bivouacked on the Carlisle rcad. Others turned off to the right, and occupied the Gettysburg turnpike. I found Generals Lee and Longstreet encamped on the latter road, three-quarters of a mile from the town.

General Longstreet and his staff at once received me into their mess, and I was introduced to Major Fairfax, Major Latrobe, and Captain Rogers of his personal staff; also to Major Moses, the Chief Commissary, whose tent I am to share. He is the most jovial, amusing and clever son of Israel I ever had the good fortune to meet. The other officers on Longstreet's head-quarter staff are Colonel Sorrell, Lieutenant-Colonel Manning (ordnance officer), Major Walton, Captain Gorce," and Major Clark, all excellent good fellows, and most hospitable.*

*Having lived at the head-quarters of all the principal Confederate generals, I am able to affirm

Lawley is to live with three doctors on the head-quarter staff: their names are Cullen, Barksdale, and Maury; they form a jolly trio, and live much more luxuriously than their generals.

Moses proceeded into town at 11 A.M., with an official requisition for three days' rations for the whole army in this neighborhood. These rations he is to seize by force, if not voluntarily supplied.

I was introduced to General Hood this morning; he is a tall, thin, wiry-looking man, with a grave face and a light-colored

Major Moses tells me that his orders are to open the stores in Chambersburg by force, and seize all that is wanted for the army in a regular and official manner, giving in re-beard, thirty-three years old, and is acturn its value in Confederate money on a re- counted one of the best and most promising ceipt. The store-keepers have doubtless sent officers in the army. away their most valuable goods on the ap- By his Texan and Alabamian troops he is proach of the Confederate army. Much adored; he formerly commanded the Texan also haз been already scized by Ewell, who Brigade, but has now been promoted to the passed through nearly a week ago. But command of a division. His troops are acMoses was much elated at having already cused of being a wild set, and difficult to discovered a large supply of excellent felt manage; and it is the great object of the hats, hidden away in a cellar, which he an-chiefs to check their innate plundering pronexed" at once. pensities by every means in their power.


I was told this evening the numbers which have crossed the Potomac, and also the number of pieces of artillery. We have a large train of ammunition, for if the army advances any deeper into the enemy's country General Lee cannot expect to keep his communications open to the rear; and as the staff officers say, "In every battle we fight we must capture as much ammunition as we use." This necessity, however, does not seem to disturb them, as it has hitherto been their regular style of doing business.

Ewell, after the capture of Winchester, advanced rapidly into Pennsylvania, and has already sent back great quantities of horses, mules, wagons, becves, and other necessaries; he is now at or beyond Carlisle, laying the country under contribution, and making Pennsylvania support the war, instead of poor, used-up, and worn-out Virginia. The corps of Generals A. P. Hill and Longstreet are now near this place, all full of confidence and in high spirits.

June 28 (Sunday).-No officer or soldier under the rank of a general is allowed into Chambersburg without a special order from General Lee, which he is very chary of giving; and I hear of officers of rank being refused this pass.

that the relation between their staffs and themselves, and the way the duty is carried on, is very similar to what it is in the British army. All the generals-Johnston, Bragg, Polk, Hardee, Longstreet, and Lee-are thorough soldiers, and their staffs are composed of gentlemen of position and education, who have now been trained into excellent and zealous staff officers.

I went into Chambersburg at noon, and found Lawley ensconced in the Franklin Hotel. Both he and I had much difficulty in getting into that establishment-the doors being locked, and only opened with the greatest caution. Lawley had had a most painful journey in the ambulance yesterday, and was much exhausted. No one in the hotel would take the slightest notice of him, and all scowled at me in a most disagreeable manner.

Half a dozen Pennsylvanian viragos surrounded and assailed me with their united tongues to a deafening degree. Nor would they believe me when I told them I was an English spectator and a non-combatant; they said I must be either a rebel or a Yankee— by which expression I learned for the first time that the term Yankee is as much used as a reproach in Pennsylvania as in the South. The sight of gold, which I exchanged for their greenbacks, brought about a change, and by degrees they became quite affable. They seemed very ignorant, and confused Texans. with Mexicans.

After leaving Lawley pretty comfortable, I walked about the town and witnessed the pressing operations of Moses and his myrmidons. Neither the mayor nor the corporation were to be found anywhere, nor were the keys of the principal stores forthcoming until Moses began to apply the axe. The citizens were lolling about the streets in a listless manner, and 'showing no great signs of discontent. They had left to their women the task of resisting the commissaries-a duty which they were fully competent, to perform..

No soldiers but those on duty were visible in | commendable and surprising. Yet these Penn

the streets.

In the evening I called again to see Lawley, and found in his room an Austrian officer, in the full uniform of the Austrian Hussars. He had got a year's leave of absence, and has just succeeded in crossing the Potomac, though not without much trouble and difficulty. When he stated his intention of wearing his uniform, I explained to him the invariable custom of the Confederate soldiers, of never allowing the smallest peculiarity of dress or appearance to pass without a torrent of jokes, which, however good-humored, end în becoming rather monotonous.

I returned to camp at 6 P.M. Major Moses did not get back till very late, much depressed at the ill-success of his mission. He had searched all day most indefatigably, and had endured much contumely from the Union ladies, who called him "a thievish little rebel scoundrel," and other opprobrious epithets. But this did not annoy him so much as the manner in which everything he wanted had been sent away or hidden in private houses, which he is not allowed by General Lee's order to search.

He has only managed to secure a quantity of molasses, sugar, and whiskey. Poor Moses is thoroughly exhausted; but he endures the chaff of his brother officers with much good-humor, and they make him continually repeat the different names he has been called. He says that at first the women refused his Confederate "trash" with great scorn, but they ended in being very particular about the odd cents.

June 29 (Monday).—We are still at Chambersburg. Lee has issued a remarkably good order on non-retaliation, which is generally well received; but I have heard of complaints from fire-caters, who want vengeance for their wrongs; and when one considers the numbers of officers and soldiers with this army who have been totally ruined by the devastations of Northern troops, one cannot be much surprised at this feeling.

I went into Chambersburg again, and witnessed the singularly good behavior of the troops towards the citizens. I heard soldiers saying to one another that they did not like being in a town in which they were very naturally detested. To any one who has seen as I have the ravages of the Northern troops in Southern towns, this forbearance seems most

sylvania Dutch * don't seem the least thankful, and really appear to be unaware that their own troops have been for two years treating Southern towns with ten times more harshness. They are the most unpatriotic people I ever saw, and openly state that they don't care which side wins provided they are left alone. They abuse Lincoln tremendously.


Of course, in such a large army as this, there must be many instances of bad characters, who are always ready to plunder and pillage whenever they can do so without being caught the stragglers, also, who remain behind when the army has left, will doubtless do much harm. It is impossible to prevent this; but everything that can be done is done to protect private property and non-combatants, and I can say, from my own observation, with wonderful success. I hear instances, however, in which soldiers meeting well-dressed citizens have made along arm" and changed hats, much to the disgust of the latter, who are still more annoyed when an exchange of boots is also proposed; their superfine broadcloth is never in any danger.

General Longstreet is generally a particularly taciturn man, but this evening he and I had a long talk about Texas, where he had been quartered a long time. He remembered many people whom I had met quite well, and was much amused by the description of my travels through that country. I complimented him upon the manner in which the Confederate sentries do their duty, and said they were quite as strict as, and ten times more polite than, regular soldiers. He replied, laughing, that a sentry, after refusing you leave to enter a camp, might very likely, if properly asked, show you another way in, by which you might avoid meeting a sentry at all.

I saw General Pendleton and General Pickett to-day. Pendleton is Chief of Artillery to the army, and was a West Pointer; but in more peaceable times he fills the post of Episcopal clergyman in Lexington, Virginia. Unlike General Polk, he unites the military and clerical professions together, and continues to preach whenever he gets a chance. On these occasions he wears a surplice over his uniform.

*This part of Pennsylvania is much peopled with the descendants of Germans, who speak an unintelligible language.

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