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RUBBER RING FINGER PROTECTION Pure gum ring. Will fit any stick, and prevent opponent's stick from slipping up and injuring fingers. No. R. Each, 75c.

Send for Wright & Ditson's Catalogue of Athletic Sports


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Send for Wright & Ditson's Catalogue of Athletic





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No. 143-Indian Clubs and Dumb-Bells. Written by J. H. Dougherty, amateur champion of America. Clearly illustrated. No. 144-How to Punch the Bag One of the best of indoor exercises. Every movement shown.


No. 145-Official Athletic Almanac. piled by J. E. Sullivan, Secretary-Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union. It is the only annual publication now issued that contains a complete list of amateur best-on-records. Contents also comprise photos of leading athletes, with a a list of champions since 1876.

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No. 149-How to Take Care of the Bedy. A book for all who value health.

No. 150-Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide. Edited by Henry Chadwick, the "Father of Base Ball," is the official publication of base ball. Complete records, pictures of champion teams, official rules and an article on "Base Ball Government of the Future," by A. G. Spalding.

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Numbers omitted on above list have been renumbered and brought up to date.



See inside page of front cover for additional numbers

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