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Run, is the theme of much praise. Mrs. Ricketts pushed through the enemy's lines alone when she heard her husband was captured, and took her place with him in the hospital, from which she never emerged until this week. When she arrived in Richmond, General Stuart asked her to sign a parole of honor. She refused. He persisted in writing it, and handed her the document. She tore it up instantly, and carried the fragments to her husband. When Captain Ricketts was carried to Richmond, crowds flocked to see the commander of Sherman's Battery," as they insisted on calling it.

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COL. SOL. MEREDITH.-A pleasant story is told by a correspondent of Col. Sol. Meredith, of Wayne County, Indiana, commanding the 19th Indiana, on the Potomac.

This, then, "is to certify," gentlemen, that the young Darling aforesaid has not abated his desire in the least degree to serve his country under your especial guidance, although he has consented to devote himself in the more humble capacity of staying at home and minding his mother. Having reached the advanced age of sixteen, he possesses the strength of Hercules, and sagacity of Tacinaque, Agulier's bravery, and the patriotism of Washington, whom you have probably heard mentioned before. Would that he could add to these a few of Methuselah's superfluous years, for youth, though no crime, is very inconvenient in his case. Of course, the advanceAt the Lewinsville skirmish, the colonel was at the ment of the Black Horse Cavalry is materially retard-head of his men, as they were formed in line of bated, and its glory dimmed for a season; but wherever tle, under the fire of the enemy. As the shells exyou are at the end of two years, he is determined to ploded over them, his boys would involuntarily duck join you. If thou wouldst take me in his place, I their heads. The colonel saw their motions, and in would be very happy to go. I believe not only in a pleasant way exhorted them, as he rode along the this war, but fighting in general, and think that if line, to hold up their heads and act like men. women were permitted to use "knock-down argu- turned to speak to one of his officers, and at that ment," it would civilize not only their mutual relamoment an 18-pounder shell burst within a few yards tions, but also their treatment of your much-abused of him, scattering the fragments in all directions. Instinctively he jerked his head almost to the saddle bow, while his horse squatted with fear. Boys," said he, as he raised up and reined his steed, "you MAY dodge the large ones!" A laugh ran along the line at his expense, and after that no more was said about the impropriety of dodging shells.-Galesburg Democrat, Oct. 17.


Meantime, awaiting thy orders, I am respectfully thine,

P. S.-If you are married, please hand this over
to your Second Lieutenant.
J. D.
-Cincinnati Press, Dec. 2.

A REBEL HEROINE.-The Richmond correspondent of the Nashville Union tells the following: Not long ago I told you of the sufferings of Miss Converse on her trip from Philadelphia. I have now to record another instance of female heroism. A young lady of Maryland, as gentle and genuine a woman as the South contains, but withal a true heroine, has, after braving many hardships, recently arrived here.

Reaching the Potomac, she found a boat and a negro to row it, but the negro refused to attempt to cross, for fear, as he said, the Yankees would shoot him. Drawing a pitsol from her pocket, our heroine told him coolly she would shoot him herself if he didn't cross. The negro quailed, rowed her over to the Virginia shore, and thus, utterly alone, she came to her friends in Richmond, with her petticoats quilted with quinine, her satchel full of letters, many of them containing money, and with no end of spoolthread, needles, pins, and other little conveniences now so hard to get in the blockaded South. The name of this heroine ought not to be withheld from the historian. It is Miss Nannie Webster.-Balti more American, Dec. 27.



THE TONE OF BULLETS.-A soldier writing from one of the camps on the Potomac thus alludes to the peculiar music made by bullets passing through the air: It is a very good place to exercise the mind, with the enemy's picket rattling close at hand. A musical ear can study the different tones of the bullets as they skim through the air. I caught the pitch of a large-sized Minié yesterday—it was a swell from E flat to F, and as it passed into the distance and lost its velocity, receded to D-a very pretty change. One of the most startling sounds is that produced by the Hotchkiss shell. It comes like the shriek of a demon, and the bravest old soldiers feel like ducking when they hear it. It is no more destructive than some other missiles, but there is a great deal in mere sound to work upon men's fears.

The tremendous scream is caused by a ragged edge of lead, which is left on the shell. In favorable positions of light, the phenomena can sometimes be seen, as you stand directly behind a gun, of the clinging of the air to the ball. The ball seems to gather up the atmosphere and carry it along, as the earth carries its atmosphere through space. Men are freAN OLD OFFENDER.-Wm. H. Ross, a well-known quently killed by the wind of a cannon-shot. There colored man of Richmond, Va., was hailed by the is a law which causes the atmosphere to cling to the night watch, and responded by running off. He was earth, or which presses upon it with a force, at the caught, however, and the Mayor ordered him thirty-surface, of fifteen pounds to the square inch; does nine, and to be confined. The negro in question is called "an old offender" by the police, and has, through their instrumentality, been ordered 1,000 lashes in the course of a not very extended life. Richmond Dispatch, Dec. 23.

NOBLE CONDUCT OF MRS. CAPTAIN RICKETTS.-The heroic conduct of Mrs. Ricketts, the wife of Captain James B. Ricketts, who was severely wounded at Bull

the same law, or a modification, pertain to cannonballs in flight? I do not remember of meeting with a discussion of the subject in any published work. It is certainly an interesting philosophic question.

PROPOSED SOUTHERN NAVY.-We are glad to see that this subject engages the earnest attention of our New Orleans contemporaries, and that they strongly urge the construction of vessels of war at that place.

some time since. The whole three were in the first Bull Run battle. Another son is in the Massachusetts Sixteenth, and the last of the five has just joined Col. Wilson's regiment, and all will fight bravely in defence of liberty and good government. One of the girls is in the employ of the United States at the Watertown Arsenal, making six out of seven in the service of the Government.-Boston Journal, Nov. 10.

The South is rich in all the materials of ship-build- | skirmishing company selected from the regiment ing, and we wonder that we have not already at least the beginning of a navy. We cannot afford to wait for foreign countries to open our ports. We ought to be able to open them ourselves. The world is always ready to help those who do not need its help. We have naval officers who deserve to be employed upon their own element, and who could render efficient service to the country if we could only put them afloat. It is intolerable that we should longer permit the Federal navy and Yankee pirates to vapor and bully along the whole extent of our coast, and completely isolate us from the rest of mankind.

If, at the beginning of the war, a few millions had been expended for iron-plated frigates, we could by this time have sunk the whole Yankee navy, and opened our ports to the commerce of the world. It is not yet too late. By energetic efforts we can get a fleet ready by spring, which will save us from a humiliating reliance upon the intervention of foreign powers. Every effort should at once be made for the relief of the country from the Yankee blockade. We trust that the Executive and Congress will bestow their earliest attention upon this most important subject. Our naval officers, among the most accomplished and heroic in the old service, are panting for an opportunity of distinction and usefulness upon the ocean, and we hope they will not be disappointed. We know of no expenditure which would yield as rich returns as the construction of a few ships of war.-Richmond Dispatch, Nov. 12.

THE NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE.-It will be remembered that the first Southern papers received here after the capture of Fort Hatteras spoke of the disgraceful behavior of the North Carolina Legislature, and refused to report it. The Daily Times of this morning has information from Raleigh stating that the Legislature was in session when the capture was announced, and that the Union men rose in their places, and cheered and swung their hats, and were so noisy in their rejoicings that all business was for the time suspended. The same feeling, to a considerable extent, pervaded the people of that city.

No wonder that the secessionist papers were unwilling to chronicle such behavior.—Albany Journal, Oct. 8.


RICHMOND, Oct. 5.-Rev. A. E. Dickinson, general superintendent of the Baptist Colportage Board in Virginia, writes as follows: 'The Baptist Colportage Board, located in Richmond, has published upward of seven hundred thousand pages of religious tracts addressed to soldiers, and have arranged for the publication of twelve thousand pocket Testaments, two thousand of which we expect to receive next week.

LOUISVILLE, Oct. 8.-Col. McKee, late editor of the Louisville Courier, will take command of a regiment under Gen. Buckner.-The Citizens' Bank of New Orleans are circulating "fives" cut in two, each piece to represent two and a half dollars.Thirteen hundred Indian warriors crossed the Arkansas River, near Plymouth, on the 15th of September, en route for Ben McCulloch's army.-N. Y. Commercial, Oct. 9.

A PATRIOTIC FAMILY.-Mr. Europe Houghton, of Newton, Mass., has a family of five sons and two daughters. Three of his sons are in the Massachusetts First regiment, and two were members of the

FLOYD'S DEFEAT BY ROSECRANS. A double thief and traitor he, Whose heart is so unlike a man's, As first to rob the Treasury,

Then steal away from Rosecrans ! -RICHARD COE, Philadelphia Bulletin.

ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY, N. Y., And the War-A person in Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, writes us: "So far as St. Lawrence County is concerned, this is a mistake. The larger portion of the Sixteenth regiment is from this county. Two companies and the lieutenant-colonel went from this little village. Some fifteen of the young men in the academy enlisted at the first call, and quite a number were rejected by the over-scrupulous inspecting officer. A portion of the Eighteenth regiment is from this county. Between fifty and one hundred have enlisted in the engineer regiment mustered at Elmira, while over five hundred are now encamped at Ogdensburg, with the prospect of filling up a complete regiment before the week is out. Several of as good young men as our county contains have already offered up their lives for their country. In all no less than fifteen hundred are now in arms, and we hope that two thousand will be serving their country before the month is out.

"Please give us credit for having raised a little more than a 'corporal's guard.' We ought to do more, and we are trying to do it.”—N. Y. World, Sept. 28.

A BRAVE BOY AND A GALLANT SAILOR.-One of the powder-boys on the Bienville, Wm. Henry Steele by name, deserves particular attention. He is only fourteen years old, a bright, active fellow, and performed his duties with signal bravery. It was his duty to hand cartridges to one of the gunners. While the Bienville was in the thickest of the engagement, the balls whistled fiercely over the deck and splashed about in the water, but he never wa vered. A large rifled shot struck the water some distance from the steamer, bounded upward, and, crashing through the beam, tore through the bodies of two men standing near him at his gun, and wounded two others. He handed his cartridge to the gunner, and, stepping over the bodies, brought a fresh supply of ammunition, with which he continued his labors.

After the fight, Captain Steedman, in thanking his men for their noble conduct, especially commended the bravery of young Steele. During a part of the time the Bienville was the mark for almost the entire fire of both rebel batteries, and her crew displayed the greatest heroism. The first shot fired at her struck, and was one of the most serious. Her guns were in such constant use that they became hot, and almost leaped from the deck at each discharge. It is really wonderful that her damage is so very immaterial. Beyond a hole between decks, another through

the beam, just at the lower part of the gunwale, a cut shroud and a battered stove-pipe, (not smokestack,) she is unharmed.

The Wabash also came in for a large share of the fight. A cannon-shot passed along her deck and struck Thomas Jackson, the coxswain. The ball nearly carried away one of his legs, leaving it so that it hung only by shreds of flesh and skin. Leaning against a gun, he drew out his sheath-knife and tried to cut it off entirely. The knife was too dull, and his shipmates hastened to him and carried him below. He kept continually asking how the fight progressed, saying, "I hope we'll, win; I hope we'll beat them." He died in two hours, his last words expressing happiness that he had done something for his country.Phila. Press, Nov. 16.


Inscribed to President Lincoln.

God bless our Country !-look afar
Behold, on every side,
From solar belt to Northern star,
She standeth like a bride.
Upheld by God's almighty hand,
How fair thou art, O Native Land!

Our meadows teem with goodly herds,
Our garners overflow;
Our hills resound with singing birds,
And bloom our vales below.
Upheld by God's all-bounteous hand,
Thy cup is full, O favored Land.

God bless our Councils !-make us wise
To worship and obey;

Let Justice reign, and Truth arise
To guide our steps alway.

Upheld by His almighty hand,
God bless the rulers of our Land.

[blocks in formation]

And he never again

May hear the tones, Or kiss the lips

Of his little ones.

I know that he has answered his country's call, That his breast is bared at a high command; But my heart will break, I know, if he fall

In the battle-front by a traitor's hand;
Yet I murmur not, though my tear-wet eyes
Attest the worth of the sacrifice;
'Tis a wife's free gift,

Two lives in one,
In the name of God,
And of Washington.

Perhaps, when the maple trees are red,
And the golden glories of harvest come,

I shall wake some morning to hear his tread,
And give him a warm heart's welcome home;
To kneel with him in a fervent prayer,
Thanking our God for his watchful care
In shielding his heart

From the rebel's brand,
Who honored the flag

Of the cherished land.

-Forney's War Press, Dec. 14.



Missourians, a word or two!

The undersigned, last June,

Was called to head the Spartan few Who sword from scabbard sternly drew,

To drive away the craven crew,

Bound by black vows to snatch from you Your freedom's priceless boon!

The Governor distinctly asked

For Fifty Thousand Men;

You heard him ask-you must have heard
I know your patriot pulses stirred,
Your patriot impulses concurred
In fierce resolves to hound the herd
Back to their Northern den!

Your hearts were right-your purpose set
To rise up there and then;

You felt the flame of holy hate,
You longed in blood your swords to sate,
Your eagerness for fight was great,
You found it difficult to wait-
You Fifty Thousand Men!

But, notwithstanding this desire
The enemy to drive-
This strong war-fever for the fray,
This burning for the battle-day,
Most all the fifty stayed away;
The actual figure, strange to say,
Was only about five.

Out of two hundred thousand males,
A match for any foes-

Strong arms, brave hearts, and flashing eyes,
Hands raised defiant to the skies,
Spirit that conquers or that dies,-
Out of the host that burned to rise,
But five in fifty rose !


Nearly six months, you are aware,

Have come and gone since then;

You've farmed the field and mowed the hay,
Your winter stock is stowed away,
You're ready 'gainst the rainy day;
Are you not coming now, I say,
Ye Fifty Thousand Men?

The foe has not as yet retired,—

'Tis singular, but true!

So far from that, I'm forced to say,
From what I see, he means to stay,
Most probably till swept away;
In view of which, ye heroes, pray,
What do you mean to do?

Suppose the facts were otherwise,
My Fifty Thousand Men!

That, starting when the summons rose,
You'd leaped to feet to face the foes,-
Dealt Fifty Thousand deathly blows-
It's not the case-but just suppose-
How would the thing be then?

Suppose, for every man we've got,
We had as much as ten;
Suppose we'd made th' invader flee,
And struck the tyrant to the knee;
That I'd chased him, and not he me,
It's clear as daylight-don't you see?-
Ye Fifty Thousand Men!

Missourians! Missourians!

To come to facts again,
Where is the old Missouri fire,

Courage passed down to son from sire,
Motto, "Still onward, upward higher"?
Died out? If not, where, I inquire,
The Fifty Thousand Men?

Look at us! we-we've done the work

Of Fifty Thousand Men!

We formed, and fought, and bled—we few—
No bed, no coverlid, no shoe-

Waded through mud and mire for you;
Will you not come and do it too?
And, if so, mention when.

[blocks in formation]

Come on! come on, brave spirits all!

No others need apply;

Over the arm the musket fling;

Wear all your clothes, your bedding bring,
Your extra sheets, and every thing.
Come on! and let the war-cry ring,

"To conquer or to die!"

Let but your struggles free the land,
The State your pay will fix;
Meantime, don't think about the pay;
Take higher ground-look far away;
Glory's the thing for which I pray—
That, or a place wherein I may
Bury my six-foot-six.

I'm sure you mean to come, you know-
Oh, perfectly-but, then,

As yet I find no flashing eyes;

I hear no shouts that shake the skies.

If it's a fact you mean to rise,

Why don't you, now-why don't you rise, You Fifty Thousand Men?

Hark! up along the mountain-side!
Hark! down the distant glen !
What sound is this that surges past?

A war-whoop?-footsteps gathering fast?
The echoes of the bugle blast?
Perhaps it may be that-at last.
Ho! Fifty Thousand Men!


Maj. Gen. Commanding. Boston Evening Transcript, Dec. 9.


What was she like? I cannot tell;

I only know God loved her well;
Two noble sons her gray hairs blest-
And he, their sire, was now at rest.

And why her children loved her so,
And called her blessed, all shall know;
She never had a selfish thought,
Nor valued what her hand had wrought.

She could be just in spite of love; And cherished hates she dwelt above; In sick-rooms, they that had her care, Said she was wondrous gentle there.

It was a fearful trust, she knew,
To guide her young immortals through;
But Love and Truth explained the way,
And Piety made perfect day.

She taught them to be pure and true,

And brave, and strong, and courteous, too;
She made them reverence silver hairs,
And feel the poor man's biting cares.

She won them ever to her side;
Home was their treasure and their pride;
Its food, drink, shelter, pleased them best,
And there they found the sweetest rest.

And often, as the shadows fell,
And twilight had attuned them well,

[blocks in formation]

There's but one thing left to do,
We must whip the rebel crew,

And drive them from the happy land of Canaan.

Way down in old Missouri,
There's where General Lyon fell,

And died where the bullets were a-raining;
He left his gallant band,

With brave Sigel in command,

Now he's happy in a better land of Canaan.
Col. Mulligan's brigade,

They were never yet afraid,

Fought at Lexington five days without complaining; Fed the rebels shell and shot,

Till they out of water got,

Then surrendered up their happy land of Canaan.
There's the "Dutch Company,"
Who are fighting for the free,
When in battle every nerve they are straining;
When it comes to run away,

They will tell you, "Nix furstay!"
They're an honor to our happy land of Canaan.
I will tell you in my song,
How our boys get along,

Who under Colonel Williams are a-training;
They are all brave and true,

And they stick like "Spaulding's Glue," When fighting for our happy land of Canaan.

When our gallant little band

Once arrives in "Dixie's land," The traitor's cause, you'll see, will soon be waning; Our boys with basswood swords, They would fight the rebel hordes,

And drive them from our happy land of Canaan.

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