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" O tell her, Swallow, thou that knowest each, That bright and fierce and fickle is the South, And dark and true and tender is the North. "
The Princess of Alfred Tennyson Re-cast as a Drama - Page 38
by Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1881 - 63 pages
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The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for the Year ..., Volume 183

English essays - 1848 - 744 pages
...upon her gilded eaves, And tell her, tell her, what I tell to thee. O tell her, Swallow, thou that knowest each, That bright and fierce and fickle is...true and tender is the North. O Swallow, Swallow, i( I could follow, and light Upon her lattice, I would pipe and trill, And cheep and twitter twenty...
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volume 90

1849 - 604 pages
...eaves, And tell her, tell her what I tell to thee. . ' O tell her, Swallow, thou that knowest each, Thut bright and fierce and fickle is the South, And dark and true and tender is the North. '0 Swallow, Swallow, if I could follow, and light Upon her lattice, I would pipe and trill, And cheep...
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The New Englander, Volume 7

Criticism - 1849 - 660 pages
...from his ivied nook Glow like a sunbeam." "The violet varies from the lily at far As oak from elm." "O Swallow, Swallow, if I could follow, and light Upon her lattice." So, too, where the second word begins with a weak consonant easily elided in pronunciation. " Fly to...
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Sharpe's London magazine, a journal of entertainment and ..., Volumes 2-3

Anna Maria Hall - 842 pages
...venerable triplet, and do poctieal justice to tho Gothic iron-faetory : — " 0 bright, nnd ficree, and fickle is the South, And dark, and true, and tender is the North." But, as we were saying, the fairics eame down in tho holds, or stowed away on the decks, of sea-dragons...
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The Princess: A Medley

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1848 - 1848 - 186 pages
...upon her gilded eaves, And tell her, tell her what I tell to thee. ' O tell her, Swallow, thou that knowest each, That bright and fierce and fickle is...follow, and light Upon her lattice, I would pipe and thrill, And cheep and twitter twenty million loves. ' O were I thou that she might take me in, And...
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Notes and Queries

Electronic journals - 1896 - 664 pages
...summer o'er the wave, 'But I shall lie alone, mother, within the mouldering grave. ' The May Queen.' О Swallow, Swallow, if I could follow, and light Upon...trill, And cheep and twitter twenty million loves. ' The Princess.' Only the wan wave Swaying the helpless hands, and up and down Tumbling the hollow...
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The Edinburgh Review, Volume 90

English literature - 1849 - 600 pages
...gilded eaves, And tell her, tell her what I tell to thee. ' O tell her, Swallow, thou that knowcst each, That bright and fierce and fickle is the South, And dark and true and tender is the North. ' 0 Swallow, Swallow, if I could follow, and light Upon her lattice, I would pipe and trill, And cheep...
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Eclectic Magazine, and Monthly Edition of the Living Age, Volume 19

John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell - American periodicals - 1850 - 604 pages
...upon her gilded eaves, And tell her, tell her what I tell to thee. "O tell her, Swallow, thou that knowest each, That bright and fierce and fickle is...South, And dark and true and tender is the North. " О Swallow, Swallow, if I could follow, and light Upon her lattice. I would pipe and trill, And cheep...
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Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1851 - 1851 - 300 pages
...upon her gilded eaves, And tell her, tell her what I tell to thee. " O tell her, Swallow, thou that knowest each, That bright and fierce and fickle is...South, And dark and true and tender is the North. " O were I thou that she might take me in, And lay me on her bosom, and her heart Would rock the snowy...
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Poems, Volume 2

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - English poetry - 1851 - 290 pages
...upon her gilded eaves, And tell her, tell her what I tell to thee. " 0 tell her, Swallow, thou that knowest each, That bright and fierce and fickle is...South, And dark and true and tender is the North. " O were I thou that she might take me in, And lay me on her bosom, and her heart Would rock the snowy...
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