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for me-Yet glory and honour to God for ever and ever-for ever and ever-I now have nothing to do but to depart. The world is nothing is nothing-I want to go now-Glory and honour be ascribed to God and the Lamb for ever and ever." Said I, you may expect soon to meet some of your friends who are gone before; "Yes," said she, "I am now going." I then asked whether the fear of death was entirely removed, "Yes, said she, "Glory to God, I mind it no longer. The last interview I had with

Said she to her mother and sister, " O don't be crying around me, for I shall soon be out of a great deal of troubleglory and honour to God for ever and ever; tell all my friends that I am going, and that I have went safe-Oh me, I can't talk-Why, bless the Lord, mother, you ought to be glad you ought all to be glad-yes indeed-yes indeed." Contrary to her expectations she was not taken at that time, but lingered out a few days more than laying on this bed, I have no her was two days before her decease: I doubt but the Lord has finished his work, inquired again whether she was still hapand I am fit to go." Turning to a female py in the Lord, and ready to die. "Yes,"

friend, she said, "O, Margaret! I shall look out for you-I shall hail you thereI should like to see all my friends once more, but I would much rather die now than live, as I am now prepared, and should I live longer I might never be so well prepared again. I am ready, bless God-I shall outride the storms and hurricanes, and shall soon be gone.' A few verses of a hymn were then sung in which she joined. When we sung,

"I gaze on my treasure, and long to be there, With angels my kindred, and Jesus my dear." She cried aloud, "there I shall join with them-I am going from suffering to reward. O glory, glory and honour to God and the Lamb for ever and ever!"

said she, "glory to God, I am not afraid.
Come, Lord Jesus, and come quickly." I
asked her whether she wished me to pray
with her again; she said yes--What do you
want me to pray for, said I. "O," said
she, "pray that the Lord may send and
take me to himself, for I am ready and
waiting and long to go." In this happy
state she continued till her tongue was
silenced by the cold hand of death, but
when she could no longer speak she rais-
ed her hands as in token of victory till
she fell asleep in Jesus. May the Lord
grant that my last hours may be like hers.

Fell's-Point, Baltimore city,
October 10th, 1822.

To the Editors of the Methodist Magazine.


DEAR BRETHREN, By inserting the following short memoir in our Magazine, a number of the friends of the deceased will be edified, and the serious reader may be instructed. L. MYERS.

SARAH H. BLACK, was born in Beau- which a detail might be given. This is fort District, South-Carolina, A. D. 1785, the more to be regretted, as a blank is of industrious and respectable parents. hereby produced on a most interesting They early taught her the fear of the period of life, and in her history perhaps Lord, and she as early embraced those no less so, than her early or better days. instructions with filial submission.

Suffice it to say, she married, and be

About the age of twelve or thirteen, came a mother; and as she was early she was placed by her parents in a res- taught to fear the Lord, so she also pectable female seminary, in the city of taught her children. To the truth of Charleston. She applied herself with this, they with their father, bear amsuch avidity and delight, that she very ple testimony.

quickly attained to a considerable pro- But it was not till within three years ficiency in all the branches of a female of her death, that she became fully education. Having also learned the art awake to a necessity of that change of of self-government, she rendered herself heart, which unites the soul to God agreeable to the aged as well as to the through the Redeemer. When she thus young. Her manners were so amiable discovered her want of this divine princiand engaging, that she became much ple, she sought the Lord with earnestness endeared to her school-mates and ac- of soul. Her heart-felt sorrow became

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manifest, by "strong cries and tears." She could no longer rest deprived of the ordinances of the church of Christ, and therefore anxiously desired the privilege

ronage in Blackswamp circuit.

But she had no sooner fully engaged in the work of evangelical piety and benevolence, than it pleased God to visit

of every means of grace. For although supporter. The cent collection for Mis brought up under the rules of the Pro- sionary purposes having been intro, testant Episcopal Church, there being duced, she was the first who gave it patno congregation of that order that she could attend, she was destitute of its ministrations. In October, 1820, she attended a Camp-Meeting; and there, without any invitation, came forward her with the forerunners of a final sumalone, in the midst of a gazing crowd, mons from time. With the commenceresolutely offered herself to the Lord, ment of this year her affliction progressand requested to be taken into commu- ed with increasing speed. The scene nion with his people. Her application became trying. Among her last friendwas accompanied with such deep con- ly and pious visitors, was John M'Trail, trition, and expressed such Christian worthy local preacher. To him, with courage, that the whole congregation ap- her family, she unfolded her mind, expeared struck with solemn awe. She pressed an unlimited confidence in her was received as a member of the Meth- Redeemer, and complete triumph over odist Episcopal Church. approaching death. Could tears of an


God had provided a better place for her; and on the 18th of March, 1822, he took her to himself.

Continuing instant in prayer, giving afflicted husband and affectionate chilherself unreservedly to her Lord and dren, have snatched her from the jaws Saviour, the love of God was soon shed of death, she would still be alive. But abroad in her heart, and she was enabled to rejoice in hope of the glory of God. The welfare of her family now lay with increased weight upon her heart. The reader may easily gather her She prayed with, as well as for them, character in the different relations of and solemnly dedicated them to her God life, from the foregoing hints, without and their God, in the holy ordinance of repeating them here. We only add, in baptism; and her conduct afterwards her death, the church has lost a useful expressed how much she regarded the member, the poor a kind benefactress, sacred offering. Nor was she unmind- and society in general one of its bright

est ornaments: To her much afflicted husband and children what God alone can repair.

ful of her surrounding neighbours; ac cording to her ability she was engaged in doing good to their bodies and souls. In her the honest poor always found a friend. Rejoicing with those who rejoiced, she also wept with those who and their deposited to rest from care wept. Experimentally knowing the ben- and woe until the morning of the resurefits of the gospel, she was its liberal rection.

She was conveyed to an old family burial place, remote from her residence,



For the Methodist Magazine.
Reflections on the anniversary of a brother's death.
Friendship! Mysterious tie! the circling year
Again calls forth the soul to weep the hand
That struck thy bonds asunder. Yet, wherefore?
Shall we mourn for those who, struggling long
With time's tempestuous billows, at length

Have reach'd that shore where storms can never

Shall we weep for him who, like a fruitful tree,
Flourish'd unfading here, and cheer'd the vale
With heav'nly fragrance, and is gather'd to
A happier clime? Unwither'd by the sun,
His leaf was green; for round his root there flow'd,
Those streams of life which, with unceasing joy,
Make glad the city of our God? But ah!
The winter loiter'd round him; and sudden,

When his fruit was ripe, and faith, and hope
and zeal,

Hung on each bough, and cheer'd the gazer's eye,
The whirlwind came, bore him triumphant
From us, and clouds of death curtain'd him from
Our sight. Yet are we told that on the banks
Of life's fair river, "fast by the throne of God,"
He blooms for ever more. There all is health
And peace. Calm and serene as Autumn's
Setting sun, the hours glide gently by, nor
Fear an end. No pestilential vapour

Wanders o'er those fields, but odours sweet as
From India's groves perfume the heavenly air,
And ever-during verdure spreads around.
Yes, yes, my brother, we shall meet thee there:-
After a little ling'ring moment spent
In toil and pain, with golden pinions we
Shall wing our way unto the realms of light,
And with thee cast our crowns at Jesu's feet!
At Jesu's feet! at that triumphant name I feel
A kindling rapture steal throughout my soul!
Rais'd by his hand, I mount above the world;
Its riches, honours, pleasures, all recede,
And heavenly glories burst upon my sight.
So Stephen, when the malice of his foes
Had thrust him near the tearful gates of death,
Sudden the portals open'd, and the clouds,
Which veil from mortal view the upper world,
Strait roll'd away, and lo! his Saviour's smile
Beam'd on his head, filling his soul with love
E'en to the murd'rous crew; for whom he sigh'd
An earnest prayer, he gently fell asleep.
He too is safe, but I a little space

Must bide the " pelting" of the storms of life.
Short space indeed! E'en now methinks I see
Life's morning flowrets wither in my hand;
My sun has reach'd its noon and now apace
Declines. The shadows of the night gather
O'er all the plain, and in the lonely tomb,
Where David sleeps, I soon shall rest in peace.
A. H.

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Memoir of Miss Elizabeth Hough, of Chilli

Memoir of Mrs. Tamzey Causey,
Memoir of William W. Wilcox,
Memoir of Miss Mary Holiowell,
Memoir of Miss Patty Brooks,





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Memoir of Colonel Burrus,


Jeremy Taylor-Bishop of Down,

Parental duty and responsibility,

Remarks on the "Christian Vade Mecum,"

by Dr. H. Cummings,

Parental duty and responsibility,

Interesting Anecdote,

The devil outwitted,

Anecdote of Judge Marshall,

Experimental Verity,

Original letter of Mr. Wesley,

Extract from Dr. Staughton's Address,

Anecdote of a Pawnee Chief,


Importance of an early and religious educa-


Tract Anecdote,

Sabbath-School Anecdote,

The Power of Music upon the Passions,

The beggar and the tract,

Monitory Hints,

Customs of the Ancient Egyptians,

23 A few hints on the importance of religion,
24 Christ is Jehovah,




62 Address of the Rev. J. Summerfield,

Power of the Word of God; or, the Spiritual

67 The importance of study to a minister of the




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