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Indium.-Mode of preparation, 406; specific gravity, 406;

fusible, 406; when discovered, 406.
INGERSOLL, EBEN C.-Representative from Illinois, 124;
offers a resolution, 143.

Iowa.-Organization of the Legislature, 406; its acts, 406;
amendment of the constitution by striking out the word
"white," 406; railway system of the State, 407; schools,
407; geological survey, 407; Republican Convention,
407; resolutions, 408; Conservative Convention, 408;
resolutions, 408; result of the election, 408; Legislature,

Italy.-Government, 409; area, 409; population, 409; army,
409; commerce, 409; finances, 409; elections, 409; rela-
tions with Austria, 410; letter of Garibaldi, 410; decla-
ration of war, 410; manifesto, 410; treaty of peace, 410;
popular vote in Venetia, 411; opening of Parliament,
412; address of the King, 412; relations with the Church,
412; exiled bishops, 412; letter of Baron Ricasoli, 413;
treaty with France, 414.

Jaffa, American Colony at.-See Messiah, Church of.
Jamaica, Island of-Effect of the riots in England, 417;

Commission of Inquiry, 417; result, 417; speech of

Governor Eyre to the Legislature, 419; Governor Eyre

superseded, 419; the new Governor, 419; steps for a
trial in England, 419.

Japan.-Death of the Tycoon, 414; ratification, 414; suc-

cessor, 414; applies to France for military instruction,
414; civil war, 415; deficient rice crop, 415; fire at Yo-
kohama, 415; convention with the United States, Great
Britain, France, and Holland, 416.

JENKS, WILLIAM.-Birth, 420; pursuits, 420; death, 420.
JOHNSON, ANDREW.-Message on the condition of the South,
131; message on sending constitutional amendment to
States, 195; his veto of second bill amending Freed-
men's Bureau, 213; message on the restoration of Ten-
nessee, 224; veto of the Colorado bill, 285; dispatch to
the postmaster of Connecticut, 254; dispatch to the
mayor of New Orleans, 449-453; letter to General Sheri-
dan, 456; on the trial of Jefferson Davis, 513-517; an-
nual message to Congress, 630; letter to the Governor
of Texas, 743; states his views to Senator Dixon, 748;
do. to colored delegation, 749; do. to a committee of the
Virginia Legislature, 750; do. on February 22d, 751; do.
do. to a Kentucky delegation, 753; tour to Chicago, 758.
JOHNSON, CAVE.-Birth, 420; career, 420; death, 420.
JOHNSON, PHILIP.-Representative from Pennsylvania, 124;
nominates John Chambers for chaplain, 180.
JOHNSON, REVERDY.-Senator from Maryland, 124; on the
exclusion of Southern members, 169; on Stockton's
right to a seat, 229; on the President's power to remove
office-holders, 241-243.

JULIAN, GEORGE W.-Representative from Indiana, 124;
offers a resolution relative to elective franchise, 252.


Kansas.-Meeting of the Legislature, 420; acts, 420; State
debt, 421; public schools, 421; immigration, 421; rail-
road system, 421; mineral wealth, 422; crops, 422; Re-
publican Convention, 422; Democratic Convention, 422;
elections, 423.

KASSON, JOHN H.-Representative from Iowa, 124; offers a
resolution relative to the rights of persons, 148.
KEBLE, JOHN.-Birth, 423; pursuits, 423; death, 428.
KELLEY, WILLIAM D.-Representative from Pennsylvania,
124; seconds nomination for chaplain, 129.

Kentucky.-Quiet in the State, 428; finances, 423; resolu
tions of Union members of the Legislature, 424; Freed-
men's Bureau question, 424; views of the Governor
424; correspondence with General Palmer, 424; feelings
toward the freedmen, 424; Convention of Union sol-
diers, 424; resolutions of Democratic Convention, 425;
Lynch law, 425; robberies of railroad trains, 426; amend-
ment to the Federal Constitution, 426.

KILE, MILTON.-Birth, 427; pursuits, 427; death, 427.
KNIGHT-BRUCE, JAMES L.-Birth, 427; pursuits, 427; death,



LANE, EBENEZER.-Birth, 427; pursuits, 427; death, 427.
LANE, HENRY S.-Senator from Indiana, 124; on the various
plans of reconstruction, 151; on the Civil Rights bill,

LANE, JAMES H.-Senator from Kansas, 124; on admission
of Colorado, 233; birth, 427; career, 427; death, 427.
LATHROP, JOHN II.-Birth, 428; pursuits, 423; death, 423.
LAWRENCE, WILLIAM.-Representative from Ohio, 124;
resolution relative to Jefferson Davis, 289.

LINCOLN, MARY.-Letter on receiving the medal for Mr.

[blocks in formation]

Lippe.-Government, 428; area, 428; population, 428.
Literature and Literary Progress.-Number of works

published, 428; historical works, 429; histories of the
war, 430; Colonial and revolutionary periods, 430;
histories of other countries, 481; ecclesiastical history,
431; theological works, 431; polemic theology, 431;
religious works, 432; natural philosophy, 433; chem-
istry, 433; botany, 433; zoology, 433; palæontology,
433; geography, 433; geology, 434; ethnology, 494;
astronomy, 434; intellectual philosophy, 484; moral
philosophy, 484; ethics, 434; social science, 434;
political economy, 434; mechanical science, 434;
politics, 435; educational works, 435; mathematics,
486; classical literature, 436; legal science, 436;
medical works, 437; essays, 488; poetry, 438; statistics,
439; philology, 439; fine arts, 440; music, 440; novels,
441; juveniles, 441; works of travel, 441; military works,

English literature, 442; history, 442; historical
biography, 448; general biography, 443; politics, 443;
travels, 444; philosophy, 444; antiquarianism, 445;
essays, 445; fiction, 445; poetry, 446.
LONGYEAR, JOHN W.-Representative from Michigan, 124;
offers a resolution on duty of Congress, 149.
Louisiana.-Session of the Legislature, 447; constitutional
amendments considered, 447; acts of Legislature, 447;
veto, 447; Governor's views, 447; debate on the mes
sage, 447; bill passed over the veto, 448; resolutions
sent to President Johnson, 448; oath for electors,
448; city election, 449; dispatch of President John-
son, 449; order of General Canby against the Mayor
of New Orleans, 449; proceedings of the Mayor, 449;
message to the City Council, 449; seats contested, 449;
changes in the government of New Orleans in five years,
449; action of the Legislature on a State convention,
450; origin of the constitution, 450; report of the dele-
gation to Washington, 450; election of parish officers,
451; Radical meeting, 451; speech of Mr. Shannon, 451;
speech of Dr. Dostie, 451; efforts for universal suffrage,
451; public meetings, 451; plan to reconvoke the Conven-
tion, 452; charge of Judge Abell, to the grand jury, 452,
report of the mayor to the President, 453; reply, 458; pro


lamation of Governor Wells, 453; action of the other State
officers, 453; meeting of the Radicals, 453; resolutions,
458; speech of Dr. Dostie, 454; proclamation of the mayor
of New Orleans, 454; meeting of the convention, 454; let-
ter of General Baird, 455; riot in New Orleans, 455; let-
ters of General Sheridan, 456; letter of President John-
son, 456; reply of Sheridan, 456; answer of the Secre-
tary of War, 457; report of the State officers and Mayor,
457; petition of Radicals to Congress, 458; investigation
by Congress, 458; majority report, 458; minority report
458; public schools, 459; crops, 459; floods, 459.
Lubeck.-Government, 459; area, 459; population, 459;
commerce, 459.

Lutherans.-Numbers, 459; synods, 460; convention, 460;
resolutions, 460; report on the state of the country, 461;
other synods, 461; proceedings, 461; fundamental prin-
ciples of doctrines and church polity, 462; church in
Russia, 463.


MAOMASTER, E. D.-Birth, 463; pursuits, 463; death, 463.
Magnesium.-How used, 464; in solutions, 464; alloys, 464;
uses, 465.

MAHONY, FRANCIS.-Birth, 465; pursuits, 465; death, 465.
Maine.-Meeting of the Legislature, 465; views of the Gov-

ernor, 465; finances, 466; debt, 466; schools, 466; mili-
tary organizations, 466; penitentiary, 466; lumber, 466;
railroads, 466; burning of Portland, 467; Republican
Convention, 467; proceedings, 467; Democratic Conven-
tion, 467; elections, 468.

MAPES, JAMES J.-Birth, 468; pursuits, 468; death, 468.
Maryland.-Change of labor system, 463; Legislature, 468;

proceedings, 469; Sunday law, 469; Southern Fair at
Baltimore, 469; receipts and distribution, 469; the
Peabody donation, 469; finances of the State, 469; con-
tributions to the war, 470; extra session of the Legisla
ture, 470; railroad and bank stock, 470; Democratic
Convention, 470; resolutions, 470; Unconditional Union
Convention, 471; resolutions, 471; election, 471; diffi-
culties with the police commissioners, 471, 472; conflict
of Federal and State laws, 472; sale of a freedman, 472;
trial of a white, 472; public education, 478; Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal, and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 473.
Massachusetts.-Organization of the Legislature, 478; views
of the Governor, 473; proceedings of the Legislature,
473; State debt, 478; expenditures, 478; revenue, 473;
educational returns, 474; charitable institutions, 475;
industrial products, 475; savings banks, 475; cod-fish-
ery, 475; militia, 475; constabulary, proceedings of, 476;
liquor law, 476; registration report, 476; mortality, 476;
population, 476; diminishing population, 477; Hoosac
tunnel, 477; Republican Convention, 478; proceedings,
478; National Union Convention, 478; Democratic Con-
vention, 478; election, 479.

MAY, HENRY.-Birth, 479; pursuits, 479; death, 479.
MCCLARY, JOSEPH W.-Representative from Missouri, 124;

offers a resolution, 182; offers resolution relative to the
expenses of the war, 289.

MCDOUGALL, JAMES A.-Senator from California, 124; on
exclusion of Southern members, 180.
MOELLIGOTT, JAMES.-Birth, 479; pursuits, 479; death, 479.
MCKEE, SAMUEL-Representative from Kentucky, 124; on
the bill to relieve officers, 217.

ceedings, 480; points of faith, 480; situation near Jaffa,
Metals.-Some points in the working of, 480; manufacture
of cast steel at Essen, 480; Bessemer process, 481; con-
version of cast iron into steel, 481; new theory of iron
and steel, 481; strengthening of iron, 482; iron foil,
482; preservation of copper and iron in fresh and sea
water, 482; separating cobalt from nickel, 482; ore of
manganese, 483; alloys of manganese, 483; reduction of
chromium and manganese, 483; estimation of silver
oxide as metallic silver, 488; improved process of sep-
arating lead from silver, 483; action of acids upon
metals, 488; action of platinum, etc., on chlorine water,
484; sodium amalgamation process, 484.

Meteoric Iron.-Analysis of, from Colorado, 484.
Meteors and Meteorites.-Unusually brilliant display, 484;
November period, 1865, 484; August period, 1866, 485;
spectra of August meteors, 485; November period, 1866,
485; observations, 486, 487; miscellaneous, 487; mete-
orites, 488.
Methodists.-Episcopal, 488; members, 488; progress of the
church, 489; foreign missions, 489; colleges, 489; Epis-
copal South, 490; losses, 490; chapter of discipline,
490; report on correspondence, 490; do. Protestant
American, 491; convention, 491; proceedings, 491;
American Wesleyans, 491; the question of union, 491;
Primitive Methodists, 491; Free Methodists, 492; Evan-
gelical Association, 492; African Methodists, Episcopal,
492; African Methodists, Episcopal, Zion, 492; in Great
Britain and her colonies, 492.

Metric System, The.-Explanation, 498; basis, 493; unit of
length, 493; do. of measure of surface, 493; do. of solid
measure, 494; do. of liquid measure, 494; do. of weight,
494; act of Congress to authorize the system, 494; meas-
ures of length, 494; do. of surface, 494; do. of weight,
494; other resolutions and acts of Congress, 495; illus-
trations of the system, 496.

Mexico.-Condition of affairs at the opening of the year,
496; military situation at the commencement of 1866,
497; Imperialists in Northern Mexico, 497; military
operations there, 497; do. in Chihuahua, 498; war in the
south, 498; Matamoras, 498; Pacific coast, 498; decline
of Imperialists in the north, 499; civil affairs at the com-
mencement of the year, 499; decision for removal of
the French, 500; change of ministry, 500; perplexing
questions, 501; speech of Maximilian, 501; leaves for
Vera Cruz, 501; offers of the church party, 502; procla-
mation of Maximilian, 502; diplomatic correspondence,
502; special commission from the United States, 508;
letter of General Sheridan, 503; arrest of Ortega, 503;
dispatch of Sheridan to the War Department, 503; mili-
tary situation, 504; Sheridan at Brownsville, 504; Sedg-
wick's occupation of Matamoras, 505; success of Repub-
licans, 505; reorganization of Imperial army, 506; ad-
vance of the country in prosperity, 506; mission of Mr.
Campbell, 506.

Michigan.-Finances of the State, 507; taxes, 507; meeting
of the Republican Convention, 507; do. of the Demo-
cratic, 508; election, 508; who are negroes, etc., 508;
penitentiary, 508; State Reform School, 509; public
schools, 509; colleges, 509; Insane Asylum, 509; wheat
crop, 509; wool do., 510; fruit do., 510; lumber trade,
510; plaster, 510; salt, 510; copper, 510; iron, 510; rail-
roads, 510; ship canal, 510; hanging by a mob, 510; fish
in the lakes, 511.

Mecklenburg-Government, 479; area, 479; population, MIGUEL, DOM MARIA E.-Birth, 511; career, 511; death, 511.

479; army, 479; commerce, 479.

Megass, Preparation of Fuel from.-Its nature, 479; dry-
ing machine, 479.

Messiah, Church of the.-Founder of the sect, 480; his pro-

Military Commissions.-Case of James Egan, 511; case of
Indiana conspirators, 512; decision of the justices, 513;
opinion of the Chief Justice, 513; report of the Secre-
tary of War, 513; do. of the Attorney-General, 513; let-

ter of the President, 513; letter of the Chief Justice,
514; indictment of the grand jury against Jefferson
Davis, 514; application of his counsel, 514; further ap-
plication, 516; report of a committee of the House of
Congress, 516; letter of the President, 517; letter of the
Attorney-General, 517; further correspondence, 518.
MILLER, GEORGE F.-Representative from Pennsylvania,
124; nominates J. W. Jackson for chaplain, 129.
Minnesota.-Finances, 518; valuation of property, 518;
schools and funds, 518; charitable institutions, 518;
views of the Governor on the Constitutional Amend-
ment, 518; Republican Convention, 518; resolutions,
518; Democratic Convention, 519; resolutions, 519;
election, 519; views of the Legislature on Federal rela-
tions, 519; acts passed, 519; crops, 520.
MINTURN, ROBERT B.-Birth, 520; pursuits, 520; death, 520.
Mississippi.-Finances, 520; effect of cotton tax, 520; extra
session of the Legislature called, 520; views of the Gov-
ernor, 520; correspondence with the President, 521;
number of disabled soldiers, 521; State University, 521;
public distress, 521; population in 1866, 521, 522; action
of the Legislature, 522; case of Jefferson Davis, 522;
Constitutional Amendment rejected, 523; manufactures,
523; opinion of the Court of Appeals on the effect of se-
cession, 523.

Missouri.-Views of the Legislature on national affairs, 524;
on frauds at the ballot-box, 524; on the test oath, 524;
disorders in the State, 524; communication of the Gov-
ernor, 524; legality of the new constitution before the
courts, 524; other cases before the courts, 525; arrests
for violation of the Test Oath act, 525; releases, 525;
views of the Governor on the test oath, 525; State elec-
tion, 526; militia organization, 526; finances, 526; taxa-
ble wealth, 526; receipts, 526; debt, 526; railroad in-
terests, 527; the Federal Constitutional Amendment, 527.
MONTEAGLE, THOMAS S.-Birth, 527; pursuits, 527; death,

MOREHEAD, CHARLES.-Birth, 527; pursuits, 527; death, 527.
MOREHEAD, JAMES K.-Representative from Pennsylvania,
124; nominates James Presslers for chaplain, 129.
MOREHEAD, JOHN M.-Birth, 527; public life, 527; death,


MORISON, ALEXANDER-Birth, 527; career, 527; death, 528.
MORRILL, JUSTIN S.-Representative from Vermont, 124;
moves that the House proceed to the election of Speaker,

MORRISON, WILLIAM.-Birth, 528; pursuits, 528; death, 528.
MORSE, ISAAC E.-Birth, 528; pursuits, 528; death, 528.
MUNROE, NATHAN.-Birth, 528; pursuits, 528; death, 528.
MUZZEY, REUBEN D.-Birth, 528; pursuits, 528; death, 528.


Nassau-Area, 529; population, 529; conquered by Prussia,

Navy, United States.-Vessels in commission, 529; seamen

in the service, 529; the European squadron, 529; the
Asiatic squadron, 529; North Atlantic squadron, 529;
Gulf squadron, 529; South Atlantic squadron, 529;
North Pacific squadron, 580; South Pacific squadron,
530; Naval Academy, 530; character of future wars rel-
ative to vessels, 580; changes of a few years, 530; casual-
ties during the war, 530; trip of the Monitor Miantono-
moh, 531; log of, 531; report of Secretary Fox, 531;
burning of the Ironsides, 531; yacht race, 531.
NEALE, JOHN M.-Birth, 531; pursuits, 582; death, 532.
Netherlands.-Government, 532; population, 582; area, 532;

population of cities, 532; army, 532; commerce, 582;
Limburg and Luxemburg, 533; administration of Java,

582; its results, 533; elections, 533; relations to foreign
powers, 584; public works, 534.

Nevada.-Progress, 534; mining, 585; agriculture, 525;
views of the Governor, 535; increase of territory, 535;
elections, 535; export of bullion, 585.

New Hampshire.-Meeting of the Republican State Con-
vention, 535; resolutions, 585; meeting of the Demo-
cratic Convention, 536; resolutions, 536; acts of the
Legislature, 536; tax on U. S. bonds, 537; finances, 587;
public education, 587; Insane Asylum, 537; House of
Reformation, 537; penitentiary, 587; agriculture, 587;
manufactures, 537; elections, 537.

New Jersey.-Finances, 538; colleges, 538; agricultural do.,
538; endowments, 538; increase of population, 588;
Agricultural Society, 538; culture of fruits, 588; insects,
588; geological survey. 539; penitentiary, 589; charita-
ble institutions, 539; Sanitary Commission, 539; claims
against the United States, 589; disabled soldiers, 589;
acts of the Legislature, 539; proclamation of the Gov-
ernor for an extra session, 539; objects, 539; acts, 539;
elections, 539.

New York.-Finances, 540; State debt, 540; taxes, 540;
U. S. deposit fund, 540; canal fund, 540; canal debt,
541; enlarged canals, 541; other improvements, 541;
views of the Governor, 541; action of the Legislature,
541; commerce of the Erie Canal, 541; military organi-
zation, 542; military agencies, 542; schools, 542; nor-
mal do., 542; university convocation, 542; excise law in
New York City, 543; action of the courts, 548; verdict
in the case of Colonel North, tried in 1864, 543; anti-rent
troubles, 543; resolutions of the Legislature on national
affairs, 544; impeachment of Judge Smith, 544; presi-
dential reception by the Senate, 544; prisons, 544; sta-
tistics of State census, 544; cholera, 545; Democratic
Convention, 545; Republican do., 545; right of a Con-
federate officer to vote, 546; elections, 546.

NIBLACK, WILLIAM E.-Representative from Indiana, 124;
offers a resolution to admit Southern members to the
floor, 133.

Nicaragua.-See Central America.

Nitroleum.-Its nature, 546; how produced, 546; action of
flame on it, 547; as a blasting agent, 547; experiments,
547; action, 547; accidental explosions, 548; force for
blasting, 548; restrictions in transportation, 548; plans
to secure safety, 548; how used, 549; to render tempora-
rily non-explosive, 549.
NORTHBROOK, FRANCIS T. B.-Birth, 552; career, 552; death,

North Carolina.—Action of the people on the ordinance of
secession, 549; extra session of the Legislature called, 549;
debt, 549; State assets, 550; valuation of property,
550; act relating to negroes, 530; State banks, 550; re-
port of legislative committee on extinction of their
charters, 550; during the Revolution charters of corpo-
rations, with all other laws, ceased to exist, 550; chari-
table institutions, 551; disabled soldiers, 551; State Con-
vention reassembled, 551; history of affairs, 551; proceed-
ings of the convention, 551; its powers discussed, 551;
constitution revised, 551; rejected by the people, 551;
candidates for Governor, 552; resolutions of parties, 552;
election results, 552; action of the Legislature on the
amendment to the Federal Constitution, 552; conven-
tion of colored persons, 552.

North German Confederation.-See Germany.
NOTT, ELIPHALET.-Birth, 553; career, 553; death, 553.

[ocr errors][merged small]

eral Wm., 554; Strong, Cyrus, 554; Purdy, Elijah F.,

554; Solger, Dr. R., 554; Swann, Dr. R. P., 554; Judah,

Colonel H. M., 554; Robbins, Geo. S., 554; Stevens, Dr.

H. F., 555; Choate, Rufus, 555; Davis, John G., 555;

Morgan, Chris. A., 555; Ottolengin, Mrs. H. R., 555;

Coolidge, Colonel R. H., 555; Hawley, Charles, 555;

Thompson, Oswald, 555; Boorman, James, 555; Heyer,

W. S., 556; Crele, Joseph, 556; Chandler, Thos., 556;

Grier, Wm. P., 556; Elmendorf, Anthony, 556; Hub-

bard, W. B., 556; Roman, André R., 556.

Greene, Mrs. E. C., 557; Burchard, Ely, 557; Sampson,

W. M., 557; Edwards, Jesse, 557; Hinkley, H., 557;

Cary, Robert, 557; Morse, J. E., 557; Murray, J. B.,

557; Hatch, Geo. W., 557; Adams, W. J., 557; Buell,

R. F., 557; Edwards, O., 558; Stinson, Colonel H. M.,

558; Haight, F. M., 558; Parmenter, W., 558; Brown-

ing, Colonel W. A., 558; Ord, Geo., 558; Bean, B. M.,

Lynn, Robert, 558; Jayne, Dr. D., 558; Bowers, Colo-

nel, T., 558; Gordon, J., 559; Dallas, P. M., 559; Frost,

Dr. H. B., 559; Haven, Luther, 559; Trotter, J. F.,

559; Doubleday, U. F., 559; Ohle, Wm., 559; Moore, M.,

559; Schmidt, F., 560; Carrié, R. V., 560; Wright, W.,

560; Willard, F. A., 560; Petriken, B. R., 560; Robinson,

Henry, 560; Russel, Israel, 560; Vreeland, B., 560;
Elliott, Stephen, 561; Parker, S., 561; Brick, E., 561;
Jackson, J. J., 561; Chambers, Geo., 561; Loomis, L.,
561; Swan, B. L., 561; Thibodeaux, B. G., 561; Galtier,
561; Taylor, J., 561.

Harding, C., 561; Watson, General H. P., 561; Harris,

Major A., 562; Ford, J. E., 562; Delaney, M. G., 562;

Thornton, General W. A., 562; Downing, Thos., 562;

Jones, M. P., 562; Van Buren, General J. L., 562; Stone,

C., 563; Tuttle, S. L., 568; Nye, Ezra, 563; Thompson,

L. P., 568; Warriner, Francis, 563; Ewing, W. B., 563;

Adams, J. R., 563; Gilbert, Mrs. John, 564; Austin, C.

L, 564; Kelly, J., 564; Clapp, W. W., 564; Tenner, E.

D., 564.

Hutchings, W., 564; Kirkpatrick, J., 564; Daily, W.,

564; Brown, T., W., 564; Bardwell, H., 564; Kennedy,

S., 564; Morey, Geo., 564; Wasson, J. D., 564; Bastine,

M. A., 565; Clapp, Theo, 565; Bacon, D. S., 565; Pig-

gat, J., 565; Cook, L., 565; Griffin, J. O. A., 565; Cox,

H. G., 565; Slack, E., 566; Waite, Carlos, 566.

Fletcher, C., 566; Studdiford, P. O., 566; Yeatis, Miss

C., 566; Peck, E., 567; Patten, W. S., 567; Odell, M. F.,

567; Codding, Ichabod, 567; Merrick, J. L., 567; Rea,

Mrs., 568; Eisenuth, B., 568; Barrett, S., 568; Kennard,

J. H., 568; Cooke, J. H., 568.

Avery, E., 568; Parham, W. A., 568; Bruce, George,

568; Maloney, G., 569; Toulmin, T. L., 569; Childs,

S. D., 569; Grier, J. M., 569; Roy, D. W., 569; Hoyt,

N., 570; Bloodgood, S. De, 570; Donelan, J. P., 570;

Dutton, T. R., 570; Woodhull, C. S., 570; Velger, H.,

570; Calhoun, J. T., 570; Grover, J., 570; Richmond,

J. C., 570; Jones, N., 571; Thorn, J. S., 571; White,

Thos., 571; Morgan, Gen. George, 571; Taylor, F. W.,

571; Hayward, J., 572; Smith, Gen. M. L., 572.

Pangborn, H. H., 572; Simpson, J. W., 572; Beale,

J. M. H., 572; Newman, W. P., 572; Rutherford, J., 572;

Pierson, T. B., 572; Russell, Geo. R., 572; Dostie, A. P.,

572; Horton, J. W., 572; Butterfield, M,, 578; Stephens,

J., 578; Brannun, W. P., 578; Viti, Vito, 573; Tracy, W. R.,

578; Willard, C. T., 573; Grosvenor, D. A., 578; Plymp-

ton, P. W. L., 578; Wright, W., 573; Holtzman, W. F.,

573; Rutherford, J. C., 578; Carder, J. D., 578; Draper,

Miss C., 574; Tompkins, J., 574; Kimball, W., 574;

Weydemeyer, Col. J., 574; Nagle, Gen. J., 574; White,

F. C., 574; McElhone, J. F., 575; Fitzgerald, F., 575;

Howell, I. P., 575; Craider, F., 575; Robinson, J. J.,

575; Wade, E., 575; Burnham, Col. J. C., 575; Marlay,

M., 575; Wallace, R., 575; Baldwin, M. W., 575; Ran-

dall, J., 575; Sage, O., 576; Orme, Gen. W. W., 576;

Walker, A., 576; Caldwell, Geo. A., 576; Wright, E. W.,

576; Peaselee, Gen. C. H., 576; Hanson, Mrs. J. T., 576;

Scripps, J. L, 576; Wilder, D., 577; Dimsdale, T. J.,

577; Moore, J., 577; Steele, J. B., 577; Josephs, 8., 577;

Schuyler, Thos., 577; Snow, George M., 577; Gibson,

Dr. L., 577; Alexander, C., 578; Spaulding, Miss A., 578.

Burnett, H. C., 578; Happersett, R., 578; Culver, J. D.,

578; Kingsbury, Col. Chas., 578; Dickens, A. N., 578;

Osband, Gen. D. E., 578; Rarey, J. S., 578; Baldwin,

S. D., 579; Brainard, Dr. D., 579; Ihrie, Col. C. J., 579;

Clark, J., 579; Cook, Chas., 579; Fowler,-, 579; Barrow,

W., 579; Travis, R., 579; Barry, Col. S., 579; Beecher,

J. S., 579; Ansorge, Chas., 579; Colby, Chas. G., 580;

Cobb, Sylvanus, 580; Lacey, W. B., 580; Tripp, C. N.,

Vickers, Thos., 580; Coyle, W. H., 581; Gentry, M. P.,

581; Burr, Wm., 581; Gillette, T. P., 581; Whittlesey,

W. A., 581; Ewen, Mrs. M. T., 581; Beale, Major R.,

581; Willson, H. V., 581; Freeman, W. G., 581; Lewis,

W. B., 581; Carpenter, D., 582; White, C. C., 582; Porter,

John F., 582; Roussilon, E., 582; Wheelock, M. G., 582;

Walker, W. M., 582; Brewster, J., 582; Forrest, M., 588;
Brevoort, A., 583; Thomas, J., 583; Auld, J. B., 588; Fry,
Jacob, 588; Servoss, T. L., 583; Bronson, Asa, 583; Hale,
Mrs. S. P., 588.

Perkins, -, 588; Hawes, Miss C. P., 583; Minot, Chas.,
588; Paschall, N., 584; Chauncey, P. S., 584; Holliday,

W. A., 584; Hoyt, James, 584; Vethake, H., 584; Brown,

F. H., 584; Fetherman, W. J., 584; Grammond, George

W., 584; Forrest, French, 585; Wilson, H., 585; Peck,

L. B., 585; Sawyer, R. M., 585; Pomeroy, Benjamin,

585; Scranton, E. C., 585; Perkins, J. M., 586; Albro,

-, 586; Semple, Gen. J., 586.

Obituaries, European.-Desmichels, M., 586; Newton, Mrs.

A. M., 586; Parchappe. C. J. B., 586; Ponchard, J. F. A.,

587; Montague, J. F. C., 587; Zamoyski, Count, 587;

Brooke, G. V., 587; Palmer, G. H., 587; Wellesley, H.,

587; Woolley, J., 587; Ankeswald, R., 587; Clarke, Miss

H. L., 588; Maitland, S. R., 588; Oddone, Prince, 588;

Peacock, T. L., 588; Bréhat, A. G., 588; Dargand, J. M.,


Foucher, V., 588; Cooper, Com. R., 588; Addison,

C. G., 588; Spottswoode, A., 588; Thompson, J., 588;

Wood, J. P., 588; Donoughmore, R. H. H., 589; Havi-

land, Thos. F., 589; Sykes, Godfrey, 589; Lee, J., 589;

Halacz, 569; Ruckert, F., 589.

Massey, Mrs. R. J., 590; Jusuf, Gen., 590; Cooper,

C. H., 590; Wares, M., 590; Edwardes, R., 590; Tosti,

A., 590; Ferdinand, H. F., 590; Thornton, T., 590;

Langlais, M., 590.

Hillier, George, 591; Griffin, H., 591; Hodgkins, T.,

591; Babington, B. G., 591; Moltke, A. W., 591; Ryland,

J. E., 591; Seymour, E. J., 591; Reynolds, J., 591; Bake-

well, Mrs. J., 592; Huffield, Dr. H., 592; Rivers, Geo. P..

592; Dixon, J., 592; Malitourne, M., 592.

Worsley, P. S., 592; Courthope, W., 592; Harvey, W.

H., 592; Craigie, Dr. D., 593; Robinson, H. H., 593;

Mills, J., 593; Condé, Prince, 593; Etheridge, Dr., 593;

Brofferis, M. A., 593; Kamamala, V., 593; Bowles, J.,

593; Vernon, Geo. J. W., 598; Belcher, J., 598; Dell, J.,

593; Desportes, M., 593; Flocon, F., 594; Guernon, R.,

594; Nuñez, Admiral, 594.

Kinnear, Mrs. B., 594; Berwick, W., 594; Méry, J..

594; Jackson, H., 594; Garrett, R., 594; Willson, R. W

595; Leeds, W. H., 595; Trulet, M., 595.

Toynbee, Dr. J., 595; Denver, C., 595; Carpenter

W. H., 595; Howard, F., 595; Spencer, George T., 595

Delf, T., 595; Batcheldor, T., 596; Nicholson, J., 596;
Northumberland, Duchess, 596; Hastings, C., 596; Mars,
V., 596; Martin, E., 596; Maynard, S., 596; Suriwongs,
P. M., 596.

Camden, George C. P., 596; Hohenzollern, Prince,
597; Grover, H. M., 597; Alcock, T., 597; Michell, Gen.
J., 597; Kubosama, 597; Murat, Theo., 597.

Francillon, J., 597; Maclaren, Chas., 597; Hay, D. R.,
597; Mouravieff, Gen. N., 598; Halliday, C., 59S; Shen-
ton, H. C., 598; Willoughby, J. P., 598; Dillon, J. B.,
598; Melier, M., 598; Featherstonaugh, G. W., 599;
Dunbar, D., 599; Goldschmidt, H., 599; Sadlier, E., 599.
Turgot, L. F. E., 599; Hobbs, W. F., 599; Sidney,
W. R., 599; Lowe, J., 599; Pellew, George, 599; Siebold,
P. F., 600; Robinson, G. A., 600; Hopkins, W., 600;
Wrench, Miss M., 600; Plunkett, T. S., 600; Conquest,
J. T., 600; Dorion, E., 600; Spence, B. E., 600; Francis
G. H., 600.

Barker, B., 601; Holland, Lady S., 601; Collingwood,
R. G. A., 601; Parker, Admiral, 601; Shirley, W. W.,
601; Chevalier, S. P., 601; Barante, A. G. P., 602.

Cotton, W., 602; Everest, Geo., 602; Hincks, E., 602;
Frère, J. H., 602; Meath, J. C., 602; Robertson, J., 602;
Monroe, E., 603; Hind, J., 603; Gilbert, Mrs. A., 603;
Bick, R., 603; Figanière, J. C., 603; Frank, M., 603.
Ohio.-Prosperity, 603; assembling of the Democratic Con-
vention, 603; resolutions, 603; Republican Convention,
603; resolutions, 603; results of the election, 604; val-
uation of property, 604; taxes, 604; finances, 604; debt,
604; agricultural products, 604; wool, 604; live-stock,
604; population of cities, 604; new buildings erected,
604; marriages, 604; mortgages, 604; charitable institu-
tions, 605; the State Reform farm, 605.
Oldenburg.-Government, 603; area, 605; population, 605;
commerce, 605; joins the Confederation, 605.
O'NEILL, CHARLES.--Representative from Pennsylvania, 124;
nominates Thomas B. Stockton for chaplain, 123.
Oregon.-Election of State officers, 605; acts of the Legisla-
ture, 605; constitutional amendment, 605; Central Rail-
road, 606; surplus crops, 606.

OUSELEY, WILLIAM G.-Birth, 606; pursuits, 606; death,


Paraguay.-roverument, 607; area, 607; population, 607;
railroads, 007; alliances against Paraguay, 607; terms,
607; allied armies, 608; Paraguayan army, 609; military
operations, 609-611.

PARISIS, PIERRE LOUIS.-Birth, 611; pursuits, 611; death,


PASSMORE, J. C.-Birth, 612; pursuits, 612; death, 612.
Pennsylvania.-Meeting of the Legislature, 612; acts pass-

ed, 612; resolution on the Civil Rights bill, 612; dis-
franchising deserters, 612; Democratic Convention, 613;
resolutions, 613; Republican Convention, 613; resolu-
tions, 613; mass convention, 614; resolutions, 614;
finances, 614; debt, 614; school system, 614; appropria-
tions, 614; report of superintendent, 614; elections, 615.
Peru.-Government, 615; area, 615; population, 615; army,
615; navy, 615; commerce, 615; alliance with Chili,
615; operations of the Spaniards, 615; fortifications at
Callao, 615; attack by the Spanish fleet, 615; repulse,
616; Peruvian admiral, 616; reform movements, 616;
insurrectionary movements, 617; election, 617.
Photography, Chromo.-Experiments, 617; theory of Helm-
holz confirmed, 617; experiments of St. Victor, 617.
PIERPONT, JOHN.-Birth, 617; career, 617; death, 617.
PISE, CHARLES C.-Birth, 618; pursuits, 618; death, 618.
POLAND, LUKE P.-Senator from Vermont, 124; relative to

Stockton's right to a seat, 230; on the President's power
to remove office-holders, 246.
POMEROY, SAMUEL C.-Senator from Kansas, 124; on admis-
sion of Colorado, 282.

PORTER, JOHN A.-Birth, 618; pursuits, 618; death, 618.
PORTER, NOAH.-Birth, 619; pursuits, 619; death, 619.
Portugal.-Government, 619; area, 619; population, 619;

possessions, 619; finances, 619; army, 619; navy, 619;

Spanish insurrection, 619.

POWELL, W. BYRD.-Birth, 620; career, 620; death, 620.
Presbyterians.-Old School, 621; numbers, 621; session of
the General Assembly, 621; organization, 621; Louis-
ville Presbytery, 621; action of the Assembly respecting
signers of the "declaration and testimony," 622; Mis-
souri Synod, 622; meeting of dissentients at St. Louis,
622; statement of doctrines, principles, and policy, 622;
presbyteries elsewhere, 623. New School Presbyterians,
623; numbers, 623; session of the General Assembly, 623;
view of national affairs, 623; fraternization, 623. United
Presbyterians: numbers, 624; contributions, 624; ses-
sion of the General Assembly, 624; proceedings, 624.
Cumberland Presbyterians, 624; meeting of the Assem
bly, 624. Southern Presbyterians: Session of the Gen-
eral Assembly, 624; new book of discipline, 624; other
proceedings, 624; committee to confer with Cumber
land Presbyterians, 625; report on education, 625. As-
sociate Reformed, 625; numbers, 625; Presbyterians in
Great Britain, 625; Presbyterians in British Colonies,

PRICE, HIRAM.-Representative from Iowa, 124; nominates
B. H. Nadal for chaplain, 129; offers a resolution, 143.
Prussia.-Government, 626; area, 626; religion of the pop-
ulation, 626; revenues, 626; army, 626; navy, 626; diffi
culties with Austria, 626; negotiations, 626; war, 626;
aggrandizement of Prussia, 626; demand of France, 626;
secret treaties, 627; conflict between the Government
and people, €27; royal speech, 627; action of the Cham-
ber of Deputies, 627; dissolved, 628; new election, 628;
royal speech, 628; action of the new chambers, 628; re-
sults of the war, 628; map of Prussia, 629.
Public Documents.-President's Message at the second ses-
sion of the Thirty-ninth Congress, 630; veto of the act
to establish a bureau for the relief of freedmen, refugees,
and abandoned lands, 635; Civil Rights bill, 638; veto
of, 640; majority report of the joint committee on re-
construction to the two Houses of Congress, 643; mi-
nority report of the joint committee on reconstruction to
the two Houses of Congress, 650; an act for the union
of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and the
government thereof, as passed by the British Parlia
ment, 657.


RANDALL, SAMUEL J.-Representative from Pennsylvania,
124; offers a resolution on the payment of the public
debt, 130.
RAYMOND, HENRY J.-Representative from New York, 124;
presents a constitutional question, 140; on representa-
tion and taxation, 147; on Tennessee members, 223;
offers resolution relative to Jefferson Davis, 240.
Reconstruction.-Committee in Congress, 140.
Reed Instruments.-First application of a tongue of metal
to musical sounds, 666; the eolodican, 666; the accor
deon, 666; changes, 666; the melodeon, 666; curving
the reeds, 666; difficulty in regard to tones, 667; ex-
periments, 667; octave coupler, 667; stops, 668.
Reformed Churches.-Reformed Dutch, 668; synods, 668;
numbers, 668; missions, 668; resolutions on the change
of the official name of the Church 668; German Re-

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