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3. And here and there a twinkling port, reflected on the deep,

In many a wavy shadow showed their sullen guns asleep. Sleep on, ye bloody hireling crew! In careless slumber lie! The trench is growing broad and deep, the breast-work broad and high.

No striplings we, but bear the arms that held the French in check,

The drum that beat in Louisburg and thundered in Quebec!

4. See how the morn is breaking! the red is in the sky; The mist is creeping from the stream that floats in silence by ; The Lively's hull looms through the fog, and they our works have spied,

For the ruddy flash and round-shot part in thunder from her


And the Falcon and the Cerberus make every bosom thrill, With gun and shell and drum and bell and boatswain's whistle shrill;

But deep and wider grows the trench as spade and mattock


For we have to cope with fearful odds, and the time is drawing


5. Up with the pine-tree banner! Our gallant Prescott.


Amid the plunging shell and shot, and plants it with his


Up with the shout, for Putnam comes upon his reeking bay, With bloody spur and foaming bit, in haste to join the fray; And Pomeroy, with his snow-white hairs, and face all flush and sweat,

Unscathed by French and Indian, wears a youthful glory yet.

6. Hark! from the town a trumpet! The barges at the wharf

Are crowded with the living freight, and now they're pushing


With clash and glitter, trump and drum, in all its bright


Behold the splendid sacrifice move slowly o'er the bay!

And still and still the barges fill, and still across the deep, Like thunder-clouds along the sky, the hostile transports


7. And now they're forming at the Point, and now the lines advance;

We see beneath the sultry sun their polished bayonets glance; We hear anear the throbbing drum, the bugle challenge


Quick bursts and loud the flashing cloud, and rolls from wing to wing;

But on the height our bulwark stands, tremendous in its


As sullen as a tropic sky, and silent as a tomb!

And so we waited till we saw, at scarce ten rifles' length,

The old vindictive Saxon spite in all its stubborn strength; When sudden, flash on flash, around the jagged ramparts, burst

From every gun the livid light, upon the foe accursed!

8. Then quailed a monarch's might before a free-born people's ire;

Then drank the sword the veteran's life, where swept the yeoman's fire;

Then, staggered by the shot, we saw their serried columns


And fall, as falls the bearded grain beneath the reaper's


And then arose a mighty shout, that might have waked the dead,

"Hurrah! they run -the field is won! Hurrah! the foe

is fled!"

And every man has dropped his gun to catch his neighbor's hand,

As his heart kept praying all the time for home and native


9. Thrice on that day we stood the shock of thrice ten

thousand foes,

And thrice that day within our lines the shout of victory


And though our swift fire slackened then, and, reddening in the skies,

We saw from Charlestown's roofs and walls the flaming columns rise,

Yet while we had a cartridge left, we still maintained the


Nor gained the foe one foot of ground upon that bloodstained height.

10. What though for us no laurels bloom, and o'er the

nameless brave

No sculptured trophy, scroll, nor hatch records a warrior's grave?

What though the day to us was lost? Upon the deathless


The everlasting charter stands, for every land and age!

For man hath broke his felon bonds and cast them in the


And claimed his heritage divine, and justified his trust;

While through his rifted prison-bars the hues of freedom


O'er every nation, race, and clime, on every sea and shore, Such glories as the patriarch viewed, when, 'mid the darkest


He saw above the ruined world the bow of promise rise!


Where was this battle fought? Point out the locality on the map. Upon what water did the "barges" float? In what "town" was the "trumpet" blown? To what town did the "wharf" belong? On which side of the water was the "Point"? Who were carried in the barges? [Let the pupil get a clear idea of the relative position of Boston and Charlestown, and also of all the monuments mentioned. This selection is admirably adapted to thorough analysis and questioning.]


1. The ordinance, with the same knowledge of the future that characterizes a former objection, tells you that the proceeds of the tax will be unconstitutionally applied. If this could be ascertained with certainty, the objection would, with more propriety, be reserved for the law applying the proceeds, but surely cannot be urged against the laws levying the duty.

2. These are the allegations contained in the ordinance. Examine them seriously, my fellow-citizens-judge for yourselves. I appeal to you to determine whether they are so clear, so convincing, as to leave no doubt of their correctness; and, even if you should come to this conclusion, how far they justify the reckless, destructive course which you are directed to pursue. Review these objections, and the conclusions drawn from them, once more. What are they? Every law,

then, for raising revenue, according to the South Carolina ordinance, may be rightfully annulled, unless it be so framed as no law ever will or can be framed. Congress has a right to pass laws for raising revenue, and each state has a right to oppose their execution,-two rights directly opposed to each other; and yet, is this absurdity supposed to be contained in an instrument drawn for the express purpose of avoiding collision between the states and the general government, by an assembly of the most enlightened statesmen and purest patriots ever embodied for a similar purpose.

3. In vain have these sages declared that Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises,-in vain have they provided that they shall have power to pass laws which shall be necessary and proper to carry those powers into execution, that those laws and that constitution shall be the "supreme law of the land; and that the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding." In vain have the people of the several states solemnly sanctioned these provisions, made them their paramount law, and individually sworn to support them whenever they were called on to execute any office.

4. Vain provisions! ineffectual restrictions! vile profanation of oaths! miserable mockery of legislation! if a bare majority of voters in any one state may, on a real or supposed knowledge of the intent with which a law has been passed, declare themselves free from its operation,—say here it gives too little, there too much, and operates unequally,here it suffers articles to be free that ought to be taxed; there it taxes those that ought to be free,—in this case the proceeds are intended to be applied to purposes which we do not approve, in that the amount raised is more than is wanted. Congress, it is true, is invested by the constitution

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