The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Volume 43

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Page 749 - Now, therefore, be it known that I, JAMES BUCHANAN, President of the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set
Page 587 - of the United States, the President is invested with certain important political powers, in the exercise of which he is to use his own discretion, and is accountable only to his country in his political character, and to his own conscience. To aid him in
Page 205 - resembles two or more enumerated articles, on which different rates of duty are chargeable, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on such non enumerated article, the same rate of duty as is chargeable on the article it resembles paying the highest rate of duty ; and on all articles manufactured from two or
Page 586 - called the Secretary of the Navy, whose duty it shall be to execute such orders as he shall receive from the President relative to the procurement of naval stores and materials, and the construction, armament, equipment, and employment of vessels of war, as well as all other matters connected with the naval establishment
Page 586 - relative to the procurement of naval stores and materials, and the construction, armament, equipment, and employment of vessels of war, as well as all other matters connected with the naval establishment of the United States.
Page 205 - every non-enumerated article which bears a similitude either in material, quality, texture, or the use to which it may be applied, to any enumerated article chargeable with duty, the same rate of

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