THE EXECUTIVE POWER IN THE UNITED STATES: A STUDY OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. BY ADOLPHE DE CHAMBRUN. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL FRENCH BY MRS. MADELEINE VINTON DAHLGREN. Votes cannot INSURE equal rights to all. Taxes are, or should be, paid to support the institutions LANCASTER, PA. INQUIRER PRINTING And publisHING COMPANY. P Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by Lancaster, Pa. INQUIRER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, PREFACE. IT will be generally conceded that the most profound ERRATA. Preface, p. 1, line 14, for "have" read "prove;" line 15, for "experiments" read "experiment." Chapter II., page 52, line 8, for "Russa" read "Russia." P. 127, line 12, interpolate the between "executive" and "preponderating." P. 176, line 14, for ca ira read ça ira. P. 7, Opinions of the Press, line 30, for "open" read "pen." the fact that many of the characteristics and tendencies of a nation are better understood and appreciated by foreigners than by native citizens. The foreign student has an advantage in the stand-point from which he makes his observation. He studies the institutions from a distance, and is able to measure them by other standards with less bias, perhaps, than those whose opinions have become a part of the public thought of |