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bly, without any uncomfortable con-
straint or impediment to exercise. To
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evident Improvement in the Figure,
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cursion of Pulmonary diseases; whilst
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luable, as it opens the Chest and affords
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Carvers. 6s. 6d. pr. 7s. 6d.


4-inch Balance-handle, largest and best made..
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The following sample package is recommended to Families who wish, previous to purchasing their usual supply of Teas, Coffees, &c., to sample and prove the superior excellence of the goods sold by DAKIN & COMPY., and it will be forwarded to the country, CARRIAGE FREE, on receipt of a post-office order for the 2, the 3d. being allowed as the cost of the post-office order.

3 lbs. Finest True Rich Congou Tea
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IN 60 IMPERIAL 4TO. MAPS, each Map is accompanied by two large pages of Geographical, Historical, Commercial, and descriptive letter-press, the whole being equal to 720 pages of an 8vo. volume; and the Work is rendered complete by the valuable and copious Consulting Alphabetical Gazetteer Index of nearly 50,000 Names of Places figured in the Maps, with their Latitudes and Longitudes, and the number of the Map in which each place is to be found.

THE universal approbation bestowed upon this Atlas of the World, has induced the Proprietor to prepare a new and improved edition. The letterpress, by Robert Mudie, Esq., has been carefully examined, and the Maps have undergone thorough revision.

Two new features have been added :—The divisional Maps of the Continents, each have a scale to show the lineal dimensions of the respective countries in contrast with England, exhibiting the difference in their respective sizes. The Maps also have the Points of the Compass, within the circle of which is introduced a miniature Map of the quarter of the globe in which the country is situated, showing at a glance the position & area each particular empire or state occupies in comparison with the continent to which it belongs. AN ADDITIONAL FEATURE IS, THAT ALL THE RAILWAYS IN OPERATION OR IN PROGRESS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, ARE INSERTED.


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It is, without presumption, confidently anticipated that the present edition of this unique, elegant, and highly esteemed work will add to its reputation, and command an extensive and permanently increasing sale. In half-bound Turkey morocco, gilt edges, patent bindingtaining the whole of the letter-press, the Sixty Maps full coloured, and Alphabetical Index of nearly 50,000 Places. For the convenience of those who may prefer to take the whole in a periodical form, it may be purchased in Monthly Parts at 1s. 6d.

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"Words following words in long succession, however ably selected those words may be, can never convey so distinct an idea of the visible forms of the earth as the first glance of a good Atlas. Of all contrivances hitherto devised for the benefit of geography, this is the most effective. In the extent and variety of its resources, in rapidity of utterance, in the copiousness and completeness of the information it communicates, in precision, conciseness, perspicuity, in the hold it has upon the memory, in vividness of imagery and power of expression, in convenience of reference, in portability, in the happy combination of so many and such useful qualities, this Atlas has no rival."

"In the letter-press there is a comprehensive grasp of the subject, that is very striking, especially in our literature, which is singularly barren in this class of research. The physical features which mark the true face of countries, are traced with a master hand; and they are valuable contributions to our geographical knowledge. Popular instruction is never lost sight of, and the work is equally to be prized as a book of systematic study and ready reference."

"The Maps are very neatly executed, & of convenient size."-- Athenæum. "A valuable and cheap Atlas, with very elaborate letter-press."-Literary Gazette.

OF all the furnishings requisite for a family, one of the most valuable is an Atlas of the World, on a scale sufficiently large for displaying the great distinguishing points of every country.

Such is the importance of studying correctly a good Atlas of the World, that, independently of the characters of the earth itself, no one is properly qualified for acting his part well in the common business of life, and no one is capable of duly appreciating the value of history, enjoying a book of travels, or of talking like a rational being about those countless foreign substances which are now met with as the materials of articles of use or ornament in almost every house within these kingdoms, without consulting an Atlas with Geographical, Historical, Commercial, and Descriptive Letter-press.

If all persons could once be led to this, it is incalculable to conceive how much more delightful it would make the world we live in; because it would enable us to live mentally, and in our mental life consists our real enjoyment of all the world at once. Thus, for instances, we should be enabled to drink our coffee in the groves of Yemen, with turbaned Arabs and loaded camels around us; and, under that balmy sky, we could look across the Red Sea, where there is in one place an assemblage of worm-built reefs, extending line upon line, and white with the foam produced by an angry wind; and in another place reeking with the steam of volcanic fires, while the bottom is as gay as a garden with the vegetation of the deep, and the waters are literally encumbered with living creatures. So might we drink our tea in some fantastic alcove of a Chinese mandarin, and enjoy the characters of that most singular country, which has remained changeless for hundreds of years. We should never taste the stimulating flavour of cinnamon without being borne in thought to Ceylon, with its rich fields of rice; its beautiful copses, which furnish this exhilarating spice; its tangled and swampy woods, with their herds of gigantic elephants; its more dry and inland forests, peopled with countless thousands of apes, which make the early morn hideous with their cries. So also we should never taste a clove or a nutmeg, without being wafted to the spicy islands of the Oriental Archipelago, where all is the vigour of growth and beauty, and the richness of perfume.

But we must stop, for there is no end to the catalogue, and it is an exhibition of which we must not see too much at a passing glance, lest it should wile us from our proper purpose. And we have mentioned these few particulars merely to let those who are yet in ignorance of the subject know how well the world is worth our studying; how richly the earth which we inhabit has been endowed by its bountiful Maker; how full the feast which it affords to all; and yet how varied, how free from surfeiting, how healthful.

Now, as we have already said, not only might, but should, every commodity of every region transport us to that region, and make it render up to our enjoyment all that it possesses; but an Atlas of the World, which has been duly studied, brings the whole before us the moment we glance at it; for in proportion to the extent of our knowledge will be the extent of the reminiscence which this most powerful talisman will conjure up. Truly, it is magic,-but it is magic of nature's exhibiting; the effect of infinite wisdom and goodness, without deception, without anything to mislead, and with everything to inform the head and soften the heart.

As we look intellectually upon the Atlas, the whole of the human race, from Adam downwards, rise in succession to our view; and every event, pictured to itself, stands out as fresh and as forcible in its colours as if it were before our mortal eyes.

Let the knowledge be once fairly acquired, whether it be limited or extended, if it be properly applied to the Atlas, the Atlas will render it up more briefly and clearly than it would be rendered up by any other means. The extent and the readiness of this memorial or suggestive power, in the Atlas, will astonish those who have not been in the habit of using it.

It is the same with every art which mankind have practised, and every science which they have studied. If we are once in possession of the knowledge, and have had the Atlas in juxtaposition with us in the study of it, the Atlas will not suffer us to forget it, but will faithfully bring to our recollection everything that has transpired.

On a great scale, there is no artificial memory half so good for this purpose as an Atlas of the World. It must, however, be borne in mind, that the Atlas is only the casket, and not the jewels of knowledge; but then it is a casket so perfect, and so permanent in its arrangement, especially when accompanied by descriptive letterpress like "Gilbert's Modern Atlas,") that every jewel which can be put into it is found the very instant that we require it. Every family, therefore, should have an Atlas of the World, as large and as good as their circumstances will admit, and, besides the pleasure of its possession, it will insure them its value manifold in the inIstruction of both old and young.

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