remarks of, on the war taxes - 1134 olution respecting the calamitous 588 amendments concurred in - 1614 bill signed by the Speaker 1615 Fire at Richmond, Mr. Dawson submitted a res- signed by the President of the United States 1616 injunction of secrecy thereon removed 1617 unanimously adopted 589 a disagreement to the amendments report- report of the conferees ordered to lie on the 1532 the House receded from their disagreement, 1535 Infirm and Superannuated Officers, &c., Mr. Dawson submitted a resolution respecting 356 ordered to a third reading 1491 695 - 1033 read a third time question on its passage lost 1036 1038 on the joint resolution for a recess 1314, 1337 on the bill relating to the Corps of Engi- Von the petitions for repeal of the embargo - Landais, Peter, Mr. Paulding presented a peti- an adverse report thereon, concurred in 1219 1228 1421 - 1577 - 566 1216 speech of, on the bill for authorizing As- sistant Secretaries of War on the repeal of the embargo Joint Rules and Orders, Mr. Williams submitted an amendment to the disagreed to Judges of the United States, a bill from the Sen- ate respecting the - twice read, and committed Judicial System, on motion of Mr. Gold a com- mittee was appointed to inquire into the |