THE CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER.. No. 25.] JANUARY, 1821. DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND CONCERNING GOOD WORKS. THE length to which several questions unexpectedly extended, prevented us from concluding our re. marks upon the Homilies and the Necessary Erudition, in the last Number of our publication; and we are consequently reduced to the disagreeable necessity of beginning a new year with an old subject. The only apology which we have to offer for this breach of literary etiquette must be found in the evidence which we are now to bring forward, respecting the real doctrines of the English Church. It has appeared already, that the Ho milies do not teach individual Predestination; or reprobation; or the consummate depravity of human nature, or Calvinistic regeneration: and it has further appeared that their definitions of Faith, Free-will, and Justification, do not materially differ from what was written upon those subjects probably by Cranmer, in the reign of Henry VIII. and has been denounced as Popish and Semi-popish, by the Calvinist and Semi-calvinist. It remains to inquire into the doctrines of the Church respecting good works, and final perseverance. There is a chapter upon the former in the Necessary Erudition; from which we submit the following extracts to the consideration of the reader. "And whereas we speak of Good Works, it is to be understood, that we REMEMBRANCER, No, 25. [VOL. III. mean not only of outward corporal acts and deeds, but also and rather of all inward spiritual works, motions, and desires; as the love and fear of God, joy in God, humility, and such like. And also it is to godly meditations and thoughts, patience, be understood, that by Good Works we mean not the superstitious works of men's own inventions, which be not commanded of God, nor approved by his word; in which kind of works many Christian men, and especially of them that were lately called religious (as monks, friars, nuns, and such other,) have, in times past, put their great trust and confidence. Nor yet we mean not of such moral acts, as be done by the power of teason, and natural will of man, without Faith in Christ; which albit of their wif kind they be good, and by the low, and light of nature man is iares doth temporally reward men for taught to do them, and God also many doing the sanie; yet they be not meritorious, nor available to the attaining of everlasting life, when they be not done in the Faith of Christ; and therefore be not accounted among the Good Works, whereof we do here intreat. But we speak of such outward and inward works, as God hath prepared for us to walk in, and be doné in the Faith of Christ for love and respect to God; and cannot be brought forth only by man's power, but he must be prevented and holpen thereto by a special Grace. "And these works be of two sorts: For some be such as men, truly justified and so continuing, do work in charity of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and an unfeigned Faith. Which Works although they be of themselves nnworthy, unperfect, and unsufficient; yet foras much as they be done in the Faith of Christ, and by the virtue and merits of his Passion, their unperfectness is supplied: the merciful goodness of God accepteth them, as an observation and fulfilling of his law; and they be the very service of God, and be meritorious towards the attaining of B |