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almost total want of any thing like good and useful books in the languages of the country; it is to be remarked, that more difficulties arise in promoting native education from this circumstance than any other; for neither are the natives themselves for the most part unwilling to learn, nor are there wanting a sufficient number of schools well attended; there are probably as great a proportion of persons in India who can read, and write, and keep simple accounts, as are to be found in European countries; but their acquirements extend no further, they are never taught to pursue a connected reading, nor is any thing like moral instruction ever afforded them. In order to remedy the deficiency of school books in these languages, the committee formerly stated, that they had made application to the school book society at Calcutta, in the hope that some of the books published by that society might be used in the schools here, or be translated into the languages most prevalent on this side of India. The books received are found to be in the Persian, Arabic, and a dialect of the Hindoostance, not much understood by natives of Bombay; it becomes therefore necessary to translate such of them as are required into the Guzerattee and Mahrattee languages, as those in most common use among the boys; a selection of good fables has been translated into the former language, through the kind assistance of Mulla Firooz, and the work has just been printed at the expence of the Society.

"The measure of education which it will be right should be afforded to such of these native children, as are desirous of learning, should be, the committee suggest, of a higher kind than is usually given, or is attainable, in their own shcools. A few tracts should be framed in a popular way, on General History, Natural History,

Geography, and Astronomy; and considering the great commercial pursuits of many native inhabitants of this presidency, an elementary treatise on navigation, and a description of the countries connected with this port would be highly useful, and could not fail of much interesting them.

"The Society has bitherto obtained, through the "Bombay District Committee of the Socicty for promoting Christian Knowledge," all such English books as are used in the national schools, at reduced prices. Early in the year the district committee expressed their desire of co-operating still further in promoting the views of the Education Society, and it was subsequently determined that the district committee should supply gratuitously to all the schools in connection with this institution, such English books as may be required, being on the printed list of the London Society

"The total receipts for the year, from different sources, have amounted to rupees $2,303. 2. 87. of which the benefactions and subscriptions from individuals have been 17,668 rupees, including rupees 3236, arrears of former years. It is most gratifying to remark, and it must redound greatly to the liberality of the British public under this presidency, that the whole amount of voluntary contributions received from the commencement to the present time, towards the purposes of the institution, is rupees 78,972; and if to this sum be added the several church collections, amounting to 6,573 rupees, and the collection of 10,107 rupees made by Lady Nightingall for the ladies' fund, now united to the general stock, it will give a total of rupees 95,652, (11,956l. 10s.) afforded by the benevolence of individuals alone, to the promotion of that excellent design in which the society has now been engaged for five years." P. 10.

State of the Schools in Connection with the Society.

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• The _total number of children admitted into, and discharged from the Central Schools, from 1815 to 1819, inclusive, is,


Boys. Girls. Total.

[blocks in formation]


Remaining in the School......


To the Editor of the Remembrancer.

THE late reverend rector of our
parish entered into an agreement
with his parishioners for the pay-
ment of a specific sum of money
annually by each, in lieu of tithes;
viz. at Christmas. He died about
Midsummer. Now, as his successor
is bound by the said agreement,
until the completion of the year at
Christmas, at which period, alone,
the tithe became due; the question
upon which we intreat the favour of
your grave opinion, is, Whether the
parishioners are legally authorised
to retain an adequate portion of the
said yearly tithe composition, for
the assignees of the late incumbent,
or to pay the whole of the year's
tithe to the existing rector of the
parish church, as his entire and
rightful dues?

If you will answer this question in your next Number, it will be esteemed a great kindness, by


January 10, 1821.

Our correspondent is mistaken in supposing that the new incumbent is bound by the agreement of his predecessor. A case, directly in point, has been shewn to us by a legal friend; viz. Ainslie v. Wordsworth, 2 Veesey and Bean, 331, before Sir T. Plumer. The court decided, that the successor was not bound by the contract, but that if he adopts it, he must divide the amount of the year's composition between himself and the executor, &c.; and that the share of each must be proportionable to the number of months during which each party had held the living.


ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. The rev. Charles Goddard, M.A. arch deacon of Lincoln, has been instituted to

the rectory of St. James, Garlickbithe, London; patron, the bishop of London. The rev. C. Benson, M.A. fellow of

Magdalen College, Cambridge, and Hulsean lecturer in that University, has been appointed a Preacher at Whitehall, by the bishop of London.

The rev. R. Roberts, D.D. of St John's College, Cambridge, to hold by dispensation the rectory of Barnwell All Saints with the rectory of Barnwell St. Andrew, Northamptonshire: patroness, the duchess of Buccleuch.

The rev. C. Champnes, to the living of Ogbourne St. George, near Marlbro': being the fifth person of that name and family that has successively held that preferment.

The rev. George Buckeridge of Worcester College, Oxford, to be domestic chaplain to viscount Anson,

The rev. William Stocking to the rectory and parish church of Tuddenham St. Mary, Suffolk; patron, the carl of Bristol.

The hon. Charles George Perceval instituted to the rectory of Calverton, Bucks, on the presentation of his father lord Arden.

The rev. J. T. Goodenough, D.D. has been preferred to the rectory of Rowbrickhill, Bucks; patron, J. Ward, esq., of Marlborough.

The rev. James Coles, chaplain to the earl of Tankerville, presented to the rectory of Michaelstone Veddv, in Monmonthshire.

The rev. Mr. Pack to be the junior minor canon of Windsor; and the rev. Mr. Pope to be the Dean's curate.

The rev. William Buckland, B.D. to the rectory of Trusham.

The rev. Thomas Hobbs, M.A. late of Oriel college, Oxford, to the rectory of Templeton.

The rev. George Hawker, B.A. of Exeter college, Oxford, to the vicarage of Tamerton-patron, the king.

The rev. W. Pughe, A.B. of Landrinio, instituted to the living of Langwim, in Denbighshire, by the presentation of the lord bishop of St. Asaph.

The rev. Hugh Jones to the living of Burton-upon-Trent.

The rev. T. W. Champneys to the united livings of Langley and Wyrardsbury. The rev. Hugh Pearson, M.A. of St. John's college, Oxford, to be domestic chaplain to his majesty at Brighton.

UNIVERSITY INTELLIGENCE. OXFORD, DEC. 23.-The names of those candidates who at the close of the public examinations this term were admitted by the public examiners into the first and second classes of Litera Humaniores et Disciplina Mathematica et Physica, respectively according to the 5

alphabetical arrangement in each class prescribed by the statute, stand as follow.

In the first class of Litera Humaniores, Portman, E. B. Christ-church; Taylor, Simon, Oriel college; Thompson, W. C. Walesby, F. P. Wadham college; Williams, W. R. Queen's college.

In the first class of Discipline Mathematica et Physica, Dyer, Jas. Trin. coll.; Kay, Wm. Magdalen coll.

In the second class of Literæ Humaniores, Anderson, J. E. Baliol college; Austen, J. E. Exeter college; Bourue, R. B. Christ-church; Buller, Edw. Oriel college; Cole, W. S. Worcester college; Heneage, G. H. W. Christ church; Knapp, J. W. St. John's college; Master, J. S. Balio college; Parker, J. Brascnose college; Sandby, Geo. Merton college; Worgan, John, Pembroke college.

In the second class of Disciplinæ Muthematica et Physica, Bowden, E. L. Merton college; Codrington, T. S. Brasenose college; Gillet, G. E. Oriel college; Holden, H. A. Worcester college; Huthwaite, S. Wadham college; Innes, C. N. Baliol college; Molesworth, H. Exeter college; Neale, Francis, Trinity college; Newman, J. H. ditto; Robinson, E. Baliol college; Smith, Edmund, Magdalen college.

The number of candidates to whom Testimoniums for their degrees were given, but were not admitted into either of the classes, amounted to 74.

On Monday, the last day of Michaelmas Term, the following degrees were conferred:

MASTERS OF ARTS. Rev. W. Harling, fellow of Wadham college; Rev. John Symons Pering, Oriel college.

BACHELORS OF ARTS.-George Buckeridge, scholar of Worcester college; Joseph Stroud, Wadham; Francis Pearson Walesby, scholar of Wadham; John Worgan, scholar of Pembroke; Wm. Hockin, Exeter college: Wm. Kay, Magdalen; John James Wason, Brasenose; John Robert Edgar, Trinity; John Walker, Queen's college; W. Rosser Williams, scholar of ditto; Samuel Crane, Magdalenhall; James Streynsham Master, Baliol college.

The whole number of degrees in Michaelmas Term was D.D. 1; D.C.L. 1 ; B.D. 1; B.C. 1; M.A. 31; B.A. 78; Matriculations, 121.

December 30.-The following subjects are proposed for the Chancellor's prizes for the ensuing year, viz. :-For Latin verses, "Eleusis."-For an English essay, "The study of modern history.”—For a Latin essay, "De Auguriis et auspiciis apud Antiquos." The first of the above subjects is intended for those gentlemen of

the university who have not exceeded four years from the time of their matriculation; and the other two for such as have exceeded four, but not completed seven years.

Sir Roger Newdigate's Prize :-For the best composition in English verse, not containing either more or fewer than fifty lines, by any under graduate who has not exceeded four years from the time of his matriculation-“ Pæstum.”

On Sunday last an ordination was held in the chapel of All Souls' college, by the hou, and right rev. the lord bishop of this diocese.

January 13. Congregations will be holden for the purpose of granting graces and conferring degrees on the following days in the ensuing term-Monday, Jan. 15, and Saturday 27; Thursday, Feb. 8, and Tuesday 20; Saturday, March 3, Tuesday, 6, and Tuesday 20; Tuesday, April 3, and Saturday 14.

January 20.-On Monday, the 15th inst, the first day of Lent term, the following degrees were conferred:

MASTERS OF ARTS.-Rev. Josiah Forshall, fellow of Exeter college; rev. Henry Grills, Exeter college; rev. Sam. Fenton, Christ church; rev. John Jones, Christ church; rev. Thomas Farley, Demy of Magdalen college.

BACHELORS OF ARTS.-Wm. Jacobs, New college; George Crabb, Magdalen hall; Richard Clement, Trinity college.

Yesterday the rev. John Johnson, B.D. fellow of Magdalen college, was admitted doctor in divinity grand compounder.

The rev. John Griffiths, M.A. was ad nitted bachelor and doctor in divinity.

The rev. John Morris, M.A. of Queen's college, was admitted bachelor and doctor in divinity.

CAMBRIDGE, December 29.-The number of gentlemen admitted to the degree of bachelor of arts, during the last year, was 180.

January 5.-The Norrisian prize is adjudged to Mr. Kenelm Digby, B.A. of Trinity college, for an essay, shewing from a review of the civil, moral, and religious state of mankind at the time when Christ came into the world, how far the reception which his religion met with is a proof of its divine origin.

The Hulsean prize is adjudged to the rev. Robert Brough, B.A. of Bene't college, for a dissertation on The importance of natural religion."-The following is the subject of the Hulsean prize dissertation for the present year :-" The expedients to which the gentile philosophers resorted in opposing the progress of the Gospel described, and applied in illustration of the truth of the Christian religion."

The rev. C. Benson, M.A. fellow of Magdalene college, is continued Hulsean lecturer for the present year.

It is expected that the first report of the Cambridge philosophical society will make its appearance early in the ensuing mouth.

The rev. Fearon Fallows, M.A. fellow of St. John's college, is appointed astronomer royal, and Mr. Fayrer principal assistant, in the new observatory at the Cape of Good Hope.

January 12.-There will be congregations on the following days of the Lent Term.

Saturday, Jan. 20 (bachelors commencemeut.) Wednesday, Jan. 24, at eleven. Wednesday, Feb. 14, at eleven. Wednesday, Feb. 28, at eleven. Wednesday, March 14, at eleven. Friday, April 6, at ten (M.A. inceptors.) Friday, April 13, at ten (end of term.)

Sir William Browne's medal.-Subjects for the present year :—— Ωκεανὸς ὁ Ὑπερβόρεος. For the Latin ode, Maria Scotorum Regina. For the epigrams, Ἔπαιζεν ἅμα σπουδάζων.

Porson prize. The passage fixed upon for the present year is-Shakespeare, Othello, act i. scene 3, Othello's apology: beginning with "And till she comes, as truly as to heaven." And ending with, "Here comes the lady, let her witness it." The metre to be tragicum iambicum trimetrum acatalecticum.

The following gentlemen were ordained at Buckden, on Sunday, the 31st ult. by the lord bishop of Lincoln.

DEACONS. Wm. Peel, B.A. Brasenose college; J. B. Cartwright, B.A. Queen's college; Chas. T. Gladwin, S.C.L. Jesus college; and T. Pearse, B.A. St. John's college.

PRIESTS.-R. Burnaby, B.A. Queen's college; Wm. Ward, B.A. Queen's college; E. G. Smith, B.A. Caius college; and J. B. Smith, curate of Greetham, Lincolnshire.

January 15.-On Saturday the following gentlemen, B.A. of Pembroke-hall, were elected fellows of that society :-) :-Messrs. Geo. Attwood, Geo. Turner, and Chas. Evans.

This morning, at eight o'clock, upwards of 170 undergraduates of this university, conducted by the fathers of their respective colleges, entered the senate-house, to undergo examination for the degree of B.A. for which they will be presented on Saturday next.

January 22.-The following is a correct list of the honours conferred on Saturday last, in this university.

MODERATORS.-Geo. Peacock, M.A. Trinity college; Temple Chevalier, M.A. Pembroke hall.

WRANGLERS.-Ds. Atkinson, Trinity college; Melville, St. John's college; Rawlinson, Trinity college; Cantis, Christ college; Carr, John's college; Ollivant, Trinity college; Tylecote, Trinity college; Spencer, John's college; Mandell, John's college; Power, Clare hall; Fennell, Queen's college; Talbot, Trinity college; Green, Jesus college; Bartlett, John's college, æq.; Rose, John's college, æq.; Perry, Jesus college; Monk, Trinity college; Hubbersty, Queen's college; Key, Trinity college; Holmes, Bene't college.

SENIOR OPTIMES.-Ds. Pratt, Trinity college; Blake, Bene't college; James, John's college; Fawcett, Clare hall; Barlow, Trinity hall; Kindersley, Trinity college; Beevor, Bene't college; Pracd, John's college; Andrews, Emanuel college; Fauquier, Pembroke hall; Wilson, John's college; Cherry, Clare hall; Veasey, Peter house; Jolley, Jesus college; Fisher, Catherine hall; Graves, Trinity college; Chapman, John's college.

JUNIOR OPTIMES.-Ds. Secker, John's college; Wilson, Emanuel college; Barker, Clare hall; Creed, Benc't college; Simpson, John's college; Trollope, Pembroke hall; Bagshawe, Trinity college; Atkinson, Sidney college; Arnold, Trinity college; Dobson, Pembroke hall; Kennaway, Trinity college; Newby, John's college; Husband, Magdalen college..

Married, at St. George's, Hanoversquare, the rev. Dr. Bond, of Lambeth, to Mary Ann, relict of the late John Olney Beckley, esq. of Wickham.

The rev. Frederick Sullivan, third son of the late Sir R. J. Sullivan, bart. of Thames Ditton, to Arabella Jane Wilmot, only daughter of the late F. H. Wilmot, esq. of Farnborough, Hants, and of the right hon. lady Dacre.

Died, at his house, Pimlico, aged 85, the rev. David Love.

Died, at Axminster, the rev. C. Buckland, rector of Templeton and Trusham Devon, and of West Chelborough, Dorset,

Died, the Rev. Thos. Wm. Barlow, prebendary of Bristol, and rector of Halberton, in Devon.

to give 1000l. as a donation towards building Harwich church.

Birth, at Mark hall, the lady of the rev. Joseph Arkwright, of a daughter.

LEICESTERSHIRE.-Died, at Newton Burgaland, the rev. Wm. Lufford, aged 68. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE.-Died, the rev. T. Watts, vicar of St. Sepulchre, in this county, and of Preston Deanery, in the


NOTTINGHAMSHIRE.-Died, in the 71st year of his age, the rev. John Thos. Jordan, B.D. rector of Hickling, in this county, and of Birchholt, Kent, and formerly fellow and tutor of Queen's college, Cambridge.

WARWICKSHIRE.-Died, at his father's house, at Harborne, near Birminghain, William John Smith, esq. B.A. scholar of St. John's college, Cambridge.

WILTSHIRE.-Died, at Overton, the rev, Arthur Evans.

Died, at Bishopstrow, in the 24th year of his age, the rev. Edward Montague, youngest son of admiral sir George Montague, G.C.B.

YORKSHIRE.-Died, the rev. George Holden, LL.D. in the 64th year of his age. He had been forty years master of the free grammar school at Horton, near Settle.

Died, at Lastingham, near KirkbyMoor-Side, in the 70th year of his age, the rev. Richard Mayman, forty-five years resident curate of Lastingham.

Died, the rev. Richard Smith, A.M. rector of Marston, in this county, and chaplain to the right hon. lord Cathcart. WALES.

Married, the rev. J. T. Griffith, of Lansanor, to Miss Llewellin, of Welsh St. Donats.

Died, at Dan y coed, Cardiganshire, the rev. P. Maurice, much and justly esteemed. IRELAND.

His grace the archbishop of Cashel, has appointed the rev. John Jebb, rector of Abington, to the archdeaconry, void by the lamented death of the rev. Garrett Wall. His grace has also appointed the rev. Mr. Jellet reader at the cathedral of Cashel, to the rectory of Pallis Green, void by the same.

The rev. William Maunsell is appointed curate of the united parishes of Kilquaine and St. Patrick, in the diocese of Limerick, in the room of the rev. John Morgan,

ESSEX. His majesty has been pleased appointed rector of Mill street.


Thirty-six Evening Prayers, by a Lady, as used in her own Family, inscribed, with

Permission, to the Rev. Archdeacon
Nares. 5s.

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