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formed of the spirit and manner in which
these new representatives of the French
people conduct their deliberations:-

Sitting of the 13th of June.

The President communicates to the

Chamber two Messages, by which the
King names M. Laine, President, and M.
Maine Biran, and Calvet, Questors.-M.
Felix Faulcon, in giving up the President's
office, thanks the Chamber in a short
speech.-M. Pictet then desires to be
heard. On Saturday last, M. Dumolard
had made a speech against him, contending,
that as a native of Geneva he had no right
to a seat in the Chamber. M. Pictet began
by declaring, that it was painful to hear
one's self spoken of, or to speak of one's
self; yet it was impossible for him to pre-
serve silence upon the charges brought
against him and against the city of Geneva.
He did not expect to hear his native city
denounced. It is objected to Geneva that
she has ceased to be French. He begged
leave first to deposit his titles on the table.
He then declared, that in 1789 the King
gave to a Genevese, having property in
France, the right of being elected to the
States General. He awaited with calm-
ness and respect the decision of the Cham-
ber: whatever it might be, he should
always be happy in having been a Member
of it at the ever-memorable epoch in which
Louis the 18th ascended the throne of his
ancestors. The printing of this speech was
called for, when M. Dumolard appeared
in the Tribune, It was, at first, wished
that he should give in his explanation
before a Commission, but he observed, that
having been publicly accused, he had a
right to make a public reply. After some
moments of agitation, he obtained silence.
All those, he said, who heard his speech,
could not suppose that he had the slightest
intention of a personal attack upon M.
Pictet. He asked a constitutional question,
and he was not to blame if M. Pictet was
the only person to whom the case applied.
The question was simply this, to know if a
foreigner could be admitted among the
number of Deputies of the French people;
and if, in order to have that title, he ought

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not to abjure the quality of a foreigner.
The Chamber alone could pronounce upon
the legality of its Members. M. Pictet
says, that an attack has been made upon
Geneva." This," says M. Dumolard,
"I deny. I merely meant to say
are a Genevese, Member of the Sovereign
Council of Geneva, as your father was-
will still be so- -Can
you have a seat
here?"-M. Debouchet moved that the
two speeches be printed.-M. Bouvier op-
posed it, as both speeches contained per-
Sonalities.The President was about to
put to the vote the motion for printing the
two speeches,-Several voices-No print-
ing--no printing.-
ing-no printing.-M. Bouvier.The
personalities in the speeches render them
unfit for being made public. I move that
they be merely referred to a Committee.-
This motion was agreed to.

POLITICAL OCCURRENCES.--Europe, notwithstanding the fall of Napoleon, is still much politically convulsed. Some of the foreign journals speak of insurrections in Corsica; and it is said, though I believe without any truth, that this island is to be transferred to the French Emperor, on condition of his resigning his pension.

It is certain that the affairs of Norway are not yet settled, but some hopes are entertained, from a disposition said to be evinced by Sweden to retain Pomerania, that the independence of the Norwegians may be ultimately respected.

Some blood appears to have been shed in Switzerland, where commotions prevail respecting the adoption of the new Constitution, recommended by the Allies for the different Cantons.

The following article from Madrid indicates that considerable ferment prevails through Spain, in consequence of the recent proceedings of the King, which, it is thought, will be productive of very serious consequences: "Madrid, June 2.-All the news from the interior agree in the same details-every where the cry is, Long live Ferdinand-Perish the Constitution. This zeal requires to be repressed. It is excited by agitators who abuse the ignorance of the people, and are preparing for us fatal re-actions."

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VOL. XXV. No. 26.] LONDON, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1814. [Price 1s.



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that the Corn Bill would have had any very great effect; but, certainly, he did no more than his duty in stating what was the real cause of the high prices, and in cautioning the country against expecting to see bread cheaper, upon an average of years, while the taxes continued.

CORN BILL.Still I must notice the proceedings as to this Bill. The people have been sadly deluded by those venders of falsehood, the newspaper editors. The notions, which the people have spread abroad are a disgrace to their country, FINANCE This brings us to the not less than the acts of folly and of vio- matter so closely connected with the price lence which they have produced. I have of corn; namely, the FINANCES.just been told, that, at HAVANT, in this The Chancellor of the Exchequer has now county, Mr. HUSKISSON has been made out and delivered his account for the burnt in effigy, and that, at some other year 1814; that is to say, for this year, places, loaves of bread have been carried ending on the 5th of April, 1815.-The in procession, decorated with ROSES! expences, exclusive of the interest of the as if Mr. Huskisson had endeavoured to Debt, are calculated at 63 millions, and make corn dear, and Mr. Rose to make the whole together will make up about 104 corn cheap. At Southampton, the better millions. Now, in order to get this money, informed part of the people are, if I am there has been made a loan of 24 millions, rightly informed, coming to their senses. without any promise that there shall not I have been told, that many are ready, and be another loan this year.---The nation is even forward, to disavow having had any drunk, just at this moment, and, therefore, hand in these " Resolutions," which, had not in a state to listen to any serious matit not been for their inflammatory ten-ter, respecting its affairs. But I will dency, would have been perfectly con-just open the subject now, reserving myself temptible. My Address to them has, Ifor a future opportunity to enter fully into am told, been re-published in the town. Iit. When the rabble have satiated themam exceedingly glad of this; for, all I selves with the sight and the talk of Emwant is, that men of only common under-perors and Kings, and Princes and Prinstanding should have the opportunity and cesses; when the noise and nonsense of inclination of reading that Address.- the jubilee are over, we may hope to obtain What ought to be the shame of these, who a hearing upon the subjects touching our have led the people into the excesses of liberties and prosperity.----I shall, thereburning and hanging in effigy upon this fore, in waiting for the serious hour (which occasion! And what is remarkable, too, is is not far distant), just state, that none of that these are the very persons who have, the taxes are to be repealed this year; that for many years past, been accusing others the expences of the year will EXCEED of seditious attempts! This Corn Bill the amount of all the present taxes, by about was a measure proposed by the Ministers; 30 millions, at least. Now, if all the supported by them; having a great ma-present taxes be not kept up, there must, jority of the Parliament in its favour; and it appears to me, be loans in time of peace s yet the people burn some of its supporters for, will any one believe, that the expences in effigy, and are hardly censured for the of army, navy, ordnance, &c. which now act. The riots, upon these occasions, have amount to more than 60 millions a year, no where been, as far as I have heard, will be reduced to less than 20 or 30 milattempted to be suppressed.Would lions a year? What, then, is the consethis have been the case, if the object of quence to be expected? Why, that all such assemblages had been to obtain a the present taxes will be kept up, Or, at Reform of Parliament? Mr. HUSKISSON least, that taxes to the same amount will was, in my opinion, mistaken in supposing, continue to be collected. It is the same Cc

in effect, whatever the tax be laid on. - If after suitable admonitions, and exhortait be raised, it presses upon all classes tions as to the necessity of speedy repentpretty much alike, put it upon what you ance, the finisher of their law hanged him, please; and, I have often been astonished while others were employed in making a at all this complexity of custom-houses and fire, under the gallows, to consume the excise-offices, &e. &c. when the purpose suspended body. The execution being acwould be more easily answered by one complished, the mortal remains, viz. the single tax upon the land, which always re- ashes of the offender, were collected, placed mains in the same place, is always visible, in the chaise in a suitable receptacle, and has always responsibility within itself, and carried away for interment, to the slow and the produce of which tax might be brought discordant sound of broken bells and other to account with a very trifling expence. instruments of hideous noise. Now, all The weight of such a tax must fall with Mr. Huskisson's crime was, telling the the most perfect impartiality. From the people very sensibly and very honestly, land come all the necessaries of life. Our that, with our present taxes, they could bread, our meat, our beer, our coats, hats, not, upon an average of years, reasonablyshirts, shoes, and stockings. We must all expect to eat their bread at less than have these; and if the land was the only double the price at which they ate it thing taxed, we should all pay taxes in before the year 1792. He said further, proportion to our means of paying. What that we could not expect to see the taxes is it to the farmer that his land is taxed? diminished; and the statement of the He makes the caters of the produce pay Chancellor of the Exchequer has already the tax. Now his salt is taxed, for in- confirmed his opinion: And yet the people stance, at 17s. 6d. a bushel, out of 20s. of Havant hang and burn him in effigy ! We could buy, salt, at a few miles from this The people of Havant have never, that I place, at 2s. 6d. a bushel; and we give have heard of, petitioned against any tax; 20s. a bushel for it. But if we give never against any expence; never against 17s. 6d. for the salt which prepares the war with the Republicans of France, orbacon for the stomachs of our ploughmen, with the Americans; never against any who is fool enough to suppose that we do subsidy, grant, place, pension, barrack, not get the 17s. 6d. back again, as well as or depot; never against any measure by the 2s. 6d. in the price of our corn, meat, which the public money was expended, wool, hides, fleece, butter, cheese, and and the taxes augmented, and the curpoultry And who is to give it us back,rency depreciated. What right have they, but those who are fed and clothed by these therefore, to complain of the high price of articles of produce?It is the tax and bread, in which price are included a large the depreciation of the currency, which, part of the taxes, necessary to meet the upon an average of years, make the rise in expenditure, of which expenditure they prices; and as there is no reason to ex-have never complained? They act as pect that these causes will become less foolishly, or rather, as anjustly, as a man, powerful with peace, there can be no rea-who, after having ordered an expensive son to suppose, that, leaving the difference entertainment, should hang and burn the of seasons out of the question, the corn landlord in effigy for bringing in his bill. will be cheaper in peace than it has been in war.--- -Why is salt 20s. a bushel, instead of 2s. 6d:? Because the maker of the salt has to pay 17s. 6d. a bushel in tax, and in the expences appertaining to the tax. And do the people of Havant, who hanged and burat Mr. Huskisson in effigy, suppose, that the grower of corn is not to be paid back the amount of his taxes as well as the maker of salt? The people of Havant (for this disgraceful act should be made known) formed a procession, having their victim seated upon an ass, followed by a chaise drawn by men. After parading about for some time, they arrived at a amitpost, near the Church, on which,


AMERICAN WAR.A correspondent calls my attention to the capture of another of our men of war by the Americans. seems, that the Epervier, captured by the Peacock, was a ship of equal force; but the striking circumstance is, that the latter had only two men wounded, while we had ten killed and fifteen wounded. This is a subject of deep regret with my correspon dent, who calls upon me, as a friend to the country, and jealous of its honour, to give utterance, or, rather, circulation, to his opi nious as to the causes of this wonderful and alarming change in the maritime affairs of the world, and the relative maritime cha

racter of England. I will not give circula- is, that it may finally dispose the whole of tion to these opinions; not because they are the people of America to such an alliance. not just; not because they are not calculated -Therefore, there is great risk in this war. to do great good; but, because I see great The force that we are able to send, if we danger to myself in doing it; and because disregard the expence, is very great indeed; I have suffered quite enough in this way.- but, I take it, if the war be of any duraBut, I have no doubt, that his opinions will tion, we must pay regard to that expence. find vent, and that they will produce a There are persons, who think that the matsuitable effect on the minds of all those ter will be soon settled; that it is the work who have sense enough to attend to them. of a summer; that we have only to take In the meanwhile, this war with America New York, or Charleston, or Boston, and calls aloud for the expression of my appre- that the people will compel the government hensions as to the ultimate consequences to surrender upon our terms. This is a with regard to our naval power, and also very great error. The people are divided with regard to our future weight in the in their politics. The parties are violent world. It is possible, that the war which against each other; but they are all of one we are now waging against America, may mind as to their government, and the sort end in the total defeat of all her armies, and of government that they shall live under. in the consequent subjugation of the coun- The war, such a war as we are now about try. It is possible, that such may be the to carry on, will unite them. They will result of the expeditions now sailing thither forget their political animosities in their from France and elsewhere. But I do not common danger; and, though their armies think it is probable; I do not think, that have little discipline, the people are as brave we can rationally count upon such a result. as we are, at least, and will be animated And if we do not obtain that end, we shall with that sort of spirit, with those motives only have added to the military and naval of action, which are the true and infallible' means of America; swelled her exasperation source of effectual national defence.-I against us beyond all bounds; and added should hope, however, that, notwithstanding some hundreds of millions to our own debt. what fell from Sir Joseph Yorke, there is After such a war, we should find ourselves no design of making war for the deposition weak, exhausted, pressed to the earth, es- of Mr. Madison, and that the unfortunate pecially if it lasted for some years; while dispute may be settled without any further the navy of America would just then begin irritation; without making all the people of to make a figure in the world; and, joined America willing to ally their country closeto that of France, upon any future occasion, ly to France, as the sure means of safety and would make a change in our situation suffi- tranquillity to themselves. This is what I cient to make the stoutest Englishman fear as the consequence of the war; and I tremble for the safety of the country.-As must again beg the reader to bear in mind, to the hatred, which it is supposed the royal that, if the war be of any duration, nothing government of France will entertain to- short of complete subjugation will prevent wards the Republicans of America, it is to this consequence. The war in Canada is discover very little knowledge of the histo- unpopular in some parts of the American ry or the motives of nations to suppose, that States; but a war for the conquest of Caany feeling of this sort will have much ef-nada is very different indeed from a war for fect. France (for the nation and the go- the defence of the homes of the Americans, vernment are the same in this respect) will and for the preservation of their sort of feel much deeper, and remember longer, government. They have a million of mithe triumphant air which England now litia-men armed; and, though not distakes. She will see, that her rival now ciplined in our sense of that word, they triumphs; she has felt the effect of her ma-all know how to use arms; they have all ritime power; and, will she not be glad to been accustomed to shoot from their boyish see another maritime power rise up? Will days. They are all marks-men, and so they she not, as much as possible, favour the were found to be during the last war. The commerce of America? She is in no dan-branch, perhaps, in which they are most ger from the rivalship of America. She must wish for a maritime ally, who is opposed to, and who wishes to reduce the power of England. Such an ally America will present to her; and the danger of this war

deficient is that of the artillery. But, is it not to be supposed, that they will find instructors in this art where they have found the inventors of the steam-boat? And is it not also probable, that they will find more

than enough of French engineers? The FRENCH LIBERTY OF THE PRESS AND public should not, therefore, be too san- JURIES.Amongst the other things, guine as to the result of this war. There which is provided for by the new French is no doubt but our fleet and army will do Constitution, is, the Liberty of the Press. all that they can. Every thing that skill It is stated in the newspapers, that the Leand courage can accomplish, proportioned gislature is engaged in framing a law to to the means, we may confidently expect at DEFINE the extent of that Liberty. their hands; but the distance is so great, This I am very glad to see. This, be the the conveyance of troops and of all sorts of definition what it may, will be a happy means of war is so expensive, and attended thing for those who write, print, and pubwith so many difficulties and so much de-lish in France. Because, with a written lay, that it really is a war less promising of success than any other in which we could possibly have been engaged.

THE RUSSIAN TROOPS.-It was intended to bring some thousands of these from France to England, and a camp has been prepared for them upon Tichfield Common, about two miles from Botley.-People from all the neighbouring towns have been erect ing booths, bringing beer and other things of necessary consumption. The Common wore yesterday the appearance of a town; and to-day, it is said, that the tents are to be taken away! The people have sadly hoaxed themselves, upon this occasion.-But certainly, the change in the intention of the government is very wise; for, as all the world asked, why could not the Russians go home in the same ships that were to bring them to England? Being safe on board, why should they land here, before they went home? They are now, it seems, going home in their own ships, directly from France. Of this I am very glad; and, I do hope, that we shall now begin to look a little like a nation at peace. The militia-men, at any rate, will now return to their occupations, and relieve the parishes of the u len of maintaining so many of their families.-The Russians will have seen enough of the South of Europe with'ont coming to England. They will, I hope, profit from what they have seen; and, with that hope, I heartily wish them a safe voyage home. Our horse are, it seems, to traverse France in their way to England. The people of a great part of France will thus have a sight of an English victorious army quitting their soil. This, too, is likely to produce an impression that may finally produce good; for, in all such cases, we ought to look to the final result, and not to the momentary effect, As we were the first to invade, so, it seems, we are to be the last to quit, the soil of France. This circumstance will, I dare say, have its due weight with the people of France..

law before their eyes, they will know for a certainty what they may publish' and what they may not publish. If they are forbidden to write against the royal family, the ministers, or any persons in power, though the truth of all they say can be proved clear as daylight, they will know, that they must not write truth respecting such persons; and all the world will know it too. Consequently writers will be in no danger upon that score, and the world will not be deceived by the press; by the name of Liberty of the Press. But, I hope, the definition will be clear. Our expounder, Blackstone, leaves us sadly in the dark. He says, that, by our law, the press is quite free, only that every one is answerable for what he writes and prints! That is to say, we may write and print just what we please; but we are liable to be punished for so doing. The liberty of the press he makes to consist in this; that there is no previous licencer, as in other countries. Our stage he said nothing about; for that is subject to a previous licencer. But what does this distinction amount to? I am of opinion, that a man, writing under a terrible responsibility, would be apt to make less free than one who wrote under the inspection of alicencer. A law, clearly defining how far a man may go, would place the press in the best possible state; because, then, the writer would be in no danger from the uncertainty of the law as applied to his performance; and the public would be informed of the matters, on which he dared not to touch.There is, however, one principle, from which, in my opinion, that law ought not to depart: namely, that in every case, a man should be held innocent, if he were able to produce complete proof of the TRUTH of his statements; and, in case of making false assertions or insinuations, he should be punished according to the degree of mischief produced, or likely to be produced, by his writings, and of the malice by which he was proved to be ac

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